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SWTOR to be Free To Play up to 15 in July..Honest opinions please


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We've just been told that SWTOR will be F2P up to level 15 in July. What is your honest opinion of this move by EA? I can't imagine BioWare are happy with it and personally I see it as one step away from a move to a full Free To Play business model.


For me, that would lead to me to leave the game. I really liked LOTRO, but as soon as it went F2P I realised that the 'short-cut' option offered by the store would be too tempting, and I'd spend more than my £8.99 a month in frivolous purchases (have disposable income, will spend it :p)


Which is why F2P and associated micro transactions are so popular with EA titles, unfortunately


What's your take on it?


(Disclaimer: I know there have been other similar threads on this, but none have been targeted specifically at the community's opinions on the F2P news)


Its a trial just like every other mmo








warhammer online






Lord of the rings



the above games all have a free trail up to a certain lvl, Lotr has a sub if you want to unlock the full game, but is free to play


so this isnt a free to play thing in swtor its a trail to lvl 15, just like the above

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F2P up to lvl 15 is a good thing...I got a lot of friends that want to give it a try but because of all the negativity on the forums, they dont want to waste money even though I've been telling them how much fun I have been having especially now that we merged to a good population...


Long story short, once they can play for free up to lvl 15, I know 90% of em will sub


Way to go F2P to lvl 15!!!

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I've played LOTRO since closed beta, I continue to play LOTRO, leading a thriving guild of nearly 4 years.


LOTRO has precisely the model SWTOR needs to thrive, long-term. Never mind the fact that LOTRO has a massive list of elements which make it more friendly to RP, social activity, player-run-events, character customization, and simply FUN. The RP and social community did NOT implode with kids after it went F2P. The channels are not filled with gold sellers. The community continues to grow. Players do in fact come back, even as non-subscribed members, to socialize and participate. The store has not made the game Pay to Win, despite some who are hyper sensitive about interpreting that topic.


Indeed, it is fair to say that the people that stomped off from LOTRO, were both wrong, and clearly had some other sensitivity to F2P which goes beyond simply the pricing model. Most who left, did so in emotional huffs that were grossly detached from reality. They were replace with several times their number in new players.


I think the Free-to-15 is F2P, but then we need to examine how we are going to define F2P.


The real issue for many people, isn't the subscription model, or rather, how you obtain access to the content. It is the prospect of Micro Transactions (MTs.) Lets cut tot he chase. F2P isn't about "subscription models," it is about "access models."

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Free to Play until level 15 is ok but if this decides to completly go F2P then it would ruin the game as i personly dont wanna be forking out alot more than £8 per month to buy whatever mount or gear i can only get by micro-transaction rather than getting it through a raid and we all know most players will just buy that item instead of running the raid or whatever is required to get it normally.

i play Star Trek online now and then and i refuse to pay Real Money to obtain a better ship or get better gear, tis just a money sink and theres no realy work needed to obtain it.

i might be wrong here but if this does go F2P then the graphics and upkeep would also drop severly ST-online does look very crappy old graphics and they get loads of money of players from there shops and stuff.


i'd rather pay a sub and know the upkeep is being kept up and to have constent content released and actually working to get that Item ,Pet or Mount.

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what they need t do is instead of 1-15 they need to make it 1-10 so they cant get to dromund kass or the space fleet this cancles out their chance to pvp or try out a specialised character


if they do this it would make them want to buy a subscription to the game and get the rest of the content and wold intern make ptp players happy the only major problem for this is ftp players would get mad:(. But they are not paying for the game so they should have less of a say in it:cool:




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F2P up to lvl 15 is a good thing...I got a lot of friends that want to give it a try but because of all the negativity on the forums, they dont want to waste money even though I've been telling them how much fun I have been having especially now that we merged to a good population...


Long story short, once they can play for free up to lvl 15, I know 90% of em will sub


Way to go F2P to lvl 15!!!


I think it will yield subscribers. Maybe 25%. However, the issues the game has, are not related to the "access model," as I'm going to start calling it. If somebody blows through 15 out of 50 levels in a night.....which you can do very easily, they are going to think the criticism of the game being two easy, lacking endgame, and having a void of content, are true. In effect, you are giving them a free trial to confirm the game is as bad as the critics claim.


