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Marauder tree


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Whats considered the best tree please?, i will be doing a fair bit of WZs, but also levelling with PVE as well.


Thanks in advance


Annihilation > All especially for PvP. Some people will argue that Carnage is right up there with Annihilation. Don't listen to them. I leveled as Carnage, and know the spec extremely well and the most I got in a WZ(In Patch 1.1 anyway) was 305k, and with Annihilation it's 702k. As far as leveling with this spec you will find that you will stay alive quite a bit longer then with Carnage or Rage.


Overall, Annihilation is the best.

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Is this the consensus? Flat out that Annihilation is THE best tree? PvP and PvE? I am just curious to more oppinions as I have a new marauser myself, but have not fully settled on a tree. To be honest, every one of them sounds cool to me for different reasons, so more opinions would be valued. :)
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I have been playing a marauder since the release and with leveling and trying all three trees, Annihilation is the best. Its doubled my damage and made me wayyyyy more survivable. my advice though is to try the different trees and see which works best for you.
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Whats considered the best tree please?, i will be doing a fair bit of WZs, but also levelling with PVE as well.


Thanks in advance


The best tree is the one that is most comfortable for you to use. Try all of them out, and find out which one you thrive with the most. All the people who say "this tree is best, don't use any other tree," are comfortable with THAT tree, but not so much with the others.

Don't be a sheep, be a trailblazer.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the change to Gore in 1.3, for a build I'm working on. I love Carnage, but that's because I'm most comfortable with the style. It might not mesh well with you, whereas Annihilation or Rage, or even a hybrid spec might.

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The best tree is the one that is most comfortable for you to use. Try all of them out, and find out which one you thrive with the most. All the people who say "this tree is best, don't use any other tree," are comfortable with THAT tree, but not so much with the others.

Don't be a sheep, be a trailblazer.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the change to Gore in 1.3, for a build I'm working on. I love Carnage, but that's because I'm most comfortable with the style. It might not mesh well with you, whereas Annihilation or Rage, or even a hybrid spec might.


True, but about Hybrids, you really CAN'T with Marauder and still be even half as effective as someone who full-specs a tree. It's just not built that way. Aside from that though, it's really whatever works best for you. It IS true, that Carnage will throw the lowest overall damage numbers at the end of a Warzone. However, I can still beat any class aside from Tankassins and can control a healer much better than an Annihilation Marauder can. It'll be even better once I hit full War Hero. I'm regularly getting high 4k+ crits even on BM geared players now that I've hit 6 peices.

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Every build is really good, and each has it's place. Annihilation has the most consistent damage and good burst. Carnage has insane burst, but with less survivability and short burst windows. Rage has lulzgood aoe burst and good sustained single target damage, along with good utility.
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