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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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elliotcat and Tatile and to everybody I know I can be a Big jerk (If not by worse) be u see im just 17 and I have promble that make me angry easy. So If I don't what say other that Very Very Sorry that this happen.:(


Can just forget this thing happen and to move with Tread.


I hope you all forgive me I understand if u won't.:(


And Tatile u are right Im just bad at expressing myself.:(

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My Miraluka BH, Chapter 3 spoilers.




Everything she touches turns to dust, everyone she loves either leaves or dies, or don’t want her to begin with. Now, Torian was gone. She left Mako, Gault and Blizz what was left of her family, on the ship, Skadge lumbered behind her, he was expendable. She was angry with herself for allowing these people into her heart, for allowing herself to care for them, she had lost enough families, and in her line of work, family wasn’t smart, love was a weakness. She had thought stupidly that becoming Mandalorian, joining a clan would make love and family safe, acceptable, they valued this stuff, and she had grown attached, she felt a need to protect them.


Her mother abandoned her, her sister was taken from her, Braden was killed, the most elite Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy, friends, brothers and sisters in arms, gunned down on the order of a Jedi with a death wish. She thought if she kept Torian at arms length, don’t let things get serious, but how do you not let things get serious with such a serious and intense person? He had told her he loved her, and she pushed him away, told him not to say such things, that she didn’t want him dead. He said it anyways, trying to placate her, trying to pull her close, whispering, and kissing and touching. Ava knew his days became numbered, and so she whispered, and kissed and touched, hanging onto every moment.


She was going to gun each one of these misguided Republic lacjkeys down, and if a hair on Torians gorgeous head was missing she would gun down their families. She gripped her pistols in each hand, trigger fingers itching, the force that was innate within her had tinted her world a shade of red. People were going to die, painfully.


“Keep up Skadge.” She said over her shoulder to the lumbering and puffing Houk. He was another weapon, something to unleash on these dead men who would threaten her people. When they had met on Belsavis that’s what she recognized him as, a weapon to be used, then thrown away when he had nothing left to offer. He grunted his reply, good dog, earn your keep.


They entered a wide open cavern, they were surrounded, Torian sat on a chair bound and she felt a wave of relief that he was still alive. Just as quickly a constriction in her heart as the idiot who was talking pointed a blaster at his head. Avacynne didn’t let the man finish his sentence, the world flashed red, blood red, as she shot him between the eyes, and unleashed her chosen weapons. Skadge cut and slashed his way through the mercenaries, his methods were messy and painful, and the cavern filled with screams, the snow underfoot melted by the hot and sticky blood. In the end all that was left standing was the Houk, bloodied and feral, Avacynne, her blood lust not nearly sated, and Torian, smiling.


“That’s my girl.” He said quietly, proud, secure.


Ava turned to Skadge, “out.” He snarled and left, and Ava untied Torian went back to the ship. She refused to speak, refusing Torian as he tried to hold her hand, to kiss her or hug her, to melt away the fear that still clung to her like the blood that spattered her armor.


She slammed the bulkhead door behind her, the force aiding her strength, which only made her even angrier. She stalked to her room giving Blizz a look that said not now as he approached her with a new contraption.


“Blizz happy you ok! What wrong with Boss? Why Boss still mad? Did Boss break new blaster Blizz make her? That would make Blizz super mad!” The little Jawa chittered to Torian, who could only stare at Ava’s closed door.


“Gault said Ava’s still on a warpath, what did you say to her?” The slight woman asked hands on hip. “Also, glad you’re alive” And patted him on the back.


“She’s still afraid.” Was all Torian said, he was never one for many words, even less in basic. Mako nodded then, understanding, Ava had confided in Mako shortly after Braden had died, she knew how many people Ava had lost.


Ava’s door opened, she threw her heavy gauntlet at the intruder. Torian caught it mid air. “Get out.”


“No.” He placed the gauntlet on a shelf.


“Get OUT!” Ava threw a pistol cartridge at his blonde head. He of course caught it.


“No!” Torian placed the cartridge beside the gauntlet with infinite calm. “I’m in love with you Avacynne.”


