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1.3: Mercenary DPS still the weakest PvP class


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Everyone just save yourself the heartache of waiting for buffs that are not coming and re roll to power tech. Do not play as Mercenary unless you intend to heal. The other two trees might as well be blank for all the good they are.


Stick to the classes that are powerful and ditch Merc. I play a merc and still mean every letter of every word in this rant. The class is all but dead PVP wise and only shines in PVE where you are not as bad off being the turret that we all are.


We got what we paid for when Mythic was included in class balance. It shows without a doubt. Stupidity in its highest form.


If anything all our abilities need a 30%-40% damage increase. If we cant have survivability, utility and mobility then i will take glass cannon instead.


I'll keep playing my pyro merc although my madness assassin is my main pvp toon (also take my healer operative when premade needs one), I doubt Mythic was involved in the designing classes because Mythic was brought in for pvp development. It shows that merc/commando was the least thought out class in the game and operative/scoundrel are the most hated by devs.


But yeah, if anyone has played Warhammer online, they'd know about Mythic... they aren't the best choice for pvp balance/design.

Edited by Sookster
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I think Bioware is seriously over-estimating the value of Heavy Armor in PvP. Mercenaries will still be easily killed after this patch just like they are now.


It's awful getting top damage every single warzone. I wish they'd boost us, we should also be able to kill every other class without kiting or using relics.

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Another viable option could be to change our Power bubble and add deflect 20% of incoming damage, that way people will actually notice that Merc has bubble on.


I'd be happy if they just make it like the sorc - absorb all dmg until destroyed, 1 minute cd. Currently, except for PT tanks that can pair it with other defensive cd, BH have the most useless bubble.

Edited by oldshatterhand
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It's awful getting top damage every single warzone. I wish they'd boost us, we should also be able to kill every other class without kiting or using relics.


If you understand how a Merc works, then you know Arsenal cannot do substantial burst damage even with a relic. Pyro Tech is the only one who can do that burst if only on one target before we over heat. And we are far from able to kill every class in the game solo unless its another Merc or their mirror. And they are right, our armor does little to save us for all the damage we don't do. Usually sub par damage is backed by high survivability as a balance, like in tanks. Here we have a lack of damage and survivability. Sure we can top meters, but thats only if the other team is blind and doesnt pay attention. Any class for that matter could top the meters, not only BH. Please do not pretend to know the ins and outs of a class you probably do not play.

Edited by Artichokey
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If you understand how a Merc works, then you know Arsenal cannot do substantial burst damage even with a relic. Pyro Tech is the only one who can do that burst if only on one target before we over heat. And we are far from able to kill every class in the game solo unless its another Merc or their mirror. And they are right, our armor does little to save us for all the damage we don't do. Usually sub par damage is backed by high survivability as a balance, like in tanks. Here we have a lack of damage and survivability. Sure we can top meters, but thats only if the other team is blind and doesnt pay attention. Any class for that matter could top the meters, not only BH. Please do not pretend to know the ins and outs of a class you probably do not play.


There's a reason why vent heat has such a low cooldown. As for no burst, what do you call explosive dart->fusion->HSM->rail with popped relics/adrenals once your debuffs are up? And since when are arsenal mercs sub par damage?


If you've got that much "other side" envy re-roll. FWIW I do have a mercenary. Working on getting my sorc and merc their BM titles. Then I'll just be left with guardian/juggernaut to level up.

Edited by dcgregorya
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You forgot to mention he 3 Tracers we need before hand to buff all those attacks and another 2 to buff railshot enough to be useful. 7.5 more seconds that you have to hope you are not going to get attacked/interrupted/stunned/knock backed before you can do all he other abilities you listed. Our ramp up time in order to do our top damage takes too long for what other classes can do. Hence why i say our burst is not very substantial.
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If you understand how a Merc works, then you know Arsenal cannot do substantial burst damage even with a relic. Pyro Tech is the only one who can do that burst if only on one target before we over heat. And we are far from able to kill every class in the game solo unless its another Merc or their mirror. And they are right, our armor does little to save us for all the damage we don't do. Usually sub par damage is backed by high survivability as a balance, like in tanks. Here we have a lack of damage and survivability. Sure we can top meters, but thats only if the other team is blind and doesnt pay attention. Any class for that matter could top the meters, not only BH. Please do not pretend to know the ins and outs of a class you probably do not play.


OMG... THIS! :p

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You guys did not get the memo on Merc 1.3 did you?


