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Regarding server queues


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Will it be posible to transfere character to another server? or should I just creat new one so i can play the game?

Early acces dident give me much. I levled some lvl`s, but the queue just grow to big at the end and worse at the release. So starting a new one on another server will become bether than the server with all my friends on becouse of the waiting in queue.

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3 times now the loading going out of a warzone bugs and it doesent move for over 10 min... the 2 first times i was lucky enough to alt F4 and get back in without a Que but on the 3ed try i got into a 1398 Que...

Lock the fu*king server off alrdy and increase the amount of players again... 1000 players dident help all that much on Tomb of Freedon Nadd

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To the devs and everybody else involved...


I have no idea what you did from when I last played on Sunday night to Tuesday night but BRAVO.


For the entire early access period I was one that encountered many Error 9000, 1002, and 1003s. Queues of 300+ lasting 2+ hours, etc. I get home last night and queue up before making dinner. It was about 150 and wait time was close to about 35 min. Last few days had trained me to think of that closer to about 1 hour. Pleasantly to my surprise I was logged in in less than 30 minutes. I also had the most stable night of not a single disconnect and great performance since September testing builds.


Now there is the added bonus of getting of Taris without using the Flashpoint Shuttle from Aurek.

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In an attempt to be productive and not destructive BW had to have some sort of idea on the number of people that were going to play this. Its hard to be patient when you know you had x number of perorder but you didnt make the server space.


1)My first thought is close servers for new charcters where people are waiting an hour plus. No one new should be signing up.


2) If there is not going to be a fix in the first week for Q times they need to begin character transfers cause you know there is going to be a wait time just to get your guy moved to low pop. server


3) Im sure BW is trying there best. They must understand that people arent going to play a game (no matter how good) where you need to wait more then 20 min just to get in.


I agree with all three things here, for the most part. When you look at the state of the servers, currently, you can see there is a problem. Now, not everyone is rushing here to post about this, but it is an issue that needs to be addressed sooner, rather than later.


1) Locking the current servers from new players is a fantastic idea. These servers(Like Jung Ma and Iron Citadel) at their peaks on Early Access over the weekend had almost a 2 hour wait to get on to them. And that was pre-release. Allowing new players onto servers that are already very clearly over their population limit simply causes more problems and even longer wait times.


2) Allowing server transfers would give people on over populated servers the ability to help you relieve the population problems. They(and their Guilds) could simply find another Server to migrate to that is less populated. Problem solved. Half the problem right now is that with the Early Access, some people have already hit level cap and most are well into their 20's and 30's. So moving to another server now means losing ALL that play time to have to start all over on another server. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to backtrack like that!


Give us the option to migrate our characters, that we have put so much time and effort into already, to a new server.


3) This is the only part where I disagree. So far, I see people very upset with the Queue times, but they aren't leaving. They're still waiting because they want to play. And, as previously stated, they don't want to go anywhere because they have higher level characters they've worked on they they don't want to abandon. I do, however, agree that BW is doing their best to try and fix the problem. And maybe they are working on expanding their currently overpopulated servers. Or working on opening up character transfers. We all hope we shall soon see a resolution to this.


That all being said, this is a truly fantastic game and well worth playing. But it seems a bit ridiculous that, if I want to take a break from gaming for an hour, I'm going to have to log out and then have to wait an additional hour(or more) to just get back into the game in order to play again. I hope we do soon see this fixed for all our sakes. But for now, I shall go wait in the queue like everyone else so I can play.

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EU PvP server Legions of Lettow




3+ hours every time. So I get in from work at 6pm and fancy playing my awesome new game with my friends. Fail. 3+ hour queue which takes me to 9pm and no time left for gaming.


This is crazy and so frustrating. It is daft that I have to plan +3 hour ahead of my relaxation time just to get into the game that I paid for and have a subscription for.

Edited by Be_Vigilant
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It would be nice to get some new information from BioWare on this whole mess.


I now have most of my guild wanting to re roll on another server since there are no character transfers or guild transfers available.


I've been looking over the forums but I don't see any kind of current update on the whole server que problem, have I missed anything?


It would be nice to get an official update/solution ASAP! :mad:

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It would be nice to get some new information from BioWare on this whole mess.


I now have most of my guild wanting to re roll on another server since there are no character transfers or guild transfers available.


I've been looking over the forums but I don't see any kind of current update on the whole server que problem, have I missed anything?


It would be nice to get an official update/solution ASAP! :mad:


They did give an update yesterday...not sure if a day-by-day update is reasonable at this point.

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Waiting in a Que at Peak times is understandable, if not expected on the week of release.

Perhaps this issue will resolve itself soon. My problem is this.

Those of us that Paid for Early Entry are being punished by doing so.

