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No one on fleet.


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8 people on the fleet Saturday 2:30 pm:


I know Bioware knows there is a population problem, I know there will be a fix, I know I can reroll a class I've already leveled to 50 on a different server, I know the transfers will be free. The real issue is that my only option is to reroll, or do dailys (which I have already done due to boredom.)


Please, can I get a Dev or an admin in here to remind me why I keep paying $15 a month?

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8 people on the fleet Saturday 2:30 pm:


I know Bioware knows there is a population problem, I know there will be a fix, I know I can reroll a class I've already leveled to 50 on a different server, I know the transfers will be free. The real issue is that my only option is to reroll, or do dailys (which I have already done due to boredom.)


Please, can I get a Dev or an admin in here to remind me why I keep paying $15 a month?


Cancel. I did.

Its pretty funny how they are taking their sweet time to release these transfers when there have been population problems and a need for them for months.


Dont pay Bioware to play a dead server.

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Well, that's exactly how I feel right now, I read the 1.3 pts post, saying that in a few weeks they're implementing 1.3 on the PTS, so I'm guessing that that means about 3 weeks till 1.3 goes on the PTS and then 1-2 Months before the patch is released, so I probably have about 3 months before I can transfer my 8, 50's off this server.


Is this the case? Can I get an admin's response? I'll just wait it out till I get some kind of response.

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Well, that's exactly how I feel right now, I read the 1.3 pts post, saying that in a few weeks they're implementing 1.3 on the PTS, so I'm guessing that that means about 3 weeks till 1.3 goes on the PTS and then 1-2 Months before the patch is released, so I probably have about 3 months before I can transfer my 8, 50's off this server.


Is this the case? Can I get an admin's response? I'll just wait it out till I get some kind of response.


Lol you're not going to get a developer response. Sorry but its a little naive of you to think so.

They dont even communicate to the community at large let alone respond to individual threads asking for answers.


I wouldnt really trust anything they say. They have been saying all along that this patch would be 'leaner' and therefore be released faster than any previous patch. Well guess what, by the time 1.3 is finished testing it will have taken about as long as 1.2 to be released and that actually had new PvE content in it.


Id say that 1- 1.5 months for the patch to be released is a reasonable guess. The only response you will get from a developer is one word 'soon'. It was soon a month ago, and it will soon any othertime.

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If you really love the game and want it to be your main play then i say reroll and bide your time until it comes out. Other servers *cough* fatman *cough* have an amazing PVP scene. When transfers happen, then you can go back to your regular routine. Until then its SW:ToR, Interrupted.


That being said, i really hope when 1.3 does come out they have an open week or two to where all the people that did quit can come back and see whats going on without having to pay anything. that way, with ranked and everything they may very well decide its time to return. Most people i know didn't quit because they hated the game, they quit because of server population, faction balance issues and getting some super-servers merged up might be just the remedy.

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My original idea was to cancel until the game was out of paid beta. Hence me still trolling these forums. Now, after 3 months of not being subscribed and the game still being a paid beta that bw didn't invite enough people to play. I'm probably just going to wait until the beta test goes FTP. Even then I'm going to struggle logging back in.


This is an example of how not to make an mmo kids.

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My original idea was to cancel until the game was out of paid beta. Hence me still trolling these forums. Now, after 3 months of not being subscribed and the game still being a paid beta that bw didn't invite enough people to play. I'm probably just going to wait until the beta test goes FTP. Even then I'm going to struggle logging back in.


This is an example of how not to make an mmo kids.


^^^ True story

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IF you hate it so much, cancel your sub.


Oh wait, that's right. You don't actually think its that big of a deal, hence why you are still subbed to the game and paying money to play on a dead server.


See how that works?

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8 people on the fleet Saturday 2:30 pm:


I know Bioware knows there is a population problem, I know there will be a fix, I know I can reroll a class I've already leveled to 50 on a different server, I know the transfers will be free. The real issue is that my only option is to reroll, or do dailys (which I have already done due to boredom.)


Please, can I get a Dev or an admin in here to remind me why I keep paying $15 a month?


Did you check the entire server?Heres a solution check the entire server for each side , and join the more populated one.Problem solved. Population is a player problem.Like my server , over 100 imps on and less than 20 for pub side.Thats after people leaving and thats not prime time either.The lowest ive seen during off peak was 90 imp side and 1 pub side.Yes that 1 was me! LOL!

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8 people on the fleet Saturday 2:30 pm:


I know Bioware knows there is a population problem, I know there will be a fix, I know I can reroll a class I've already leveled to 50 on a different server, I know the transfers will be free. The real issue is that my only option is to reroll, or do dailys (which I have already done due to boredom.)


Please, can I get a Dev or an admin in here to remind me why I keep paying $15 a month?


Best thing you can do is cancel I think. That is the most powerful message you can send.

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My server used to have 200 people on fleet during prime time no longer then 2 months ago. Now it's down to 50-60 people and playing the same 15 players in WZs night after night.

Unsubbed, mite come back in few months to check things out when it's FTP.

Edited by Isislol
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Reroll please.Now !


I did this recently and it was a very hard decision as i lost so much effort and i really loved my server and the community


( all class buffs / maxed affection on all republic char companions / maxed crew skills / almost full war hero (augmented) / all datacrons / very rare and expensive items and so on)


but finally there are people to play with again and i should have rerolled much earlier.


mite come back in few months to check things out when it's FTP.


That will not happen.

They will introduce a trial to experience the Prologue,

They will open a shop where you can buy ingame things and services for real money,

That´s it and milk this game for years.

Edited by Sabredance
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