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BW why u hate us mercs?


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Why :

- we still not get any buff to survivability in pvp ?

- u still refuse to give us INTERRUPT ability? ( i never saw class in any mmo i played that is lack of simple ability to interrupt on short cd LOL!!)

- heavy armor is useless?

- we lack of any ability that is unique for class, who want an underpowered merc in rated WZ if many other classes a better

- u try to "buff" our damage when we dont need any damage buff to be honest

- our "mobile" dps tree req a chain/cast ability to get % from talent ? arsenal is a turret, pyro is a half turret, when we kite and we must kite alot thx to you dear BW devs cos of OP melee our damage is laughable


Really its not a QQ topic, its last call of frustrated player who love play dps merc, who like pvp, i dont want reroll fotm warrior or assasin, i bouth this game to play merc, i always liked Bobba Fett in movies, its cool to be merc, well was cool, BW open your eyes, use brain and look at this poor overnerfed class, we almost extinct in pvp, how many dps merc u can spot? almost none, this is a clear signal that something go in wrong direction.....i really donmt want unsub......



sorry for my bad english

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- we still not get any buff to survivability in pvp ?


You blow up players from 30 meters, that's your survivability. It's not much.


- u still refuse to give us INTERRUPT ability? ( i never saw class in any mmo i played that is lack of simple ability to interrupt on short cd LOL!!)


Hunters & Priest in WoW. Until cata, paladins didn't have an interrupt either and warrior's one required to be in berserker stance (which made it effectively on the GCD).


- heavy armor is useless?


Not really.


- we lack of any ability that is unique for class, who want an underpowered merc in rated WZ if many other classes a better


You have some very good abilities unique to your class. Fusion missile does plenty of damage, AoE. If you're spec'd arsenal, your missiles ignore defense, because they are tech attacks. You ignore 35% armor. It is not unique, but you have a ranged mez.


- u try to "buff" our damage when we dont need any damage buff to be honest


You're a glass cannon. Why don't you play a tanky class if you want to be tanky? You already have self-heals, a physical dispel and do plenty of damage.


- our "mobile" dps tree req a chain/cast ability to get % from talent ? arsenal is a turret, pyro is a half turret, when we kite and we must kite alot thx to you dear BW devs cos of OP melee our damage is laughable


How do you "kite a lot." Who semi-kites anyways? There isn't really any class that can effectively kite. Even sorcerers are meh in that regard. If you don't do dmg against melee it's because you try to kite and backpedal while he pounds your face.

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Mercs/Mandos need a full revamp of Arsenal and a slight revamp of Pyro. Additionally Mandos should be given a +5% chance to resist force/tech abilities.


Power Shot should not be a casted ability, rather a 30m instant cast with increased damage(~10% more). It should however have a negative stacking debuff on the caster that reduces its damage by 5% each time it is used, lasting 4 seconds and stacking up to 5 times. This gives a bit of burst but if you want to sustain your damage you're going to need to work through a solid rotation with 2 full GCDs to drop the debuff. Critical hits on Unload should vent 8 heat (for mandos it'd be recharge 1 ammo) and automatically refresh CBC. Superheated Gas talent should be 3% to be triggered per point rather than 2%. This should put pyro into a position to be viable.


For Arsenal.... If you give it enough damage where it can be viable in Competitive pvp while remaining reliant on being still, you've got a insanely powerful class against people who aren't going to actively try to shut them down. Commandos would be the "get out of ELO hell" class if this were the solution tried. Instead, revamp arsenal into a hybrid tree (uniqueness!) that uses offense to fuel healing and buffs (think LOTRO Captain) with procs that open up abilities that either heal or buff the group. A 31pt talent that would act as a targeted (unable to self-target) +50% mitigation +50% incoming healing bubble that lasts 3-5 seconds on a 180s CD would be appropriate. 21pt talent that would heal all nearby raid members for ~2500 + 2500 over 10s but would require a on-hit proc from HIB to cast. The 11pt talent would be a +10% Armor/Speed/Alacrity/Accuracy group buff that lasts 15s on a 30s cooldown. The tree would be ~40% behind healers in healing and ~30% behind DPS at DPS if they dedicated themselves to one or the other, but the point is to make the team around them better at their roles rather than being an individual star. A jack of all trades tree. It'd take a lot of balancing, but it'd be possible to balance in both rated and pug, something a non-cover turret isn't capable of.


I don't think BW hates Mandos, I just think they hate themselves for letting a pure PvE player design them.

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It's funny because when I was playing a merc people will drop everything and head straight for me. Meanwhile on my sniper I have more defensive tools.


Mercs have good cc + defensive cd's what they need is mobility and damage. They're also very vulnerable to cc such as interrupts, stuns etc. I never get juked, but maybe I just haven't fought a good merc.

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You blow up players from 30 meters, that's your survivability. It's not much.


Sorry but the people I face aren't all baddies in pve gear. Dps commandos don't "blow up players" at all anymore.




Hunters & Priest in WoW. Until cata, paladins didn't have an interrupt either and warrior's one required to be in berserker stance (which made it effectively on the GCD).


Hunters can spec silencing shot, scattering shot. Priests could spec into silence. Warriors almost always swapped to berserker stance after using charge initially (and pretty much entirely fought in zerker stance). GCD was never an issue.


