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UI Issues thread.


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Hey all.

Here's a list of UI Issues I've compiled, please feel free to add your own.

I'll update the list as things get fixed, workarounds get found out, and steps to reproduce get ironed out.

Trying to be part of the solution here... so please remain constructive. Some of these are things that might not bug you, and that's fine, others might have been intent of the dev's, but I’m not one of them so I don't know. I do know if it’s listed it’s something I wouldn’t have expected in a game of this scale.


Issue 1): Right click permanently bound to Quickbar 1 Slot 1

Problem: Can pop players out of stealth (and cause them to engage prematurely) when accidentally right-clicking on mobs off in the distance depending on what’s in this slot.

Suggestion: Allow right click to operate independently of this quickbutton.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 2): No functionality to copy keybinds between characters

Problem: Remapping an entire set of keybinds takes a large amount of time, especially when you wish to remain consistent across 8 characters. Also, there’s no way to easily share your keymap with your friend/neighbor/wife/etc.

Suggestion: include option in UI editor to export keymap independently of UI layout.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 3): Ship Up/Down Movement keys permanently stealth-bound to W and S.

Problem: Inconsistency arises for players who remap their forward and backward keys

Suggestion: Provide space combat specific keymappings in the options.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 4): Ship Left/Right movement bound to Turn Left/ Turn Right instead of Strafe Left/ Strafe Right.

Problem: Many players don’t map the turn keys at all, therefore we have to unmap our strafe keys to map them for space missions.

Suggestion: Allow ship movement left/right to respond to both turn and strafe left/right to accommodate both playstyles.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 5): No functionality to bind movement keys for space combat.

Problem: Inconsistency arises for players who remap their forward and backward keys

Suggestion: Provide space combat specific keymappings in the options.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 6): No functionality to bind Ship Quickbar buttons independently for space combat

Problem: It’s just inconvenient depending on your keymappings. For players who like Quickbar 1 to be bound to numpad and 2nd quickbar to be bound to number row.

Suggestion: Provide space combat specific keymappings in the options.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 7): Companion abilities permanently locked into their respective slots on the companion quickbar and extended companion quickbar.

Problem: With limited screen real-estate the ability to hide most of the companion abilities is great, but much less great when you can’t select the 4 you want shown at all times.

Suggestion: Allow companion abilities to be moved around on the companion bar, so we can have both stances, and the passive toggle available in the small companion abilities mode.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 8): Key binding for “cover fire” serves no purpose.

Problem: Extraneous keybinding for a command that doesn’t exist, causes confusion amongst players.

Suggestion: Remove it.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 9): There is no option for raw health, percentage health, or range test on Focus Target Frame.

Problem: Lack of information available to players that could be really handy in many situations (boss fights involving multiple bosses spring instantly to mind.)

Suggestion: Make this information available on this unit frame.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 10): There is no way to hide character portraits on unit frames.

Problem: Portraits take up screen real-estate.

Suggestion: give all unit frames including focus, target of target, party target, etc ability to remove portrait.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

Workaround: Group member frames can use option to use ops frames instead, although the has no effect on the rest of the unitframes, also it prevents companion unit frames from appearing.


Issue 11): Models in the preview window are too small/there is no zoom option in the preview window.

Problem: Models are too small, just can’t see things in detail.

Suggestion: ZOOM!!!

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

Workaround: Make a new custom UI with scale set to max. Switch to this custom UI when you want a better look at previewed items, and switch back when done.


Issue 12): There is no functionality to unify colors in the preview window.

Problem: Gear looks mismatched when previewing specific pieces together.

Suggestion: Add ability to unify in preview window.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 13): Weapon models do not show in preview window.

Problem: No idea which hilt/gun etc model is used for items you may wish to purchase, might end up purchasing only to find out it’s atrocious after- the-fact.

Suggestion: Have weapons render in preview, and also have toggle to cycle animations in preview window so we can see what they look like in use.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 14): Companion frame sometimes shifts left.

Problem: Frame sometimes shifts left onscreen, which may place it underneath other UI elements, and depending on layout inaccessible.

Suggestion: Prevent this behavior.

Reproducability: no idea what specifically causes this, anyone who has this issue, please provide whatever info you can.


Issue 15): Party member target frames sometimes shift left.

Problem: Frame sometimes shifts left onscreen, which may place it underneath other UI elements, and depending on layout inaccessible.

Suggestion: Prevent this behavior.

Reproducability: no idea what specifically causes this, anyone who has this issue, please provide whatever info you can.


Issue 16): Party companion frames do not always drop when party companions are not present.

Problem: Causes confusion as to who’s companion is actually present.

Suggestion: Prevent this behavior.

Reproducability: no idea what specifically causes this, anyone who has this issue, please provide whatever info you can.


Issue 17): Target markers are not listed as abilities so there's no way to add them to quickbars.

Problem: Some players prefer to click target markers rather than go through the right click menu, or keymap them.

Suggestion: Add abilities in general category to assign target markers.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Disregard #18, there is a setting to enable this functionality in interface editor "enable movable secondary window."

