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Color Crystals: Start crafting them or...


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...I will start a campaign to get them included on the commendations vendors!


Seriously, there is a need for more than just level 31 and higher crystals folks, and if you aren't going to craft them we'll have to start asking Bioware to cough them up as rewards or drops so we can upgrade our weapons.


I've seen a number of Artifice threads bemoaning the fact that they can't make any credits and I've so far on two servers seen a distinct lack of crystals available for items between level 9 and 31.


And for humanities sake, stop crafting nothing but Critical crystals! Tanks want Endurance crystals or maybe Power crystals but, really, it should be Endurance. If someone else has 15 Critical crystals up for sale...make something else!


Now go forth and craft so I don't have to level up an Artificer just to supply Crystals. Oh, and some decent hilts and Enhancements wouldn't hurt either...


I'm crafting plenty of +41 endurance crystals on my server Trask Ulgo, however they don't really sell that well atm.

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My artificer has tried putting lower level crystals on the AH, but they just don't sell all that well.


Course, there is a artificer on our low pop server who regularly puts purples, and seems to be doing great with them.


So someone's selling them.... :rak_01:

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I tried selling level 13, 25 crystals but I ended waiting like 6 days for 20k profit.


All in all, most of the people on my server have 2 or more level 50s so I generally just don't have a market for low level items. It's not that I am biased against low level items, it's that they just. don't. sell.

The issue is crafting is useless.


Short term, you can equip rerolls... but I don't know anyone who will reroll more than 7 times.

Short-Mid term, you can equip newcomers... but we're already going in the wrong direction.


In fact, even lvl 50 stuff has no market. Say you can craft any ilvl 61 armor pieces and you're 10 on the server, you'll sell 1 of each type to each of your "customers", and then? By the way, note the 7 others with which you raided to get your schematics are already full ilvl 61 by the time you have the schematics.


The "gear grinding MMO" concept itself is flawed from the start, gear grinding should be a part of the game (for some very rare loots with a particular skin and/or buff...), not the basis.


It would be interesting to analyze the time required to play just for replacement parts in MMOs that don't follow this stupid concept and actually have the one and only cash sink : breakable gear.

Edited by JMCH
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I've recently started RE'ing everything I can to get better crystals for different levels. Not just crystals but enhancements, hilts and other stuff. I wanna see what sells best. So far, I've got a butt load of purple enhancements, hilts, crystals, shield generators but not all the material to make em. Lately hardest materials to come by is Corusca gems and biometric crystal alloy, the latter of which sells on my server for about $150,000 credits :mad: The gems for some reason I can get like 7 of them and then won't get another for at least 5-6 tries.
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getting the lower level mats is the main problem. archaeology is just terrible. the metals are not so bad but they take so many for the armoring and mods.


the game sorely needs more crewskill material nodes. it is bad enough in most areas but when server populations increase due to merges and transfers it will be even worse. missions do NOT provide enough green mats and companions are being used to get the blue mats anyways.


personally i have a hard enough time getting mats to make stuff for the alt i am currently leveling up let alone anything to put on the gtn. when i am not playing the lowbe i am doing dailies, farming for the lowbe or a hardmode when i can get one.


hopefully this helps explain a few things about some of us with multi 400 crewskillers that still play the game.




I can understand at the top levels of your crew skill missions only getting the 4-5 missions that pop, have to re-zone to get more. But as your skill goes up, you should be able to select any mission you want from lower tiers of missions. That alone would greatly increase the ability to gather green and blue materials.

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