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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Like has been previously mentioned this is crap,crap,crap,crap,crap. I only have a few minutes to play and wanted to log in and do a few things. Queues in my opinion are not exceptable for a game I paid for and will have to continue to pay for monthly. I think until you fix this problem you have no right charging us to play when we can't play when we want to, put when you allow us to. As was stated above, allow free guild server transfers, and move my guild.
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The only part I still don't understand is putting up a bunch of new servers on launch day. Let's be realistic, how many people or guilds are coming to this game on launch day that do not know someone that had early access that they plan to play with?


I agree there need to be some server transfer options very soon.

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This is starting to get retarded. I already switched servers once cause it was full, now the one I switched to 4 days ago is full. Yet there are 20 something new servers which all show light. Your game plan has failed. Should of had all server open from the beginning instead of adding more. People are going to see "light" as a low population server and then see the servers that have been out since the start of early access as medium and heavy and think they are healthy servers. So yeah, I am once again on a server that is full at 11am on a work day that will just get worse during peak hours. Either offer free character transfers or increase the population limit on the servers. :mad: Edited by TerryChastain
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Solution: roll out clusters of servers on different days that get free transfers. This will avoid people all moving to the same servers. I'm sure there's some people who don't mind playing with less people, as long as there's no queue.
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Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine and more whine.

EA is a corporation. They're not going to get JACK done on a weekend, period. Everything must go through the proper channels and in this case, that does not happen on a weekend. Sorry, but that's the case. WoW is the same way, every major company is the same, exact way. Deal with it.


I do not know where you life, but where i life it is Tuesday, its the second day of the week here. It is also Release date which usualy means that ever avaliable hand is on the post at EA and Bioware.

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Patience is the key to MMO launches, it's the way it has always been.


I find the logic "it's always this way, just accept it" to be ridiculous. It shouldn't be. It's never acceptable. You seem to forget your position as the paying customer, you are always right within reason. Everyone here has a valid complaint and the ridiculous solutions some of the trolls pose such as "re-roll" or "have patience" are in no way conductive to a solution. They are, however, conductive to you being screwed out of money. After all, time is money.

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You obviously didn't play WOW at release ... :rolleyes: Can't speak for EQ2 or LOTOR




Is BW throttling servers? The zones are huge. I was on Krayt Dragon this morning. At 7:30am there were only 19 people on Caroline, but the server was heavily populated. I know its not a starter planet, but doing Heroic quests is a pain when there is no one on.


Well it sounds like "Caroline" had fun... :cool:

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Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine and more whine.

EA is a corporation. They're not going to get JACK done on a weekend, period. Everything must go through the proper channels and in this case, that does not happen on a weekend. Sorry, but that's the case. WoW is the same way, every major company is the same, exact way. Deal with it.


If you honestly think decisions on issues like server allocation/capping need to go through layers of management, you crazy. There is a guy/small team of people employed to make these decisions 24/7 365.

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While I do realize there may be some queue issues at launch, I would like to propose the idea of free character transfers to some of the newer light servers.


I am one of the preorder folks, and I'm a little frustrated that my que estimate said <20 mins with 250 people in front of me....and now I'm 30 mins into the queue wait and I'm only halfway through the wait. So something that said would take 20 mins or less is going to take over an hour.



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We're not talking about eventual queues... The queues are huge! and it takes so long to log in... The real problem is that it gets worse every day... My server didn't have queue, and now it has.


And when you log in... the server seems rather empty. I've seen a player from another faction only once.


Suggestion: As the queue issue is not being solved, Bioware should let us play the space missions while we wait.

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I don't see how telling people to ****** up and reroll is selfish. I'm trying to help them out. If they want to sit and stare at a queue that's their fault.


BW but peoples guilds at those severs, this is not in any way, shape or form the users fault, by saying so you kinda void your own voice.

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I've been watching the Euro server population since I got into work this morning and at the moment it would appear that none of the new servers have gone beyond light, yet the pre-launch servers are all packed full.


People generally do not like the idea of rolling on a server with a "light" population because in most cases that means that it's desolate.


Why not just give priority in the queue for people who have a toon over level 10 on the server already?

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I'm ready to give the game the finger simply because of this. Here we are, launch day, 11am EST, and I'm looking at a 40 minute wait just to play, because the game booted me out while I was AFK for a few minutes.


This is not something I'd expect or accept from a launched game. As a paying customer I should be able to play when I want to, not when or where you want me to because you are still doing testing. You should have wrapped that up by now. Don't ask me to pay for your tests. Bioware already is well aware of what the servers will handle, they've been doing high load beta testing for months. This is simply rediculous.

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Ok now this is ridiculous.

Adding more servers and not being able to pack-up and move to another server makes no sense.


In addition, as many other people have posted, I can barely find enough people on any given area to even affect performance.


It does not make sense that a server where i only see less than 200 peeps on any given area is full.

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They have to see how it pans out when the masses come in, so it might be a couple of days before there is even talk of increasing server caps.


Patience is the key to MMO launches, it's the way it has always been.


True... but this is after 7 day "pre-launch" and should be an indicator of needing to do something. I think allowing character/guild transfers would be helpful for the community to help "balance" over the servers.


I'm patient though.. I'm sure things will get better. This is a launch of the (IMHO) biggest most anticipated MMO ever! :)

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Well it could be difficult since everyone knows someone. Following your argumentation we would all end up on one realy big server and thats not going to happen.


Sureley BW cant please everyone, but they could at least try to please most of us.


CCCP did it? Why couldn't Bioware. Granted EVE doesn't have quite as many concurrent players as BW, but their like ONE server can hold...what....50k I think they got up to? That sounds like a lot to me...

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All i know is if bioware does not get this resolved. And resolved quickly I will ask for money back. I can understand this during the beta's but not on first day:mad:


Good luck with that. Already checked on this one, but if you entered the pre-order code, you are not eligible for a refund.

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This is fricking rediculous, you assigned us to a damn server and now i have to wait upwards of 20 minutes to get on it every time i log in, I am not going to waste money every month to wait 20 minutes to play... that is retarded.
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I know it's frustrating... I know it shouldn't be... But let me give you a new point of view...


I just was able to log on my server... And I realized one thing...


Dromund Kaas... only 50 players online... Different instances ? NOPE only 1 today...


I think they didn't lied... Just don'T know how to say it so people really understands...


I think they REALLY did put the Threshold to LOW so there is not many people logging in ... And sending new people (without friends playing right now) to new servers...


I think we'll have to wait and see... BUt I sure hope i'm right...


Hm how about "Dont worry Folks, we know the Queue you have to endure now is not what you expect but we did it to keep the Servers balanced and it will cease soon. its intended and it will be reduced in XY Days.

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