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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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This is just sad. And a huge fckn fail :o. 316 pages full of 'mad' and/or disappointed people and Bioware, EA, Lucasarts or who gives a **** don't even talk back at us? Apologize like they should? Oh wait 'bringing up servers is part art part science' , HAHA thats seriously the most ****ed up, most sad thing I've ever heard, can stick that excuse up your ***.


Its more like 800 pages... this is the THIRD iteration of this thread, the previous two being locked for reaching the response limit.


As for the "Stop your QQ, reroll on a light server" response from the folks who have no problem at all waiting 9 hours a day to play this game... I have.


Six. Fcking. Times.


Each time on a light server.


They. All. Have. Queues. Now.


Each and every time I reroll it absolutely CRUSHES my immersion in the game, almost completely eradicating the "revolutionary" aspect of this mmo: THE STORY. Bioware spent months upon months of giving us videos of themselves patting each other on the back for how awesome the story is. It probably is.


This will be a poor analogy, but lets imagine I was reading a book. Its a good book, and a hundred pages in, it look slike it will be a great book. Now someone comes along, rips the final 400 pages of the book out and tosses them in a fire. You go to the bookstore to get another copy, and the book is sold out. So the cashier at the bookstore "says here, read this," and hands you a book about teenage vampires falling in love with teenage werewolves.

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I got up a bit early to hop on and beat the que which usually gets crazy around 4pm+, 25 min que right now this early? So I guess the new servers definetly attracted people. I know what you may think, but I am level 35, I am not about to go to a different server.


I wish people that had characters over 30 would have priority in que to piss off all the lower levels and eventually making them leave the server. That would make me sooo happy :3


Same. I got 2 lvl 35 chars and no way in hell am I going to reroll from my server that was chosen by BW guild program.

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15:39 CET (Central European Time)

Server: ToFN (Tomb of Freedon Nadd-PvP English-EUROPE)

Estimated Wait < 1h35m

Position in Queue: 1442


Do you really think I will be in after 1h35m? I bet for 3 hours


  • 16:39 CET (1 hour after logging)
  • Position in Queue 922



  • 17:39 CET (2 hours after logging)
  • Position in Queue 560



  • 18:39 CET (3 hours after logging)
  • Position in Queue 196


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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I left my char on Tomb of Freedon Nadd after 3 days playing it because of the queues, now I've been playing on another server happilly on a different character for another 3 days and now theres queues here too?


That's *********** ridiculous, stop letting people make characters on over populated servers?


What now? shall I reroll again?

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Past experience with WoW expansions, especially WOTLK and Rift,tells us that within a couple of weeks, the queue issues will be over. I find it a bit ridiculous myself that there are queues during non-prime time playtimes (6pm EST). But whatever the reason, this will more than likely get ironed out in 5-10 days.


Obviously that affects your playtime, and you can decide in the free 30 days whether or not you wish to continue playing. I'm sure BW has planned for "subscription casualties" during this period.


But whether you like it or not, this is to be expected. Had they closed off EGA servers to new character creation, that would have caused problems with people wanting to play with their friends/guilds. Now that they haven't done so, there are large queues on those servers.


Sometimes you just have to deal with it, and wait it out. BW knows that some won't put up with it, but those who are so put off by queues on launch day that they up and quit are not the majority, by far.


I hope the queues do get ironed out and things settle down in the next few days.


however let me correct you on a point.


30 days free ? Sorry ?


You mean the 30 days I paid for with the game? They are not free, they are paid for.


To quote the box : "The first 30 days subscription fees are included in the purchase price of the product".


If they were free, I would be agreeing with the "it's unfair to complain" group, but I'm paying for a "service" and at the moment, I don't think I'm getting that service.


Now I don't see why I should expect to queue up for a couple of hours to play a game that I purchased. I'm sure the fanbois have a different perspective, but I, along with my guild were assigned to a FULL server. Had we had a choice, I'm sure we would have gone to a light population server.


I see people making ridiculous comparisons with queueing to get into a concert. It's like comparing a dog to a giraffe.


If in the first month, I spend 20% of my play time queueing up, then I should be entitled to 20% of my purchase fee back.


I didn't pay to queue, I paid to play with my guild full of friends.


/end of rant

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So being that I don't want to read about 800 pages of posts, is there an option to transfer your character to one of the new servers? I have no guild or real reason to stay on my server, and there's always a queue (although nothing too terribly long) but I see many 'light' servers.

Sorry if this has been asked, but II'm just curious ...

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I left my char on Tomb of Freedon Nadd after 3 days playing it because of the queues, now I've been playing on another server happilly on a different character for another 3 days and now theres queues here too?


