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DS option Kills


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Sith warrior force chokes two people picks them up and smashes them together then jumps up and slashes and kills the third dude.


Lets not forget the sith warrior on nar shaada killing 2 hutts at once and then kills everyone else in the room only leaving 1 person left.


All of these were cut scene DS kills.

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I 'll also have to go with putting the Flesh Raider into the fire. Funny as hell!


After I did that, I spent a solid ten seconds staring slack-jawed at the screen before summoning the presence of mind to say "That was just unnecessary."


Then I joined my husband in laughing. That was just...wow. :D

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Lets not forget the sith warrior on nar shaada killing 2 hutts at once and then kills everyone else in the room only leaving 1 person left.


That was probably my favorite. Hutts are openly insulting you and about to gamble on your life, your character goes, 'you're all dead.' Blasts a rival Sith out the way and murders the two Hutts an instant later.



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After I did that, I spent a solid ten seconds staring slack-jawed at the screen before summoning the presence of mind to say "That was just unnecessary."


Then I joined my husband in laughing. That was just...wow. :D


I hit escape a couple of times to play that scene over and over again just for kicks.

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Any time my character gets to kill Hutts. I don't know what's so funny about light sabering/grenading/gunning them down, but it's so satisfying to see them keel over. Jerks.


Apparently there's a scene for the smuggler where you can shove a grenade down a Hutt's throat and kill him. I didn't do it cause I'm LS, but it sounds pretty satisfying. I hate Hutts, I'm like the Bender of Hutts - I dream of killing all Hutts.


HOWEVER, if you DON'T kill that particular Hutt, he does send you a really nice apology letter. So it kind of evens out.

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To bad lightside has nothing like this... My sith warrior on korriban, is lightside and i had defeated Vemrin and i tried to spare his life, but he refuesd, so i endup just genericly slashing his back... Linda lame..
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To bad lightside has nothing like this... My sith warrior on korriban, is lightside and i had defeated Vemrin and i tried to spare his life, but he refuesd, so i endup just genericly slashing his back... Linda lame..


There are occasional awesoem LS options. Perhaps fewer than the interesting DS kills, but they exist. I'd give some examples but that would be going off topic.

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Alderaan for the Sith Warror, if you go through it completely darkside...oh my....oh my....


...and it's all +20 Quinn. :D


Oh that was awesome. The women wanted to send me on another fetch/kill quest lets just say no one left the room alive.

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Whats your favorite DS option kill. I like it when my IA pulls out his magic one shot kill pistol and gives a snarky one liner:cool:


Favorite... my favorite DS kills were those who were really hard for me and took a long time to think about. Persons I knew or persons who were important:


Jedi Consular



Master Yuon - my own master (well, I RPed my Consular and her were good friends instead of master and padawan), Qyzen was there. But I had shielded her last time and the Plague master took control again. So I took it hard, but in the end I killed her instead of weakening myself further and giving the Plaguemaster another opportunity to take over again.


Lord Vivicar - was even harder. He was the Plaguemaster and told me, if I killed him, all infected Jedi would die. Lots of masters, all very important for the order. But... If I tried to shield him instead, I would risk my life. And if it didn't work, I would die and he would be unstoppable. Or even if it would work, the ghost who possessed him would be still there and maybe find another victim and start anew.


After that I was so sad about what was necessary, I wished I could have said the council: "I don't deserve to become Barsan'thor."



So these are my favorite DS kills because they had the strongest emotional impact on me.

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Sith Warrior story on Alderaan.



You start torturing the General woman's lover, she begs you to spare him for the information you want. I agree, get the information, murder everyone in the room except the boyfriend, look over and say "I agreed to spare you", then leave.


Who says the bad guys don't keep their word. :cool:


Edited by Ellyria
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Not a DS option (I think), but first thing that came to mind was:


killing Lord Draahg as SW. Force jump, force push into burning hangar, then Broonmark's response (Something like, "Traitor to Sith clan is purified in the fire." I honestly can't remember) such a satisfying end to the overconfident apprentice who taunted me about Vengean and Baras.





I'm looking forward to killing Baras. "Even your apparition makes me feel murderous."


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Not a DS option (I think), but first thing that came to mind was:


killing Lord Draahg as SW. Force jump, force push into burning hangar, then Broonmark's response (Something like, "Traitor to Sith clan is purified in the fire." I honestly can't remember) such a satisfying end to the overconfident apprentice who taunted me about Vengean and Baras.



As to your first point (SW spoiler):

Yes, it's a DS option. If you have Pierce out, he says "He'll burn to a crisp down there. Heh. I could shoot him and put him out of his misery, but why?"


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