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Regarding server queues


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Not a question of allowing..


there is no computer written code nor batch processes to move characters... it would take weeks to code in such a feature. So we have to deal with them for now while the order new HW, and adjust the HW between servers to balance the loads.


Rift did it. Free transfers to any other server, anytime you wanted (with a 7 day cooldown per character and a money restriction so you don't screw with server economies). If they're learning from WoW's mistakes (which they have been, where credit is due), this would have been a great feature to bake in.

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Not a question of allowing..


there is no computer written code nor batch processes to move characters... it would take weeks to code in such a feature. So we have to deal with them for now while the order new HW, and adjust the HW between servers to balance the loads.


Obviously you don't know how it works. Characters and the information are stored in databases, hence there's really no coding needed to the game itself, but rather just as webpage that takes the request, queues a query, and the query is performed.


something like


Update Characters set ServerID = 'xxxxx' where AccountID = 'xxxxx'


Voila! Character transfer. The reason it's not being done is they don't want to resort to that, because mass movements to other servers is not fixing the problem, it's just a band-aid.

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The is a reason for the Q at that time... people stayed up all night playing... easy.. simple.. logic....


People stayed up all night playing so they wouldn't be stuck in a Q by the time morning rolled around.




Stop scouring these forums for people complaining about genuine problems so that you can attack them.

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And this somehow makes it okay?


No, but it's just the way it is. You call can whine, complain, cancel... do whatever...


but in the end they will balance the servers out, but it will take time.


They KNOW what needs to be time, it will just take TIME to do it...


In the mean time, you have to just deal with it, move servers, or wait and play in a few weeks.


This will in NO WAY harm the game, or it's life, or it's rep... WoW, Aion, Lotro, AoC, etc have all had MASSIVE queues on launch/expansion days with crashing servers


So far my server has not crashed once since EGA, and has had 0 lag even at FULL... I can't say that about prev MMO releases

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Play on a new light pop server if you dont want Q times. If your friends are on the high Q time server then so what have them move also. If they dont want to move then laugh in thier face while u are online and they wait for 30-45 min to get in.


So those of us who pre-ordered and started playing with pre-access should just reroll on another server? Then honestly - why did i pre-order in the first place?


I have the same problem as most other people here - i work fulltime, so my time to play is very limited. Waiting for half an hour to an hour just to be able to log on is not acceptable for a game that i pay to play.

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Bioware was one of the few dev companies I still had some faith in... *had* keyword.


Very sloppy, seeing as *most* servers are very busy


& they placed guilds there themselves

& they knew how many copies they sold

& they set the limits of population on the servers


Very sloppy... very disappointing. I'll not keep paying for you guys to fix this btw. Cancelling sub before it can become active. If nothing else grabs my attention, I might be back ... or not.

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i doubt most of you are very high lvl. it takes, what, 20 hours to hit mid lvl? Why not use all this complaining and hours being stuck in q time to reroll a different server with light pop? Granted, I'm on Warriors of the Shadow where q's are very long, but i'm just gonna suck it up and not complain because it's my choice to stay.

And also, wait a month, they will balance/increase do whatever is necessary to fix queue times. Patience is a virtue that i guess us sith do not have.

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Not a question of allowing..


there is no computer written code nor batch processes to move characters... it would take weeks to code in such a feature. So we have to deal with them for now while the order new HW, and adjust the HW between servers to balance the loads.


Sorry this is nonsense - of course they will have code to move characters. It is a trivial undertaking to change a data file flag from server/storage group #XXX to server #xxxy - this is a very standard procedure and the ONLY decision to make is whether to charge for it or not. Blizzard do and Trion don't.

Edited by Bragar
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Obviously you don't know how it works. Characters and the information are stored in databases, hence there's really no coding needed to the game itself, but rather just as webpage that takes the request, queues a query, and the query is performed.


something like


Update Characters set ServerID = 'xxxxx' where AccountID = 'xxxxx'


Voila! Character transfer. The reason it's not being done is they don't want to resort to that, because mass movements to other servers is not fixing the problem, it's just a band-aid.


I do. Im a programmer and I helped code Eq1 and worked for SOE. Yes, they are in a database, but it's not nearly as simple as you state. If you were a programmer / database programmer, you would know this.


Besides they have no website interface coded for this, and "game store" to purchase paid or free transfers.


All that would need to be done.

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MMOs are a completely different animal. There will be thousands of people complaining over every little thing, and developers ignore most of it.


I played on a low populated server in WoW for years, we told them to fix it and give us transfers for years. They did nothing. There are hundreds of issues like this including queue times, they did nothing.