Ava didn’t throw anything this time but slapped him hard across the face. Her hand stung and the fair skin of his cheek turned red. “Then you’re an idiot. I hate you, and you’re stupid misplaced honor, fool of a Mandalorian, throwing your life away, for what? Glory? It’s an idiotic culture, and I’ll have no part in it anymore, so get out, I’ll have nothing to do with you.” Ava flung the words, intent on hurting him, and she did see hurt in his blue eyes, but he stubbornly stood his ground. Ava slapped him again, and again, hitting both cheeks, bruising his face. Her vision blurred as tears escaped from beneath her visor. “You stupid, stupid man, I’m not worth loving, and I can’t take the pain of losing another family. So just go, leave.” She begged him.


Torian grabbed her wrists and gently kissed the palms of her hands where the skin buzzed from hitting him. He shook his head indicating he would not move. Ava sobbed then, the fear, relief and finally pain of all those she had lost washing over her, she hadn’t cried since she was a little girl on Tython and it felt good to cry, and mourn, and to feel, even if those feeling were unbearable. Torian wrapped her up in his arms and held her on his lap rocking her gently, his hard warrior woman. He didn’t placate her, didn’t tell her everything would be ok, didn’t tell her he would always be there for her, that he wouldn’t die she deserved more than lies.


“Cyare, I love you, I want to be with you for as long as I have, I want to raise children with you, and either grow old with you or die in battle at your side. I will not go, I will not leave, you cannot drive me away with empty words and your fear.” He pulled her small metal visor off, Ava tried to turn away, but he held her head in place, her eye sockets didn’t sag, they were held up as if by invisible eyes. It amazed him how the dark within her empty sockets could look back at him, sometimes he could see bursts of colour in their depths, and sometimes the black had small specks of light like stars in space. Everything about her was beautiful to him, if only she could let go of her fear and let him love her. Her lids blinked and a tear escaped, Torian wiped it away with deference.


“I’m not a brave person, I need your help Torian, I’ve lived most of my life in fear, I’m good at pretending to be brave, but I’m not, and the thought of losing you, or Mako, or Blizz or even Gault, idiot that he is, it paralyzes me, I don’t know how to let go of that fear. I love you, and I want all those things you want, I…I need you to be my guide and I need you to be patient with me.” Ava rubbed his red cheeks, sorry that she had struck him, “and don’t ever get captured again.”


“I can do that.” He said softly, pulling her down to his lips hugging her tightly.


“Boss! Boss! Look, I made favorite blaster better! See! Don’t be mad no more ok?” A boot hit the Jawa squarely on the head.


“Out!” yelled Torian, raising another boot. The two half naked Mandalorians could hear Mako and Gault laughing in the other room.




I didn't have much of a yen to play BH. But Torian is looking like opposite-Corso and that interests me. Is Ava Miraluka? My JC is one and see has eye sockets but skin has grown over them and she has no tear ducts. I'll actually be showing that in the next part of my story. But I never researched... do Miraluka have full eye sockets?

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I didn't have much of a yen to play BH. But Torian is looking like opposite-Corso and that interests me. Is Ava Miraluka? My JC is one and see has eye sockets but skin has grown over them and she has no tear ducts. I'll actually be showing that in the next part of my story. But I never researched... do Miraluka have full eye sockets?

Yes Ava is Miraluka, she's my Consular daughter, who is also Miraluka, Ava is the result of a Padawan teen pregnancy.

From the little bit of discussion there was on the writers workshop thread about them, they do have full eye sockets, I obviously took some creative license and this is just my interpretation, I like the idea of actually seeing a physical manifestation of the force within their eyes. They seem to be a race that has a lot of wiggle room in the lore. The skin grown over the empty sockets makes a lot of sense as well.

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Canned Response

This is my JK Remi (big surprise) and Scourge just after the end of Chapter 3.

This was delightful! I love how refreshing and bright your JK is, such a sweetie :)

Author's Note


Can you tell I don't like Saresh? I guess you'd have to play Trooper to figure out why. I want to tie her lekku in knots. Ves is kind of a jerk, but he's a funny jerk and I like him.

Totally with you on Saresh.

Hated her on Taris the first time that stupid holo came on, only got worse when I talked to her. Your comment about "ignore the rakghoul gnawing on your leg" - priceless! Sana, my trooper, takes an inordinate amount of joy in causing any politician pain, but when it's Saresh it's especially sweet.



My Miraluka BH, Chapter 3 spoilers.



Everything she touches turns to dust, everyone she loves either leaves or dies, or don’t want her to begin with.

What is it with bounty hunters and losing people??? Mine's set up the same way. Love your Torian. I'm actually considering making a "younger" bh so I could stand him as a LI. At the moment my bh is so much older, mentally, that it's nearly creepy.


