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1.3 Arsenal Changes -So far-


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HSM is working as intended right now, we just got so used to lolalldanumbers when it wasn't working right that people haven't gotten adjusted. I couldn't imagine what my DPS would be right now if it was hitting for those just after 1.2 numbers. 15k HSM's? loool
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Several major like buffs and debuffs no longer stack with one another. This system effects several debuffs like armor reduction, healing reduction, and accuracy reduction (through abilities like Tracer Missile, Flourish Shot, and Diversion), and buffs like armor increase, healing received increase, and damage dealt increase (through skills like Force Shelter, Kolto Residue, and Bloodthirst). This system specifically causes only the highest of any given non-stacking buff or debuff to apply. Most players will not notice the effects of this change, but groups that continue to attempt to stack non-stacking buffs and debuffs will notice the limit to how the effect calculations are applied.


New update to the patch notes. From the way I'm reading it means that 100% armour penetration isn't going to be possible, so the arm pen changes will be making up for some of the DPS loss in ops?


Am I interpreting this correctly?

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Your interpretation is correct.


Unfortunately their patch notes are ambiguous. For sure, sunder will not stack with sunder, and a 5stack heatsig from one player will not stack with one from another player. And sniper shot will not stack with sniper shot. 100% armor reduction from target debuffs will not be possible.


But are they also saying arpen debuffs will not stack with all other arpen debuffs? If so, then shatter shot will "override" a 4stack of heatsig. Or if a target has sunder, heat sig and shatter shot giving a potential 60% (additive) armor reduction on live will give only a 20% armor reduction on PTR.


I wish they would be more clear.


Either way, the changes they have made will be a small dps increase overall, and not potentially a loss.


Anyway the default setting in the sim right now is to have 3 stacks of additive armor debuffs. If you want to experiment what the change would look like with just 1 stack, go to the debuffs tab and set two of them to 0.


There is another change I think agents and mercs need. Currently our personal arpen (HVGS and acid blade) are multiplicative not additive. So, for example. If you have no armor debuffs on the target, HVGS will effectively reduce armor to 65%. But. If you have 20% armor debuff, it will reduce it to 42.25%, not 30%. And if 3stacks is putting armor to 40%, it will reduce it to only 26%, instead of 5%.


This is why I'm worried if it will be possible to stack 1 of each type of armor debuff. With 3 stacks our dps is skewed down because of the multiplicative factor of our arpen.


If they can still stack 3 times then we suffer a huge penalty in dps because of this multiplicative factor. And even if there can only be 1, we still lose relative dps due to the multiplicative factor (although with 1 it doesn't matter, because they simply balance dps around that scenario).

Edited by cortea
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