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With 1.3 coming up...


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I feel, that with 1.3 coming up it is time to revisit two issues that BW did in 1.2.


1) Give Corso back his harpoon. Bowdaar is the melee tank so give us back the harpoon that let us preserve our cc's, and be able to use back blast, dirty kick, and blaster whip, as well as our interrupts, while still being able to keep our distance as a range class should.


2) Bring back the Giggles. Some people complained about the laughing when Upper Hand was granted and BW just up and removed it. Instead, they should give us a toggle and make it so only the player can hear it, and not everyone around them.


After 1.2 was released there was a huge uproar on the Suggestion Box forum regarding these changes and it's time for BW to make amends.

Edited by Ramahospitality
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You know, I love how this thread has gotten almost 500 views at this point, but only one has commented. When 1.2 came out there was an overwhelming response from smugglers, including a very good thread from the above poster. I guess either your rage has subsided or you just don't care anymore. Personally, I want BioWare to fix their mistakes and stop taking the easy way out. Maybe if they devoted more time to game play, and not Legacy people wouldn't leave as fast. I mean, I don't think anyone would leave over legacy changes, but many would over breaking their class. So come on smugglers, lets show what we're made of and get BioWare off their butts and start doing something about this and every other mistake they've made. I love this game and don't want to see it go the way of RIFT. Edited by Ramahospitality
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You know, I love how this thread has gotten almost 500 vies at this point, but only one has commented. When 1.2 came out there was an overwhelming response from smugglers, including a very good thread from the above poster. I guess either your rage has subsided or you just don't care anymore. Personally, I want BioWare to fix their mistakes and stop taking the easy way out. Maybe if they devoted more time to game play, and not Legacy people wouldn't leave as fast. I mean, I don't think anyone would leave over legacy changes, but many would over breaking their class. So come on smugglers, lets show what we're made of and get BioWare off their butts and start doing something about this and every other mistake they've made. I love this game and don't want to see it go the way of RIFT.


no rage, i never use corso, and i don't mind no giggle. sure it would be nice to have it, but its not game breaking to not.


but that don't mean i'm not in support of the OPs requests, i think they would improve ppls game so, yes i support this

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The Corso change was indeed an incovenience, but just for leveling, which I`m done with, since dailies are easier with dps now, although I`d like to see it back.


As for the giggle, I still really really wish to see it back, I would be incredibly happy to have it back, if only for myself to hear and it`d still be very good :( A scoundrel without giggling is not a real scoundrel! (besides the fact that it`s so hard to tell the other, horrible, sound through all the noise, that are very alike, during combat)

Edited by Aranellis
spelling :D
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You know, I love how this thread has gotten almost 500 vies at this point, but only one has commented..


Most probably feel there is no point. Why spam requests?


The giggle was removed due to "sound fatigue" but the sound bugs continue as a low priority. I get the no-servers-online whir-whir noise at the beginning of every login and the always-on noise from my my speeders are going to drive me nuts eventually but the giggle/chuckle doesn't get a second look. What does this tell me?



  • The Smuggler giggle may be buried so deep on Bioware's To-Do list that it won't be addressed soon.
  • Bioware doesn't want to admit to being wrong on the issue when so much else (server populations, PVP expectations) is going badly.
  • Pretty soon there may not be enough original subscribers missing the past implementations to make a dent in their subscriber base, so the issues will die a natural death.


The situation is similar for the Corso harpoon minus the other bug associations. Personally I earnestly want to see both reinstated but I've already posted my opinion. The ball is in Bioware's court and the clock is ticking.

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Most probably feel there is no point. Why spam requests?


The giggle was removed due to "sound fatigue" but the sound bugs continue as a low priority. I get the no-servers-online whir-whir noise at the beginning of every login and the always-on noise from my my speeders are going to drive me nuts eventually but the giggle/chuckle doesn't get a second look. What does this tell me?



  • The Smuggler giggle may be buried so deep on Bioware's To-Do list that it won't be addressed soon.
  • Bioware doesn't want to admit to being wrong on the issue when so much else (server populations, PVP expectations) is going badly.
  • Pretty soon there may not be enough original subscribers missing the past implementations to make a dent in their subscriber base, so the issues will die a natural death.


The situation is similar for the Corso harpoon minus the other bug associations. Personally I earnestly want to see both reinstated but I've already posted my opinion. The ball is in Bioware's court and the clock is ticking.


But, you see, that's exactly my point. SO many people raged when these changes were implemented. This is my attempt to get BW to remember what they did and make amends. If they truly want our respect from gamers they need to admit when they screwed up and be adults about this and actually fix their mistakes.

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But, you see, that's exactly my point. SO many people raged when these changes were implemented. This is my attempt to get BW to remember what they did and make amends. If they truly want our respect from gamers they need to admit when they screwed up and be adults about this and actually fix their mistakes.


And all those people are gone, and with the reduced staffing from the Bioware layoffs things like this are probably so far on the back burner that people realize its just not worth the effort to raise the hue and cry about it.


Yeah, I know, they SAID there would be no issues with the staff reduction but let's be honest...fewer people means less people to do stuff. Stuff will still get done, just not very fast. It is a vicious cycle because people will grow quickly tired of getting the shaft and start looking for greener pastures or running back for Clouds of Bear-topia or whatever its called.

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And all those people are gone, and with the reduced staffing from the Bioware layoffs things like this are probably so far on the back burner that people realize its just not worth the effort to raise the hue and cry about it.


Yeah, I know, they SAID there would be no issues with the staff reduction but let's be honest...fewer people means less people to do stuff. Stuff will still get done, just not very fast. It is a vicious cycle because people will grow quickly tired of getting the shaft and start looking for greener pastures or running back for Clouds of Bear-topia or whatever its called.


which is a shame

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May sound a bit off topic, but

in the smuggler storyline boss fight on Tatooine, pretty much the only way to kill the two bosses was to pull the healer away with Corso's harpoon gun and kill him so he couldn't heal the other boss. How are people handling this now? Getting a vanguard to come in and help them with their story class quests? I personally don't think class quests should require more then one class. The harpoon is a needed mechanic if you want to solo this boss fight.

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You know, I love how this thread has gotten almost 500 vies at this point, but only one has commented.


sorry, too busy playing and enjoying the game to come back and rage more.


to make you feel better, i didn't like the above changes either, especially the giggle removal. if ANYTHING needs to be reinstated, it's that. i can't even hear the new sound effect in battles. as a healer, it's bad enough having to watch my teammates' health, my own health, and my feet for in case aoes are placed under me. now i have to watch those little itty bitty icons above my HP bar to keep track of UH because the new sound effect just gets lost in big, loud fights.


i've more or less got used to the Illegal Jet Pack. there are still some cases where i would much prefer having the harpoon, but it's not game breaking for me. if they bring it back, awesome. if they don't, not gonna cry.

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