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New level cap? What does that mean?


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Excuse me but I didnt play WOW so I have no idea how a level cap increase is implemented in a gear based progression game.

Does that mean they have designed all new tier gear?

Is current tier gear now obsolete after we hit new level cap?

Will we only have one op to get gear at the new level?

What happens to hard mode flashpoints - will the required level be increased?


The game seems so centered on level 50 and then a gear grind I can't see how they raise the level cap without revamping everything.

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Isn't it ab it soon for a level cap raise...


they never stated when it will come in. They just stated it is coming. They could have level increase not hit until december which is a year from release which isn't too bad for an MMO

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I don't think it is too soon. I don't really think there is a "too soon" when it comes to new content, as long as it's not rushed/buggy. My merc has been level 50 for a while now, and i'm really excited to build to him.


Either way, I have a feeling though they announced this, it isn't coming out for quite some time.

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I understand the level cap increase. But...


In what universe does it make sense to replace 3 relevant raids with 1 in a game where people struggle to find things to do?


They are showing us what they have. By the time we get to that point they'll have more to show us. This wasn't a tell-all.

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It means that they'll increase the max level you can achieve, they'll add new content, more gear etc. All the normal stuff that come with an expansion, although they didn't mention anything about an expansion so who knows it may be in a free game update. (I hope it is)
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If you look at other games and how they handle new tiers of raiding (operation) perhaps this might not be that much different. In most MMO's when a new tier of raiding is released the old tier is generally viewed as outdated and pointless (in some cases this is obviously not true). The new tier of gear generally trumps all your old gear, this is not a new idea as plenty of MMO's have been doing it for a while now. Perhaps with SWTOR though instead of just getting a new tier every update we can expect a new increase level cap (nothing big maybe 2-5 levels, and perhaps not every update. Maybe just once a year?) to help advance the story line (like it or not the biggest/most important aspect of the game it seems). I wouldn't be that upset with this as long as the amount of content we have is roughly the same as we have now.


Also they did mention this new difficulty: "Hardcore" while we didn't get much specifics to this mode, perhaps it buffs old content to be whatever level the current cap is. Again though this is all pure speculation so who knows. Cautiously optimistic as usual though.

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Excuse me but I didnt play WOW so I have no idea how a level cap increase is implemented in a gear based progression game.

Does that mean they have designed all new tier gear?

Is current tier gear now obsolete after we hit new level cap?

Will we only have one op to get gear at the new level?

What happens to hard mode flashpoints - will the required level be increased?


The game seems so centered on level 50 and then a gear grind I can't see how they raise the level cap without revamping everything.



Raising the level cap lets you:


Progress your character story (insofar as it has one in games other than SWTOR).

You can add new abilities in some controlled fashion rather than just dumping 3 new abilities on players that they have no idea how to use.

You get to add in a new tier of easy to get gear that is almost as good as top tier raiding gear (if not better). This means everyone can start into the new raiding tier at roughly the same level gear wise.

You get to trivialize old raid content (insofar as it wasn't trivialized already).

You get to wipe out all the weird stuff with current gear. Think reusable biochem stuff, augment slots that are inconsistently understood. Armour that's useful but can't have mods removed etc. Just wipe that slate clean.


Hard mode flashpoints is hard to say. This isn't wow, and this is, like a lot of missed opportunities for SWTOR, a chance for them to do something different or interesting. Whether they will or not is another matter. In WoW it would mean all new flashpoints and the old ones would become trivialized irrelevant content (like a level 50 doing normal modes sort of thing). They could scale some of the current flash points to the new level, or junk them all and start afresh with new flashpoints that are more even experiences.


yes, the game is very much a hampster wheel of progression. Every now and then you need to stop the wheel so new people can get on. Right now isn't so bad, but one more raid tier like this and it would be a real pain to come into the game and try and gear up (not impossible, just a pain) to be able to do 'current' content.

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Standard fare for an mmo. Level cap raised, new content released, old content trivialized at new cap. Nothing new.


Within less than 1 year?


Hell, THAT IS new - such a disaster like SW:TOR has never been seen in the world of MMORPG's.



The end-content now is tiny. With raising the cap it will be more tiny than now - lol. :D



@ Sabdredance


Yes, there will be new skills.



Edited by LovarBoy
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Throwing more grind on DOES NOT = more content. You can do content WITHOUT having to grind levels, legacy, or social. Player housing, apperances, etc. I don't think Bioware seems to understand that and I doubt they ever will at this rate.
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To anyone who says it can't be too soon for something like this- a new level cap is a good thing if it comes with enough new content to support it. If it doesn't come with a new tier of flashpoints, you'll just grind through some more levels and find yourself with nothing to do at the new cap (except the one Operation). If they just scale up the old content, then what's the point of raising the cap at all? You'll just be doing the same things anyways. Unless this comes with a lot more stuff they didn't bother mentioning, raising the cap now is a very bad idea!
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I watched the video ..and I didn't see anything about new levels....i saw new content and a new companion.


You might want to watch it again. There is a section of the trailer that shows new level cap/abilities.

Edited by Kirax
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@ Sabdredance


Yes, there will be new skills.




Oh i have seen that.Live :)

The Sith Assassin move is freaking awesome.

Still wonder if they extend / overhaul the skill trees or just add new abilities :)

But nobody can answer that now.

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