Issue 18): The following UI elements are not customizable (movable, scalable) in the UI editor

Character Sheet



Mission Log

Skill Tree

Legacy Window

Social Window

Guild window

Crew Window

Game Menu

Customer Service Help Request


Mail messages

Preview Window


Cargo Hold

Guild Bank

Detailed Guild window

Problem: Unable to move these elements out of the way while keeping them accessible.

Suggestion: Allow these UI elements to be repositioned/scaled.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

Disregard #18, there is a setting to enable this functionality in interface editor "enable movable secondary window."


Issue 19): The Codex has a "hidden" category.

Problem: Some Codex entries appear in this non-category instead of their correct categories.

Suggestion: Correct entries to move them to their appropriate categories.

Reproducibility: Accessible by clicking the horizontal line above Achievement Datacrons.


Issue 20): Colors become un-unified when swapping gear.

Problem: Unified slots become un-unified when gear is swapped out.

Suggestion: Maintain consistent state of unity.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 21): There is no functionality to hide Companion head slot

Problem: Many head slot items hide companion customizations.

Suggestion: Provide option to hide headslot on a per companion basis.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 22): There are not enough quickbuttons available.

Problem: Not enough buttons for character abilities, more problematic with some class/spec combos, and worse now with legacy abilities.

Suggestion: Provide 2 more quickbars.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 23): Lack of wardrobe function.

Problem: There is no functionality to predefine a set of gear and swap predefined sets with a single command (button, keybind, etc.)

Suggestion: Provide some kind of functionality to swap into PVP gear, PVE gear, and social gear with 1 click each.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 24): The keybind for Sheath/Unsheath weapon is listed in movement category not Misc.

Problem: See issue

Suggestion: Move keybinding to misc category.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 25): Players cannot mount directly from stealth.

Problem: Players must unstealth or conduct action that forces unstealthing first.

Suggestion: Allow mounting from stealth, disabling stealth upon mount.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 26): Players are not auto-dismounted when attempting to summon a new mount, and must dismount first.

Problem: See issue

Suggestion: Please handle like non-com vanity pets, where the action of summoning a new one automatically dismisses the current one.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 27): Companions set to passive before mounting will spawn as aggressive when dismounting even though the passive box is still checked.

Problem: Companion behavior does not match UI state

Suggestion: Match UI state to companion state

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 28): Bug reporting tool does not provide direction for what information to provide.

Problem: Bug tool does not specify what information is required, see the following for info on what criteria is requested: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=257#anchor4

Suggestion: have the client gather the required info http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=378830&highlight=bug+reporting+tool+broken

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

Edited by Blisst_uNF
numbering by request
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Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but i use a custom UI and have warzone score boards on the top center of my screen, though every time I enter Denova Warzone, the score board gets moved to its default position, putting it (in my UI) right over my quest log. So basically Denova Warzone Score board always reverts to its default position after entering Denova again. Edited by biRdyxLoCo
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No ability to make buffs/debuffs only bigger on raid frames. (HUGE issue for healers) I can barely see them.

A way to sort or manage what buffs/debuffs are seen would be an added bonus.

Edited by Desiirea
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Not sure if this happens to anyone else, but i use a custom UI and have warzone score boards on the top center of my screen, though every time I enter Denova Warzone, the score board gets moved to its default position, putting it (in my UI) right over my quest log. S basically Denva Warzone Score board always reverts to its default position after entering Denova again.


This. Very annoying.

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Any chance the OP could number these so that discussion is easier?



Issue 29):

... S basically Denva Warzone Score board always reverts to its default position after entering Denova again.

Problem: See Issue

Suggestion: Prevent this behavior.

Reproducibility: Persistent Issue.


Issue 30):

No ability to make buffs/debuffs only bigger on raid frames. (HUGE issue for healers) I can barely see them...

Problem: See Issue

Suggestion: Allow buffs/debuffs to scale independently within the various unit frames (yes, all of them).

Reproducibility: Persistent Issue.


Issue 31):

...A way to sort or manage what buffs/debuffs are seen would be an added bonus.

Problem: See Issue

Suggestion: see discussion

Reproducibility: Persistent Issue.


Desiirea, got any feedback on what exactly you'd want done here? Just a right-click "hide" option? Or a menu with the various common buffs/debuffs/stims and a bunch of checkboxes for which ones to show/hide? Both? Other?

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Issue 21): There is no functionality to hide Companion head slot

Problem: Many head slot items hide companion customizations.

Suggestion: Provide option to hide headslot on a per companion basis.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 27): Companions set to passive before mounting will spawn as aggressive when dismounting even though the passive box is still checked.

Problem: Companion behavior does not match UI state

Suggestion: Match UI state to companion state

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


I'm really surprised Issue 21 wasn't implemented when the game first launched. And thank you for listing issue 27 - I didn't think I was crazy xD


This one's also been suggested: It's currently impossible to resize your own buffs/debuffs. For a lethality sniper and non-healing sorcerer, knowing when our DoTs are up is paramount to our "rotation." Others casting those same DoTs confuses us and forces us to use third-party programs that tell us when our own abilities are expiring (which is something I haven't done, but have seen suggested to do).

