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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I am doing the only thing I can in protest and cancelling my subscription. I will resubscribe once things are sorted out, but not before then.


Well by the time your first payment was due this will probably be sorted to an extent anyway so not sure this will bother them, Plus they have your £40 now anyway....

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At the end of the day with most servers facing evening queues already with only the preorders having access it was pretty stupid not to lock those servers to new accounts until a couple of weeks after launch.

Its really annoying to see all the new servers with light populations...

I know I could move but having had the privilege of playing in beta and levelling my character for a week I really dont want to have to redo all the quests up to lvl 30 again thank you very much. It would be - frankly - boring.

PLEASE lock early access servers with queues NOW before the game's reputation and player's experience becomes a total nightmare/joke.

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Yeah riiiight. This is getting pretty ridiculous right now. Just lock people out of full servers!

Give access to people that have toons on those servers and lock other people out!

EVERYDAY on Legions of lettow has been the same crap.

Today it's a 400+ queue.

Being on vacation time it isn't bad but come working days and it'll be terrible.

Who wants to wait for 30m on a limited working day just to get in?



wow....so you should get preferential treatment. Do you pay more then the rest of us?

Edited by ianhatcher
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I must admit, Bioware shouldnt count these day's, because half of the time you spend in queues. If they will count them, well... What can i say, bad decision is a bad decision.Ofc, the most simple and the most efficient solution that would solve the problems is to give free character transfers. I simply dont want to level up to lvl 16 again, doing the same old quests. Those who say that 'you shouldnt have joined a high traffic server' are very very wrong. When i joined server bloodworthy, it was standart or normal(cant recall what the normal traffic in SWTOR is called). After a day, i had to wait 5 hours while being 1534th. in the queue.

Hope you really think about giving free transfers Bioware.

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Awesome.. Coming home and hoping to play SWTOR.. Noo... Nooo... Says the queue, place 1300. Got to go to bed in 7 hours and this will take 6 hours.. Yaay for me.


Where did i payed for? Standing in a queue? Please BioWare let us change characters to another serve.

Edited by Sebasownz
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My problem is my guild will not give up their names they grabbed in pre-launch. The will ride the server out and expect others to transfer or re-roll elsewhere.



Not enough servers during pre-launch. Those 7 new PVP EAST servers? Should have QUICKLY opened up as this situation grew worse, not wait till launch. I was hoping there was something up your sleeve, but now it seems more and more likely that it was a failure.

Edited by Nyvann
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All this complaining seems pretty pointless, it's quite ignored by BW. Everyone should open a new thread, probably that would catch their attention if suddenly 150 new threads popped up :D Or not, it would not surprise me actually. Anyway, keep up the good work guys, probably they have an internal target of 2000 pages in this thread to actually start doing something :D
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I don't want this game to be buried in QQ before it even started.

There is alot of mentally challenged online-journalists out there, that will only see the forums and come to the conclusion we all hate SWTOR. ;)


I can't love it, or hate it yet. You have to be able to play it for that to happen.




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Lock full servers for fresh accounts ... there is no reason for fresh accounts to be able to create chars on that server when there are servers that is almost empty.


Alternatively allow guild transfers to other servers to reduce load on the most popular ones.

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Frankly putting out new servers doesnt do **** unless you force the new people to use them. I find it irritating that its 10am on a weekday in the US certainly not prime time and I have to wait in a queue on a server. And its not just 1 server, but virtually EVERY server. If you guys cant pull your heads out of your arse and fix a very easy to fix problem it doesnt say much for the future of this game.
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Well by the time your first payment was due this will probably be sorted to an extent anyway so not sure this will bother them, Plus they have your £40 now anyway....


Oh, you are right. But it's about all I can do, other than ************ at Stephen Reid on Twitter. Which I will.

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wow....so you should get preferential treatment. Do you pay more then the rest of us?


No, but he was first. First come, first serve. Simple. He already made an account. The other should be prohibited from doing the same, because they would not only destroy their own gameplay, but also his. Simplified enough?




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Like all here I am thouroughly not enjoying the queues. I am hoping that EA/Bioware make a quick assement of the situation and a fair determination of how to handle.