And thanks, Elliotcat (with assists) for these prompts - they're setting off a lot of awesome stories! :)

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This was delightful! I love how refreshing and bright your JK is, such a sweetie :)


ehehehe that was before everything went to heck with her and Scourge. But it was nice to think about a time when she was carefree.

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Hi all! I saw this thread and I think I'm going to start partuicipating in the prompts!:D


Anyway here is my very first Fan Fic!







Svein walked through the dark halls of the Sith Sanctum in the Citadel, eager to meet the newest addition to The Empire’s Blade who was sent by the Dark Council for Svein to approve. The Royal Guard bowed before Svein silent as ever as he entered his new office which was formally his old mentors. Sith apprentices gathered around Svein as he came in to seek wisdom from the Sith Lord. Svein smiled and pointed out a holocron that they might look at in his personal collection and made his way to the interrogation chamber in which his new ally was waiting. As Svein entered he saw that someone sat cuffed in the center of the room with a black interrogation hood placed over their head. Svein knew that no new Republic Spy was delivered for him to interrogate. He looked around the room for his volunteer, but found no one.


Svein walked up to the supposed prisoner and pulled off the black hood. Suddenly, sheer horror rushed over him as he stared into the tearful grey eyes of the prisoner.


“Azra”, Svein croaked as he put a hand over his forehead.


“Svein”, said Azra voice filled with rage.


Svein kneeled to Azra’s level trying to think through what was going on. Then he noticed a shock collar was placed around her neck.


“Azra what’s going on; I was here for a new candidate for a new pro-“


“Don’t you see brother”, exclaimed Azra her voice furious,” I am your candidate”.


“You said you would never choose a side”, said Svein in disbelief.


“I didn’t, stupid”, said Azra looking over at her collar,” They chose for me”.


“Who”, asked Svein putting an arm on Azra’s shoulder.


“Your Sith buddies on the Council”, said Azra.




Then the room was silent, but Svein felt something almost a warning through the Force.


Suddenly, Azra’s arms flew out and embraced Svein her handcuffs hanging over her right hand.


“I just need my big brother right now”, said Azra sobbing.


Svein wrapped his arms warmly around Azra as he spoke,” Were you free this whole time?”


“No”, replied Azra hugging Svein tighter,” I just knew you were an idiot so I freed myself while you were interrogating me”.


Svein smiled slightly and continued to hug Azra comfortingly. Then a thought hit him that distressed him greatly.

“Azra did someone find out”, asked Svein seriously.


“About me leaving the Children”, whispered Azra.




“Someone did.”


“I’m so sorry Azra.”


“Don’t be. I just wish that…”



“I have family in.... the Republic. A family who was forced to choose too.”


A tear rolled down Svein’s face and he closed his eyes tightly,” I won’t make you fight them”.


Azra backed off and looked into Svein’s eyes,” I have to”.


Svein stood up and walked towards the door,” I swear that I will make it up to you Azra”.


Azra walked up to Svein and kissed his cheek warmly as she whispered in his ear,” I love you”.




“You always knew how to ruin the moment brother”, said Azra as she went back to her chair.


Svein smiled as he exited. This war was going to be a difficult one and he needed her to get through it.




This story is sort of a preveiw of Azra and Svein. Azra is a BH and Svein is my SW. This takes place shortly after act 3 of the BH and SW. Azra is a person that does'nt want to work for Republic or Empire because she likes things about both except she hates the Sith because of being trained as one while she was younger. As I write more her backstory will become much more vivid. Svein is a Sith who wants to help the Empire and is out to help people in it. He hates the Republic and the Jedi but not the citizens of the Republic. He is manipulative and ruthless at times. He also will become more vivid as I write more.:)


Edited by SveinEternity
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Hi all! I saw this thread and I think I'm going to start partuicipating in the prompts!:D


Anyway here is my very first Fan Fic!




Welcome to the thread. I am intrigued by this story. :) Do you have a detailed back story in your head for these characters or are you making it up as you go?

Edited by kabeone
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Welcome to the thread. I am intrigued by this story. :) Do you have a detailed back story in your head for these characters or are you making it up as you go?


I do actually!:) (I put a little note in at the bottom kinda explaining it). Here is a breif summary of their lives.


Azra is a hardcore nerves of steel type Bounty Hunter. She never kills her targets and helps people out if she can. Sometimes she even gives the Hutts trouble under the name Starshooter. She was born as a

Child of the Emperor

when a Child took her and Svein during the Great War from their Jedi parents. She later came to hate the Sith after enduring the Sith lifestyle. At age 12 she stowed away on a transport heading for Nar Shadda and came to become a "hero for hire". Later a Bounty Hunter.