They are the training dummies now. If you’re still holding out that the Devs give a crap about Mercs then you need to call a Dr. and take your medication. Once again we get squat patch 1.3. The good news is that they made it harder to manage heat in PvE now. If you’re still playing the Merc have your head examined. The class is the two headed retarded step child of the game. It is kind of funny how bad they have made this class. A monkey with a scratch and sniff marker picken his butt could have come up with something better that what we got. It looks like they forgot to fire some of the Merc Devs last patch. I wonder what excuses they will come up with this time.

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You guys did not get the memo on Merc 1.3 did you?


They are the training dummies now. If you’re still holding out that the Devs give a crap about Mercs then you need to call a Dr. and take your medication. Once again we get squat patch 1.3. The good news is that they made it harder to manage heat in PvE now. If you’re still playing the Merc have your head examined. The class is the two headed retarded step child of the game. It is kind of funny how bad they have made this class. A monkey with a scratch and sniff marker picken his butt could have come up with something better that what we got. It looks like they forgot to fire some of the Merc Devs last patch. I wonder what excuses they will come up with this time.


after last night, i kinda feel that way...


let me get my dude WH geared out, find a good group set-up, and then see if i still feel that way...


if so, then i guess i wasted 2mil on fully augmenting my PvP/PvE gear :(

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There's a reason why vent heat has such a low cooldown. As for no burst, what do you call explosive dart->fusion->HSM->rail with popped relics/adrenals once your debuffs are up? And since when are arsenal mercs sub par damage?


If you've got that much "other side" envy re-roll. FWIW I do have a mercenary. Working on getting my sorc and merc their BM titles. Then I'll just be left with guardian/juggernaut to level up.


Not sure if trolling or just...

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Ive been a die hard Aresenal Merc since beta. But I think I can finally admit it - if you are playing anything but pyro in pvp you are doing it wrong..


But its all good I re-rolled sniper

Edited by Elboc
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Merc's could be viable in something other than Pyro if they gave them similar abilities to the Sniper. Basically give aresnal the ability to use Cover like snipers to increase dodge and damage reduction. Secondly give Arsenal a ranged interrupt along with a Pin/Snare this would at least allow the Merc to be able to stop the incoming assault which is going to happen the first chance any player with a clue spots you loading up HSM or Tracers.


Even if they do not give us a Pin/Snare give us a jetpack disengage ability to fly backwards away from a target to give us more time at range than we currently have now. Balancing Arsenal around the fact they have heals is crazy cause we get interrupted when ever we try to heal and they are just too heat intensive to be worth it fully unless you are spec'd healing which is not the case.


Right now you are pidgeon holed into two things you are either Pyro and Juggling heat issues or healing and juggling heat issues... arsenal just doesn't work right now in pvp until they fix the broken class. Honeslty even our healing is bad when you compare it to an IA

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i did 500k damage last night in a half round of VS. Defending first then walked right past them in the second round...

Merc's are back!!! im 7 bits of WH.


I know I hit at least 300k in the first round but don't remember how far in. This was from a few hours ago as a solo queue. Fully augmented Pyro merc with 1830 aim and ~800 power. Still need WH off hand weapon, chest and boots. I used to be a healer since around patch 1.1 (when I took a long break from BH) so I'm still using Combat Medic set bonus and only started playing pyro (and my BH again) a few weeks ago so it'll take a while to redo the my set for Eliminator bonus.


Even then, DPS mercs still need some loving as we lack quite a few things that other classes have as standard or as a skill upgrade. Aside from Arsenal/Gunnery (of which I could probably type a few thousand words on how to fix it), we lack 2 sorely missed abilities. One is obvious in an interrupt. The other is an escape (or 2). The interupt needs to be a standard ablility and not something we need to spec into unless it's to reduce it's CD (which should not be very long, ~9 secs). I'd like to see an escape similar to Intercede for Juggernauts. This could allow us to charge (via jetpack) to a friendly target within 30m. Skill upgrades could work differently depending on which cylinder you use. I'd also like to see a run speed boost similar to Concealment Ops/Deception Assassins (up to 15%).


I won't hold my breath for any changes anytime soon. We probably won't get another balance pass until the level cap increase is released around 1.4 or so (my estimate is October/November). That said, well played Pyro Mercs can be quite beast despite their inherent faults.


PS I'm running this spec as Pyro.

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I know I hit at least 300k in the first round but don't remember how far in. This was from a few hours ago as a solo queue. Fully augmented Pyro merc with 1830 aim and ~800 power. Still need WH off hand weapon, chest and boots. I used to be a healer since around patch 1.1 (when I took a long break from BH) so I'm still using Combat Medic set bonus and only started playing pyro (and my BH again) a few weeks ago so it'll take a while to redo the my set for Eliminator bonus.


