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Regarding server queues


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Not sure if someone has posted on a similar issue,but my Guild is concidering transferring to a less populated server.This however raises a problem as I understand there is no way of transferring ones character with guild.Starting over at this point seems rather lame.The only other alternative is to be stuck on a server that has hour long quewes untill people stop playing.There needs to be free character transfers to stop some of the population problems,as I see it.
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Immediate Resolution Suggestions:


1. Allow free transfers and let the players organically level set the populations

2. Enable coordinated transfers directing high population servers to low/new population servers. Not sure if this will work since clearly the stress testing and early access planning failed.

3. Provide equal time credit for accounts sitting in queues to offset the frustration and cost.

4. Extend the "free" time with game purchase another thirty days since this is getting off to such a rough start.

5. Hire industry experts who know how to properly balance MMO infrastructure. It's not a "new" industry and obviously help is needed.

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Are you stupid? YOU ARE GETTING THE PRODUCT. You just have to wait because they can't let everyone play at the same time. There is nothing fraudulent about it. When you go to an amusement park is it fraudulent that you have to wait in line for the rides? Do you throw a tantrum when they don't let you in right away because you apparently are better than everyone else.


Patience is a virtue guys. You are not entitled to anything.


Also the guy that said I don't have a job and pay for my own stuff is a fool.


No see...when I only have 1 to 2 hours to play the game between a real job (not flipping burgers) and kids and a wife, not being able to fire up the game and play immediately is indeed fraud.

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Immediate Resolution Suggestions:


1. Allow free transfers and let the players organically level set the populations

2. Enable coordinated transfers directing high population servers to low/new population servers. Not sure if this will work since clearly the stress testing and early access planning failed.

3. Provide equal time credit for accounts sitting in queues to offset the frustration and cost.

4. Extend the "free" time with game purchase another thirty days since this is getting off to such a rough start.

5. Hire industry experts who know how to properly balance MMO infrastructure. It's not a "new" industry and obviously help is needed.


Sounds like some good food for thought, Bioware.

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Immediate Resolution Suggestions:


1. Allow free transfers and let the players organically level set the populations

2. Enable coordinated transfers directing high population servers to low/new population servers. Not sure if this will work since clearly the stress testing and early access planning failed.

3. Provide equal time credit for accounts sitting in queues to offset the frustration and cost.

4. Extend the "free" time with game purchase another thirty days since this is getting off to such a rough start.

5. Hire industry experts who know how to properly balance MMO infrastructure. It's not a "new" industry and obviously help is needed.


Increase Players Allowed on the servers... Whats the point of having "Instances" for each zone and having a login Queue.

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I ain't got nothin' personal against ya'. But I'm not gettin' the product I paid for - an online game that I can't get online with is not what I paid for.


You have the product. There is nothing fraudulent about having to wait. They are not saying "NO YOU CANNOT PLAY". They are saying "Sure come on in once X number of people have logged off because that's what our servers can currently handle"


Now the people who got disconnected have a legitimate claim. However everyone else does not.

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Are you stupid? YOU ARE GETTING THE PRODUCT. You just have to wait because they can't let everyone play at the same time. There is nothing fraudulent about it. When you go to an amusement park is it fraudulent that you have to wait in line for the rides? Do you throw a tantrum when they don't let you in right away because you apparently are better than everyone else.


Patience is a virtue guys. You are not entitled to anything.


Also the guy that said I don't have a job and pay for my own stuff is a fool.


Well if you are happy to pay all that money for a game you cant play without a queue you obviously have too much time and money.

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Are you stupid? YOU ARE GETTING THE PRODUCT. You just have to wait because they can't let everyone play at the same time. There is nothing fraudulent about it. When you go to an amusement park is it fraudulent that you have to wait in line for the rides? Do you throw a tantrum when they don't let you in right away because you apparently are better than everyone else.


Patience is a virtue guys. You are not entitled to anything.


Also the guy that said I don't have a job and pay for my own stuff is a fool.


Come on man. If an amusement park had 60 of the same exact ride, there would be NO lines at all.


And before you say it, asking people to just start over somewhere else without their guid or friends is a joke.

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Guys we know this is an issue thats not going to be permanent. They are aware if its not fixed they'll lose a lot of people. (Course then the problem would be fixed, LOL) jokes aside, I have a feeling they will do something about it soon. We can't complain too much because other than the ques it was a very smooth launch, you can't say the same about too many other fresh MMO's.

I agree. The game has been officially online for less then 24 hours, people need to calm down just a little.

