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Cybertech bikes


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Cybertech made vehicles are very disappointing right now they look like a high school science project and have no real bonus for making them or selling on gtn


I don't think it would brake the game to give them a 5% speed bonus making them 95%, 105%, and 115%

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Cybertech made vehicles are very disappointing right now they look like a high school science project and have no real bonus for making them or selling on gtn


I don't think it would brake the game to give them a 5% speed bonus making them 95%, 105%, and 115%



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Cybertech made vehicles are very disappointing right now they look like a high school science project and have no real bonus for making them or selling on gtn


I don't think it would brake the game to give them a 5% speed bonus making them 95%, 105%, and 115%


I don't mind the standard speeds...... but you would be nice to have a a few choices of colour at least.

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The Level 25 speeder bike is an absolutely horrible bike to look it, as if it's a hovering lawnmower more than an advanced piece of technology from another galaxy.


That said, I am rather fond of the level 40 speeder. I haven't given myself the level 50 speeder yet (my main 50 has enough vehicles) but I've seen it around and it looks okay. Personally I'd like the ability to create cars, perhaps to replace the Korrelias stuff that was taken out.

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The Level 25 speeder bike is an absolutely horrible bike to look it, as if it's a hovering lawnmower more than an advanced piece of technology from another galaxy.


That said, I am rather fond of the level 40 speeder. I haven't given myself the level 50 speeder yet (my main 50 has enough vehicles) but I've seen it around and it looks okay. Personally I'd like the ability to create cars, perhaps to replace the Korrelias stuff that was taken out.


Was just saying something about that the other day to some guildies.

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I don't know about making Cybertech mounts faster, but I'd certainly love to see more kinds of speeders that we can craft. Seems kind of lame that we can only make one type of speeder. I figured we'd be able to make a whole variety of crazy mounts when I picked up this profession.
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I thought the same thing. Rather than just buy a speeder I made them. The level 25 is terrible lookings. And while the lv 40 and 50 I quite like they are nothing special and I really dont like the bit the sticks out the front (but hardly ever see that).


I would have thought the crafted speeder bikes would look better than shop boughts ones.

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There's so much potential for these crafted mounts. But what we have now is garbage.


This is so true. Why are they holding back on giving us things we would like to see or enjoy? Do they just want to create another painful money sink or laborious process in order to obtain something aesthetically pleasing? Very disappointing. :confused:

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i read somewhere in a dev post that there was a max number of schmatics any one character could learn. so they probably decided that haveing more then one schmatic for a vanity item that the crafter could only use, remember the bikes cbound on crafting origally, then waste several potential future items for the addition of diffrent colors/variations
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I would love to be able to make some creds off of crafting. Plus the mounts are just TOO SLOOOOOW as it is.



I want to ride a Dewback or Tauntaun. Creature mounts could be cool too, yeah?


Just as long as they do not go anywhere as fast as the mechanical mounts.

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