I wouldn't mind if an interupt/silence was a talent. I just want something.




Not really.


Funny you said heavy armor isn't useless, but then below you call us glass cannons. LULWUT?


You have some very good abilities unique to your class. Fusion missile does plenty of damage, AoE. If you're spec'd arsenal, your missiles ignore defense, because they are tech attacks. You ignore 35% armor. It is not unique, but you have a ranged mez.


None of the things you mentioned are unique.


You're a glass cannon. Why don't you play a tanky class if you want to be tanky? You already have self-heals, a physical dispel and do plenty of damage.


You say we're supposed to be a glass cannon, but the class wears heavy armor, and according to ur above post heavy armor isn't useless. LULWUT?


Also, dps commandoss can't effectively heal themselves w/o severely gimping their dps. This isn't like WoW where spriests, enh/elem shamans, druids could off-heal a bit before going back to dps and not severely gimp themselves.


How do you "kite a lot." Who semi-kites anyways? There isn't really any class that can effectively kite. Even sorcerers are meh in that regard. If you don't do dmg against melee it's because you try to kite and backpedal while he pounds your face.


Go watch a skilled balance sage or engineering scoundrel kite. That's how one can "kite a lot". And both of these classes can still do quite a bit of damage while kiting a lot.

Edited by Smashbrother
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As a Merc i agree we are lacking in some area's. Our armor value is weak, i got 4/5 WH and i still go down easy.


But just a note, this isn't the place for this topic.. post this in the BH/merc page and hopefully BW take notice.

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I've seen a number of mercs put up some beastly heals and DPS... L2P.


More pew pew and less QQ.

what numbers are you talking about. im yet to crack the 400k mark yet. you can look at other classes get 500k+ DPS and 500k+ heals and i dont think ive ever seen a merc near those numbers.

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A DPS merc with stacked alacrity can destroy anything pretty fast. Try to have a team who will heal and protect you and stay at 30m.


Heatseeker critting 5k and unload critting 2k+ per second is everything but bad. While you can crit heal for 3k+ anytime and cure most of the dots.

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They just need more abilities:


Shart missle - deals x damage and increases gas buildup in the player over 6 seconds, after which it is released, staining the players clothes and chair.


Sub shots - standard attacks now also remove 1 day of subscription time


cs smoke grenade - creates a pixillated cloud of smoke, reducing all players fps to 1


Torrent missle - target player starts seeding **** on utorrent, increasing his network latency by 800-1200

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A DPS merc with stacked alacrity can destroy anything pretty fast. Try to have a team who will heal and protect you and stay at 30m.


Heatseeker critting 5k and unload critting 2k+ per second is everything but bad. While you can crit heal for 3k+ anytime and cure most of the dots.


5k HS crit? ive been playing since day -5 on my merc and i have NEVER done a 5k crit. the best is still 4700 damage..

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5k HS crit? ive been playing since day -5 on my merc and i have NEVER done a 5k crit. the best is still 4700 damage..


They increased dmg in 1.2


Try using adrenal or relic, or just hit somebody with 0 expertise lol.

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They increased dmg in 1.2


Try using adrenal or relic, or just hit somebody with 0 expertise lol.


And then they "found a bug and fixed it" that drastically reduced the damage of Heatseeker Missile.

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Pyro isn't bad and it gets better as of 1.3 *slightly*. But damage isn't the issue of these spec's in pvp. I can spec pyro and deal lots of damage, but very little of it is actually "kill" worthy damage. Dotting as many opponents up as possible will yield big damage totals but it's not the same thing as a sniper or marauder bursting someone down in 6 seconds. But Pyro is vastly sub-par to the powertech version which can follow through and get kills. It's also not "merc dps" as there is an entire other tree that you're ignoring. Your one line response and a warzone screenshot doesn't invalidate issues with arsenal or the dps role of mercs as a whole.

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Pyro isn't bad and it gets better as of 1.3 *slightly*. But damage isn't the issue of these spec's in pvp. I can spec pyro and deal lots of damage, but very little of it is actually "kill" worthy damage. Dotting as many opponents up as possible will yield big damage totals but it's not the same thing as a sniper or marauder bursting someone down in 6 seconds. But Pyro is vastly sub-par to the powertech version which can follow through and get kills. It's also not "merc dps" as there is an entire other tree that you're ignoring. Your one line response and a warzone screenshot doesn't invalidate issues with arsenal or the dps role of mercs as a whole.


Pyrotech is NOT a DoT spec. Thermal Detonator, Rail Shot, Unload, and Power Shot are the majority of a Pyro Merc's damage. All those abilities are single target dps only. Pyrotech absolutely excels at single target burst damage. I can kill someone in 4 globals if the RNG gods smile upon me. I can run around just throwing DoTs on everyone I see, but I wont get any kills and my final damage will not be good at all.


You say Mercenary lacks the "kill worthy damage"? The pic I linked shows me doing 496k damage with 61 kills. That flat out contradicts what you want me to believe.


Arsenal is fine as well. I have switched back to arsenal briefly to test it out, and I was still able to put out effective single target damage. It lacks mobility though, which makes it far more suitable for PvE.

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