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Mercenary: Arsenal V. Pyro


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No one will be able to say the really big differences until level cap and the hard numbers start coming out. Arsenal has a big dependency on missiles. From what I can tell in the tree, your filler damage ability is Tracer Missile, and your highest damage priority is Unload. Arsenal is wholly direct damage abilities, I can't find a single periodic effect in the whole tree. Arsenal also depends on multiple "build up" attacks tied to your priorities. 5 Tracer Missiles will get you a top powered Heat Seeking Missile and Rail Shot. My guess is the priority will be:


Heat Seeking Missiles -> Unload -> Rail Shot x5 buff -> Tracer Missile -> Rapid Shots at high heat. You might have to factor in Power Shot, but it looks like there's no need to since Tracer Missile appears to be stronger.


Pyrotech appears to have a lot bigger reliance on periodic affects and procs like numerous abilities refreshing Rail Shot and making it free. It has a lot of abilities that get increased damage based on the target being on fire, things like Rail Shot refresh the duration of its primary DoT. My guess is the priority rotation will be:


Thermal Detonator -> Rail Shot -> Incendiary Missile to refresh 18 second dot -> Unload -> Power Shot -> Rapid shots at high heat.


I've given you the tactical differences, and by listing the abilities you can see the aesthetic differences between them. I hope this helps as playstyle is just as important as aesthetics.

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Pyrotech appears to have a lot bigger reliance on periodic affects and procs like numerous abilities refreshing Rail Shot and making it free. It has a lot of abilities that get increased damage based on the target being on fire, things like Rail Shot refresh the duration of its primary DoT. My guess is the priority rotation will be:


Thermal Detonator -> Rail Shot -> Incendiary Missile to refresh 18 second dot -> Unload -> Power Shot -> Rapid shots at high heat.



You actually end up using electro and fusion along with incendiary to proc rail alot in this build and set up for rail>ps>unload combo for burst.


Pyro is very mobile with alot of rapid shots weaving between bursts.

Edited by Phrase
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Same here. It's been pure face roll since I got Tracer Missile. I love it! :D


I love death from above but it's cooldown is a bit long. Tracer missile is perfect. I've always been one to agree with the animation switch but now that i've finally used it first hand it doesn't bother me at all. And yes even though I spam it

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I (plan to) do this:




I play a very mobile Mercenary. This fits my playstyle quite nicely. I virtually never stand still except to Unload or heal an ally or myself. The rotation will probably be Incendiary Missile, Rapid Fire to proc Combustible Gas Canister, Rail Gun, Unload, Rail Gun again if it procs, rinse and repeat.


I never use Power Shot, hence why I am doing 6 Arsenal instead of the usual 7. My points are being allocated to boost my scans, which let me offheal.


I also chose to use Degauss as my tier 3 elective skill, and then I forfeited the tier 6 elective skill to get Infrared Sensors. This is because Automated Defenses and Energy Rebounder do not make enough of a difference over one single lifetime. In PvP, a 90 second cooldown versus a 120 second cooldown still means you're dead.


But if you must have those skills, I recommend that you cut Rapid Venting. It sounds like sacrilege, but since this build does not spam Power Shot or Tracer Missile, you really never need to use Vent Heat aside from the first few seconds of a fight where you spam Incendiary Missile everywhere.


Anyhow, Degauss is important because it's the immediate response to someone charging you. It breaks the slow and prepares you for a drawn out melee fight; if you have no Energy Shield, use your Jet Boost to push the attacker away. Infrared Sensors is important because it makes you much more resilient to being ganked by assassin-style characters; the passive stealth detection lets you spot them as they approach you easier.

Edited by Suzut
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I (plan to) do this:




I play a very mobile Mercenary. This fits my playstyle quite nicely. I virtually never stand still except to Unload or heal an ally or myself. The rotation will probably be Incendiary Missile, Rapid Fire to proc Combustible Gas Canister, Rail Gun, Unload, Rail Gun again if it procs, rinse and repeat.


I never use Power Shot, hence why I am doing 6 Arsenal instead of the usual 7. My points are being allocated to boost my scans, which let me offheal.