Even then, DPS mercs still need some loving as we lack quite a few things that other classes have as standard or as a skill upgrade. Aside from Arsenal/Gunnery (of which I could probably type a few thousand words on how to fix it), we lack 2 sorely missed abilities. One is obvious in an interrupt. The other is an escape (or 2). The interupt needs to be a standard ablility and not something we need to spec into unless it's to reduce it's CD (which should not be very long, ~9 secs). I'd like to see an escape similar to Intercede for Juggernauts. This could allow us to charge (via jetpack) to a friendly target within 30m. Skill upgrades could work differently depending on which cylinder you use. I'd also like to see a run speed boost similar to Concealment Ops/Deception Assassins (up to 15%).


I won't hold my breath for any changes anytime soon. We probably won't get another balance pass until the level cap increase is released around 1.4 or so (my estimate is October/November). That said, well played Pyro Mercs can be quite beast despite their inherent faults.


PS I'm running this spec as Pyro.


Sure we all are missing an Interupt but i highly doubt we will ever get one.


My guild mate uses that spec that you use and always goes on about it but come to war zones we are always so close on DPS that i feel it doesnt really matter ( he's 2 more WH gear than I ) ive played the Arsenal spec from day 1 and im so use to it buy now that i dont want to change.

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I know I hit at least 300k in the first round but don't remember how far in. This was from a few hours ago as a solo queue. Fully augmented Pyro merc with 1830 aim and ~800 power. Still need WH off hand weapon, chest and boots. I used to be a healer since around patch 1.1 (when I took a long break from BH) so I'm still using Combat Medic set bonus and only started playing pyro (and my BH again) a few weeks ago so it'll take a while to redo the my set for Eliminator bonus.


Even then, DPS mercs still need some loving as we lack quite a few things that other classes have as standard or as a skill upgrade. Aside from Arsenal/Gunnery (of which I could probably type a few thousand words on how to fix it), we lack 2 sorely missed abilities. One is obvious in an interrupt. The other is an escape (or 2). The interupt needs to be a standard ablility and not something we need to spec into unless it's to reduce it's CD (which should not be very long, ~9 secs). I'd like to see an escape similar to Intercede for Juggernauts. This could allow us to charge (via jetpack) to a friendly target within 30m. Skill upgrades could work differently depending on which cylinder you use. I'd also like to see a run speed boost similar to Concealment Ops/Deception Assassins (up to 15%).


I won't hold my breath for any changes anytime soon. We probably won't get another balance pass until the level cap increase is released around 1.4 or so (my estimate is October/November). That said, well played Pyro Mercs can be quite beast despite their inherent faults.


PS I'm running this spec as Pyro.


The problem with Merc/Mandos is their effectiveness is very dependent on the opponents. Your screenie shows great DPS (good work!) but a quick look at the opponents shows you really only had to avoid the stealther and you could pump out damage to your heart's content. 4 dedicated healers with a tank protecting them, a bad/undergeared vanguard+sage and a stealth dps is not really going to cause you many problems no matter what dps class you are. Your healer was also doing an excellent job.


This is the case with the vast majority of 'Mercs are fine L2P' screenshots. Almost every time the match up is against a heal-heavy team, or a bunch of badly geared ranged in VS. Ranked is here now, give me some awesome scoreboard screenies of you guys tearing up the VGs/Sents/Shadows in their fully augmented WH gear to look at :)

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The problem with Merc/Mandos is their effectiveness is very dependent on the opponents. Your screenie shows great DPS (good work!) but a quick look at the opponents shows you really only had to avoid the stealther and you could pump out damage to your heart's content. 4 dedicated healers with a tank protecting them, a bad/undergeared vanguard+sage and a stealth dps is not really going to cause you many problems no matter what dps class you are. Your healer was also doing an excellent job.


This is the case with the vast majority of 'Mercs are fine L2P' screenshots. Almost every time the match up is against a heal-heavy team, or a bunch of badly geared ranged in VS. Ranked is here now, give me some awesome scoreboard screenies of you guys tearing up the VGs/Sents/Shadows in their fully augmented WH gear to look at :)


Another solo queue where I actually happened to top healing as well. lol


Solo queue that ended in a loss. The other team outhealed us by a decent amount.


Did about 12 or so today SOLO and only once did I not end up top damage with minum deaths. Take it for what you want it to mean. I've seen undergeared players that just happen to have very good awareness perform quite well. In any case, it's a shame what the devs did to Arsenal. Having played this game for a year now since beta I still hold out hope they will eventually fix it. Deep down inside i guess I feel the same way that it probably won't be fixed. Good thing is I have a few other high valor 50's I can fall back on should they nerf Pyro as well.

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