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Social Points


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What are some good ways to get a lot of social points without grinding flashpoints?
Don't think there are any (unless you level in a fixed group).


Also, what exactly do social points do?


Reward people that level in a fixed group with custom clothing.







- hopefully they'll eventually change the social point system so you can get them for other things than quests, and maybe make them more "social". :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson talked about revamping the social points system in Game Update 1.3 in our most recent Weekly Q&A:


Dzeiger: With the changes to make social gear "adaptive" and augmentable and thus more desirable, are there any plans to revise the social points system? For example, making it per-Legacy rather than per-character, and/or expanding options for social point gathering at endgame that doesn't involve endless Esseles and Black Talon runs.


Daniel: Yes, the social point system will be getting a major revamp in the future and many of our systems will be going Legacy-wide, though whether social is one of them is still under discussion. In the meantime, Game Update 1.3 will bring social points to all Flashpoint and Operation boss kills, meaning far more social points just for being social and playing with friends.


This change should make social points a bit easier to accumulate. We hope this sheds some light on the issue!



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the change to adaptive armor definitely makes social level more valuable now. some what for lower level alts, but even more so for companion armor. certain companions are hard to fill out in orange armor, especially if they were not your primary while leveling up. throw in the ability to add augment slots and this should make companion armor much easier to get at higher levels. Edited by jmnormand
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