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End game heat management nerf, thanks for nothing?


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There's a whole lot of unnecessary upset going on in here. The changes really don't affect us on a sustained fight, and you have more than enough tools to handle any burst heat generation (which we've already been using to mitigate that).


If anything, this change helps because you probably don't always get that crit every 3s, sometimes it might be closer to 6s, or maybe RNG completely screws you and it's more like 7 or 8, but this way, it's guaranteed and consistent, and allows us to stack more power on our gear, increasing our DPS even more.

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I agree: These changes are for the better.


I have done quite a bit of testing on this on the PTR at this point and have not noticed any additional heat management issues. If anything, its easier for the simple fact that I can count on those vents.


Anytime we remove resource management from the cruel hands of RNG its a good thing.

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