Svein was born as a "regular Sith" because of a vision the Sith who had taken him had about him. He became an acolyte going from one master to the next because of the Power Plays. He vowed to end them and became a Sith that didn't care about himself as much but the Empire at large. He became an influential Sith and later the Emperors Wrath.

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I do actually!:) (I put a little note in at the bottom kinda explaining it). Here is a breif summary of their lives.


Azra is a hardcore nerves of steel type Bounty Hunter. She never kills her targets and helps people out if she can. Sometimes she even gives the Hutts trouble under the name Starshooter. She was born as a

Child of the Emperor

when a Child took her and Svein during the Great War from their Jedi parents. She later came to hate the Sith after enduring the Sith lifestyle. At age 12 she stowed away on a transport heading for Nar Shadda and came to become a "hero for hire". Later a Bounty Hunter.


Svein was born as a "regular Sith" because of a vision the Sith who had taken him had about him. He became an acolyte going from one master to the next because of the Power Plays. He vowed to end them and became a Sith that didn't care about himself as much but the Empire at large. He became an influential Sith and later the Emperors Wrath.


Very cool, I hope you write more about them, I missed the note the first time because I think I read it the exact moment you posted it. You had not even formatted it yet.

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So this idea didn't make it to my Remi story, it didn't quite fit with what was going on, it occurs in the first part of the story right after they escape from Dromund Kaas.





“Balmorra,” Remi said thinking about the giant bugs that sent waves of attacks on the resistance fighters. “Colicoids, giant bugs with acid spit, it went straight through my armor, one of the first things I upgraded.”


“Tatooine, something called a Sand Demon, supposedly they hunt Krayt dragons. I hate bugs.”


“Alderaan, giant Killik, did I mention I hate bugs?”


“Was this also a bug?” Lord Scourge asked.


“No that was from a Rakghoul on Taris,” Remi smiled, “I was supposed to get infected to see if I could be a lucky survivor. Oddly enough, it was extremely difficult to become infected. It took an hour of just letting them hit me and still no good. Finally, I found a big red one.” She made a face at the memory. “That one finally did it, his claws were huge, sliced right through my chest guard, left a pretty big gash.” Remi looked down, the scar was thin and healed well, hardly noticeable, but it was still there. She put her head back on the pillow.


“You are a fool,” he whispered tracing the scar that ran from her sternum to her navel.


“It worked, they have a vaccine now.”


“Tell me,” he said running his fingertips over the scar on her hip. “Why are all these scars only in certain areas, and why did they only occur early in your career?”


“I didn’t have a medic until I met Doc, and I wasn’t the kind to just strip down in the shared medical tents the military set up. So I’d patch myself up as best as I could and keep going.”


“And this changed after meeting the doctor.”


“Sure,” Remi said thinking back to when he joined her crew, “He’d take me off to a small area of the medical tent make me strip down so he could find all the worst injuries and patch me up. I never got another scar.”


“He did that.”


“Sure, he was a very thorough doctor.”


“And that did not seem," he paused, "unusual to you?”


“Why would it?” Remi blinked at him, “How else would he get at my cuts? He was always worried about infection. He was just doing his job.”


“Other medics do this?”


“Never had a medic, I always patched myself up.”


“That is not what medics do.” Scourge grit his teeth, “I’ll kill him.” He moved to get up, he must have been serious because it took all of her body weight, the Force, and some hand to hand she had learned from a retired Echani master to pin him down. He glared up at her. “You would let him get away with that?”


“No,” she grinned leaning down to kiss his nose, “I’ll just casually tell Kira about it and let her kill him.”


Scourge lost some of his anger and chuckled darkly, he almost felt sorry for the doctor, almost.


“Now, are we done examining my flaws?” She raised an eyebrow.


“They are not flaws.” He said touching each one gently, “They are your beginnings, something you share only with me now.” He drew her down for a kiss, “But yes, I am open to exploring other things if you wish.”





Edited by kabeone
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This one works for family and discovery...could go either way. It's my first time ever writing my Sith Warrior, Aranea, so yeah...we'll see how it goes. No spoilers.



I'd spent so much of my life waiting outside my father's chambers. His guards would tolerate me, show me the deference due to a child of a Sith Lord - but never like today. They had never bowed to me and addressed me as "my lord". I still wasn't used to it. It didn't feel like being home.


