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What to choose?


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Ok guys so ive decided to make a toon for all the republic characters. right now im doing JC Tank. next im going to make a Healer but i dont know which to pick Trooper or smuggler? also im going to need a dps. which will either be JK or Trooper or Smuggler. and then another tank (i like to tank) so either JK or trooper.


I want your guys opinion on which is best for what. tell me from experience or what you've seen in game not what you saw on goggle


please and thank you!

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Okay well the best healers are Sages IMO, but of the two you listed, Commando is better from what I've seen.

DPS I would go Gunslinger.

Tank, and this is the tough one because I personally love tanking as both a knight and Trooper, I would go trooper.

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Ok guys so ive decided to make a toon for all the republic characters. right now im doing JC Tank. next im going to make a Healer but i dont know which to pick Trooper or smuggler? also im going to need a dps. which will either be JK or Trooper or Smuggler. and then another tank (i like to tank) so either JK or trooper.


I want your guys opinion on which is best for what. tell me from experience or what you've seen in game not what you saw on goggle


please and thank you!


I love my Scoundrel healer a lot. Sage and Commando seem kind of "flat", mechanics-wise. That said, I haven't played a Commando healer to max level yet, so my appraisal may not be accurate.

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Well i just reached lvl 10 with my smuggler and have decided to make him my healer all i need now is to find out bout the rest of the classes. what do yall think is best for each class? P.S. i no longer have a shadow tank.
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Well i just reached lvl 10 with my smuggler and have decided to make him my healer all i need now is to find out bout the rest of the classes. what do yall think is best for each class? P.S. i no longer have a shadow tank.


Since you went scoundrel heals, go sentinel dps and vanguard tank.

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