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How many players by region/continent?


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How many players do you think there are by region/continent?


The reason I ask is because there appears to be one good EU server at the moment - The Red Eclipse - and that doesn't see heavy activity. This got me thinking, how many (english speaking) EU players are there really? The question then goes further: Is there really a need to have dedicated US and EU servers?

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Of the top 10 most populated servers, 4 are American, 3 are European, and 3 are Oceanic.


I would say that's pretty good disparity.


http://www.torstatus.net says that while you are correct that 3 are european, one of these european servers is a german one, and the OP wanted to know about english ones ;)




I personally am not a fan of separated servers to begin with, but I guess I've just played FFXI for too long.. *weeps*

then again the bigger problem is not that, but having too many servers as a whole. which isn't exactly news around here...

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