That said, it will also get people to download the game, try it, and they will learn that it isn't "as bad" as some say. That the game is appealing visually, has a lot of fun aspects, and didn't cost them anything to come back to later.


Yet this all skips past the larger issues in terms of access models. F2P is about how you access the game. It means you can log into a server without paying. It means you may have to play for more content access later. But you can still log into the game. Just logging into the game is not something people are going to bitterly debate. It is about accessing content, and one step further, about things you can buy inside of the game, above the cost of access.


So, again, this comes back around to MTs. Access models be darned, they are beyond the point. This is about revenue. The $15 will be the cost of admission, regardless of how they get it from you, that is the least you'll pay. The question then becomes if you'll get to pay more for your hobby, to get cosmetic stuff, etc. Buffs and XP perks don't have much value for this game, it is easier than Pac-Man to clear levels.

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Free to Play until level 15 is ok but if this decides to completly go F2P then it would ruin the game as i personly dont wanna be forking out alot more than £8 per month to buy whatever mount or gear i can only get by micro-transaction rather than getting it through a raid and we all know most players will just buy that item instead of running the raid or whatever is required to get it normally.

i play Star Trek online now and then and i refuse to pay Real Money to obtain a better ship or get better gear, tis just a money sink and theres no realy work needed to obtain it.

i might be wrong here but if this does go F2P then the graphics and upkeep would also drop severly ST-online does look very crappy old graphics and they get loads of money of players from there shops and stuff.


i'd rather pay a sub and know the upkeep is being kept up and to have constent content released and actually working to get that Item ,Pet or Mount.


Why does another person having an option to spend ruin the game for you? I read this comment all the time, but the only thing that I take out of them is that people are annoyed by having the "real world" intrude and remind them that others can spend but they either can't, or won't. This sounds like an emotional argument, not a rational one.


Again, F2P is an access model. Your comment illustrates my point that this is really about MTs. Playing LOTRO, I see a sharp contrast to the issues you cite with STO. Graphics are as fine as ever. Folks love their MT emotes and other items. And no, I can't just zoom to the level cap on the back of store bought items. Nor have they broken the raiding/instance model to allow people to buy their way around it. Much has been added to the game visually with regard to folks buying mounts, outfits, and decor. No negatives there, unless one dislikes being reminded that they won't or can't buy said items.


So why do MTs REALLY annoy you? Not an attack, just a question.

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i can see it now


"person levels to 15,thinks the game is awesome"


"person goes to the sub place,and subscribes"


"50 levels later.relizes the game is the most boring mmo ever,and unsubs"


Not necesarilly true in every case as people are still playing since launch but even in the handful of cases that are true thanks for paying for my lvl 50 content!

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We've just been told that SWTOR will be F2P up to level 15 in July. What is your honest opinion of this move by EA? I can't imagine BioWare are happy with it and personally I see it as one step away from a move to a full Free To Play business model.


My take it on it is that it's exactly like Warhammer. They have the first 15 levels free but the meat of the game is beyond level 15. They give you enough to want to play more.


This will allow more people to try the game and find out that it's good, or not to their taste, or whatever. I strongly doubt they would ever make it F2P, EA has not done so with Warhammer even though that is all that could bring that game back from near-death.

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There's a reason why it goes FTP after only 7 months. And if this move won't help jump start things up, just like PA said, we're one step from full FTP and "Pay to Win" model.


I enjoyed LOTRO, but as soon as they went FTP it was the end for me.

They shoved that shop of thiers anywhere they could and it feels like playing in a insdie a commercial not middle earth. It completely borke the spell. istead of actually play and develop your char skills and crafting, u could just sit on your *** buying everything with real money..

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Not necesarilly true in every case as people are still playing since launch but even in the handful of cases that are true thanks for paying for my lvl 50 content!


Actually that poster made a good point and it applies to a lot of players who have quit or are about to soon. Those who have quit are more than just a handful. And your welcome! :D

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There's a reason why it goes FTP after only 7 months. And if this move won't help jump start things up, just like PA said, we're one step from full FTP and "Pay to Win" model.


