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Character Transfer, Server Populations and You

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So let's see... 15 or 20 servers a day and there are 400ish servers. Within 3 weeks everyone should be transferred. If they double the number of servers/day then this will only take about a week and a half, a bit less actually.


So anywhere from 10-20 days (give or take) from and including today is too long for folks to wait?


The pacing of the transfers seems designed to ensure the most servers have the best overall populations without any of them dipping too far into "the queue zone". Sounds like a decent approach.


Dont forget that some people do not play on weekdays and that most of the people play on sun. So on sunday most likely there will be more transfers from servers already on the list that they would not add anymore servers on that day.


Really though how long are they going to wait? It looks like the actually process of transfering players is working. So far the only thing that I have heard as a problem was a mysterious character slot being taken up which can be fixed in about 5 mins, otherwise it is working fine.


The process is working so how about open up the gates so more people can start doing it. There is no way that the servers will reach the cap that you expect by opening up all the servers or even 1/2.


Please dont post that the servers can fill up and that some servers would then have a que because if Bioware did any research before they started the transfers they would have made that impossible to happen. Its not hard to prevent it with some preperation.

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It has been 6 minutes, try finding the post again in an hour. I wouldn't be surprised if this reponce even pushes it to the next page. Regardless this is the way to get the least dicussion on a topic possible.


Actually makes more sense to have one forum to discuss this than 5 or more. That way the information is located in one forum than searching every single forum for it.

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niec to see them add more servers but VERY odd that they have not added in a second PvP server (except for RP). I had sort of assumed that the vast majority of raging was from inability to PvP so would think the would be putting up more PvP servers. Frankly people who are annoyed at not being able to PvP from a non PvP server should be less of a priority! IMHO of course. Still am fascinated on how they are picking and chosing. I was hoping to ensure a move to a high pop server from the start but they already are starting to put people into 0.98 servers according to torstats i think


Plenty of PvPers rolled on PVE servers. Some of us just didn't want immature level 50's killing us while we were questing. People complain about PvP que times because it can be measured easily and frequently. It a little harder to judge how long it takes to get a group for a flashpoint because lets face it people probably give up much faster because if you want to do one you have to sit and spam on fleet until you find it. You can't currently que for it and go quest or whatever until it pops.


I think my server should be among the first to be an origin or destination but I am not going to pretend we are more entitled to it than any other server. I am sure they are giving the lowest population servers the first opportunity to move and they are going to the ones with the highest populations. So for those of us somewhere in the middle, we have to wait. Populations suck for almost every server and it sucks that some of us have to wait, but no server deserves their transfers more than any other.

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So let's see... 15 or 20 servers a day and there are 400ish servers. Within 3 weeks everyone should be transferred. If they double the number of servers/day then this will only take about a week and a half, a bit less actually.


So anywhere from 10-20 days (give or take) from and including today is too long for folks to wait?


The pacing of the transfers seems designed to ensure the most servers have the best overall populations without any of them dipping too far into "the queue zone". Sounds like a decent approach.


There are 213 servers TOTAL across all regions. But yes, shouldn't be long.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Hey Devs, how about instead of leaving us in the dark and not giving any information or closing all forum posts and saying check this link or this link and go to this forum you actually talk to your customers. Every post outside of this forum has been legit regarding concerns and no Devs have spoke out other than with a copy paste statement, a thread lock or deletion.


You links have nothing to do with the questions being asked.

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It has been 6 minutes, try finding the post again in an hour. I wouldn't be surprised if this reponce even pushes it to the next page. Regardless this is the way to get the least dicussion on a topic possible.


Have you considered JOINING and CONTRIBUTING TO the discussion rather than complaining that the discussion you're NOT having isn't getting any discussion?

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Hey Devs, how about instead of leaving us in the dark and not giving any information or closing all forum posts and saying check this link or this link and go to this forum you actually talk to your customers. Every post outside of this forum has been legit regarding concerns and no Devs have spoke out other than with a copy paste statement, a thread lock or deletion.


