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A focus on World PVP


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Ok people complain about world pvp and that is the biggest complaint I agree with. Bioware why did you seperate the Empire and Republic quest areas onto separate halves of the map on the mid and upper level planets? The best world pvp happens when players happen to run into each other questing, and get into fights. But the only way to pvp in open world is to go over to the other player's questing zones. The questing zones should have merged more often, where as I was questing, I would run into opposite faction players who i could attack? Is there any developer post on this? I am trying to figure out why you would keep the factions separated from each other?


and for people who complain

"It will mess up my questing having to fight off opposite faction players"

That's what pve servers are for, the whole point of a pvp server is......You guessed it, PVP!


"The 50s will just camp lower level planets more."

That can be part of the fun of it, a 50 ganks you, you call in help, 3 50s come and kill them, they call in more, and eventually all hell breaks loose, got players all having a war and BINGO, WORLD PVP YAY!

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Ok people complain about world pvp and that is the biggest complaint I agree with. Bioware why did you seperate the Empire and Republic quest areas onto separate halves of the map on the mid and upper level planets? The best world pvp happens when players happen to run into each other questing, and get into fights. But the only way to pvp in open world is to go over to the other player's questing zones. The questing zones should have merged more often, where as I was questing, I would run into opposite faction players who i could attack? Is there any developer post on this? I am trying to figure out why you would keep the factions separated from each other?


and for people who complain

"It will mess up my questing having to fight off opposite faction players"

That's what pve servers are for, the whole point of a pvp server is......You guessed it, PVP!


"The 50s will just camp lower level planets more."

That can be part of the fun of it, a 50 ganks you, you call in help, 3 50s come and kill them, they call in more, and eventually all hell breaks loose, got players all having a war and BINGO, WORLD PVP YAY!


You know why people enjoy instanced PvP? Because the sides are even (or have the potential to be, anway). World PvP usually comes in 2 varieties, especially in a 2 faction game: Ganking, and one side being overpopulated and dominating the other.


You may see the fun in that. A lot of us do not.

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You know why people enjoy instanced PvP? Because the sides are even (or have the potential to be, anway). World PvP usually comes in 2 varieties, especially in a 2 faction game: Ganking, and one side being overpopulated and dominating the other.


You may see the fun in that. A lot of us do not.


The factions are pretty balance on my server, and even if not, yes i do see the fun in that, being the underdog sometimes makes it that much more challenging and fun, having to be more strategic about how you take enemy players out etc...

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Hi OP:


Yes, this a serious design issue.


Also, it is unlikely to be fixed, sorry.


Sadly probably true, though, once I hit 50, I will be hammering the hell out of the empire leveling areas, ganking and raising all kinds of hell, maybe bring some friends along, they when they call for 50s to come save em, there's our open world war right there.

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Even being a lower level player, it is fun questing with the added thrill of keeping an eye out for high level players and if you see one before they see you, finding that quick spot to hide, etc...


<-------------------------------- The 20th century is that away, games move on. Game design seems to be more based around people with less time to mess around than hiding, or constantly having to return to a med centre because some idiot decides to make their game unplayable.

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You know why people enjoy instanced PvP? Because the sides are even (or have the potential to be, anway). World PvP usually comes in 2 varieties, especially in a 2 faction game: Ganking, and one side being overpopulated and dominating the other.


You may see the fun in that. A lot of us do not.


Well, first, I haven't see that many even teams in Warzones.


Ganking and one sided servers aren't really a problem when there's enough PvP objectives in the world.


A lot of us don't like doing the same instances over and over either but as WZs give rewards that increase PvP potential when owPvP as no reward, it's kinda easy to see why even people that don't really like WZs do them.

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<-------------------------------- The 20th century is that away, games move on. Game design seems to be more based around people with less time to mess around than hiding, or constantly having to return to a med centre because some idiot decides to make their game unplayable.


I have never dealt with camping in a game where it made it unplayable, after someone is camped a little, some upper level players show up to fight with the enemies. Hell to me that is all ganking and camping (which i do very lightly if at all) are, not tools of harrassment, but rather simply a tool to bait higher level players into an area so that the real fight can get started up.

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Well, first, I haven't see that many even teams in Warzones.


Ganking and one sided servers aren't really a problem when there's enough PvP objectives in the world.


