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Regarding server queues


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Have we even had an official responce to all these threads being made over ques yet?


Just seems like we are being ignored.


Surely they must of known that a "star wars" game would of attracted a lot of players, even just for the franchise name and being part of the "star wars" experience.


Why then such low pop set servers, surely the maintaince they did last night would of been a good time to increase the server caps.


BTW 1 RP PVP server for english players, I mean come on....we need more when it shows they are heavily populated and set by ques...sorry I used "they" rather than the 1 RP PVP server for english players......


Flood them with tickets, maybe they will take the customers (us) seriously. More so if they expect to keep a % of fans / players that stay after the initial flood of a new game.

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I haven't been put in a queue once, I guess I chose the right server :D


You are lucky!


I played early game access with queues all days.

I live in Italy, at the moment here is 9:19 AM, this is the game lunch day and I am 389th in queue.

It's a wonderful beginning.



Edited by Anabola
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Same here Kakmer


I was hoping to get 30-60 min in game this morning. Queue said 20 min. Was waiting 40 min and only shifted about 100 places from 450.


The servers may as well be down, I have to got to work now.


When I get home, I have about 2 hours to play. Over an hour of that is queing. So out of about a 3 - 4 hour playing window, I get about an hour.


This is not worth paying for IMO with the queues as they are. The server management is broken.

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Frostclaw EU, queue of 233 at 8:35am. Total queue time ended up at 40 minutes.


Being any kind of committed to progressing in any group-oriented content, at this time, is just completely unthinkable. So thankfully, I am not - yet. Even so, this is trying my patience.

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they have had a week of us suckers testing this server issue, and im very disapointed they didnt come up with some way of avoiding it.


put bluntly they wont lock up the old servers, cos any new servers wouldnt be much fun with 1000 people running around the start area, they should have started with this many servers during the last 7 days when we were kind enough to pay them 5 pound to help them monitor the servers ready for launch..

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10 hours ago Stephen Reid just repeated the same generic line about queues, as if 1000 people queues during off hours is not a problem:




Well, ques may not be an issue in 30 days time as alot of players will not subscribe after the "free" 30 days if these ques still exsist. Pointless in paying a subscription for a game you cant play when you want to. Our guild alone, put on Red Eclipse by Bioware, has/is expecting around 150 members from our guild on SWG to come across. majority of these can play after work/weekends and will not subscribe is these ques continue much longer. Christ and to think we used to ridicule SOE over theier customer service but looking back they are saints compared to Bioware

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:



While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."



anything new about the caps? give us information we deserve it.... actually as paying customers we can demand a working game... or at least INFORMATION that tells us more then "blablablablabla"


i should´ve started to produce games and not marketing - those companys can do everything they like - bad service? nay thats normal its launch WHAT THE HELL is that thinking??!!

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When your in a guild assigned to a server, you kinda have no reason to pick other servers, but ive been waiting more for access than actual playing time.


The server #Tomb of Freedon Nadd is overpopulated, and you need to make room for more players, or give guild players faster access to the assigned servers.

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While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable.

Yay Jeff hickman, can i still get my refoundings for subscription i paid the next 6 months?

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Well, ques may not be an issue in 30 days time as alot of players will not subscribe after the "free" 30 days if these ques still exsist. Pointless in paying a subscription for a game you cant play when you want to. Our guild alone, put on Red Eclipse by Bioware, has/is expecting around 150 members from our guild on SWG to come across. majority of these can play after work/weekends and will not subscribe is these ques continue much longer. Christ and to think we used to ridicule SOE over theier customer service but looking back they are saints compared to Bioware


Yeah, it is a bit crazy. Like some self-perpetuating prophecy; don't want to pay for too many servers in case people leave the game and we have half empty servers all over but if people leave as the server queues put them off then it will happen. :rolleyes:


If people who have limited game time log on and have to queue for that game time then they just won't stay.

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EU Frostclaw same problem over an hour wait every day, and as most people we were assigned this server as a guild.

Only solution I can come up with if there not going to increase server cap is free server transfer for guilds, who preordered as we are all near max lvl.


well i pre-ordered ce and was allowed in on the 15th, but each day so many queues didnt even get me close to near max level :p

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Well, ques may not be an issue in 30 days time as alot of players will not subscribe after the "free" 30 days if these ques still exsist. Pointless in paying a subscription for a game you cant play when you want to. Our guild alone, put on Red Eclipse by Bioware, has/is expecting around 150 members from our guild on SWG to come across. majority of these can play after work/weekends and will not subscribe is these ques continue much longer. Christ and to think we used to ridicule SOE over theier customer service but looking back they are saints compared to Bioware


SoE service was ok, never had any big troubles like this and i´ve been playing their titles since vanilla everquest 1


Bioware service sucks - if those queues continue for a few days i will force my money back, you can´t enjoy a game when you are working 10 hours a day and after that you have to wait for 2-4 hours to get into.... *** does BW think all gamers are lazy nonworking *******??

Edited by Finaly
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OK, this is getting utterly ridiculous. I want to play with my smuggler in Red Eclipse, but since I can't, and I am not in a guild, I am moving for a bounty on a light server, but I still WANT TO PLAY WITH MY SMUGGLER! He deserves a lot better than what the hell Bioware is offering here :mad:
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Ok seriously , I cant understand how every server is full at 8 am - 10 am. So if we had light server at 8 am and 1600-2000 at night what is going to happen when we have a full server with 200-400 people queue at 8 am??? I really cant believe those queues are simply because of new players ...


I entered queue on my server with 87 people in front of me , 20 minutes later Im at 60... lol

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they launch this game over christmas, a time where literally every one has plenty of time to play, they knew exactly how many preorders they had and probably also knew how many shop copies had sold for launch day without "early start".


and what happens... i cant even log in any more early in the morning cause there is a queue now where during early start there wasnt.


this is either a) exceptionally stupid planning or b) pure greed (we gotz your monies, screw you and wait. we ll scrape by on bare minimum servers)


what is it bw/ea?

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