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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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At this point, new servers are NOT the answer Bioware. There are probably just as many Light servers as there are Full servers, looking at the list right now. You need to either raise caps on full servers (or ALL servers), OR you need to provide free transfers for people on full servers. This is NOT negotiable. It needs to happen and it needs to happen in the next few days if not right now.


Also, closing every thread that talks about it and saying they should post here? Not cool, not cool at all.



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My server, Red Eclipse, a server our guild was assigned to is constantly full. Its unplayable on nights and weekends after a certain time due to ques. The estimated time shown, often 55 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes you may as well multiply by at least 5 for a true reflection.


Make guilds kinda pointless at this moment as no one can get on at the same time. We joked that is we wanted to run a guild event on Friday 23rd, we would all have to long on Thursday 22nd for a chance to be there.


Saying that, i understand that at launch its expected, though not this much.


So, i logged on last night after work, again saw a 55 minute estimated time (really 4 hours) so made a character on a light server. At least this way i can test out other professions/roles in the game until the server issue is addressed.


However, at work atm, 2.30PM, and on server status page, the server i rolled a new character with as it was light last night, is now very heavy which no doubt will be full by the time i get home.


Am i now expected to roll a 3rd character on a light server and start again. If i do, wil it be full tomorrow so i need a 4th character?


Like many, i will just about put up with this for the 1st 30 days but if we have ques when it comes time to start paying monthly subs then forget it. Most of my guild and myself have already stated we wont subscribe unless its sorted by then. Not that Bioware would care, after all, millions of players, and as a guild we are only around 100 so far (estimated 200-250 over Xmas, 7 year old guild from SWG).


Wouldnt surprise me at all when i get in tonight if every server is full and i cant play at all. Simply not good enough Bioware

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They should do what Final Fantasy XI did when they had full servers, they closed them, and if a friend really wanted to get in, you could purchase a world pass ticked in game and they gave you the code in game to give to your friend when he created your character so he could join the locked server, if this is the problem they have with closing them.
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Logged on to play, sitting in queue for 40 mins so far (even though estimate was <20 mins) and i still have 150 in front of me.


This is a total joke, I know ill get the wrath of the fanboys but its true, If you want to take customers away from WoW you need to sort these problems out as people dont have time to sit around all day waiting to play.


I want to play when its convenient for me and not when the server dictates.

Edited by phOny
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WOW!! This server that I am on was "LIGHT" last night! Now it is full and in que! *** is going on here? These servers should have been monitored as population was rising and once it reached anywhere close to max, it should have been locked! This is utterly unacceptable! Why should we be paying to wait. I understand that this is launch weekend, and population is going to be higher than normal while everyone is getting a feel of the game. This issue should have been anticipated so there wouldn't be a problem!:(:(:(:(
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40 minutes and counting, this is really, really bad. I was optimistic they were holding the servers back until launch, but here we are on the 20th, and the queues are even worse than they have been.


This game is amazing, but if this isn't fixed very soon, it'll be a disaster.

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"Even with these additional servers we are expecting queues on the most popular servers, and these queues are likely to persist for a while yet. We are monitoring them closely and raising population caps where necessary, however this is a careful process that is ongoing. Our servers do not have unlimited populations and we want every server to have a healthy population during and after launch."


This is what they said

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i've been in a queue all day and like many people i don't have time for this

my daughter is only a week old and i can't wait 20-30 minutes to log in, by that time she could be screaming the house down!!!


i was in a queue at 23:15 GMT last night for 25mins, played for 25m then server went down

i was in a queue at 8:30 GMT for 25m, client crashed, queued for 25m, and then played

i queued for 30m at 12:00 GMT

and i have just queued for 25m at 14:00 GMT



great that you're opening new servers

but it's not the answer - people don't want to reroll

shortening the queues is what needs to happen or this is going to annoy a lot of people


(for reference, I am on EU-RP The Progenitor)

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I can see 20+ servers Light but all the original HS servers have a queue right now from 10 minutes to 1 hour (the one I'm sitting on). Stop adding servers and either raise the cap or provide free transfer for Guilds/people. What the hell where you thinking EA/BW......


It's 9:45 am EST and there is already queues, wait for Prime Time, crashing or logging out is a big mistake, seriously....

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I bet what happened was they packed all the pre-made guilds onto a few servers without doing the math that a 10 person guild = 30 person after everyone gets the game and logs in. I know my 5 players is actually closer to 15-20. X that by how many pre-made guildes..
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Well I was pre-assigned to Legions of Lettow server. Character transfer is now a must.


To all those even thinking of defending EA/BW please, join this server to enjoy our queues. For those of us who get off work (*or simply work) at 5pm, assuming we get in a queue at ~5:30 we might get to play at 22:00. This simply doesn't work for those of us who need to get up at 7am every morning.


"reroll to another server" - Ridiculous. As many have already pointed out, I've a) been working on this toon for most of early access, b) it's just a matter of time for that server to become full too. Character transfers obviously don't help with point b, but at least it'd bring back some of the enjoyment factor as we'd "at least" be able to play our characters.

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Regardless of when i attempt to log on there is a wait timer, seriously i understand the dynamics of filling a server for better gaming experience. but good lord folks its hard to play and have fun wen you cannot play at all.


plausible fixes:


1) transfer people who aren't guilded and lower then 20 to a low pop server.


2) opt to allow people to transfer out on there own.


3) Lock the blasted servers that are constantly full to prohibit any noobs.


4) do something very soon before the bean counters get all bent.

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They should do what Final Fantasy XI did when they had full servers, they closed them, and if a friend really wanted to get in, you could purchase a world pass ticked in game and they gave you the code in game to give to your friend when he created your character so he could join the locked server, if this is the problem they have with closing them.

That is actually a really good idea. With a server transfer up and running also this would sove the problem.

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I rerolled because my first server had 55min wait time every night. Now with launch my new server is also a wait time. I just logged on at 9:00 am and it says full but no wait. Tonight when its peak time its gonna be stupid. I bought the ce and have my code but I am NOT subbing until the queses are reasonable ie less than 5 mins. I am also not rerolling again.


voting with my wallet.


p.s. love the game so far but refuse to pay to wait.

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I also would like to be able to transfer off of Mind Trick. Picked it because of the name. I was granted early access on the 13th at 7:20am so there was absolutely no traffic on any server so I picked one and stuck with it. I now have a 34 sith sorcerer with all 3 of my crew skills over 150 so I'm not going to re-roll. Just want to be able to play and stop coming here to *****. :mad:
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Well I rolled on one server the first day of early access. Then to get away from the 2-3 hour queues I rerolled.


I wake up this morning to find my standard/heavy pop server in primetime is now queued at 8:00 am in the morning. Come on this is horrible. Lock down the populated servers and don't allow new accounts on them until this is spread out.


There are 18 servers listed below my 2 servers that are light make new accounts go on to them. Bad enough I can't play with my guild anymore because of server queues now I can't play at all without rerolling again, that is not an option....

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I personally think that this is a little much. Everyone that pre-ordered and played hours and hours of this game, found bugs, and even payed more to play this game early now spends about 50% of their time waiting in queues. I just think that maybe the people who pre-ordered the game should be considered a little bit also.


P.S. NO ONE wants to reroll if they already spend the past week playing on a server. (Most people who preordered)

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