A lot of us don't like doing the same instances over and over either but as WZs give rewards that increase PvP potential when owPvP as no reward, it's kinda easy to see why even people that don't really like WZs do them.


Added World pvp rewards would even be an extra bonus, but I personally world pvp just for the sheer thrill and fun of it, I get major satisfaction from seeing a miniwar break out in an open world zone and from seeing all hell break loose.

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Sadly probably true, though, once I hit 50, I will be hammering the hell out of the empire leveling areas, ganking and raising all kinds of hell, maybe bring some friends along, they when they call for 50s to come save em, there's our open world war right there.


So what happens if they are unguilded, the guild has no 50's - you just ruined someones play for nothing. Nice going.

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So what happens if they are unguilded, the guild has no 50's - you just ruined someones play for nothing. Nice going.


Well this is a MMORPG, I would be encouraging teamwork, which is the whole point of the game anyway. No reason people shouldn't have allies within an MMO, and there is always general chat, and if I am not mistaken even a cross-zone pvp chat. (that may have been my old server and just a channel someone started, I am not sure.)

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<-------------------------------- The 20th century is that away, games move on. Game design seems to be more based around people with less time to mess around than hiding, or constantly having to return to a med centre because some idiot decides to make their game unplayable.


So focusing on 8vs8 in MassivelyMultiplayerORPG because of past failed designs and implementations and because of players that want to play LobbyORPG instead of MMORPG is a progress ?

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Hi OP:


I fully support you ganking the lower-level opposite faction, but even worse, they seemed to have designed the game against this as well.




Well, whenever you die, you generally get the option to rezz either at your body, or at some other medical location, a way back.


This way, even if you gank someone, they can just rezz away from you and carry on.


It's almost as if, the developers of SWTOR read all of the whiny posts against ganking on other games forums, and devised a fullproof system to get rid of open world PvP, ganking, etc.


Anyone reading my post may assume I enjoy ganking lower-level players, which is generally NOT true.


What IS true is that the threat that you yourself can be ganked at any time on a PvP server is what makes a game 10x more exciting. (to me, and to many other players)


You may not like being ganked, but go do the free trial of Warcraft, on a PvP server, and see how exciting it is.

(or a different game, I don't care)



SWTOR fails in this aspect of a the open-ended PvP aspect, in every regard.



I am not happy about this, just bummed.




TLDR... Running the same goofy War Zones over and over and over is not all that fun. Having a chance to gank or get ganked in the open world environment is very exciting, and is nearly 100% lacking from SWTOR. Sad.

Edited by trussasp
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So what happens if they are unguilded, the guild has no 50's - you just ruined someones play for nothing. Nice going.


The only reason to choose a PvP server in TOR is for owPVP, everything else is the same.

If you don't want owPVP, roll on a PvE server.

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Hi OP:


I fully support you ganking the lower-level opposite faction, but even worse, they seemed to have designed the game against this as well.




Well, whenever you die, you generally get the option to rezz either at your body, or at some other medical location, a way back.


This way, even if you gank someone, they can just rezz away from you and carry on.


It's almost as if, the developers of SWTOR read all of the whiny posts against ganking on other games forums, and devised a fullproof system to get rid of open world PvP, ganking, etc.


Anyone reading my post may assume I enjoy ganking lower-level players, which is generally NOT true.


What IS true is that the threat that you yourself can be ganked at any time on a PvP server is what makes a game 10x more exciting. (to me, and to many other players)


You may not like being ganked, but go do the free trial of Warcraft, on a PvP server, and see how exciting it is.

(or a different game, I don't care)



SWTOR fails in this aspect of a the open-ended PvP aspect, in every regard.



I am not happy about this, just bummed.




TLDR... Running the same goofy War Zones over and over and over is not all that fun. Having a chance to gank or get ganked in the open world environment is very exciting, and is nearly 100% lacking from SWTOR. Sad.


Agree with this completely. And much of my previous experience is from WoW, I like this game much better, but I have to admit, WoW had some good world pvp going on. I was also fortunate enough to be on a server where it was heavily sought out by both factions.

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The only reason to choose a PvP server in TOR is for owPVP, everything else is the same.

If you don't want owPVP, roll on a PvE server.


lol indeed, and I even covered that in the original post, apparently he didn't read.

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Yeah... if they showed as much care in the design and playability in the game itself as they do to proper categorization and monitoring of the threads in the forums, we'd have a decent game, heh heh.


