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Regarding server queues


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If you do it now we will continue to have more and more new players join the server, and it will queue again.


If you wait til the initial rush is over from launch, then the servers have a better chance of staying "medium" or "heavy" load, instead of "full".


Block the full servers from making new characters on for a period of time, solves that problem

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Sat in a queue last night, wait time said 25 minutes, i said fair enough, its early access its understandable. Actual wait time was 55 minutes, what also made me laugh was my queue number went up and down.


Now today is a different thing, now we are paying a subscription fee for a service, a service that isnt being provided . Subscription law is very strict on the rules, they may be in for a shock if someone complains.

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well i got on again for about 20 mins, then got booted off and im not 417 in the que. so far today i've spent 45 mins playing the game and about 90 mins in ques. not as bad as some people are getting but it's only just past midday here.
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If you do it now we will continue to have more and more new players join the server, and it will queue again.


If you wait til the initial rush is over from launch, then the servers have a better chance of staying "medium" or "heavy" load, instead of "full".


I would assume they'd have the foresight (maybe a big step by the performance so far) to take that into account and alter the numerical trigger amount for the various server message, since as it is, there's no cap on creating characters on those servers anyway and clearly people still are despite over 1000 in the queue.


They get to set the number that triggers the various messages of light, heavy etc. I'm sure altering that figure to reflect the situation wouldn't require too much effort.

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Great, one less clogging up a queue .. and no, you can't get a refund, read the terms in your order confirmation e-mail.


You can get a refund if you haven't opened the game and used the product code. Just so that those considering this know that they have the right to do so.

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well i got on again for about 20 mins, then got booted off and im not 417 in the que. so far today i've spent 45 mins playing the game and about 90 mins in ques. not as bad as some people are getting but it's only just past midday here.


I'm sure it'll get worse, Tomb of Freedon Nadd was up to 4 hour queues by the 3rd day of early access. Attempting to log in to see a 2000+ (4-6 hour queue) is the norm at prime time.

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I'm sure it'll get worse, Tomb of Freedon Nadd was up to 4 hour queues by the 3rd day of early access. Attempting to log in to see a 2000+ (4-6 hour queue) is the norm at prime time.


i'm pretty sure it will. it's just annoying that they would have had an idea of how many people would be on from there pre order numbers, they've seen other MMO's have this problem at launch but they did nothing about it. the fanboys can argue as much as they like but it's poor planning.

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As frustrated as I am with the queues and seemingly lack of any real explanation - I do have to wonder why people keep playing "fix the queues today or you will be losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers" - despite popular belief, the people who actually quit the game indefinitely and don't play SWTOR will be very, very small. And they know it too.


Here's to hoping their digital herding policy ends soon as it is obvious they are deliberately capping servers to far less than their capacity. (To ensure everyone spreads across all servers they've paid for)

Edited by supernickx
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I have found the perfect solution for me. Log in, see the queue times of 60+ minutes, go to my basement and workout for 30-40 minutes, take shower, get snacks and coffee, come back to PC and I am now < 10 in the queue.


SW:TOR - the only MMORPG that lets you enjoy your life !!!

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Why is there still no option for server migration?

on the heavy populated server whit 2-5hours que time i think there should be a free server migrate for your characters. at least one of them?


i thought the early game access in waves was a good idea.

but how come the servers got full on early access? could you not have cap them somehow?


this is just bad, having no other options than to stay in que and wait or start over again!

i don't want to start over - i want more options or a higher server cap, or anything!

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Easy solution. Give priority to people in guilds that were assigned to the servers with extreme queue problems. We shouldn't be punished for sticking to the servers Bioware themself gave us. If people would have stuck to the servers they were assigned there would be very little queues.
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5 days running now i havent been able to play the game. Frostclaw permanently full. Smallest queue recently has been 417. Very poor response to what is a serious flaw in their game thus far. I know its early days, but keep us updated with what you intend to do please.


Can i move my chars to a new server with light traffic for free, or do you at some point intend to allow me to log in to play the game i paid for on my current server???

Edited by Pikeyscum
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As frustrated as I am with the queues and seemingly lack of any real explanation - I do have to wonder why people keep playing "fix the queues today or you will be losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers" - despite popular belief, the people who actually quit the game indefinitely and don't play SWTOR will be very, very small. And they know it too.


Here's to hoping their digital herding policy ends soon as it is obvious they are deliberately capping servers to far less than their capacity. (To ensure everyone spreads across all servers they've paid for)


People will in large put up with it for a few weeks as the 1st 30 days are "free" (included in price of the game) but come time to actually pay a monthly subscription, if the ques are still here, many will simply not subscribe. But thats 30 days off, be amazed if we still have ques by then and if we do then bioware deserves to lost a chunk of its players.


