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It's that time - We Need SWTOR Elections!


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It's election season this year in many parts of this little corner of the Milky Way - and it should be in the Star Wars galaxy as well!


We all know Supreme Chancellor Janarus has served a long and honorable tenure in that office. While he helped lead the Republic through its darkest hour, the Galactic Republic is facing new challenges on nearly every front. It may be time for younger, more aggressive leadership in the midst of this new phase of the war.


I think it could be a fun galactic event for the fall. The population of all the servers could vote - Imperials can vote early, often and after-the-fact. There could be events to dig up dirt on opponents, bribe Senators or local political leaders on swing planets, and at least one treacherous assassination/counter-espionage plot per faction. It could even foster some fierce chatting about daily election events!


What does everyone think - war is dangerous, but galactic politics is true blood sport. And potentially a totally different kind of world event. Any thoughts?

Edited by jgelling
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Ha, that sounds interesting and fun - I´d like everything which is a non-combat activity to add some variety to the gameplay..

even if it´s being a moisture farmer.


Once I had the idea that certain subscribers could become eligible for a seat in the galactic senate, participating in an event with a game manager as emperor and a 12 hour contract negotiation going on. :D

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Sounds like too much trouble to me personally, but it would be fun to watch.


Heh, that's kind of how real politics is for a lot of people? The beauty is there's potential for some sort of combat op - eg assassinate and/or protect this person - or some non-combat stuff to do relating to the election. Who knows, if the format was flexible enough and certain events actually changed the vote totals over the course of the event, it could be a really dynamic event.


Just a thought.

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Since the entire thing has to be pre-programmed and recorded in advance, there would not be much suspense or spontaneity. It would be a huge amount of development work for a one-off event.


Well the vote could be based on player input or faction wins in various events, or merely random.


But really any event is going to be scripted - I suppose it might be tougher to reuse than other events, but you could always change the names/skins or whatever, or just use it as a rematch, or whatever.


Yeah, I've kind of accepted big development isn't going to happen in the game. I saw a preview of GW2 and was a little jealous about their dynamic world event model - constant events popping up so every leveling experience at every moment is different. More could be done along that line with random events just for the sake of changing the static universe.


I see rumors of a scavenger hunt which is nice, but still seems a little bit too much like a kill 15 rat quest. At least it's a new kill 15 rat quest, though.

Edited by jgelling
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