"Is my father busy?" I asked the guard stationed outside his room.


"Lord Senecio has instructed that you be admitted immediately, my lord," the guard answered with a deep bow. He opened the door and I walked inside, hearing it shut behind me. Now it was just my father and me, alone together. No one would see what happened here. It was better that way. It would be unseemly for my father to show his child such tenderness in public.


"Father," I managed to say before I ran into his arms. I felt so safe and comfortable in my parents' embrace. I could feel their compassion and their love in every touch.


Now I finally felt like I was home.


"Aranea," my father said, and he smiled at me. "Let me look at you."


I smiled back at him, my proud head held high. "I did it," I said. "I am Sith."


Father stepped back, taking in the image of his daughter finally having come into her own. "I am truly proud of you, daughter," he said.


My whole life I'd worked for this. It had been touted as my destiny, I'd been reminded of it at every turn. Discipline, strength, courage - my parents tirelessly worked to instill them in me. Every moment held the potential for learning. But they weren't like most Sith parents. They loved me unconditionally. It was just one of the many controversies surrounding my father.


"Aranea, you know how important it is to your mother and I that you continue our legacy. And I can feel that you have made the choice to do so." Again, he seemed to look me over, but there was something different in his gaze this time. "I can sense that you have refused the dark side. Like me, like your mother. A light Sith."


I bent my head in assent. I could sense mixed emotions from my father - pride that I had followed in his footsteps, fear because he knew how many enemies Sith like us could have. "I am committed to that path," I said. I remembered the philosophy with which my parents had raised me: follow the Sith Code, embrace the Light Side, and find true balance. Strength tempered with compassion, anger with mercy. I believed in it fully.


"You will find that this path is a difficult one to walk," my father said. "I wonder if it was wrong to set you on it."


"I am your blood," I said. "This is my birthright."


A pained expression crossed my father's face. He sighed and said, "I've always known the day would come when you would have to learn the truth."


I was confused by this. What truth didn't I already know? "I don't understand."


He didn't look at me. It was unlike him. Normally he was so easy to talk to, and my parents and I had always been open with one another. For a long moment, he remained silent, and I felt my heart beat faster and faster by the second.


"Aranea..." He almost seemed near tears. I could feel his pain, and it hurt me too. "You're not my blood child."


It felt like I'd been hit in the stomach with a brick. All I could think to say was, "What do you mean?"


"Your mother and I couldn't have children. We looked for years for a baby who looked like us and had a Force connection. We searched everywhere, everywhere..." His voice trailed off, and he shook his head. I knew telling me this was hurting him.


"It doesn't matter!" I said, more forcefully than I intended. "You're my parents - I don't care if I was adopted. I don't care!" I was surprised at how easily I'd shaken off the shock. It was true, I didn't care. So they'd adopted me from some backwater planet - did it really matter? As far as I was concerned, I'd been the luckiest person in the galaxy to have them as parents.


"I love you and Mother so much," I said. "Please don't think I could ever be angry. Please, Father."


"I've put you in danger, Aranea," he said, looking at me sadly. "I've taught you to embrace a philosophy that will make you enemies, and your blood purity will be investigated. If it's discovered that you have no Sith blood...there are those who would use that against you."


"I'll be vigilant." I didn't care how safe I'd be. I didn't want any other parents. "Don't worry about me. Mother too. I'm going to be fine."


For a long moment we were both quiet, considering. I hoped I could follow through with what I'd promised. I was so young, and still so naive. I didn't really know what was out there yet. But I believed my parents' way was the right way. And I believed that if I followed their path, I would be fine.


"Trust no one you meet," my father said. "Unless you've met them through your mother or me."


I nodded.


He handed me a small chip with a holofrequency number on it. "If you get into trouble, and you can't contact your mother or me, this is someone you can trust. Her name is Meenah Revel. She's...like us." Another light Sith. There couldn't be that many of us.


I took the number. "Don't worry," I repeated. "I promise I'll be all right."


My father embraced me again, this time holding me for a long time. I breathed in his familiar scent, the smell of home. It reminded me of being a little girl, and all the happy moments I'd shared with my parents. I knew I could be strong, because they'd raised me to be. I felt full of hope, even if my father's warnings had scared me. I'd be all right.


"Don't worry," I said again.


My father didn't let me go, and I realized he was savoring the last moment of my childhood. "No matter what, I will always love you, Daughter."