I enjoyed LOTRO, but as soon as they went FTP it was the end for me.

They shoved that shop of thiers anywhere they could and it feels like playing in a insdie a commercial not middle earth. It completely borke the spell. istead of actually play and develop your char skills and crafting, u could just sit on your *** buying everything with real money..


No, actually you can't just buy your way to everything in LOTRO. People who make this argument are just peeved because their bragging rights are made "impure" because somebody saved .05% of their time spending on buffs.


I've heard these arrangements since F2P was announced for LOTRO, and guess what? The game is still there, growing, and better than it was.


People who flee games with MTs, in cases like LOTRO, are not doing it because the game was "ruined." They do it because they place importance on something that amounts to personal choice and nothing more. That is, the progressing within a game, and obtaining of virtual items. That is a fair concern, within reason. I do enough gaming to respect folks who want to obtain Server Firsts, well equipped characters. I do not however care to do so myself, I see no reason to cede the entire gaming world to people who feel like playing these things will make up for not being a jock or being stuffed in lockers as a high-schooler, or who can't put their personal investment in these games into real-world perspective.

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Personally, I do not like it as applied to any given game. However, I recognize the fact it has become a standard business model now and it's not going to change.


My I ask that you extend that a bit further. That you do not prefer the approach personally, but recognize that others do, and that choice is being reflected in the standard business model?

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i wonder why people (including bioware) call this "Free to Play"

It's not like you can do a lot at level 15, especially if you can't group.


I was under the impression that real F2P game, at least give you a complete game experience, the purchase only exist as commodities (better weapon, experience boost, vehicule earlier; extra character slot...). This to me is just a trial version of the game.


1-15 should be about 5-6 hours gameplay, if you wish to try all classes, that's near 40 hours gameplay, for free, it's a nice deal, but so small and insignificant compare to the full game.


It's just a trial version, to make their product known to the public. It's a great move and i approve. There are so many negativity around this game, at least, you get to try for free before purchase, so you can forge your own opinion of the game.


Positive move for me

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Actually that poster made a good point and it applies to a lot of players who have quit or are about to soon. Those who have quit are more than just a handful. And your welcome! :D


No he didn't but I'll take the your welcome just the same. Some people will stay some will leave. In the end just like any other mmo it will eb and flow. Alot of bad press has come around swtor in part because of pr disasters by the developers but also because 4 chan forum paladins have decided to wage a holy war against this game. This at least gives people the opportunity to try the game for themselves and make up their own opinion, opening up the market to more and more people. The people who quit will seem like even more of a handful.

Edited by TonyIommi
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I think it's a good thing as it allows people to get into the game, explore the advanced classes, do some warzones and run either Esseles or Black Talon.


And as for F2P. Well, we don't know yet - but I suspect that it's going to appear in some shape or form. That just seems to be how the market is going. It now appears that WoW was very much an anomaly(right game at the right time and despite its faults, a fantastic game that its competitors couldn't match for some reason) and I don't think that anyone is going to be able to get millions of $15 pcm months any more.

Edited by FeelFlow
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If they choose to make it free up to lvl 15 w/ LIMITED access to content, I believe it would be a good idea. If this leads up to a FULL F2P model I would have to cancel my sub. My option is that, due to the drop in with consistency and content in F2P MMO
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We've just been told that SWTOR will be F2P up to level 15 in July. What is your honest opinion of this move by EA? I can't imagine BioWare are happy with it and personally I see it as one step away from a move to a full Free To Play business model.


For me, that would lead to me to leave the game. I really liked LOTRO, but as soon as it went F2P I realised that the 'short-cut' option offered by the store would be too tempting, and I'd spend more than my £8.99 a month in frivolous purchases (have disposable income, will spend it :p)


Which is why F2P and associated micro transactions are so popular with EA titles, unfortunately


What's your take on it?


(Disclaimer: I know there have been other similar threads on this, but none have been targeted specifically at the community's opinions on the F2P news)


It's not a problem as it doesn't mean it's going full free to play. It's a trial, nothing wrong with that. SWG did it and that never went full free to play because of it. In fact, because SWG did it, it meant I could try it out before buying. After I hit the level limit, I went out and purchased.

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