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W-A-S-D to move,and trying to use a shift+anykey at the same time


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I was having same issue in this game and another MMO recently and tried a RL friends keyboard and mouse and realized and wow what a difference. I ended up purchasing the same set up he has and all 3 of my MMOs are much easier for both PVE and PVP.

Here they are:

Razer Anasasi MMO Keyboard



Razer Naga Game Mouse



If you play stuff other than MMOs, you might try one of there mechanical keyboards.


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I don't know if you have any disposable income OP but i really do recomend a Razor Naga mouse. I was the same, a bit of a clicker and not much good with my hands. But it really has transformed the way i play mmos. My left hand is free to use the movement keys, shift/ctrl modifier and targeting and thats it, no worrying about numbered keys as they are all on my mouse literally underneath my right thumb.
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I use ALT for all modifiers. I dunno how the hell people do reach all the way down to ctrl and shift.


I don't go through the hazzle of pressing with my fingerTIP, I use the middle joint ;)

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I let go on a key for when I press another button, but this action is very quick. This pvp is simple anyway, I laugh at people trying to kite me as I can just sit there and rotate the camera following them and then they fall over.


well, going by this topic apparently a lot of people who got a naga transformed into keyboard turner. it's worth a shot I guess (and with some classes you really have no choice, for example once a scoundrel/operative is out of stealth they can't use their big burst skills if they can't make it to your backside ;D)

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a) you don't need a gaming mouse (and if you do, no naga, a gaming mouse with 2-4 thumb bottons is more than enough)

b) say good-bye to keyboard turning and do mouse-turning (your life will improve immensely after some getting used to)


A: I use a Naga Epic. I use all 12 buttons on the side. And have another bar setup with ALT+ combinations for those buttons, and use most of them as well. Why drag mouse cursor to a button when it's faster to press?

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I actully have a similar issue as the OP. A few patches ago it started with using W + cntrl key modifyer (IE: cntrl +2). My toon would start auto running and i couldnt stop it w/o replicating the event.


Now, the same issue happens when I use a movment key + shift modifyer, followed by an F key keybind.

For example my opener: W forward to target + Shift 2 (saberthrow) + F2 (enrage) = auto run and the only way I've been able to stop is to push W again, all by itself. So many openers have fail in pvp becuase of this issue, its quite frustrating to deal with to be honest.


I do use a naga but my hands are apparently not the right size as i have difficulty reaching any key passed 6 onthe darn thing. I use some of the naga keys as shift/alt/cntrl modifiers aswell.

Edited by Pyka
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A: I use a Naga Epic. I use all 12 buttons on the side. And have another bar setup with ALT+ combinations for those buttons, and use most of them as well. Why drag mouse cursor to a button when it's faster to press?


what? huh? keybindings. I said you don't .need. a naga. not that it's a bad idea (though it's defintely a bad idea if you do PVP a lot if using a gaming mouse makes you transform into a keyboard turner)


I'm not dragging the mouse cursor to skills. I know how to use keybindings.


on top of that it's also nice how people only ever react to the half of it. I also said IF you want a gaming mouse you definely don't need a Naga. the G700 is far superiour. heck, the Fireglider is superiour.

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yea my main issue is just using wasd/mouse [both at same time] to move, and trying to use shift modifiers while also moving and them not firing off unless i let go of a movement key. i dont click/keyboard turn but i'm glad to see those that do seeking help too =p.

as for naga style mice id have to test a few before buying one, i read alot of hand/size issues regarding them and i dont want to play like i got a bird claw for a hand

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yea my main issue is just using wasd/mouse [both at same time] to move, and trying to use shift modifiers while also moving and them not firing off unless i let go of a movement key. i dont click/keyboard turn but i'm glad to see those that do seeking help too =p.

as for naga style mice id have to test a few before buying one, i read alot of hand/size issues regarding them and i dont want to play like i got a bird claw for a hand


I just tried it, and I can happily use wasd to move, while holding right click, and still activate hotkeys with a shift+number assignment.


Are you sure you don't have some setting or other program running which is monitoring your shift key?

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