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Open World PvP: better on PvE or PvP server?


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Listen its clear you were sold on the idea that everyone is rolling on a PvE server for the hardcore PvP from the beginning. So theres not much I can do here other than poke more holes in your logical fallacies for anyone else coming by.


Its clear you know nothing of PvP and probably still back peddle and turn with A and D.


Your main complaint is being able to find people to fight in PvP... you said 85% of a PvP server is ganking lowbies... but nobody forces you to do that, and if 85% of the player base is out ganking lowbies (impossible ratio btw) then you know exactly where to find lots of people to Open World PvP with! Which makes a PvP server the clear choice!


If 85% of people on PvP servers are out ganking lowbies throughout 10 differrent planets, YOU ARE GOING TO BE SEARCHING FOR AN HOUR TO FIND FIGHTS...the point I've been making all along, that you still cant comprehend. Read and Re-Read this over and over till MY MAIN point registers in your head.


And like i said, a HUGE chunk will be just grinding WZ's since its the fastest way, another HUGE chunk will be ganking lowbies throughout 10 planets. The rest of you guys will be wondering around the entire galaxy PRAYING to find a fight or too...you'll end up giving up and then just queuing for WZ's.



This game is nothing like DAOC. Where is my keep? Where are my relics to defend? Where is my realm renown? Where are my 3 factions and shifting alliances? Oh its over there on the repetitive instanced planet, Alterac Valley In Space, which has none of those.


No one said this game is LIKE DAoC brainiac...I said 98% ALL DAoC servers ARE PVE servers, excluding mordred/andred. There is NO PVP in open world leveling zones, ALL PVP is in RvR zone (+DF). <--- is this not exactly what a PvE server is?? (no pvp in leveling planens, PvP only in ILLUM/OD/WZ's, and you have the flag feature as extra. Learn to read buddy.


No, i'm explaining the differences between PvE and PvP since thats the topic we're discussing. DO U THINK U CAN'T QUE 4 WARZONE ON A PVP SERVER??? HUEHUEHUE010101!


seeing as how I said in my last post WZ's will take a HUGE CHUNK of people on PvP and PvE servers... never mind...


I made this thread looking for input from real PvP'ers...go practice your back peddling some more...you're the typical PvP server scrub who will sit in a lvl 25-30 planet ganking anything that walks...but hey if thats you're idea of fun, more power to ya!

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I peronally as a dedicated pvper am going to to a pve realm and am planning on living in llium and tattoine. The realm was decided by friends also starting swtor but i think even the pve realms should have a nice bit of action in the pvp areas.


I play MMO's for PvP...I do not play MMO's to kill computerized monsters.


I too want to just LIVE in ILLUM and TATT, and just spend all day killing...I DO NOT want to spend all day flying around planets TRYING to find fights. And with Outlaw's Den being a COMPLETELY pointless 30 minute journey of a zone on PvP servers, that place is going to be extinct.


I play a LOT during non peak hours, especially during 11am-3am...it is these hours where you NEED your PvP to be concentrated into a few zones, and not spread out over every planet.


I just want someone to bring up a point as to why I SHOULDN'T roll on a PvP server...none of this "omgz you wont be able to gank lowbies while your're in leveling zones"



I figure as long as I get into one of the highest pop PvE servers, not only will there be plenty of action in Illum and OD, but ill also be able to roll Empire, since Republic have higher numbers on PvE servers :p

Edited by Wohast
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This might be a stupid question but are you able to loot other players stuff?


I feel like you already knew the answer to that before you asked it, because most mainstream games aren't even going to touch item loot with a 100000000000000000 mile pole because they know it's not as profitable as feeding people a pve themepark to rot their brains in, then potentially slapping some half assed pvp server or system (lol warfronts) into the mix.

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Its a trade you get ganked by higher levels (sometimes) but you get tons of 1v1 fights with people your level as you are leveling up and many more group fights.


On a pve server you no longer get ganked but you lose all of the open world pvp.


In my humble opinion i believe people who lose a majority of their 1v1s should roll pve... so i support your decision. But don't try to misconstrue your true intentions by claiming something as insane as "There is more pvp on a pve server" You only make yourself look foolish.

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Its a trade you get ganked by higher levels (sometimes) but you get tons of 1v1 fights with people your level as you are leveling up and many more group fights.


On a pve server you no longer get ganked but you lose all of the open world pvp.


In my humble opinion i believe people who lose a majority of their 1v1s should roll pve... so i support your decision. But don't try to misconstrue your true intentions by claiming something as insane as "There is more pvp on a pve server" You only make yourself look foolish.



Heres the problem, the majority of people that claim they know *** they are talking about are thinking SMALL TERM. Use your brain and step outside of the box for a second.


