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Regarding server queues


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Then after 30 days I will quit. Its that simple. Problem solved. If many more people quit then the servers will depopulate, problem solved. Yes I got the product I paid for but I won't be fooled again.


They wont care if you quit, It will help solve their queues! and they have your £40 or whatever you paid for it

Edited by phOny
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You have the product. There is nothing fraudulent about having to wait. They are not saying "NO YOU CANNOT PLAY". They are saying "Sure come on in once X number of people have logged off because that's what our servers can currently handle"


Now the people who got disconnected have a legitimate claim. However everyone else does not.


If the company who built my house said; "Hey here's the key to your house you just bought. Umm, we also sold more houses on your street than we could actually build so you may have to sit in traffic at the end of the street and wait for a chance to enter your house since others might be in it at the time you come home from work"....


He would be lucky if he could breath and I'd be getting my money back in court. It's actually a bad example. A better example is a membership to a gym. By fire standards they can only allow 500 people into the gym at a time, but they sell 9,000 memberships and hope not everyone decides to work out at the same time. When folks are standing around and can't find any available equipment, they are screwed and either have to workout at 2am or just go home and do pushups and remember to make the monthly membership payment. At least we can cancel our subscription and eat the initial cost of the game if we get sick of queues.


Not that I want to, because it's a fun product. If I could just get to it!

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You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.


I agree but by not playing you are just giving up. We all need to get together and fight this problem, Not all just say "ah well, I just wont play the game".

Edited by phOny
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If the company who built my house said; "Hey here's the key to your house you just bought. Umm, we also sold more houses on your street than we could actually build so you may have to sit in traffic at the end of the street and wait for a chance to enter your house since others might be in it at the time you come home from work"....


He would be lucky if he could breath and I'd be getting my money back in court. It's actually a bad example. A better example is a membership to a gym. By fire standards they can only allow 500 people into the gym at a time, but they sell 9,000 memberships and hope not everyone decides to work out at the same time. When folks are standing around and can't find any available equipment, they are screwed and either have to workout at 2am or just go home and do pushups and remember to make the monthly membership payment. At least we can cancel our subscription and eat the initial cost of the game if we get sick of queues.


Not that I want to, because it's a fun product. If I could just get to it!


Good post. I loved the game, too, on the two days I've been able to play it.

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I pre-paid as soon as I got the email it was available, participated in beta actively, did the early access. I also worked for SOE durring the release of EQ2 and SWG. This is not that big of a deal. Give it a week and it will be better. If not then F them and go back to what you were doing before this game came out.
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I feel really stupid here. I paid $80.00 bucks for a game and I also pay a $15 dollar monthly subscription fee but yet I can not use this product or play with my friends at the moment I want to. I tried playing this evening, and after 3 failed que attempts (internet spikes and I get sent back to the end of the que) and I have given up. THREE HOURS TRYING TO JUST LOAD A GAME.


I can't think of any of other services or products that I have purchased in my life that I do not have access to and still pay a subscription fee.


Is there some type of refund Bioware offers? I'm completely dissatisfied with the service and I want my money back.

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I pre-paid as soon as I got the email it was available, participated in beta actively, did the early access. I also worked for SOE durring the release of EQ2 and SWG. This is not that big of a deal. Give it a week and it will be better. If not then F them and go back to what you were doing before this game came out.




er... nope. I wont do that cos i paid £45 quid to play this game. It probably will settle down but this release date was not sprung upon them, they knew it was coming. I totally disagree btw, it IS a big deal.

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I agree but by not playing you are just giving up. We all need to get together and fight this problem, Not all just say "ah well, I just wont play the game".


You are not giving up you are exercising your right as a consumer. These companies only understand $$. Yes, I paid $60. That's nothing compared to the subscription fees they will loose. There are many other MMOs out there. They have until I have to pay if this is not fixed I will not subscribe.

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Pretty much everyone but the fanboys have walked away from Star Trek Online.


They nerfed SWG into oblivion.


Dont' think it can't happen here.


Eventually maybe but not 1 day after everyones just paid £40+ pounds or the equivalent to play.

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I pre-paid as soon as I got the email it was available, participated in beta actively, did the early access. I also worked for SOE durring the release of EQ2 and SWG. This is not that big of a deal. Give it a week and it will be better. If not then F them and go back to what you were doing before this game came out.


It's a big deal to me. Shouldn't something be learned from past MMO mistakes?


But I do agree with you - if this isn't fixed by the end of my free month, I'd be loony to waste any more of my time and money on this.

Edited by RocketJack
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It is truly sad that there is even a 10 minute queue at 10am on a weekday. This is what happens when you as a company can not afford to run your own servers and look to EA to publish and operate your game and servers for you. I love this game, but sadly if this is not fixed everyone will just return to WoW regardless of how much they ***** about the game constantly. No one wants to go through this again after doing it in WoW for a few years. That is why unpolished mmo's like Warhammer/Lotro/Aion/Rift populations dwindled a month after release. Poor Launches. If the queues are not fixed in 2-3 weeks time expect a huge drop in subscriptions.
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You are not giving up you are exercising your right as a consumer. These companies only understand $$. Yes, I paid $60. That's nothing compared to the subscription fees they will loose. There are many other MMOs out there. They have until I have to pay if this is not fixed I will not subscribe.


If you are happy to pay $60 and walk away in a protest that will mean absolutely nothing to them then go ahead. I want to get what I have paid for.

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