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Healers and expertise


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I'm wondering how much expertise a healer should aim for, at the moment i'm trying to stack as much expertise which will result in getting about 1370ish expertise for the survivability or is it wiser to for example use power crystals in the weapons and a matrix cube? How much should I aim for in general?


I'm a BH in full augmented warhero gear so basically all that is left is to optimize my stats. If anyone has any constructive views about this I'd greatly appreciate that as well.

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Stacvk as much expertise as you can possibly get on a healer, it'll be your primary defensive stat. With the way Expertise scales right now, you won't get into serious DR until ~1600 expertise.


Then get your crit to ~30% unbuffed, surge to ~75%, and stack any remaining points into power/primary stat. You primary stat + power both scale linearly (i.e. they don't have soft caps) so they'll ALWAYS be a good choice once you get into soft caps on expertise/crit/surge.

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Personally I prefer to keep my Expertise around 1200 and then stack more Endurance to give me a bit more of a buffer when I get focused. Having 18-19k health is nice, especially when it comes to things like Warzone Medpacs and then EMP refreshing UHs - at 29% I still have 6k health left, which becomes 8-9k when I hit EMP.
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So stack it or not? Equip matrix cube or another WH relic // Powercrystals or expertise


1. POW/END CRYSTALS. The top end ones...

2. Martix Cube is "BiS" but I like the two Campaign relic combo. One defensive, one "offensive". Each on different CD's.


As you start getting WH, swap mods.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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I'm full augmented war hero at the moment, reached the crit/surge cap and basically stacking power now with expertise, just want to know how far i should go whilest neglecting other stats. Also, i dont see why a campaign relic is better than a warhero relic, you trade 40 endurance for 57 expertise, the proc is the same.
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I'm full augmented war hero at the moment, reached the crit/surge cap and basically stacking power now with expertise, just want to know how far i should go whilest neglecting other stats. Also, i dont see why a campaign relic is better than a warhero relic, you trade 40 endurance for 57 expertise, the proc is the same.


From a healing perspective you are already past the "soft" cap on EXP. Most think the cap is between 1000-1100 (I think its more like 800-900). So if you remove the two WH relics you will be at 1100+EXP, but gain +80END.

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I've been struggling with this. The dR on healing after 1100 vs the damage reduction. I'm tempted to drop to 1200 and stack power because it gets me closer to campaign for a one size fits all gear.


Smart man.

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If you follow the equations from the various websites it seems stacking expertise as high as possible is the best way. With the gear available the only item that becomes questionable is teh matric cube vs. a WH cube.


I think they only way to answer this is to actually do the math. You have to keep in mind that Endurance is great but damage reduction, especially against mutiple enemies focusing you, may be better .


Always calculate for extreme situations. For example you are stunned and getting beat on by three people. Which scenario gives you the better chance to survive that? Endurance or Expertise damage reduction. Well considering how hard people hit damage reduction , even in small amounts, should add up to more.


Again though I think the best way is to reach for the equation on this one as the MAtric cube is very sexy for a healer.

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