Hardcore PvP'ers, like myself, do not care AT ALL about PvP while leveling. Getting ganked while leveling, and ganking others, does not make me happy nor mad...because at the end of the day THAT type of PvP is POINTLESS. We want to get 50 ASAP so we can start REAL end game PvP.


Now THIS IS THE MAIN POINT, level 50 end game PvP is what its all about. So my question of whether or not there is better end game pvp on PvE/PvP makes perfect sense...seeing as how again, PvP server = spread out, wasting time looking for fights...PvE = concentrated, you know where the action is.


I am an Imperial Agent Operative or Smuggler Scoundrel...I have stealth...MY CLASS does the ganking out in the open world on PvP servers. Implying that we choose PvE because we are scared of getting killed while leveling or suck at 1v1 shows how CLUELESS and FOOLISH you really are.

Edited by Wohast
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well dont know mate, i love to world pvp people of my lvl, you just get better understanding of your class and most important, of other classes too while levelling, but again, personal preferences :)

just hate ppl who kill lowbies, they are just useless but think of themselves as a ******



apologise about my english if any error found :p

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Well, people who are afraid of getting ganked and camped, should not roll on PvP server.

I know its getting old - but its the simple truth.


PvP on PvE server is not worse than on PvP Server. Actually many enjoy it as well.

Many just want to be not "disturbed" while questing or farming. They want to decide self when they want PvP and when not - Thats perfectly fine.

Edited by Hypospray
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PVP is better. People keep arguing that they have to find fights, Ive never had to find a fight. Why? Because your basically at war with another guild. I claim a planet, I tell a republic guild its mine and if they set foot on it, ill Kill them.


You know what they do? They bring there guild, and we have a huge **** off war. And thats world pvp. It can be extremely strategical, especially to people who love to set them up with guilds with 100+ members. I love ambushes. And countering them. You cant set up a perfect ambush in a PVE server anywhere you want. Launch a counterstrike. Love the war games PVP has.



PVE is good because if no one happens to be on and you cant set anything up, then you go to a designated area. But then there is no realism of war games. No ambushes anywhere you want. No Open combat. No danger feeling.



Either way Im making characters on both servers, cause Im a storyline guy and sometimes I just like to enjoy the story.

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PVP is better. People keep arguing that they have to find fights, Ive never had to find a fight. Why? Because your basically at war with another guild. I claim a planet, I tell a republic guild its mine and if they set foot on it, ill Kill them.


You know what they do? They bring there guild, and we have a huge **** off war. And thats world pvp. It can be extremely strategical, especially to people who love to set them up with guilds with 100+ members. I love ambushes. And countering them. You cant set up a perfect ambush in a PVE server anywhere you want. Launch a counterstrike. Love the war games PVP has.



PVE is good because if no one happens to be on and you cant set anything up, then you go to a designated area. But then there is no realism of war games. No ambushes anywhere you want. No Open combat. No danger feeling.



Either way Im making characters on both servers, cause Im a storyline guy and sometimes I just like to enjoy the story.

You can't claim a planet in this game.

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The idea behind rolling on a PvE server to PvP sounds nice in theory, but in my experience after the game has been out a while, there is zero world PvP on PvE servers, even when there are entire zones dedicated to just that. People spend most of their time in PvE instances and raids and when they want to PvP, they just queue for battlegrounds and stand around town while they wait to get in because it's a lot easier.


More people on PvE servers will only be doing PvP as a fun side thing when they're tired of running instances, but since it's not their main focus, and queueing for BGs when you want your PvP fix is so easy, the world PvP zones are empty.


That's what I've seen elsewhere and my expectation here as well. :\ I'd reccomend PvP servers if you want to PvP because there will be more people on PvP servers whose main endgame plan is to PvP, so they'll be out there all the time. I also doubt that people will be spread out - when they realize there is no one in the zone they're in, they'll go to where they know they can find people. Eventually there will be PvP "gathering" places so to speak that become the PvP hotspots and everyone will go there instead of other places in game.

Edited by Leiloni
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it's quite simple what's the problem on PvP servers. and I'm not talking only about swtor, but, as I've seen from my experience, any MMO that have high level ppl being able to gank low level makes the server unbalanced on the ammount of players at each side.


as a good exemple, last year, at DC universe online, there were some PvP server, the most populated server was Death and Glory, and it was 75% villan, cuz heroes had a really hard time leveling.


If this happens on SWTOR, we will see servers with these weird ratios for republic/empire players and huge queues for usefull PvP ( since usually ganking gives no reward)

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This is such a pointless thread.


Yeah there may be some world PvP lovers who might roll PvE servers so they can level ASAP w/o being ganked and do endgame pvp, but the VAST majority of players on PvE servers will only be interested in warfronts after the game's been out a few months.


