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[POLL] Extra Character Slots per Server?


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/signed for total of 16 slots


yeah i want to see a total of 16 per server 8 imperial and 8 republic!


especially since we are getting new playable species and i am guessing more in future expansions.:cool:




I agree 100% with what he said.

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Pre dead servers and introduction of server wide (rather than account wide) legacy and now transfers I would have said 8 was fine. Now it has to be 16... the destination from my imperial realm is... drum roll.... my republic realm. So 16 :(
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Pre dead servers and introduction of server wide (rather than account wide) legacy and now transfers I would have said 8 was fine. Now it has to be 16... the destination from my imperial realm is... drum roll.... my republic realm. So 16 :(

Me too. I desperately need more character slots. My Empire server is Trask Ulgo, with 7 characters on it. The only available transfer is to my Republic server, The Progenitor, where I already have 6 characters. I'm resigned to losing a legacy, didn't really care about it anyway as I only have two chars that that use the name on the Empire side, but I really don't want to lose characters :(

Edited by Syart
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I would love more character slots. With the legacy race unlocks, and 8 advanced classes for republic & 8 advanced classes for empire.. we really need more. I think 16 would be perfect for just about everyone.


And I know they said they were looking into adding more character slots per server. But do we have any time frame for that? Because I keep deleting and rerolling low level alts, and going between different races that would eventually get the race unlock.

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I agree with the majority who believe that 16 Characters should be the minimum requirement with the next patch. With HK-51 coming and a requirement being at least one character one each side many people and guilds will roll alt sides if they haven't already. When then happens you are going to want a minimum of 8 slots for each side.
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I have 11 characters now. I would like to play them all on the same server please for the reasons many have already stated.


Also, besides slots, I'll need the ability to move my Empire characters over to my republic server please.

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They said in the Q and A more character slots are coming soon! Stay tuned guys! It's all comin together!


Thanks for pointing that out, for some reason I find those Q & A's hard to read. Can't wait to see what details they will be releasing. Hopefully it is soon.

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They already answered this question thrice in the q&a.


March 16th:

Ziko: Already having 8 characters on my server...will I be forced to delete characters in order to take advantage of the Legacy system or will I be able to change race & new Legacy customization features on pre-existing characters and will there be more character slots added?


Georg Zoeller (Principal Lead Combat Designer): We have heard at the Guild Summit that there's interest in being able to acquire additional character slots on the servers. We are in the process of determining the requirements for such a step and will update the community when such a feature has moved past the planning state.



March 30th:

Aymi: You guys are including a whole bunch of things to motivate us to reroll and unlock stuff through Legacy, but if I’m playing on one server because the community is great, I’ll be limited to eight characters. You said during the Guild Summit you were going to think about it at some point, any update on that?


Daniel Erickson: We are 100% committed to providing more character slots per server in the future but unfortunately we’re not ready to talk about how that will work.


June 22nd:

Fireblazer: Any chance we will be able to get extra character slots for a server in the future. Maybe as part of the legacy system?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): There will definitely be more slots appearing in the near future. Stay tuned for details.


I repeat myself, but there should at least be 16 slots per server in the near future. But i guess, we`ll get 1-2 more slots for free and the possibilty to buy extra-slots. Hopefully they`ll prove me wrong.

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dont really want 16 slots per server, happy with 8 really. if you truly want to sample every single spec of every single character then go to other servers and do it. itll give you exposure to other people in the game ... who knows, you might make friends on the new servers too .... sweet.

as long as i can send mail to any chars on any server on my account, thatd be fine for me

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dont really want 16 slots per server, happy with 8 really. if you truly want to sample every single spec of every single character then go to other servers and do it. itll give you exposure to other people in the game ... who knows, you might make friends on the new servers too .... sweet.

as long as i can send mail to any chars on any server on my account, thatd be fine for me


If the legacy-system would be account-wide (as an option), that would be fine for me too.

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dont really want 16 slots per server, happy with 8 really. if you truly want to sample every single spec of every single character then go to other servers and do it. itll give you exposure to other people in the game ... who knows, you might make friends on the new servers too .... sweet.

as long as i can send mail to any chars on any server on my account, thatd be fine for me


Wow, that is the same as me saying "I do not want ranked Warzones, if you want rankings, go play Battlefield 3, you might meet new people there".


Not one person wanting more character slots said it should be mandatory to use them. So if you only want 8 chars on a server, only roll 8.

