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Regarding server queues


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I know it's frustrating... I know it shouldn't be... But let me give you a new point of view...


I just was able to log on my server... And I realized one thing...


Dromund Kaas... only 50 players online... Different instances ? NOPE only 1 today...


I think they didn't lied... Just don'T know how to say it so people really understands...


I think they REALLY did put the Threshold to LOW so there is not many people logging in ... And sending new people (without friends playing right now) to new servers...


I think we'll have to wait and see... BUt I sure hope i'm right...


This. Set the population caps low, spread out the population then rasie the population caps to lessen the queue.


This isn't rocket science. Do people really think they do not have a plan for this launch?


If they made any mistake it was not having all server out imo. The new 50 or so servers have no guilds assigned to them so it's all new people or guilds that decide to go there. That was not very smart imo.


The queues will be gone in a few weeks to every server except the 2-3 most popular ones I'm sure.


I'll start an alt on another server different faction with lower pop until this works out. No biggie.

Edited by ianhatcher
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not having a dig at anyone who said it but seeing as we're all waiting a biazillion hours to get back on this game you'd think people would have time to read the posts!!!


me personally, i've put my constant time in quees to use.


so far i've gone out to buy lunch (after being kicked out)

i've cleaned the house to get browny points with the other half (to be used when i vegitate i on this game) - after being kicked out again

now im looking at what to cook for dinner (got kicked out again)


at this rate i'll have constructed a death star by the time i get back on......


Looks like you're gonna get your browny points for next 2 years

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Sorry but once again, you are paying to access the game


People are trying to communicate that they will discontinue paying for the game unless certain issues are addressed. You may be correct that Bioware has met the letter of their obligation, but that doesn't mean that people will be obligated to continue giving them their money.


Companies don't get to decide what people are and are not paying for, either consumers do, or businesses fail. People pay for things they want, and since Bioware wants people to subscribe to their service and continue giving them their euros and dollars, I imagine that they will pay attention to the problems people are having and the suggestions people are making.

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I would be happy to transfer my characters to another server if there are too many on the server I currently play.


Exactly, chose the server I'm on now because it wasn't full and the others were yet the queue time for my server is growing day by day.

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sorry if this has been brought up already, but im not reading 600+ pages of forums to find out.


Anyways, I haven't seen any signs of this, so i will assume this isnt a service already, but are there any server change services to help players deal with balancing the servers, i mean, i log in and there's servers which are practically empty, and the ones from pre-release are all queued, is this an obvious solution? or am i just being ignorant about the tech issues required for this to happen?

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Meh just give free migration to the low populated servers or give the high populated servers the option to migrate to another designated server for free, for example : Niman players can migrate for free to either Ula Vii or Tassa Bareesh . Wow did it and it worked ( and dont start trowing omg another wow example or comparisment im just giving an example )
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They've addressed the issue. They've also said servers will STILL have queues. Why? Because people don't want to take their advice. Since day 1, they've said, roll onto a light server if your server has queues. Well, it's not EA/Bioware's fault that people want to stick on a full server.


Me, I just got dumped into a server with 300 queue this morning. After 10 minutes, dropped down a bit. Queues are going to be a part of ANY MMO. Deal with it. Either roll to a new server, or quit whining...


Seriously, the amount of entitlement in these threads is disgusting. You're NOT entitled to play the game where you want when you want, how you want, with whom you want. You're entitled to play the game, NOTHING MORE.


Tere are a TON of light servers out there right now. Pick one, move on with your day. Quit whining


Actually, you are completely wrong. It IS Bioware's obligation to take every possible effort to provide their customers with a smooth and pleasing experience.

Giving advice on where to roll is just a small part of it and is rather naive even to limit themselves to that. People will find thousands of reasons not to follow that advice, the main being fear of empty servers.

Since advice alone won't work, it is the company's obligation to take further measures to force population spread, or to provide us with quick effective tools to get around the problem. I have been playing since the 13 and have a 31 sorcerer I want to play. I was able to login after a 2h queue and played for a bit, then crashed... and am back at the long queue.

Not an acceptable situation and only Bioware can do anything about it. If they give us a quick transfer tool, I'm pretty sure my guild will transfer to an empty server. But right now, we're stuck.

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It's hard to be constructive about this issue.

My Guild is on Bloodworthy, and the que time is just off the chart....

BW if u are not able to block new people from joining the server for a while, then move 10 or 20 guilds or even half the server to a new server location, what u are doing now, is making unhappy costumers... Funcom made the worst launch in present times, but at least you were able to play AoC back then... You got to split the server up, or make more room somehow..... logging off SWTOR for a while... waisting time...

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this is ridiculous... Bioware, don't you know how many pre-orders- copies you sold ???? and didn't you set the server capacities by that. for example if you sold a million coppies before game release and if you have 800k peak on servers you made a huge mistake!!!!!


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One word - unacceptable.


You have 30 days to sort this out, or a whole lot of subscribers will be lost due to unplayabilty - how can you expect people to pay for a game they're unable to log in to?





I was thinking more along the lines of like 3 days. Who will play a game where you have to wait in 1 hour+ qeues everytime you want to play, even if it is "free"?


I aint having this, they are selling a product that is not operational.

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Playing is a lie, there are only queues.

Through queueing I gain upset.

Through upset I gain anger.

Through anger I get furious.

Through fury my heart is broken.

The unsubscribe shall free me.


rofl nice


They do force me to walk the path of rage.

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Stephen Reid

Rockjaw Stephen Reid

We're also monitoring queues very closely and adjusting things as appropriate - but if you're new, pick a low-pop server. They'll fill up!

2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Yeah now if he could get people to listen to that id be amazed.

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Playing is a lie, there are only queues.

Through queueing I gain upset.

Through upset I gain anger.

Through anger I get furious.

Through fury my heart is broken.

The unsubscribe shall free me.


Going to have to agree here if this isn't fixed by Jan. 20th.

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We just need a free guild relocation service.


I know some guilds (my own for instance) would be happy to relocate to lower population servers if the entire guild could be moved as one unit.


It should only be available to maxed out servers or something, but it should be available to any guilds that exist on a full server. Make it a guild leader option and allow individual players to confirm they wish to move with the guild when they log in and no one should have a problem with it.

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Just let us transfer already! This sucks. Basically every server is "Light" except the one I picked which is 256 deep at the moment. This happens to me a certain degree every day. So I picked a full server probably because it was at the top of everyone's West Coast PVE list after sorting.


I live in Dallas anyway and you're in Austin....why no Central servers?!? My only options were 2,000 miles away on either side. Where's the Central love? Chicago, St. Louis, KC, Dallas/FW, Houston, OKC, San Antonio, etc etc.

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Stephen Reid

Rockjaw Stephen Reid

We're also monitoring queues very closely and adjusting things as appropriate - but if you're new, pick a low-pop server. They'll fill up!

2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Beacuse every new player following him on Twitter Loooooooooooooooooooool

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Little lost here about the servers.... people are obviously not going to those new servers because they wont people to play with, so clearly something needs to be done. I think you need to start locking servers to keep new people from constantly joining... I am on the server corsair which was perfectly fine until recently there is 30 min ques... I understand its nothing compared to other servers but it should have to be that way ... just increase cap to the amount already there and lock them, lol I know that's pretty blunt but I don't see why that isn't possible...



along with that they should give free server transfers this ONE time so people who have friends who didn't start early access can go to servers with people they know, lightening the load on servers and keeping people from joining full ones.... if they didn't want to lock them that is

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