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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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9:30am in the morning and we have queues already. Why haven't they locked the servers with high queues? Open new servers for the new players and not let them populate the already over populated high queue servers. I'm not even going to try to play tonight if I have a hour or more queue this early in the morning. The queues tonight will be hours at this rate. So much for that 30 days of free play it will be spent in queue.


Honestly as much as I love this game I will be not paying a monthly fee to sit in queue. I found this situation very disheartening. I know this is the first day of release but this situtation is getting worse instead of better.:(

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Just a thought as I see that it is all the RP servers that are full or heavy when it comes to population. Enforce RP rules such as names on the servers, and work out something that if people refuse to comply move them to a light population server.
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I will gladly pay for a damn transfer.. this is just stupid. Decided to wake up at 5 AM to not have to deal with server ques just to log into an hour long wait.


Please get a transfer system in place as soon as possible.


Thank you!

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Logged on to play after a terrible day, sitting in queue for 40 mins so far (even though estimate was <20 mins) and i still have 150 in front on me.


This is a total joke, I know ill get the wrath of the fanboys but its true, If you want to take customers away from WoW you need to sort these problems out as people dont have time to sit around all day waiting to play.


I want to play when its convenient for me and not when the server dictates.


This is key right here. Bioware needs to soak this statement in and do some cognitive thinking on their current situation.


Server population caps right now are out of control. There possibly can't be more then 1,000 people on a server at a time, I refuse to believe otherwise with the current caps.


Even during the peak times, no matter where I went in the "starting areas" there didn't appear to be more then 100 people in a given instance. Multiply that by the number of starting areas, plus the other areas of the game, there simply isn't that many people around to warrant a cap like we have.


How many instace/spaces are there that players can occupy anyway? 20? 30? So we'll say there's 30 locations in the game right now that players can exist in a instance, and we'll say there's 100 people in each. So we have 3000 players on a server at a time?


I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, if anyone has any better numbers to crunch then please add your input here.

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15:30 --- Happily playing for about an hour as a smuggler, and I'm about to take out a few baddies at a crowded spot.

15:31 --- My ISP decides to cycle dynamically allocated IP addresses.

15:31 --- I'm staring at an Error 9000 message.

15:32 --- Again, I'm sitting in an effing 300-long queue (about an hour).


BW, if you don't know what dynamic IP means, please look it up on Wiki. And maybe check out a few of your competitors, with special emphasis on the so called "grace period for disconnections".

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This is why locking a full server wouldn't work : After 2 weeks, there will only be level 40+ And the lower level areas will be ghost towns.


I'm not saying that the servers should be locked, but instead of making new servers, and creating MUCH larger ques on the ones that everyone who pre-ordered played on, they could have just increased the server capacity. I read somewhere that over 1.5 million people pre-ordered. That's a lot of people and they should be considered when launching the game, not only the new people.

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Yeah riiiight. This is getting pretty ridiculous right now. Just lock people out of full servers!

Give access to people that have toons on those servers and lock other people out!

EVERYDAY on Legions of lettow has been the same crap.

Today it's a 400+ queue.

Being on vacation time it isn't bad but come working days and it'll be terrible.

Who wants to wait for 30m on a limited working day just to get in?

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Part of the problem is straight out, when they went to launch they decided to open up new servers, but did not close down servers that already had a full population. New players came in, decided they wanted to play with other people, and joined servers that were already way to full. Now we have a bunch of servers with light loads, and all the servers that have been open since day one of early launch packed too full.


I generally don't like saying this, but Bioware botched this one.

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Queues are a necessary evil at launch. It spreads out the population. Otherwise you'd have everyone playing on 5 or so server complaining about lag when all the other servers are dead.


I'm glad there is a long queue on my server today. It will spread people out and in a few weeks they can raise the server cap and reduce the queue. Simple.

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The best thing people can do is unless they are established on a server or have a guild or large group of friends on one already, is if they are just starting up start on a light server.


People always have these fears that the server will be "dead" meanwhile that just isn't going to happen for the first 30-60 days at least.

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This is key right here. Bioware needs to soak this statement in and do some cognitive thinking on their current situation.


Server population caps right now are out of control. There possibly can't be more then 1,000 people on a server at a time, I refuse to believe otherwise with the current caps.


Even during the peak times, no matter where I went in the "starting areas" there didn't appear to be more then 100 people in a given instance. Multiply that by the number of starting areas, plus the other areas of the game, there simply isn't that many people around to warrant a cap like we have.


How many instace/spaces are there that players can occupy anyway? 20? 30? So we'll say there's 30 locations in the game right now that players can exist in a instance, and we'll say there's 100 people in each. So we have 3000 players on a server at a time?


I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, if anyone has any better numbers to crunch then please add your input here.


Its been proven and confirmed that server caps are around 2.5-3k. Nowadays thats a picnic box.

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Well i logged in at 11Am UK time and a queue, normally there is'nt one but it seems that Bioware has put most of the guilds on my server. I had to log for 30 mins went to log back in and bam even longer queue, i mean ***, how hard is it to raise the cap or lock it to new players? Also why put most of the guilds on one server? yeah it was one of the first up but that is just crazy. I spend more time in a queue than actually playing, if it's not sorted by the 1/19 i be cancelling my subscription, i won't pay to queue, i can do that for free at my local post office.
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This is just great!!!! I waited for 20 minutes, got in, went out of the ship and got disconnected and now i am number 287!!! Bioware, dammit, fire the person who is responsible for this chaos and fix this ASAP!


They cant fire him, he's dead in his office for 4 days now, locked in. They told him to call the central as soon as the first server showed Medium, so they could do their voodoo...but that call never reached them due to that guys cardiac arrest.

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I can't understand the server management. Considering something similar happened in WoW, and Blizzard decided to implement the free character transfer from overcrowded servers to other severs with 'light' population, don't you think it would happen the same?


According to Bioware, the server capacity was limited during the EGA days to avoid more players joining the already overcrowded servers. Now we have reached the release date and we have exactly the same queues we had during the EGA.


So... are we being 'deceived'?



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What a joke, queue on my server @ 7:30am MST .... not even primetime and I can see a dozen "low pop" servers


Hey, I agree. I've been saying this all day : If Guild Wars can manage ONE server for over 4 MILLION accounts and NEVER have ANY server downtime, why can't BioWare? It's much larger than ArenaNet. Here's the problem : One of the BioWare employees probably said "WoW is SO GREAT! LET'S COPY EVERYTHING THEY IMPLEMENTED!"

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