I closed my eyes, and shut out the future.








obv. Meenah is my Assassin...and Aranea doesn't know it, but she was stolen by baby sellers and separated from her twin sister - my Knight Kanaya!


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dis one be for discovery <3

...i promised myself no more Crez n vector fluff... but DOH i've had this image in my mind forever

I don't know when this takes place for my agent, hesitant when to write it in untill expanded class content.


cruel cruel cruel woman you. :p

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I know Ruth is your more serious SW character (vs Nalenne) but that little exchange between mother and son had me cracking up, discussing murder and history classes. Loved it!


Snipped for space, not spoilers:

I was giggling writing it. I've been trying to figure out how a fourteen-year-old Sith from a screwed-up home would interact with the world, and mostly came up with "like most angry fourteen-year-olds, only a lot more deadly." Ruth continues to be cripplingly vulnerable with regard to her loved ones; instead of casting him off to fend for himself as a Sith should, she genuinely wants him to be okay. Hence I'm envisioning her hovering around giving motherly advice about things like the best unmonitored corners of the Academy, so he can plan routes around them unless he specifically needs to lure his own target to an unsupervised spot. And I'm envisioning him sitting there gritting his teeth and thinking "I killed two acolytes last week, when is Mom going to figure out that I can tie my own shoes and murder my own rivals? And why can't I kill Dad, anyway? Half the other kids at school got to kill their dads."





“Oh, dear girl,” she said, “everything is fine. I was just thinking of how proud your dad would have been to see you today, and your sisters.” As she walked back to the party, she looked up, and she would have sworn the stars sparkled a little brighter.



I do not have enough d'awww for this thought.



Oh man, I'm so excited. I'm writing for my Jedi Sage and I'll be covering two, two, of the weekly topics in one go. However, its taking a lot of words to set up so I'm going to split this in two. This story is covering Discovery and Canned Response. For emphasis, I'm going bold the lines taken from my companion's speech.


Minor Jedi Consular spoilers from Tython and Balmorra. Spoilery for the Quesh class quest and some of Tharan's companion quests.



Zenith sat alone at the conference table in the dim lighting, his jacket hung on the chair next to him and the protective headgear she had gifted him with, the one with the laser sighting and three positionable scopes over one eye, sat next to his hand. His boots were kicked up on the table, crossed at the ankle. He was...








“Very well, Tess. Who do you want me to kill?


Oh boy.



Author's Note


I am devastated that Zenith isn't a romancable companion. Just devastated. Things he's said to my Sage in companion quests and by clicking on him makes me believe he cares a lot for her already. So I'm taking a page from Esme/Scourge and ficing a thing. I'm 99% sure I will not have Tess romancing Iresso in game. I've already had her turn down Tharan. I think since Zenith can only be in my head I'll wait for later companions and see what else comes her way.


You've piqued my interest. From all I've heard, Zenith is exactly the kind of guy I would develop an unhealthy fascination with. :rolleyes: Now if only I could get over the Consular voice acting...


Hi all! I saw this thread and I think I'm going to start partuicipating in the prompts!:D


Anyway here is my very first Fan Fic!



Welcome to the thread! I think "Ditto" is my new favorite line from any Sith Warrior ever.


I closed my eyes, and shut out the future.



I adore this line. And I do heart me some light-sided Sith families.

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Discoveries with Wynston, Imperial Agent, spoilers through Act 2, 700 words.




Wynston considered his options. He was in a little bunker on Hoth, surrounded by representatives of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force. He was currently under compulsion to work for the Republic while pretending to work for Imperial Intelligence who was farming him out to the CEDF to infiltrate a rogue Imperial Army element and get…something. He didn’t even know what. The clock was running on the serum that might break his vulnerability to Republic commands. Maybe it would work before he damned more of his Imperial countrymen. Maybe it wouldn’t.


This was just another work day, and most days he could deal with it. But the Chiss had just driven him over the edge.


He was reluctant to do something as obvious as what he was about to do, but he was desperate. He located Kaliyo’s assigned footlocker and filched one of her flasks. The green vodka, she rarely drank that stuff anyway. It was more of an emergency reserve/conversation piece for her.


He headed down to a supply room and perched on the edge of a pallet there, letting the darkness whisper to him. He was tired of voices. Oh well. That’s what the vodka was for.


He didn’t care enough to get up when the door opened. “Wynston,” said Vector. The Joiner turned on the lights – ouch, dammit – and regarded him with unreadable black eyes for a moment. “We do not wish to intrude.”