You links have nothing to do with the questions being asked.


They're probably busy, what with this being the first day of transfers and all....

Edited by Jaavik
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They're probably busy, what with this being the first day of transfers an all....


Understandable but they can easily have one person working a customer relations side of this. Thats what support and customer service is for. They pay people to talk to websites, gamer magazines and other outside sources but we get the bare minimal for info


They also pay designers and techs to do the main work which I am more than sure they are doing to ensure transfers work.

Edited by Meleficent
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Dont forget that some people do not play on weekdays and that most of the people play on sun. So on sunday most likely there will be more transfers from servers already on the list that they would not add anymore servers on that day.


Really though how long are they going to wait? It looks like the actually process of transfering players is working. So far the only thing that I have heard as a problem was a mysterious character slot being taken up which can be fixed in about 5 mins, otherwise it is working fine.


The process is working so how about open up the gates so more people can start doing it. There is no way that the servers will reach the cap that you expect by opening up all the servers or even 1/2.


Please dont post that the servers can fill up and that some servers would then have a que because if Bioware did any research before they started the transfers they would have made that impossible to happen. Its not hard to prevent it with some preperation.


If nothing else, most of the playerbase will now understand that some cueing at peak hours is not such a bad thing.

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Understandable but they can easily have one person working a customer relations side of this. Thats what support and customer service is for. They pay people to talk to websites, gamer magazines and other outside sources but we get the bare minimal for info


Well.. last update was at 11:15.


Do you want updates every 15 minutes?

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So let's see... 15 or 20 servers a day and there are 400ish servers. Within 3 weeks everyone should be transferred. If they double the number of servers/day then this will only take about a week and a half, a bit less actually.


So anywhere from 10-20 days (give or take) from and including today is too long for folks to wait?


The pacing of the transfers seems designed to ensure the most servers have the best overall populations without any of them dipping too far into "the queue zone". Sounds like a decent approach.


Dipping into a queue zone? That shouldnt be even possible with these transfers. Are you thinking that they are just allowing transfers till they get to a certain population? Then what about all the people on servers that have already been opened that the players havent logged in to do a transfer yet. What will happen to them? Will they now not be allowed to transfer to the same server as another guildmate of theirs?


The point of the transfers and having origin and destination servers was to make sure that the population cap that they had for the destinations could not be exceeded by the total amount of players from all the origin servers to them. That way all the origin server players would still be able to goto the save destination server.


The additional phases that they talked about would be after all the original transfers took place and to then monitor the populations to see if they would have to do a round two of transfers (with origin to destinations) to meet the population that they wanted for each server.


The transfer process works with one minor problem that can be fixed in 5 mins or so that I have read about, so let all the transfers start rolling so people can start playing with other people.

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Well.. last update was at 11:15.


Do you want updates every 15 minutes?


I don't care about server lists I am interested in hearing how this will overall increase server pops instead of balancing factions as everything i read seems to state so far.

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I don't care about server lists I am interested in hearing how this will overall increase server pops instead of balancing factions as everything i read seems to state so far.


Ohhh, so you're asking a question that is completely outside the scope of server transfers, and expecting a response.


In the immortal words of Spongebob Squarepants to Plankton: "Well, good luck with that! :) "

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Understandable but they can easily have one person working a customer relations side of this. Thats what support and customer service is for. They pay people to talk to websites, gamer magazines and other outside sources but we get the bare minimal for info


But once again, the "community team" that talks to us are the "middle people" between US and the developers. They don't answer our questions as much as they ask the developers FOR us and then relay the information BACK to us. You're basically asking the people who are working on the transfers to stop what their doing and answer questions about "why it's taking so long". It's the first day, they aren't done. Who knows what's going wrong that they are scrambling to fix and make sure this goes as painless as possible.


There IS information out there. Check the DEV Tracker or the stickies, or ask yourr question here. Someone might already know the answer or know where to point you.