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On most of my characters UI is broken in the manner that in toolbars I can't see the "pop-up windows" for abilities details for my characters and companions and I can't see the XP details, nor Legacy levels etc. I have 8 characters and only a couple of them don't suffer from this. Edited by Rouge
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...Others casting those same DoTs confuses us and forces us to use third-party programs that tell us when our own abilities are expiring (which is something I haven't done, but have seen suggested to do).


PSI so would you say that the following would address that sufficiently for you?


Issue 32): No way to differentiate between player and group memeber DOT/HOTs on target

Problem: Healers/DPS rotations dependant on knowing state of their abilites on target

Suggestion: Provide visual cue to highlight players dot/hots in target buffs somehow (place a box around them ?)

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


On most of my characters UI is broken in the manner that in toolbars I can't see the "pop-up windows" for abilities details for my characters and companions and I can't see the XP details, nor Legacy levels etc. I have 8 characters and only a couple of them don't suffer from this.


Hrmm.. this sounds to me like you may have different custom interfaces with different options selected on a per character basis. You may want to try resetting to some of the default UI's and seeing what happens. Possibly try to get some tech support from the CS forum or other players. Keep me posted on any developments.


Not sure if these are the type of UI issues you are looking for but my hotkey "F" activates my hotkey "4"

Did you check your keybindings to make sure that quickbar 1 button 4 (or whichever it is) is only bound to the key you want to activate that slot? I know that most buttons can be bound to 2 keys. If that checks out, are you using any 3rd party software that could be messing with your keymap? Mouse, keyboard and gamepad software sometimes can mess with keybindings in games. Also, keep me posted on this issue if you can't get it resolved through the suggestions I provided or the CS forums.

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Couple others I forgot...


Issue 33): NO way to move system message text (BIG YELLOW TEXT)

Problem: Really has a tendancy to get in the way during space combat.

Suggestion: Allow this UI element to be repositioned/scaled.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 34): Trade request dialog box not linked to trade function.

Problem: Closing the "this char would like to trade with you" box by hitting ESC still leaves the actual system trade request pending. Players need to move out of trade range to be able to inisiate trades.

Suggestion: Make behavior of ESC'ing out of trade dialogue box cancel backend trade request

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

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Issue 18): The following UI elements are not customizable (movable, scalable) in the UI editor

Character Sheet



Mission Log

Skill Tree

Legacy Window

Social Window

Guild window

Crew Window

Game Menu

Customer Service Help Request


Mail messages

Preview Window


Cargo Hold

Guild Bank

Detailed Guild window

Problem: Unable to move these elements out of the way while keeping them accessible.

Suggestion: Allow these UI elements to be repositioned/scaled.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue



Ummm... I move these around all the time.

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Ummm... I move these around all the time.




They're statically locked for me. Opening the interface editor without the individual panes open doesn't give any anchors to move. Opening it with them open doesn't allow me to move them. And finally trying to move them around without the interface editor open does nothing. Is there an option I'm missing in prefs somewhere or the interface editor, because as far as I can tell there's 2 static anchors and the most recent panel opened will propogate the left anchor first, the right anchor second, and if both are already filled opening a new pane that uses those anchors will drop the left one, replacing it with what was right, and open the new panel on the right. With the exceptions of legacy and skill tree, and codex that open off a centered anchor.

Edited by Blisst_uNF
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Hrmm.. this sounds to me like you may have different custom interfaces with different options selected on a per character basis. You may want to try resetting to some of the default UI's and seeing what happens. Possibly try to get some tech support from the CS forum or other players. Keep me posted on any developments.


Thank you. When I moved from my own adapted UIs back to Extended version, everything was ok.

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Thank you. When I moved from my own adapted UIs back to Extended version, everything was ok.


Glad it's all sorted out :)


Now it's just a matter of tweaking the "extended" UI to your liking, and saving it. Then reloading it across all your chars.

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Hey all!


Here's a couple more I hadn't previously had time to post.



Issue 35): Expanding menus do not save state on zone load.

Problem: see issue

Suggestion: Have client retain state of expanding menu’s (currency, crafting skills, etc)

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


Issue 36): Scrollwheel closes title dropdown menu.

Problem: See issue

Suggestion: allow scrollwheel to function in dropdown menu’s with scrollbars

Reproducibility: Persistent issue


A friend pointed this one out. Nice catch!

Issue 37): Elevators with only 2 destinations have a destination menu.

Problem: see issue

Suggestion: Have elevators with only 2 linkpoints transport player to other destination on click rather than providing a menu with 1 available option.

Reproducibility: Persistent issue

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ooh, got another one.


Issue 38): Character nameplate sometimes pops up and rapidly disappears during ship combat.

Problem: see issue

Suggestion: correct this behavior

Reproducibility: Reproducible, conditions unknown.

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Ummm... I move these around all the time.




"Enable Movable Secondary Window" option allows those to be moved around.


Thanks for pointing out that it was possible otherwise I would never have kept monkeying around witht he setting until I figured it out.


Will edit that that one in a sec.

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