“It’s all right. What can I do for you?” Wynston stashed the flask in his pocket.


Vector shut the door and came to sit beside him. “We are somewhat lacking in guidance here. We can deal with the CEDF as a military organization, but we know very little about the specific protocol.”


Wynston had some good ideas about what to do with the CEDF, but they were decidedly unprofessional. “Treat them like the Imperial military, but be aware that the Chiss have an even more highly developed superiority complex.’”


“You are not fond of them. It was…less than politic for you to throw Aristocra Saganu’s greeting in his face.”


“He had no business ‘welcoming me home’ to his operation. If Saganu or anyone wants to start rhapsodizing on what a proud son of the Chiss I am, he can bloody well…” Wynston stopped himself. It was hard; he was on his last nerve, and Saganu’s gall had really gotten to him. “You’re right, of course. I’ll tone it down.”


“It would ease things. You are doing well, all in all. We know this assignment has been very difficult for you.”


Oh, you really don’t. “I’ve been behaving that badly, hmm?”


“That badly,” Vector said wryly, looking at the pocket Wynston had hidden the flask in.


Then they just sat for a while.


“You should understand,” Wynston said eventually, “in the Ascendancy my family and I were scum. You’d be surprised what it took to get rabble that poor and that low-caste off the old colony world at all. The Empire rewards merit. The Ascendancy simply suffocates or outright kills it if it starts in the wrong place. They may be our allies, but I won’t make them my friends.” He buried his face in his hands. “I’m not what I was then. I don’t need the reminder now.”


After a pause, Vector spoke gently, lightly. “And we always thought you sprang full-formed from the head of the Imperial Intelligence training program. This evidence to the contrary is unexpected. But your secret is safe with us.”




Vector gave him another few moments; then, in standing up, the Joiner laid a hand on Wynston’s shoulder very briefly and squeezed. Then he backed toward the door. “We will leave you be. We can do most of the talking with the Chiss tomorrow if that would facilitate matters.”


“No. No, I can guarantee you one professional Wynston in the morning.” He smiled as best he could. “We’ll do this right.”


“We have every confidence in you.” Vector headed out.


I think I might be working with an actual friend, thought Wynston, with some surprise. If they notice, and that serum I cooked up doesn’t work its magic soon, I bet they’re going to make me kill him.


You picked a hell of a time to get chummy, Vector.





Yay, having a friend! That brings Wynston up to two if he counts Ruth, who unfortunately can’t be around to support him on a regular basis. Meanwhile, this is one of the rare occasions where Vector discovers a temporary weakness in Wynston’s armor.


(For some reason Wynston doesn’t confide in Kaliyo, nor seek her out for reassurance, nor even consider her a friend in the I-think-you-would-have-my-back sense. Go figure.)


I actually have no idea what the Ascendancy is like, but, after seeing how aliens are treated in-game, I had to imagine a setting that would be so bad that a Chiss family would voluntarily immigrate to the Empire. Rigid social and economic inequalities could do the trick.


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This one works for family and discovery...could go either way. It's my first time ever writing my Sith Warrior, Aranea, so yeah...we'll see how it goes. No spoilers.



I'd spent so much of my life waiting outside my father's chambers. His guards would tolerate me, show me the deference due to a child of a Sith Lord - but never like today. They had never bowed to me and addressed me as "my lord". I still wasn't used to it. It didn't feel like being home.


"Is my father busy?" I asked the guard stationed outside his room.


"Lord Senecio has instructed that you be admitted immediately, my lord," the guard answered with a deep bow. He opened the door and I walked inside, hearing it shut behind me. Now it was just my father and me, alone together. No one would see what happened here. It was better that way. It would be unseemly for my father to show his child such tenderness in public.


"Father," I managed to say before I ran into his arms. I felt so safe and comfortable in my parents' embrace. I could feel their compassion and their love in every touch.


Now I finally felt like I was home.


"Aranea," my father said, and he smiled at me. "Let me look at you."


I smiled back at him, my proud head held high. "I did it," I said. "I am Sith."


Father stepped back, taking in the image of his daughter finally having come into her own. "I am truly proud of you, daughter," he said.


My whole life I'd worked for this. It had been touted as my destiny, I'd been reminded of it at every turn. Discipline, strength, courage - my parents tirelessly worked to instill them in me. Every moment held the potential for learning. But they weren't like most Sith parents. They loved me unconditionally. It was just one of the many controversies surrounding my father.