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So let's see... 15 or 20 servers a day and there are 400ish servers. Within 3 weeks everyone should be transferred. If they double the number of servers/day then this will only take about a week and a half, a bit less actually.


So anywhere from 10-20 days (give or take) from and including today is too long for folks to wait?


The pacing of the transfers seems designed to ensure the most servers have the best overall populations without any of them dipping too far into "the queue zone". Sounds like a decent approach.


If they do 15-20 servers a day then it should be done by next week sometime since there are actually only 218 servers listed on the http://www.swtor.com/server-status site. And keep in mind that probably about 25% of those will be destination servers.


So I agree with you, why can't people wait the 5-10 days for the transfer to complete.? I mean really, They already have the 1.3 patch on the PTS and everybody knows that most patches are deployed to the live servers about a month after they hit the PTS so that only abotut 2-3 weeks away now, not sure the exact date it hit the PTS.


Have some patience people. If you really hate BW/EA that much then go play something else. I'm sure they won't miss you that much, I know I won't.



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Dipping into a queue zone? That shouldnt be even possible with these transfers. Are you thinking that they are just allowing transfers till they get to a certain population? Then what about all the people on servers that have already been opened that the players havent logged in to do a transfer yet. What will happen to them? Will they now not be allowed to transfer to the same server as another guildmate of theirs?


The point of the transfers and having origin and destination servers was to make sure that the population cap that they had for the destinations could not be exceeded by the total amount of players from all the origin servers to them. That way all the origin server players would still be able to goto the save destination server.


The additional phases that they talked about would be after all the original transfers took place and to then monitor the populations to see if they would have to do a round two of transfers (with origin to destinations) to meet the population that they wanted for each server.


The transfer process works with one minor problem that can be fixed in 5 mins or so that I have read about, so let all the transfers start rolling so people can start playing with other people.


It's going to take time, a lot of time. Weeks possibly before this is all taken care of. I'm sitting on a dead server waiting patiently until it's my turn to move. Don't try to rush it.

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Well.. last update was at 11:15.


Do you want updates every 15 minutes?


Seems to me I remember that after Patch 1.2 they had to take the server down for a fix and people were panicking One of the Dev's posted that there would be an hourly update and did just that. I can remember thinking how great that was that they took the time to do that when something that important was going on. I think the server transfers are far more important than any patch.

I just think it would be putting a lot of fires out if they did the same thing here.

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I don't care about server lists I am interested in hearing how this will overall increase server pops instead of balancing factions as everything i read seems to state so far.


Ohhh, so you're asking a question that is completely outside the scope of server transfers, and expecting a response.


In the immortal words of Spongebob Squarepants to Plankton: "Well, good luck with that! :) "


Thread title "Character Transfer, Server Populations and You" Its a population question golf claps for bad trolls

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Thread title "Character Transfer, Server Populations and You" Its a population question golf claps for bad trolls


I apologize, I misunderstood. Thought you were asking about faction balance, which isn't a server population issue, and is outside the scope of server transfers. Carry on! :D

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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It's going to take time, a lot of time. Weeks possibly before this is all taken care of. I'm sitting on a dead server waiting patiently until it's my turn to move. Don't try to rush it.


You dont understand it at all. The reason people think they are taking it slow is to prevent que times. What I am saying that it should be impossible to get a que time if they did the transfers correctly.


They take 20 origin servers and 1 destination server. They add up all the players on that server so that it does not go into a que. They can then allow all 20 of those servers to start transfering now since the actual process of transfering the characters is working.


There should be absolutly no chance of servers hitting a que if they opened up all servers for origin or destination at one time.

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Seems to me I remember that after Patch 1.2 they had to take the server down for a fix and people were panicking One of the Dev's posted that there would be an hourly update and did just that. I can remember thinking how great that was that they took the time to do that when something that important was going on. I think the server transfers are far more important than any patch.

I just think it would be putting a lot of fires out if they did the same thing here.


It's a dynamically shifting process, thus timeframes cannot be committed to more than they've stipulated here, here and here.

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