Now the people who roll PvP servers are the ones that want to PvP, and they are the type of people that will have a higher chance of showing up for world PvP after the "newness" has worn off. Most of them will still only do warfronts, but there will be a greater chance of them doing world pvp.


On a personal note, some of the most epic, intense, and emotionally draining pvp fights I've ever had was while leveling on a pvp server. The danger of being attacked at any time is thrilling, and the gratification of fighting off and killing someone who tried to gank you has no equal. Then there's also all the awesome times when a higher level would come gank us lowbies, and us lowbies would group up to kill the high level. Such gratification.


Oh and let's not forget the times I'm leveling my alt, get ganked by a high level, switch to my main and hunt the ganker down. This results in them calling for back up, and me doing the same and it turns into an all out war between guilds/friends in some random zone. This randomness is what pvp is all about.

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With SWTOR having zones like Outlaw's Den and Illum, I am wondering which server type will bring more END GAME PVP ACTION


PvP Server: people PvP'ing everywhere, on every planet...as a result takes away the population from Illum/OD.


PvE Server: PvP only in these two areas...as a result lots of people, easier to find fights.


With the size of Illum, more people is definitely a good thing.


One question I do have that changes things completely is:


On PvP servers do open world kills on regular planets give you commendations? Or do you only get these from Illum/OD/Wz type zones?




My other concern is that on a PvP server, the END GAME action is gonna be spread out so much, that its going to take LOTS of "looking around" to find fights. PvE server it will all be concentrated, so you only have 1-2 places to go look, and you know thats where all the action is.


...to my knowledge there IS NO 'open world pvp' on PvE servers. at least, not if we're defining Open World the same way.

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Now the people who roll PvP servers are the ones that want to PvP, and they are the type of people that will have a higher chance of showing up for world PvP after the "newness" has worn off. .

Um, incorrect.


The people who roll on PVP server do it to gank lowbies, not for competitive PVP. Most are amazingly bad at actual PVP. When an equal level person does show up to fight them, they usually flee the area.


Seeing as most PVP servers are going to be Empire lopsided, roll Republic. Otherwise, you're the carebear.

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This is such a pointless thread.


Yeah there may be some world PvP lovers who might roll PvE servers so they can level ASAP w/o being ganked and do endgame pvp, but the VAST majority of players on PvE servers will only be interested in warfronts after the game's been out a few months.


Now the people who roll PvP servers are the ones that want to PvP, and they are the type of people that will have a higher chance of showing up for world PvP after the "newness" has worn off. Most of them will still only do warfronts, but there will be a greater chance of them doing world pvp.


On a personal note, some of the most epic, intense, and emotionally draining pvp fights I've ever had was while leveling on a pvp server. The danger of being attacked at any time is thrilling, and the gratification of fighting off and killing someone who tried to gank you has no equal. Then there's also all the awesome times when a higher level would come gank us lowbies, and us lowbies would group up to kill the high level. Such gratification.


Oh and let's not forget the times I'm leveling my alt, get ganked by a high level, switch to my main and hunt the ganker down. This results in them calling for back up, and me doing the same and it turns into an all out war between guilds/friends in some random zone. This randomness is what pvp is all about.



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Um, incorrect.


The people who roll on PVP server do it to gank lowbies, not for competitive PVP. Most are amazingly bad at actual PVP. When an equal level person does show up to fight them, they usually flee the area.


Seeing as most PVP servers are going to be Empire lopsided, roll Republic. Otherwise, you're the carebear.


...or because a Star Wars universe where I am a Sith and have to watch a Jedi just stroll on past me is totally pointless. it detracts from the integrity of the game to play on a PvE server. that's why I play PvP servers. obviously you still run into some of the same issues (I can't attack coruscant???) but there you have it.

people work so hard to get 'powerful' in a game like this but then they act like powerful people should only fight other powerful people or they're somehow 'being mean'. nonsense. what's more fun, watching Iron Man fight some other big robot, or watching him take on 30 regular bad guys at once?

of course the answer is the latter. watching two guys of super-strength fight is just like watching 2 guys of even strength fight. half the point of being powerful is to be able to take on a single powerful opponent, but the other half is to be able to take on dozens of lesser opponents. pretending somebody is 'mean spirited' or 'unsportmanlike' for winning battles heavily in their own favor is entirely missing half the point of becoming powerful in the first place.

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Um, incorrect.


The people who roll on PVP server do it to gank lowbies, not for competitive PVP. Most are amazingly bad at actual PVP. When an equal level person does show up to fight them, they usually flee the area.


Seeing as most PVP servers are going to be Empire lopsided, roll Republic. Otherwise, you're the carebear.


You so just DON"T GET IT

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