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EA's big announcement


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Free to play to level 15 (starting in July)

New warzone

Level cap increase and new abilities

New companion: HK-51

New playable race: Cathar

Nightmare mode...stuff

New Operation: something from the Beyond

New planet: McKab

New space mission (still on the rails)

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And new level cap, new planet, new WZ, new species, new companion...




Uh... what exactly else is there?


New planet with some new quests. New raid, new space zone, new playable race, new companion. That's pretty much the entire game.


Core combat systems subtle things like how group finder will work, guild management or whatever is not really suitable for a 4 or 5 minute presentation.


Major revisions, like an actual space combat game would be nice sure. But pretty much 'more of the game' is well... what you'd expect. Whole new systems I'd expect to be expansion pack territory, and they aren't there yet.


Interesting to compare the screen time SWTOR got to the sims, BF3 or medal of honor [sic]. But they make for much better presentation material than an MMO does.

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I'm extremely excited about the level cap increase. Will be great to learn a few new abilities on my BH.


I do worry about FP's however. If the level cap is increased to either 55 (most likely) or 60, are all the current HM FP's still level 50? Feel like it's make things a lot easier, also all the operations.


I guess I hope they add a lot of content at the same level as the new level cap, but I would be very surprised if it all came out at the same time.


Either way I'm pumped for it!!


I'm guessing there's no ETA on this, eh?

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Nice. Might be able to bring in some cohorts to try out the game, since they can do so for free up to Level 15.


Would still like to be able to play a Barabel.

Edited by GreySix
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in the live chat during presentation they said this.




The Premium video is rolling.


Dr. Ray Muzyka, Co-Founder of BioWare, is now on stage to talk about Star Wars: The Old Republic.


"Our goal is to provide a living service that's always on."


The Old Republic will be adding new PvP warzones to the game, along with more challenging group and high-level content, including a new version of Nightmare difficulty mode.


Group finder, ranked PvP, and character transfers are now available, and level caps have been increased for every class.


A new planet, Makeb, will introduce new storylines and more. There are also new companion characters and playable species coming soon.



Looks like one of the new companions is an Assassin Droid! Lots of sneak peeks in this trailer.

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Uh... what exactly else is there?


New planet with some new quests. New raid, new space zone, new playable race, new companion. That's pretty much the entire game.


PvP, space with OUT rails, more open worlds, multi-player vehicles, player housing, non-combat professions, social activities (mini-games)...those are what I'd have preferred to see tbh.

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Dual Specs? Some way to monitor procs so I don't have to spend all of my time watching my hotbar/buff bar instead of watching the action? Macros? Scripting language for user created addons? More orange gear skins and/or a dying system so I can make my character more personalized? Any of the other numerous features that are now standard for a LAST gen MMO, much less a NEXT gen MMO?


Oh yeah, how about a fix to the way the game loads in assets so it doesn't stop rendering every time something new has to be loaded? Related to that, how about an option to increase the distance at which objects and characters load so I don't feel like I'm playing on a PS1. Especially for foliage. I'm literally watching the grass grow.

Edited by Breck
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Dual Specs? Some way to monitor procs so I don't have to spend all of my time watching my hotbar/buff bar instead of watching the action? Macros? Scripting language for user created addons? More orange gear skins and/or a dying system so I can make my character more personalized? Any of the other numerous features that are now standard for a LAST gen MMO, much less a NEXT gen MMO?


Agreed, but those are too technical for an E3 presentation. They'd make sense as an announcement here, but not at E3.




PvP, space with OUT rails, more open worlds, multi-player vehicles, player housing, non-combat professions, social activities (mini-games)...those are what I'd have preferred to see tbh.


Player housing is basically a non starter. As I said, an actual space combat game is more expansion territory, not really E3 this year stuff. They don't want to have a situation where they announce something today and next E3 we're all wondering where it is. I can't imagine a proper space game could be done particularly quickly and be done well. They really deliberately didn't want a decent space game at launch. I have no idea why that is, but they deliberately did it the way it is. Changing that up to an actual space game would require quite a lot of lead time work.


Social activities and mini games don't make for good presentation material. Definitely not E3 quality. Compare to what everyone else has which are very intense action sequences (sports, FPS, driving etc.). Social games and mini activities that take more than 5 seconds to convey would be unsuitable.

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