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With the server moves, it would have been nice, the server they selected for me to move to already had several characters on it as my guild chose two different servers for each faction of the guild. This created a situation where I had to decide what characters were getting left behind on my old server.


Just 2 more slots would have prevented this.

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I agree with this, either some way to purchase additional slots through legacy or paid service. If they introduce more species like they say they are those of us with 8 characters already would either have to reroll or pick another server. I honestly dont want to do either.
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This is an attempt to see how many people would benefit from an addition of say 2-4 extra character slots per server.


I, for one, have several reasons I think this would be beneficial to many.


First off, I know there is some concern over low populations on several servers. With the forth coming character transfers and possible server mergers, I would think that those of us of who have high level characters on several servers would like to find a permanent home for them on higher populated servers, especially if they are a part of an active guild, but may not have room to transfer those characters. This would allow us to have room for those transfers.


Second, I think this would help broaden the legacy experience, not just within the ability to have more characters to generate more legacy points and thus reaping the benefits from the higher tiers of legacy accomplishment, but more over it would allow us as players to create a more dynamic "family tree: and thus giving more depth to our respective legacy experiences - an unwritten biography as it were.


Third, and most important to me and the Bioware "concept" is the re-playability factor. Knights of the Old Republic - not to mention the Mass Effect series, Jade Empire, The Dragon Age series, and the Neverwinter Nights series - all have wonderful story lines (let's not discuss ME3's ending) that made them infinitely re-playable, especially considering that you can go back and change character classes, gender, race and alignment to see the subtle differences in dialogue, story and endings (one of the reasons I make a point to go back at least once a year a replay each of those titles). With the addition of added character slots, it would allow players to go back through a character class and choose a different race, specialization class, gender, and attitude (light/dark) and see how the same story unfolds - even allowing for different decisions to be made along the way. For me specifically, and to give you an example, I thoroughly enjoyed the Imperial Operative storyline. However, I played him as a Human Operative. I want to go back (once the story is not so fresh in my mind) and play him as a Chiss Sniper. I want to choose a new romance option. And, without giving away a specific spoiler, there is one decision gate early on that I would to choose the different route. But I want to be able to do these things without leaving the server I'm on because of the fantastic guild I'm associate with now (Darth Bandon - <The Republic> and <The Imperial Guard> - we're actively recruiting, look us up on the server or at our guild's web page. We're the largest and most active guild around!).


I know that 8 slots already seems plenty. That give players the option of have one of every general class, 4 republic and 4 imperial, or allows the player to have all 8 variant specializations of either the republic classes or the imperial classes (of course, allowing for any mixing and matching variants within). I'm not asking for 16 character slots so that we can have all the various permutations of character classes, but the addition of 2-4 extra slots would seem to me to be within the realm of possible. It would make up for low server populations, allow players to transfer in extra high level characters from other servers, it would bolster the legacy experience and, most importantly, allow for a greater chance for class/story re-playability.


Please add your voice to this discussion. I had simply wanted to create a quick and easy poll to judge whether or not there is a shared demand for this, but obviously I am unable to do so. Bioware is famous for listening to players and doing everything within their power to address issues and requests. If you feel this is something that you would not need now or in the future, please say so. If, like me, you almost desperately need a couple of extra character slots, then by all means say that as well.


I look forward to seeing how the community reacts to this request and upon reading sensible, constructive discussions on this topic. Remember, it is for Bioware to say whether or not this is even possible, so lets hope we get some input from the Devs and I will attempt to be diligent on getting this answered on a Q & A (as I have tried already). Thank you for you time and input. :w_cool:


I think that extra character slots could be a LEGACY PERK.


You could buy your extra slots.

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16 would suit me as I am one of those who created my Republic characters on one server and my Imperials on another. Luckily they were given different destination servers for the free transfer so I don't have to choose between them, but I would still like to consolidate my legacy now that I can send mail to opposite faction characters.
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My vote is one slot per AC ,and maintain that ratio when new ACs are added. Personally idc if they're free (preferable) or cost a bit.

I love Alts and really dig BW's ability to write mostly great SLs. 2 genders, 9 species, 3 alignments, 16 ACs? Yeah 8 simply isn't enough for an avid RPer/SL enthusiast and i very much hope it doesn't go up a paltry amount. Please dont be warcrack and give us 10 slots and call that a marked improvement, lol. I'd settle for 12 or so, but at least one per AC is what *I* feel is ideal.

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