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No crits in 37 attempts??


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Is this a common occurrence or am I just extremely unlucky? At this point, I have wasted far more mats than an augmented item is even worth. I have read on these forums that I should have at least 15% crit chance, more with maxed affection/companion bonus... but from what I have experienced, that is simply not the case. Is there some trick I am missing to actually get an augmented lightsaber?
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Is this a common occurrence or am I just extremely unlucky? At this point, I have wasted far more mats than an augmented item is even worth. I have read on these forums that I should have at least 15% crit chance, more with maxed affection/companion bonus... but from what I have experienced, that is simply not the case. Is there some trick I am missing to actually get an augmented lightsaber?


If its the elegant one it will be 15% with a maxed companion. (10% base for orange difficulty + 5% companion)

No trick in your case bad luck.


I've just had a bad streak myself not as bad as yours though. 18 purple implants @ 20% before i gave up.

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Is this a common occurrence or am I just extremely unlucky?

Yes and yes, being "extremely unlucky" is "common occurence" in swtor.

Is there some trick I am missing to actually get an augmented lightsaber?

Yes you are missing the trick of understanding that you should ignore any number that comes before a "%" sign.

The number is there just for confusion (and frustration) purposes.

You are also failing to understand that everything related to crew skills is messed up Bioware style.

I think hell will freeze over before Bioware manages to create a halfway decent crafting system.

Take this silly half arsed craft system for what it is or leave it, thats it in a nutshell.

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