The price of our 5 days of early play has been rewarded with 45+ minutes of wait time if we dare try to log in after 5pm. I think what got me most was seeing a Full page of open servers waiting for people to enter and the server i was assigned has a que with over 475 people in front of me waiting to get in.


your rebuttle: you should move to one of them new servers then..

well here is my answer. I joined the early access program so I could have my guildmates all on one server, as well as adversaries we have known from other gaming systems to give us a good fight in PVP.


bottom line, those of us that paid to play early are all stuck on a overpopulated server,

those that waited to play till release day and have no ties to a guild on one of these servers.

and add to that fact that if your game crashes you get to wait in the que again.


Keep this up and this game will die a violent death as people get sick of the ques and dont renew their subscriptions. please TOR throw us a bone here.

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Seriously... today I spent about one hour in total for waiting. This is not how a game is supposed to be. I have about two or three hours to play on a free day, and if one hour is already done for waiting, I cannot really scedule and enjoy.


There I go off on a longer phone call... damn, logoff, twenty minute key here I come. Great.


I start of a new server and all my 25 levels so far are on ice. Great.

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I also only have about 3 or 4 hours on some nights to play. Some only about 2 hours. So if I have to wait in a queue for < 1hour 50 minutes, I don't feel much like waiting to play for 10 minutes. I love playing the game, the operative word here is "playing". If I can't consistently get on then I'm not going to pay money every month to look at a queue screen. A 15 or 20 minute queue is acceptable, but anything over that is ridiculous.


I got into the early access on the first day, but due to queue times I only got to play a single day. That's crazy. And now on release week, I haven't been able to play at all yet. As much fun as this game is, I want something I can hop onto when I have free time, not something I have to schedule days in advance to make sure I have 4 hours of free time to be able to play for 2 hours.

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Que's are really messing up my game experience. I have school in the morning and have to work in the eving till 22:00. After i get home and try to log in i have to w8 for 1-2 hours. When I'm finnaly online I can't find people to do my group quest with, and because I'm not gonna waste time looking for groups I sometimes finish a planet a lvl to early.

Wich brings me to my next problem. If I finish every planet like this I will get in serious trouble at some point because I will be to low to go to a planet and I wont have any normal quests left :(

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nice, qued for 5 hours, 45 min playtime and crash. epic


if you did actually wait this long my friend, then you are of a very special breed, one to be confined to a room in a asylum. you do realise you could have just picked a different server. it is, actually.. and more importantly, factually, that simple.

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It's only the second day of actual launch guy's, the game is awesome. I am sure that bioware is going to do free server tranfers very soon, for acounts and guilds. I know it sucks, but come on it's day two, weren't most of you guys expecting a few bumps?
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I tried to log in at 7.25am this morning. 600queue!!!!!!! AT 7.25AM!!!!!!


I have never ever seen that in ANY MMO before! Currently in a 1250 queue!


I and my guildies who invested as lot of time in early access are losing patience fast. This is stupid!

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It's only the second day of actual launch guy's, the game is awesome. I am sure that bioware is going to do free server tranfers very soon, for acounts and guilds. I know it sucks, but come on it's day two, weren't most of you guys expecting a few bumps?


judging by the inept postings of a few, i think they were expecting to have their cake, and eat it. and then have seconds. it seems...

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LOL! this is great! Still 2+hours of queueing... I guess I shouldnt log out?


Perhaps a solution to the problem, am I the only one that remember the old speccy/C64 games, some of the good ones, would let you play space invaders while the game loaded.

Surely the idea would work here, we could all pay monthly to play 2 hours of Pac Man/Space invaders per day :p:p

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I tried to log in at 7.25am this morning. 600queue!!!!!!! AT 7.25AM!!!!!!


I have never ever seen that in ANY MMO before! Currently in a 1250 queue!


I and my guildies who invested as lot of time in early access are losing patience fast. This is stupid!


does this really need to be repeated? the game has just launched. there will be more new people. it is not a hard concept to understand. people gravitate to populated servers. if you think about it (and please, dont think too hard), you and your mates could be a bit more constructive if you petittioned Bioware for a free transfer. its ok, ill give you that idea for free.

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I'm pretty sure it's been said on this thread before, sorry for not reading all the pages.


One thing is your server-load-balancing. Another thing is getting kicked out of the queue after waiting for x minutes or, more likely, hours.


The second thing is with being unable to rejoin the queue, because of a still existing session on the server. Instead of restoring the session, like many do demand here, it just throws a "sorry something went wrong but we will only tell you a error number" aka "Error 1002" message.


Look. I've been through my servers queue many times today and it's the server with the longest queue that i know of. It started with somewhat 20 minutes in the morning and is now again more than 1h. Again: I went through the whole queue at least 8 times just to get that fricken error 1003 and then 1002 as long as my session has not timed out.


Note: I'm still not in the game after 7 hours!



Thank you.

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