I am hoping that more bandwidith can be added to each server and that we do not have an opening week server transfer process ahead.


I understand that investing in mass hardware up front is a costly, but a short delay to resolve must be the expectation.


I like many who have MMO'ed for several years realize that this can happen, but for an MMO that I beleive has the potential to eclipse WoW as the big dog on the block allowing queues to exceed more then 15 mins consitently will cost them dearly.


Especially if they ask people to pay a subsription.


I hope that EA/Bioware will understand the urgency and frustion of the problem and continue to supply updates, and reduced wait times this launch week


They should have a solid idea of how many have purchased the game at this point. I hope to see a solid plan on how to reduce wait times by weeks end here and a strategy to resolve the queues shortly after.


To allow this to go on long will cost them many subscribers, as many simply do not have the ability to invest time in front of there PC to queue for unreasonable times to play a game.


Please keep the community updated guys we understand the risk you undertook and we want to support your guys hard work by playing and subscribing. But like many I must say I will not subscribe long to a game with queues that chew up most of my game time day in and day out.


Thanks for the support and looking forward to logging in and playing

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I'm just as frustrated by the server queues as everyone else. Well, maybe not as frustrated as those that cancelled their subscription already...


But, I highly doubt that new players coming in today, launch day are purposefully selecting the FULL servers. If they already have friends playing on a particular server, then yeah, maybe. But most new folks coming in today will pick the LIGHT servers. The queues this morning are most likely from all the pre-order folks playing this morning due to vacations, plans to play today, etc.


I'm hoping this is sorted out in the next week or so. I was disappointed, but not completely surprised by the queues today. But give it a few days. The game will still be there and the queues will eventually die down as the servers auto-balance and they expand the caps.

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How about offering free realm transfers for the first couple of months to even out the load? I'm sure there are not many people dead set on their realm at the moment. Speaking from my own point of view, none of my friends have SWTOR yet, some will be getting it today, and I would like to play with them, and now im stuck in a long queue, and will be forced to reroll to a low pop realm because they wont want a high pop one. Which means starting afresh again, which I'm not too keen on.

Yet I see realms with low population that weren't up yesterday when I selected my realm, which I would gladly transfer to.

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No one has any FREE time whatsoever. 30 days of play is included in the retail price of the game. So technically, the ludicrous queues are causing a degradation of the value included in the game. The box (or digital edition) specifies 30 days of game access included with the price. If you can't get on to the servers because you don't have five hours to spare waiting, then Bioware/EA is NOT providing the game access they advertise on the box. No one is here without having purchased a product, so nothing is free at all.


Honestly, the game is great in true Bioware fashion. The MMO part of this launch has really shown Bioware's inexperience with staggered access, low pop caps and queues which will earn them a space in the MMO record books. Lastly, Bioware not addressing this isssue urgently is showing their lack of understanding of the MMO space. They need to understand people are paying for access - not a deliver a product and when we get around to fixing it we do - product.


Great post that sums it all up :)

I know the apologists won't give a a rats *** but hopefully someone at Bioware sees you post and realizes what they should be concentrating on

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1) Pay extra for pre-release and early guild creation.

2) Get only 3 out of 7 days of that.

3) Have your guild assigned to a server which is full already.

4) Hours long queue time.

5) Quit the game before you even start.




1) No pre-order.

2) Pick an empty realm and create a guild there.

3) Perfect gameplay.


*** EA?

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the problem is that i was allocated my server for my guild half the people onmy guild dont have early access now my server is more than full so launch day peeps will just go to a lighter server makes guild launch a bit pointless and 2.5 hour queues a joke


I was not happy with these long queues but I did not say anything...it was early access and I was happy to be here.


BW needs to fix this and do it now...I am on Shadow Hand because they put our guild there I did not pick it...now on a Tuesday morning I have a queue?


I have a couple friends that are waiting to see what happens before they even sub.

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My only beef at this point is that I had to pay for the game itself. I don't see any chance of sticking around if things remain this way.:(


Anyone who claims this is a non-issue, I urge to go buy a car, then park it in your driveway and keep making payments without actually ever driving it. Would you? Same issue, just scaled up.

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