I also chose to use Degauss as my tier 3 elective skill, and then I forfeited the tier 6 elective skill to get Infrared Sensors. This is because Automated Defenses and Energy Rebounder do not make enough of a difference over one single lifetime. In PvP, a 90 second cooldown versus a 120 second cooldown still means you're dead.


But if you must have those skills, I recommend that you cut Rapid Venting. It sounds like sacrilege, but since this build does not spam Power Shot or Tracer Missile, you really never need to use Vent Heat aside from the first few seconds of a fight where you spam Incendiary Missile everywhere.


Anyhow, Degauss is important because it's the immediate response to someone charging you. It breaks the slow and prepares you for a drawn out melee fight; if you have no Energy Shield, use your Jet Boost to push the attacker away. Infrared Sensors is important because it makes you much more resilient to being ganked by assassin-style characters; the passive stealth detection lets you spot them as they approach you easier.


I like your idea. Very similar to how I play, except I do use PS, so I pick up Mando Warheads. Here's my latest build.

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hmm this thread is interesting really has me considering re-specing from Arsenal to Pyro, as level 26 Arsenal is fun no doubt but might be nice to try something a little different..


skipped the couple talents for off heals tho that might be better to have for flashpoints when healers aren't around



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Maybe I'm confused. Why do you not take Muzzle Fluting if you use Power Shot?


B/C I don't spam it, and I weave Rapid Shots to keep heat down.


edit: and mando warheads is good for Incendiary, Fusion, Explosive and Thermal as well.

Edited by Phrase
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I (plan to) do this:




I play a very mobile Mercenary. This fits my playstyle quite nicely. I virtually never stand still except to Unload or heal an ally or myself. The rotation will probably be Incendiary Missile, Rapid Fire to proc Combustible Gas Canister, Rail Gun, Unload, Rail Gun again if it procs, rinse and repeat.


I never use Power Shot, hence why I am doing 6 Arsenal instead of the usual 7. My points are being allocated to boost my scans, which let me offheal.


I also chose to use Degauss as my tier 3 elective skill, and then I forfeited the tier 6 elective skill to get Infrared Sensors. This is because Automated Defenses and Energy Rebounder do not make enough of a difference over one single lifetime. In PvP, a 90 second cooldown versus a 120 second cooldown still means you're dead.


But if you must have those skills, I recommend that you cut Rapid Venting. It sounds like sacrilege, but since this build does not spam Power Shot or Tracer Missile, you really never need to use Vent Heat aside from the first few seconds of a fight where you spam Incendiary Missile everywhere.


Anyhow, Degauss is important because it's the immediate response to someone charging you. It breaks the slow and prepares you for a drawn out melee fight; if you have no Energy Shield, use your Jet Boost to push the attacker away. Infrared Sensors is important because it makes you much more resilient to being ganked by assassin-style characters; the passive stealth detection lets you spot them as they approach you easier.


Thanks for sharing your build. I want to go pyro and this will help me with my choices.

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You actually end up using electro and fusion along with incendiary to proc rail alot in this build and set up for rail>ps>unload combo for burst.


Pyro is very mobile with alot of rapid shots weaving between bursts.


Sounds like you're talking about Powertech Pyro, not Mercenary Pyro.

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Pretty sure I'm playing a merc. I'll just remember to keep my thoughts to myself in the future.


Let's keep the conversation going. Your build looks logical to me. I've been playing Arsenal Merc, but I have been thinking about giving Pyro a try.


I like the idea of more instant cast abilities, but my concern would be that you exchange damage for mobility. I know we don't have any combat log to be sure, but what is your feeling on PVE/PVP damage with Pyro? Is Arsenal bursty and Pyro sustained? What's the deal?


Anyone that has played both have a good comparison? Which spec felt ahead of the other in terms of damage? I can definitely see an advantage to mobility in PVP, but Tracer Missile is addictive!!! Not sure I can give it up :)

Edited by Zekiel
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I have been playing around in just the Arsenal tree and at level 22 I can see that I require more diversity. I like the. Extra range in the lower heal and pyro trees. I love the missiles but I think extra heals and survivability are in order. What do you guys recommend?
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Let me preface this with I have never played arsenal. And the only reason is I hate the idea of playing a character that dual wields pistols but uses missles as their main weapon.


