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Regarding server queues


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I'm really confused at those defending the company. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but I'm a logical person that has played a lot of games in my life, and have played mmos dating back to Ultima Online and even text based games before that. I have never seen such a sloppy launch with such easy fixes. The problem with this launch hasn't been based off of technical difficulties, it's a lack of common sense that is coming off as a lack of concern for your customer base. The servers were shut down for 5 hours prior to the release of the game. The people that were allowed access before the official launch had to stop playing for 5 hours until the launch? I may be the only one, but I'm pretty sure people were expecting that an update or something would come in the meantime. Instead there was no update and when all of the new people coming into the game got it, the servers all appeared empty because all the people who were on early access were forced to log off 5 hours ago. The extra 10 servers appear at the time to have as few people on them as the servers that were set up ahead of time, and then all of the servers that were already full during early access are more full because new people are joining them. You can't expect people that already have lvl 20 and above characters to simply create a new character on another server. The only way to fix this is to allow free server transfers for at least characters, if not guilds as well. This game, by itself is absolutely amazing, but as soon as you look at the customer service, this game takes a horrible dive. EA was trying way to hard to save money on the servers and the customer should not be fooled by them saying that they are trying to make sure that we have enough people to play with in the long run. Just make server transfers free. The new servers are always listed as Light while the early access servers are always listed as having a wait. If you have the servers already up and running, and they're light, why not put more people on them if you're looking to make sure that all players have enough other people on their servers as well as making sure the players aren't experiencing a wait? This is an easy fix that was horribly done at release. This needs to be fixed, and it's not that complicated to do.
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Im in que for an hour and a half in a 60 minute estimated wait. Im still around number 200 something. anyway I get disconnected because of a server connection error ,while im in que. So now Im number 700. atleast another hour and a half wait. So by the time i get in my day is over becuase I have to get to sleep so I can work, so that i can pay you guys every month to let me sit in a que all night. an endless cycle that will soon end if I dont ever get to play the game. Why pay every month for a game that I cant even play.
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It's hard to say this, but give it two days and then come back and complain. I've taken probability and distributional analysis in college, and guess what, it takes time for the human condition to adjust from heavy to light population servers. There's no magic switch that can be flipped to fix any of this.


Like the post above me says, there could be some common sense things done to make things flow smoother. Honestly, lock those early access servers. What you're going to start seeing is the early access players who have level 20+ characters, switch over to lighter population servers and reroll a different class, but what you're going to see is a bunch of level 5 characters say screw this, I don't feel like leveling a different character on a different server, and bam they log off.


Another thing you can do is just force transfer players, to redistribute populations. It may sound unconventional, but you can only lead a horse to water and can't make him drink. So do the dirty work yourselves,. Don't ask for players permission, just do it smartly. Transfer players who don't have friends or guilds. Transfer entire guilds if you want.That is the only way you're going to redistribute to your 30+ light server loads that you have.


Oh and to the issue of ghost towns? ITS LAUNCH DAY you can't expect every server to be full can you? Join a light pop server now so in a month or so it'll be kickin and you'll be ahead of the game.

Edited by Oblivionlw
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I just want to play... worked 11 hours today and came home to a ridiculous queue time. Where is the love? As stated hundreds of times by now, this is pay to PLAY, not pay to wait. I've never seen anything like this. Please do something about this, and quickly - if not for my sake, then certainly for your financial sake!
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Yes, yet another complaint about too long of server ques. I waited 2hrs to play, loaded game was in sith capitol and disconnected. Now im in que again to play and will more than likely be waiting another 2hrs, which I will not wait for. I know the game is just launched, so I'm not expecting that these problems be fixed right away, just wanting to let the Bioware team know how frustrating it is to pay to play a game and not be able to log into game due to long que times.


So Bioware, Plz take all the complaints seriously and fix your servers and get the capacity raised for servers to allow users to play without severely long que times.