That's *********** ridiculous, stop letting people make characters on over populated servers?


What now? shall I reroll again?


No, you wait for things to balance out. It's only day one.

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I'm hoping that as of tomorrow, with the biggest surge of new players out of the way - all happily leveling up on their chosen servers, Bioware will raise the population cap of all the servers.


Raising it today could easily lead to more created characters bringing them back up to Full. Leaving it any longer than tomorrow would just be too long wait considering many of us have been dealing with these queues for almost a week now.


Hopefully I'm right, and that is the reason nothing has been done yet. It's not that they're incapable of fixing it, but that they have a plan all laid out and ready to execute in 24 hours time. I can dream, right?

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As for the (temporary) solution to the problem, that will stop 90% of the griping, it really is easy.


Institute a grace period for disconnects. Most people will be ok with an hour queue, so long as they don't have FOUR one hour queues.


The fact that there isn't already a built in grace period for disconnects is absolutely FAIL on Bioware's part.

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Lucast art, Bioware and EA mean unprepared for MMO. These type of Que time I have never witnessed. Can we all just chime in and say they are not quite ready, LAUNCH FAILURE.......


It is not a launch failture. AOC was a launch failure. Memory leaks, bugs out the ***. This is a good launch compared to that.

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Six. Fcking. Times.


Each time on a light server.


They. All. Have. Queues. Now.


Each and every time I reroll it absolutely CRUSHES my immersion in the game, almost completely eradicating the "revolutionary" aspect of this mmo: THE STORY.


Did it ever occur to you that not rerolling would lessen the issue? If everybody keep jumping then rather than people settling on their server people are jack knifing from one server to another, hundreds of thousands of you constantly shifting and moving.


Not only does this create erratic population, but its unpredictable for BW. Yes, by rerolling 6 times you are in fact making it nigh on impossible for BW to actually make any intelligent decisions. How can they? The data is really confusing, all these accounts keep popping up on other servers.


Wouldn't it be ironic if BW couldn't take any action to solve the queue problems because people like you by the hundreds of thousands create impossible to predict data which would be required to make sensible population management decisions?


Really, think about THAT before your next QQ.

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Maybe because its only about half way through Launch day? Its better to take a wait and see and longer view on these things than react to soon.


Patience and perspective, is whats needed to get through launch day. MMO vets know this, new players well I would never suggest them to start playing on launch day.


I agree, I'd wait to see how the masses flooded in tonight and tomorrow before raising server caps. I've personally been through maybe 8-9 big MMO launches, and queues have never really bothered me.


I just don't know the reason why they won't increase the 3-4 hour queue servers to a more reasonable waiting time.

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  • 16:39 CET (1 hour after logging)
  • Position in Queue 922



  • 17:39 CET (2 hours after logging)
  • Position in Queue 560



  • 18:39 CET (3 hours after logging)
  • Position in Queue 196


:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:


What about this?


- 15.44 CET (Logging in)

- Position: around 1404...


- 16.44 CET

- Position: around 1100...


- 17.44 CET

- Position: Connection lost.. ***? Not my internet that was down.


- 17.50 CET (-.-' New queue)

- Position: around 1880


- 18.42 CET

- Position: 1373...


Yaay for me.. Still not in.

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I honestly think they READ THESE POST! its like "We know theres a problem and were going to make you think that we are going to fix it but were NOT... Go post here to tell us about it." This thread exists to reduce traffic and complaints throughout the rest of the forums.



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As for the (temporary) solution to the problem, that will stop 90% of the griping, it really is easy.


Institute a grace period for disconnects. Most people will be ok with an hour queue, so long as they don't have FOUR one hour queues.


The fact that there isn't already a built in grace period for disconnects is absolutely FAIL on Bioware's part.




Even, better. Cap a realistic amount of hours per account, per day.


ie 10-12 hours max per day. You get autodc'd if a que begins and you exceed that.


The prelaunch was intended for Biuoware to research traffic on the server, and plan fpor launch, not so people could try to hit 50 in a week b/4 most even played the game.

Edited by Tourniquett
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While trying to queue in I decided to look at the other servers. I saw over half were low and the other half had at least a 10 minute wait. Seems to me that a server transfer would be a very viable option like everyone else has stated. A wait time for an avid gamer will cause them to look else where, and that's lost revenue. Free transfers might cost a little in development, but could save millions in long term patronage.
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I started to play the game with the headstart. 2 days ago I rerolled on a "light" server just because I could not stand the 3 hour queue on the server where my guild was placed.


Today I fire up the game just to see another hour queue on the "light" server I rerolled on...I mean seriuosly...


Do I have to reroll on a different server every 2 days to avoid the queue problem? So this is bioware's solution?

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