They are still the most successful MMO to date.


MMOs are not a different animal. Its a common mistake that tons of our clients make about their business. Everyone thinks thier product is a "pink elephant". That the normal marketing, advertising and customer service staples don't apply to them. Those companies generally fail.


Now occasionaly your product is a pink elephant (WoW). For the most part though there are rarely multiple pink elephants in a market. Could this be one of those scenarios, where WoW and SWTOR represent two pink elephants in a market? I don't know. (they wouldn't really be pink elephants at that point though)


I do know that the sour taste of a bad launch can ruin ANY non-essential product. Not because the product is bad, but because public THINKS the product is bad.

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Bioware was one of the few dev companies I still had some faith in... *had* keyword.


Very sloppy, seeing as *most* servers are very busy


& they placed guilds there themselves

& they knew how many copies they sold

& they set the limits of population on the servers


Very sloppy... very disappointing. I'll not keep paying for you guys to fix this btw. Cancelling sub before it can become active. If nothing else grabs my attention, I might be back ... or not.


Don't you love it? How all of this was calculated, planned out, and then POORLY EXECUTED by BW? And now a few militantly vocal fanboys are attacking us as if it was all our fault?


Yeah, it's great.

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I seriously want +1 days added to my account


There's just no way i can play tonight. I't going to be like .. 11pm (ish) before i can login?


It's an absolute disgrace.

This is supposed to be a game.

Something to enjoy.


There absolutely has to be an official response

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People stayed up all night playing so they wouldn't be stuck in a Q by the time morning rolled around.




Stop scouring these forums for people complaining about genuine problems so that you can attack them.


Still logical.. if all these new ppl from buying the game last night are FLOODING some servers and stayed up all night playing.. yes there would be a Q... 90% of my guild has been playing 24hrs solid... I have not.. and I think they are nutz for doing so lol.. but people are..


People have also found out how to get around the idle time out.. so you have ppl afraid of the queues who make it so they never go idle.. thus making the Qs 10Xs worse

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Still logical.. if all these new ppl from buying the game last night are FLOODING some servers and stayed up all night playing.. yes there would be a Q... 90% of my guild has been playing 24hrs solid... I have not.. and I think they are nutz for doing so lol.. but people are..


People have also found out how to get around the idle time out.. so you have ppl afraid of the queues who make it so they never go idle.. thus making the Qs 10Xs worse


Of course you haven't been, why play when you can dig through the forums trying to put out the flames that BW can't seem to get under control themselves?

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Obviously you don't know how it works. Characters and the information are stored in databases, hence there's really no coding needed to the game itself, but rather just as webpage that takes the request, queues a query, and the query is performed.


something like


Update Characters set ServerID = 'xxxxx' where AccountID = 'xxxxx'


Voila! Character transfer. The reason it's not being done is they don't want to resort to that, because mass movements to other servers is not fixing the problem, it's just a band-aid.


I agree with everything but the last sentence.


It may not fix the problem, but it's the absolute closest you can get to fixing the problem.


Give my guild a free transfer to one of the new, light population servers and we're gone. Although, I think it's too early to start offering those up. I would say early January is when we'll get a more realistic idea of how the population is spreading out.

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I pre-ordered, got my invite on the 15th, and still haven't even been able to log on to the server THEY ASSIGNED MY GUILD TO! Aren't I just so glad I paid $80 to not play a game just sit in a queue every time I have a free hour or 2 this holiday season... :mad:
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I do know that the sour taste of a bad launch can ruin ANY non-essential product. Not because the product is bad, but because public THINKS the product is bad.


Depends on what a bad launch is.


Too many servers can be considered a bad launch for long term health of the game - Warhammer Online was a perfect example of this. Tons of servers because of hype and queues and then people had no one to group with when everything simmered down.


Queue times for publicity is not a bad thing, it will be looked as a good thing for outsiders.

Edited by Bollah
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MMOs are not a different animal. Its a common mistake that tons of our clients make about their business. Everyone thinks thier product is a "pink elephant". That the normal marketing, advertising and customer service staples don't apply to them. Those companies generally fail.


Now occasionaly your product is a pink elephant (WoW). For the most part though there are rarely multiple pink elephants in a market. Could this be one of those scenarios, where WoW and SWTOR represent two pink elephants in a market? I don't know. (they wouldn't really be pink elephants at that point though)


I do know that the sour taste of a bad launch can ruin ANY non-essential product. Not because the product is bad, but because public THINKS the product is bad.


Good post - but the various BW fanboys will doubtless insult you for it

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