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I agree. The game has been officially online for less then 24 hours, people need to calm down just a little.


Meh, some of us have been on for 7 days, and it's gotten progressively worse. They said they halved the server pops for early access and it would be better come release, but it's just much much worse.


Simple, poor logistics, poor planning. If they don't fix it by the time the free part is up, quit. Nothing speaks louder than your money.

Edited by Hexus
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I agree. The game has been officially online for less then 24 hours, people need to calm down just a little.


But some of us paid for it a long time ago and have been online for a week and were given no choice in what servers to join. So no...there is no need to calm down. There is a need for EA to admit they screwed up and apologize and extend people's play time.

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You have the product. There is nothing fraudulent about having to wait. They are not saying "NO YOU CANNOT PLAY". They are saying "Sure come on in once X number of people have logged off because that's what our servers can currently handle"


Now the people who got disconnected have a legitimate claim. However everyone else does not.


Perhaps there's nothing illegal about this, but I ain't gonna pay for it. I do expect fries to come with my shake.

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Ok, and here is the real kicker.


I just waited 2 hours 15 minutes in the queue on The Fatman. I got down to 53 and I got some connection error 1003 or whatever.


If I waited over 2 hours in line at an amusement park and then they told me there was an error and I would have to go to the back of hte line, I'd fight them right there.

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Of all the ways to piss customers off, especially at launch, this was one I did not expect. Allow a Guildmaster to decide to switch a guild's server (likely with minor limits on the allegiance at least on PvP servers) such that all guild members will receive a mail of the destination etc. and can follow as they please. Whoever did the pre-launch server matching put way too much on too few servers. If I am paying for a timeslot yet getting restricted due to circumstances within your complete control then you are not delivering what is being asked. A forum on this should not be this long when the game has been out for just a week, and that is with the staggering of early access and (to my knowledge) it not being an issue (or at least as big of one) for the first few days! We need some form of transfer, at no cost to us mind you, to solve this fiasco because, frankly, it would take too long for you to sort it out. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing an hour and 10 minute queue on the server I was put on being right above a row of "light" servers many of whom were in the same timezone (though honestly East coast to West coast doesn't really make much of a difference compared to European and American so if you have to put me West coast, go for it). The community is telling you the problem, now you just have to fix it. And this one should be a bit easier to fix than most bugs.
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But some of us paid for it a long time ago and have been online for a week and were given no choice in what servers to join. So no...there is no need to calm down. There is a need for EA to admit they screwed up and apologize and extend people's play time.


Totally agree, Extra 7 days playtime is needed and if they had any sense maybe 30 days as a gesture of goodwill. The money they will lose in one month of complimentary play time will soon seem a small amount when all these people go back to the other games they were playing.

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Saying the guy NOT waiting in Queue. log off and wait in a 1200+ Queue line, then say the same thing.

I've been in que for about an hour now.. 1000 when I got strted... why do you think I'm here right now.


I don't know if you were in beta or not but frame rate sucked *** probably because too many people were allowed on the server at once. They are combating that is my guess right now. It will get better.

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I would just prefer a more accurate wait time so I can determine whether or not I should bother trying to play the game.


Darn man. I was really hoping for something 'more' after the stress test weekends. Give us a free transfer for me and my guild, and we will happily move.

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Youre right, When i buy things from say amazon and they dont arrive i dont even complain cos i am not owed anything.


Come on? be serious....


Wait what? How does that have anything to do with the queues?


And yeah if it doesn't arrive at all then you have a claim. However if you re going to receive it in the next two days then no you are just complaining about ridiculous things. If you wanted it in your hands the day of release well maybe you should have gone to a store personally.

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If you think about it, the problem lies on how they handled guild deployment. To think all the new people who start to play this game without already knowing someone in an existing server is ridiculous. What happened was they simply did not deploy enough servers when they roll out the early access.


What should have happened is to spread the existing guilds out really thin to all the servers. As people start to play this game and look for their buddies, they spread out as well. But what happened instead was only a limited number of servers were used, and guess what people do when they join? They look up their friends and pick the early deployed servers.


I don't think this is going to be a "temporary" problem like Bioware suggesting here. What you are seeing, the disparity in population between the older and newer servers, is a result of poor logistical planning.


I believe the only solution is mass server transfers, or we will be seeing this long arse queue for months to come, until people either quit or bite the bullets and start over on these light population servers. The later they decide to do this, the more problem it will become, because you will already meet people on that server and make it much harder to move.

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