All in all, the game is amazing and the graphics are awesome!!! Sucks to want to play but am unable to do so due to extremely long que times!




:D plz fix soon!!!

Edited by Caliboi
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I just want to play... worked 11 hours today and came home to a ridiculous queue time. Where is the love? As stated hundreds of times by now, this is pay to PLAY, not pay to wait. I've never seen anything like this. Please do something about this, and quickly - if not for my sake, then certainly for your financial sake!


I worked 11 hours today as well, oddly enough.


I'm going to have to echo the sentiments that have already been expressed in this thread. These queues are troubling, and they leave a sour taste in the mouths of those us with limited time to enjoy the game. I understand that any fix is not going to be immediate, but something does need to be done in the near future.

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The biggest problem as some have said is this is not a free to play MMO. So waiting is not an option.


Many of us have family's, jobs, ect... When I get time to play I want to log in and play with my guildies not sit in a damn server que for an hour wasting time that I had set aside to play.


This is a total joke. Bio Ware is making SOE launching the NGE look like a genius move. Not a good way to start.:mad:

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And still no word? Are you kidding, 500 pg forum thread about this issue and i have yet to hear anything from them....



Let me make it more clear, WAKE UP OR THE GAME WILL DIE


I know i speak for many when i say i will NOT pay for this game when i can pay for WoW or some other game and NOT have to wait every time i want to play

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Another angry post about paying a monthly fee to play a game and sit in queues.


1. Enable free server transfers to light servers for any players on a server listed as "full", issue will resolve itself within days.


2. Refund game time until you fix your server balance issue.



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Oh and I am so glad to see Bio Ware wasting servers on Europe. They are all very light. They could cut the amount of Euro servers in half and bring them over here to help with the over crowding.


What a total and utter failure to match the amount of subs to the amount of servers needed.


And still no response from Bio Ware on this.:rolleyes:

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Another angry post about paying a monthly fee to play a game and sit in queues.


1. Enable free server transfers to light servers for any players on a server listed as "full", issue will resolve itself within days.


2. Refund game time until you fix your server balance issue.




lol where is the "like" button? This is the easiest, most simple, most direct solution I've seen written on here. Shame EA's got their heads so far up their own asses that they'll probably never read it, but this is exactly what needs to happen.

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This queue system is a serious deal breaker I really want to play this game but I work full time and go to school full time. So I only have so much time to play a day and an hour+ queue pretty much eats up that whole time. This is an incredible let down. I expected glitches and bugs at launch but seriously what the crap was BW thinking launching a game with this kind of system in mind?:mad:
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This queue system is a serious deal breaker I really want to play this game but I work full time and go to school full time. So I only have so much time to play a day and an hour+ queue pretty much eats up that whole time. This is an incredible let down. I expected glitches and bugs at launch but seriously what the crap was BW thinking launching a game with this kind of system in mind?:mad:


I second this. Im in the same boat here.

Edited by johnstonwlt
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Early access servers should have been locked ... PERIOD, at least through the launch window of the first 30 days.


Many of the early access servers were already full and had queues. Letting the late comers who didn't pre-order onto them was just like unloading a tanker truck full of gasoline onto a raging inferno.


I'm in total disagreement with Bioware on this one. Their stance was that they wanted to let the retail launch people have an opportunity to play with their friends. Well.. those retail launch customers had 4 months to get off their butts, pre-order, organize guilds and get in on a server early access to be with their friends, but they couldn't be bothered. And now its making the situation worse for everyone since people are flocking to the FULL servers.


Again, I'm not saying lock the FULL early access servers down for the entire life of the game, just at least through the initial launch period and then when the population spreads out, open up the full servers for everyone.

Edited by MukeFreerider
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cant believe i wasted money on the CE when after the last 3 days i ended up going to buy another game as these wait times is just out of control, already looking forward to GW2


you can't be serious? guild wars 2 is going to have queue times as well

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