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Auction House Overhall


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Not sure if it's because I'm not used to it or not, but posting items for sale in the AH is a pain. As is searching for items as well. Some of the barriers should be taken down when searching, i.e. you should be able to browse a category in general without having to specify subcategory, rarity, slot, ect..ect…

Also, there needs to be a way to search for a specific item in the AH by Shift + clicking an item in bags, a link, or a crafting material needed. Wasting time trying to find that one crafting material needed by typing out the name of it, then trying to figure out what category AND subcategory it belongs to is not needed and should be fixed.

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I agree. It's not user friendly, and it seems like there's hardly any trading actually going on through it - most likely because it's so hard to use. I need to be able to browse through all of the items in whichever category I choose, not just a specific item! I'm surprised that this is a problem given that the game has based its model on a certain other MMO, and in many ways improved on it. Refer to Auction House!
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It's one thing to call it the AH in quick chats, but really, if you're going to post suggestions about how to overhaul the system, maybe you should actually call it by its name in this game, not WoW's?


AH is a universally used acronym for Auction House in WAY more MMO's than World of Warcraft. Maybe stop the WoW bashing and focus on what's at hand.

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It's one thing to call it the AH in quick chats, but really, if you're going to post suggestions about how to overhaul the system, maybe you should actually call it by its name in this game, not WoW's?


and if you look at title of the post, it's call "Auction House Overhall " so chill out you troll.

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AH is a universally used acronym for Auction House in WAY more MMO's than World of Warcraft. Maybe stop the WoW bashing and focus on what's at hand.


and if you look at title of the post, it's call "Auction House Overhall " so chill out you troll.


Yes, and the title uses the wrong name too. It's the GTN, or Galactic Trade Network. Also, there are no auctions on it, just straight sales.


Where did I bash WoW? Just because the name AH is used in that game (and other MMOs) , there's no reason why you can't use the correct name of the system in this game when proposing to change it.


Also, you don't have a clue what a forum troll is.

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