LOL no joke there. They moderate these forum hard! I bet this particular post will get deleted because I talked about Moderating. Anyone wanna bet credits? Then double or nothing that I get a warning for it also :p

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This game is not designed for Open World PvP. It's designed for endgame PvP.


Think about it. If this game were truely designed for open world PvP we wouldn't have the gear, level, and skill trees we do.


For open world PvP to work on all planets, a level 10 would have to have a chance vs. a level 50. Right now that isn't going to happen. The game design is not set up for it.


They could do it by standardizing damage and dampening the effects of gear appropriate to the level of the zone players are in. I mean who really wants to get ganked by somebody you can't even touch and have to yell for help to somebody else--assuming anybody from your faction is around on your server? Everybody wants at least a fighting chance. Anybody out there not want a fighting chance? I didin't think so.


IMHO the only people out there that want an unfair advantage are murdering little dweeb losers who like to bully weaker players.


BW were apparently not really thinking about their PvP design in terms of a galaxy wide War between factions. It's all centered around the warzones and instanced areas, not Open World. That being the case the two faction's class and world quest areas are mostly segregated.


And you're right, that doesn't lead to much Open World PvP. In hindsight it seems a bit miopic on their part since the conflict between the Empire and the Republic would seem a natural focus of the game and certainly both Ground and Space PvP would be source of natural horizontal content.


IMHO this game was not well thought out from an MMO design standpoint. It's way too hard to expand and evolve from it's current features to future features. It's core design philosophy is it's achilles heel.

Edited by Star-ranger
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<-------------------------------- The 20th century is that away, games move on. Game design seems to be more based around people with less time to mess around than hiding, or constantly having to return to a med centre because some idiot decides to make their game unplayable.

You seem confused. Rulesets for carebears already exist. I suggest you stick to one of those, instead of asking for PvP rulesets to be dumbed down because you find it too much to handle.

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Ok people complain about world pvp and that is the biggest complaint I agree with. Bioware why did you seperate the Empire and Republic quest areas onto separate halves of the map on the mid and upper level planets? The best world pvp happens when players happen to run into each other questing, and get into fights. But the only way to pvp in open world is to go over to the other player's questing zones. The questing zones should have merged more often, where as I was questing, I would run into opposite faction players who i could attack? Is there any developer post on this? I am trying to figure out why you would keep the factions separated from each other?


and for people who complain

"It will mess up my questing having to fight off opposite faction players"

That's what pve servers are for, the whole point of a pvp server is......You guessed it, PVP!


"The 50s will just camp lower level planets more."

That can be part of the fun of it, a 50 ganks you, you call in help, 3 50s come and kill them, they call in more, and eventually all hell breaks loose, got players all having a war and BINGO, WORLD PVP YAY!


Clearly you haven't been to the Dune Sea, Starship Graveyard, or the Tomb, just to name a few. All are common quests areas which are quest settings for both factions. Go check out the Czerka tunnel at the SW corner of the Dune Sea on a day/night when your server has higher pop.

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Seems to me that for all the talk of wanting open world PVP, people just don't do it unless it's forced on them or there's a reward. Other than those who gank low level players anyway. Then when rewards ARE offered, people fight club and kill trade. (ilum anyone?). Even base capture type events don't work as planned. they had that in SWG, and players would just plan ahead, have an opposite faction alt plant a base, then all sit around raking in the reward for the base capture. The basic, #1 fact is that the vast majority of players play the game for the virtual reward, whether it's credits, gear, or whatever. It seems counterintuitive, but it's true. If you took away the gear grind from WZ's, i'd bet rl money 75% or more people would stop doing them. I know I would. They're fun, but not so fun that I'd keep doing them for no reason. And I feel the same about OWPVP. It's fun, but not so fun that i'd be willing to have it interupt what i'm trying to do unless I was going to be rewarded for it.


However, that said, if you were to give me a reason to care about my faction, I would OWPVP my sentinels huge rear end off. Right now, nothing we do effects anything. One of the few things SWG did right is allow planets/cities to change "ownership". Through PVP you could literally take anchorhead over for your faction. High level player would come from all over the galaxy when there was an invasion. There was no reward other than pride in your faction, but everyone was into it! Right now, we have no reason to even like our faction, much less despise our enemies. We often play an alt of the opposite faction to experience more story. Factions are nothing more than a symbol, with no meaning.

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