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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Solution: More servers and a way to change server with your character (at least once) in order to thin the population on the "FULL" servers.

(But as always; easier said than done)


And how quickly do you think these servers magically appear? Ever worked in IT? They may very well be working on this and it may take a day or more for it to happen. You can only imagine the infrastructure required to run this game.

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They havent screwd anything up, you obviously dont have a lot of video game experiance to realize this is common with launches, especially big mmos.


And in what way does this mean that they haven't screwed up? Free character transfers from full servers would instantly solve the problem, and just because other launches have been screwy does in no way what so ever excuse Bioware from doing the same.


Two wrongs still don't make a right.

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They are not those other companies. Do they have insider information into the infrastructure and user numbers those companies do? How do you expect them to know those specifics? Why does everyone here act like BioWare is doing nothing to fix the problem. Do you all assume they are currently sitting around drinking the bubbly and planning their Christmas vacation?


Dont think its "that" hard to increase a cap.


And do you rly think those companies doesnt share anything and like NOTHING is leaking or something in that direction....


Of course they are working on it , but as people say we paid for a product we dont recive the proper way.


Que problems should be old history, period!

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It worked fine in the pre-launch. Why would they never consider to CLOSE the server to new comer for a few days during launch day to avoid this issue?


It is not like a surprise. they knew how many created toons in the servers, they knew some servers were already in HIGH populations or in Queue already. Why would they allow new players to create toons in the over crowded servers?!!!



That's not a good solution. I have friends coming into the game now and we'd like to be able to play together -- I've been playing since the third wave of early start and am on one of the oldest servers. Why should I be separated from my friends? Should I be punished for starting early? Should I abandon my progress and have to start over? Defeats the whole purpose of an early start.

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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!


Understand that these Q's are HOURS LONG for some people. To top it off some of these people (those in guilds) were assigned to those severs by Bioware.


Lucky for me the guild I am in is on a server where the Q is only 20-30 mins.


Imagine people bought Skyrim and they had to wait even 30 mins before they could play?


I understand this is an online rpg but waiting hours to log into a server you didn't even choose IS something to complain about and deserves Biowares attention.

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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!


I smell a Fanboy!!!! and when you've had this problem for a while you might just understand people's frustrations.

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opening new servers is no help to those with toons already created on massively oversubscribed servers.


back from work time to play, 250 in a queue infront of me. i can handle instability, fx glitches and all the normal things we associate with MMOs but waiting hours to play? not that impressed.

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I find it sad people are willing to accept poor service for something they have paid for. To many people are happy to pay their money to wait in a line. I for one will not be one of them, until the queue issue is fixed I will not be starting a subscription.


The only way to get a company to act on concerns we have is to vote with your wallet. when you start impacting their quarterly statements they will take things seriously.


Threats never turn out well ;(

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Sorry didn't have time to read all 306 pages!


Server queue? Deal with it. Do people honestly have nothing else to do with their free time but to sit and wait for a queue?


Yes you are a paying customer, yes you are entitle to play the game you paid for. Yes the server queue is a known problem. IS LAUNCH DAY.


Relax, go find something else to do and let things die out, this isn't really that big of an issue to be worth 300+ pages!!


NO and NO and NO,

I paid for a game to relax in my spare time, not to buy an awesome game from a company who has proven they do nto care about their player base, underestimated a core factor in how an MMO works and sits back and watches a thread escalate out of complete control because they really have no idea on how to resolve it.


Honestly Bioware you have truly FUBAR this time.

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I find it sad people are willing to accept poor service for something they have paid for. To many people are happy to pay their money to wait in a line. I for one will not be one of them, until the queue issue is fixed I will not be starting a subscription.


The only way to get a company to act on concerns we have is to vote with your wallet. when you start impacting their quarterly statements they will take things seriously.


It's because most people are reasonable and realize that this is a temporary problem until the population stabilizes. The only way to avoid this issue would be for Bioware to place each individual person in a server leaving you 0 choice in the matter and I don't think many people would like that.

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- I understand there should be expected growing pains for any new launch and in time this issue will be resolved either by people quitting the game or though technical/management.


I hope the queue issue is the top issue to be reviewed and solved.


Let me break it down for you fine folks in middle management as I have nothing else to do while I wait.


-A product has been sold with certain expectations and promises. Though you may think all the people who play this game have set aside 8 hours of their day to play, you are wrong. Most people want to log in for a few hours and get through a mission or hit a level before work or dinner or putting the kids to bed or about a thousand other demands on their time. A two hour queue pretty much robs any chance for most people to play the game in the time frame they have set aside for entertainment.


If you can not deliver promised goods to your paying customers then you the seller of those goods should be held accountable for the delivery failure and either

(A) offer alternative options such as free server moves or

(B) offer compensation to the customer such as a free month to demonstrate good faith to the people who have willing given you their money.


I could go on, but whats the point no one from SWToR will read it anyway.. cheers.



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It will be fixed. No worries.

The only thing I want to know is when? Because until it is fixed and I can come home from work and reliably log into my server of choice and play my main character I simply wont be logging in. Im not interested in picking a new server every day and recreating a new character to level up to 10th again and again.

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Releasing a ton of empty servers right at launch was not smart, to be blunt. Players tend to gravitate towards servers with an established population, which likely are heavy, or full.


Should have opened these servers pre launch, let the population disperse. I have a feeling these low servers will stay low for quite a while, while the medium population servers will rocket to full.

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FFXI had something called a world pass where you had to have a contact on the server you were choosing who could give you a code to choose that server if you wanted to be on their server. This would have been a good idea for this game's launch as well as implementing free server transfers... Edited by Annabelle
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when starting early access i choose Sith ari which was a light server now i get booted alot and im in q again :( i know this is game launch day now sever is badly full while others are light ..don't want to start over and loose my chars just to be able play ...yet those of us who have work all day come home evenings i don't want sit in q for a hour out of my 2 to 3 hour game play ..please either close the severs to those making new chars or allow some of us to be able to a lighter server ...:D
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And how quickly do you think these servers magically appear? Ever worked in IT? They may very well be working on this and it may take a day or more for it to happen. You can only imagine the infrastructure required to run this game.


Dont talk if you have no clue please.....

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Fack im not gonna read 100 + pages...


its freaking simple its always been simple !




The longer u wait the more it will costs ya.


If it doesnt get fixed within the "free" game time we got by buying the game im gone very simple.


And what do you think they are doing right now? Not working on the problem? Do you think they can magically provision new hardware out of thin air? Learn patience if you ever hope to make it through life.

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I don't think that this is all BioWare's fault, as they recommended to roll on free servers and people keep rolling on FULL servers.


Respectfully, you are wrong about it not being BioWare's fault. Instead of recommending that people use a lower pop server, they should have simply disabled new character creation on servers that hit a certain level during early access. Once the game officially launched, then raise the character limit slowly over time as demand dictates. The problems they are facing right now are ones of their own creation.

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And how quickly do you think these servers magically appear? Ever worked in IT? They may very well be working on this and it may take a day or more for it to happen. You can only imagine the infrastructure required to run this game.


"(But as always; easier said than done)"

I'm not raging on anyone.

I know it's difficult. I'm just saying my thoughts out loud.

Just thinking that could be a solution.

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I smell a Fanboy!!!! and when you've had this problem for a while you might just understand people's frustrations.


This is my 4th mmo, I probably understand the frustration more if anything.


But hey, after reading 200+ threads of the same thing, it gets old. Devs are well aware of the problem, give them sometime to sort out the issue.


Spewing out silly threats about not subscribing just makes me LOL. You (in general) are nothing but another binary number on the server.

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