Only way i could play after work last night was play on a new server. Didnt feel right though as all friends/guildmates of upto 7 years were on my main server. Wonder what server i have to start a new toon on tonight just to play the game. (least can try out various professions this way)

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They could be managing it manually, and bumping the caps by a few hundred every couple of hours, seems a labo(u)r intensive way of doing things.


I agree with closing the servers for new accounts, just for a few days to let the population stabalize. Better to upset 10% that want to join pre-existing guilds for a few days, then the entire server population for the same amount of time.

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As frustrated as I am with the queues and seemingly lack of any real explanation - I do have to wonder why people keep playing "fix the queues today or you will be losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers" - despite popular belief, the people who actually quit the game indefinitely and don't play SWTOR will be very, very small. And they know it too.


Here's to hoping their digital herding policy ends soon as it is obvious they are deliberately capping servers to far less than their capacity. (To ensure everyone spreads across all servers they've paid for)



I won't presume to speak for everyone, but I can say that of my circle of friends and my wife, all of which I've gamed with for the last 12 years, I'm the last hanger on, waiting for a ray of light.


It's not too much of a leap to extrapolate that as 6 of my closest gaming friends are currently playing something else rather than deal with this others will likely be doing the same. That's 1(me) out of 7 total people that I know of that bought the game and haven't cancelled their sub and moved on (back to Rift).


Sure a few of those promise they'll keep an eye on it for the future (probably for my sake, i was really looking forward to this), and maybe one just didn't like the game that much, but if this is an indication of how playing a Bioware MMO is going to go (weak communication, lack of ability to provide the service being offered) then the future isn't looking too promising.

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As frustrated as I am with the queues and seemingly lack of any real explanation - I do have to wonder why people keep playing "fix the queues today or you will be losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers" - despite popular belief, the people who actually quit the game indefinitely and don't play SWTOR will be very, very small. And they know it too.


Here's to hoping their digital herding policy ends soon as it is obvious they are deliberately capping servers to far less than their capacity. (To ensure everyone spreads across all servers they've paid for)


I would not say that SWG for example lost nearly a third of its subscribers after the NGE and they never came back.

They even mourned and argued about it 7 years later.


Most of them are here now, go figure the rest.

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I won't presume to speak for everyone, but I can say that of my circle of friends and my wife, all of which I've gamed with for the last 12 years, I'm the last hanger on, waiting for a ray of light.


It's not too much of a leap to extrapolate that as 6 of my closest gaming friends are currently playing something else rather than deal with this others will likely be doing the same. That's 1(me) out of 7 total people that I know of that bought the game and haven't cancelled their sub and moved on (back to Rift).


Sure a few of those promise they'll keep an eye on it for the future (probably for my sake, i was really looking forward to this), and maybe one just didn't like the game that much, but if this is an indication of how playing a Bioware MMO is going to go (weak communication, lack of ability to provide the service being offered) then the future isn't looking too promising.


As I said: the people who quit indefinitely as a result of 2-4 weeks of queues in a game that will be lasting the next many years will be very few. Sorry to hear you're one of them. You have the next decade to play SWTOR if you want, I don't see what the huge impact is honestly.


Personally speaking abandoning the game indefinitely because you had to wait a few hours each playsession for a few weeks seems ludicrous but that's me I guess.


Threatening Bioware will get you nowhere and "making a stand" really just prevents you from playing a solid game in the end.


I'm not siding with Bioware - i think the way they're ensuring players filter onto new servers is very cut throat.


And lastly.. not every single server is full. It's not like 100% of the sub base is stuck in this situation; probably less than half that.

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I've quite literally spent more time in server queues every day I've played than I have playing the game. It's completely ridiculous and unacceptable. They need to give us character transfers NOW or pro-rata refunds for the time we waste in their queues. We're paying to sit twiddling our thumbs in queues!
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I remember there was this game called World of Warcraft. Even a year after release there would be queues on my server of sometimes over an hour during peak hours. I remember sitting in ventrilo with 40 man MC raid while 90% of us are sitting in queue and not one rage was given. People forget what it's like to play a new MMO and want everything now. Give it time. I'm sure there will be offers of free migrations at some point once they have a better idea of server balancing and what-not.


There have been several Dev posts about it. They know people are queueing and are working on the best way to resolve it all after reviewing all of the data. I'm sorry if you only have a very small window of time to play each day. Things will of course settle down, but remember there are a lot of students on winter break right now and people also on holiday/vacation. There are people with ample amounts of free time that are going to be clogging up servers.


Roll an alt on another server with a friend or two. Use your guild website if you want and coordinate a massive private migration until the queues stop. I know you have time already invested into your characters, but they will be there when you get back or you can transfer them later. There are plenty of other ways to deal with this until BW/EA decide to take action.


Patience. Rome was not built in a day. In today's entitlement and instant gratification society it is easy to lose focus on what's really important.

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