That being said im 35 right now on my merc and have been pyro for most of the way up (short stint as a healer). I really focused on pve instances ect and i only have one complaint. As a min maxer type player, i find trash very aggravating. If i cant aoe on trash due to cc, then i find myself annoyed by the rng behind combustible gas cylinder. It is great during a boss fight but procs on trash are good sometimes but often spiratic and i cant make myself waste a global cd and 25 energy on incendiary missle for a target that will only live for maybe 10 seconds. I end up either wasting a stun on a target or spamming pistol skills praying for a proc before my railshot proc wears off.


Side note i almost never use rail shot except with a proc. Probably a loss of dps but with such high proc chances at 30/60 on powershot/unload. Id rather use my heat that way or rapid shots to get more cylinder procs instead of a unproced railshot.

Edited by Albinosmurf
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Let me preface this with I have never played arsenal. And the only reason is I hate the idea of playing a character that dual wields pistols but uses missles as their main weapon.


That being said im 35 right now on my merc and have been pyro for most of the way up (short stint as a healer). I really focused on pve instances ect and i only have one complaint. As a min maxer type player, i find trash very aggravating. If i cant aoe on trash due to cc, then i find myself annoyed by the rng behind combustible gas cylinder. It is great during a boss fight but procs on trash are good sometimes but often spiratic and i cant make myself waste a global cd and 25 energy on incendiary missle for a target that will only live for maybe 10 seconds. I end up either wasting a stun on a target or spamming pistol skills praying for a proc before my railshot proc wears off.


Side note i almost never use rail shot except with a proc. Probably a loss of dps but with such high proc chances at 30/60 on powershot/unload. Id rather use my heat that way or rapid shots to get more cylinder procs instead of a unproced railshot.


Use Rapid Shots to proc them. It rarely takes more than two shots to proc CGC.


Use Missile Blast if you want to go through trash mobs quickly. =\

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I've been specced pyro for PVP from the start and now that I finally hit 27 I have what I consider to be the cornerstone talent in the tree (prototype particle accelerator). The build is performing much like I thought it would at this point, and I usually top damage & kills in BGs. At 50 I will have the following build 3/7/31.


I take alarcity over endurance because I do use powershot to reset my rail shot and also for help with the occasional heal, plus I don't find the increase in health to be dramatic enough to warrant 3 points. I don't take any of the heat reduction talent because of how much I use rapid shots to kite + free rail shots for damage. I don't really notice too much in the way of heat issues so far. The main focus of the build of course is DOT + Rail Shot damage and high mobility.


My rotation for the most part looks like:


Spam Rapid Shots to slow and get cylinder going -> incendiary -> Explosive Dart (will change to thermal when I get it) -> Rail shot -> unload -> rail shot -> power shot -> rail if proc otherwise spam rapid until cooldown on explosive dart is up.


It will be interesting to see where the consensus ends up on merc PVP spec and I will definitely switch of one becomes the standard but right now I am loving Pyro. Please let me know what you think of the build.

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I've been specced pyro for PVP from the start and now that I finally hit 27 I have what I consider to be the cornerstone talent in the tree (prototype particle accelerator). The build is performing much like I thought it would at this point, and I usually top damage & kills in BGs. At 50 I will have the following build 3/7/31.


I take alarcity over endurance because I do use powershot to reset my rail shot and also for help with the occasional heal, plus I don't find the increase in health to be dramatic enough to warrant 3 points. I don't take any of the heat reduction talent because of how much I use rapid shots to kite + free rail shots for damage. I don't really notice too much in the way of heat issues so far. The main focus of the build of course is DOT + Rail Shot damage and high mobility.


My rotation for the most part looks like:


Spam Rapid Shots to slow and get cylinder going -> incendiary -> Explosive Dart (will change to thermal when I get it) -> Rail shot -> unload -> rail shot -> power shot -> rail if proc otherwise spam rapid until cooldown on explosive dart is up.


It will be interesting to see where the consensus ends up on merc PVP spec and I will definitely switch of one becomes the standard but right now I am loving Pyro. Please let me know what you think of the build.


Why did you pick Infrared Sensors vs. Automated Defenses? That's the route I was considering but would like your perspective?

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