"Aranea, you know how important it is to your mother and I that you continue our legacy. And I can feel that you have made the choice to do so." Again, he seemed to look me over, but there was something different in his gaze this time. "I can sense that you have refused the dark side. Like me, like your mother. A light Sith."


I bent my head in assent. I could sense mixed emotions from my father - pride that I had followed in his footsteps, fear because he knew how many enemies Sith like us could have. "I am committed to that path," I said. I remembered the philosophy with which my parents had raised me: follow the Sith Code, embrace the Light Side, and find true balance. Strength tempered with compassion, anger with mercy. I believed in it fully.


"You will find that this path is a difficult one to walk," my father said. "I wonder if it was wrong to set you on it."


"I am your blood," I said. "This is my birthright."


A pained expression crossed my father's face. He sighed and said, "I've always known the day would come when you would have to learn the truth."


I was confused by this. What truth didn't I already know? "I don't understand."


He didn't look at me. It was unlike him. Normally he was so easy to talk to, and my parents and I had always been open with one another. For a long moment, he remained silent, and I felt my heart beat faster and faster by the second.


"Aranea..." He almost seemed near tears. I could feel his pain, and it hurt me too. "You're not my blood child."


It felt like I'd been hit in the stomach with a brick. All I could think to say was, "What do you mean?"


"Your mother and I couldn't have children. We looked for years for a baby who looked like us and had a Force connection. We searched everywhere, everywhere..." His voice trailed off, and he shook his head. I knew telling me this was hurting him.


"It doesn't matter!" I said, more forcefully than I intended. "You're my parents - I don't care if I was adopted. I don't care!" I was surprised at how easily I'd shaken off the shock. It was true, I didn't care. So they'd adopted me from some backwater planet - did it really matter? As far as I was concerned, I'd been the luckiest person in the galaxy to have them as parents.


"I love you and Mother so much," I said. "Please don't think I could ever be angry. Please, Father."


"I've put you in danger, Aranea," he said, looking at me sadly. "I've taught you to embrace a philosophy that will make you enemies, and your blood purity will be investigated. If it's discovered that you have no Sith blood...there are those who would use that against you."


"I'll be vigilant." I didn't care how safe I'd be. I didn't want any other parents. "Don't worry about me. Mother too. I'm going to be fine."


For a long moment we were both quiet, considering. I hoped I could follow through with what I'd promised. I was so young, and still so naive. I didn't really know what was out there yet. But I believed my parents' way was the right way. And I believed that if I followed their path, I would be fine.


"Trust no one you meet," my father said. "Unless you've met them through your mother or me."


I nodded.


He handed me a small chip with a holofrequency number on it. "If you get into trouble, and you can't contact your mother or me, this is someone you can trust. Her name is Meenah Revel. She's...like us." Another light Sith. There couldn't be that many of us.


I took the number. "Don't worry," I repeated. "I promise I'll be all right."


My father embraced me again, this time holding me for a long time. I breathed in his familiar scent, the smell of home. It reminded me of being a little girl, and all the happy moments I'd shared with my parents. I knew I could be strong, because they'd raised me to be. I felt full of hope, even if my father's warnings had scared me. I'd be all right.


"Don't worry," I said again.


My father didn't let me go, and I realized he was savoring the last moment of my childhood. "No matter what, I will always love you, Daughter."


I closed my eyes, and shut out the future.








obv. Meenah is my Assassin...and Aranea doesn't know it, but she was stolen by baby sellers and separated from her twin sister - my Knight Kanaya!


Wow this was touching. What a nice Sith Family.:)




So this idea didn't make it to my Remi story, it didn't quite fit with what was going on, it occurs in the first part of the story right after they escape from Dromund Kaas.





“Balmorra,” Remi said thinking about the giant bugs that sent waves of attacks on the resistance fighters. “Colicoids, giant bugs with acid spit, it went straight through my armor, one of the first things I upgraded.”


“Tatooine, something called a Sand Demon, supposedly they hunt Krayt dragons. I hate bugs.”


“Alderaan, giant Killik, did I mention I hate bugs?”


“Was this also a bug?” Lord Scourge asked.


“No that was from a Rakghoul on Taris,” Remi smiled, “I was supposed to get infected to see if I could be a lucky survivor. Oddly enough, it was extremely difficult to become infected. It took an hour of just letting them hit me and still no good. Finally, I found a big red one.” She made a face at the memory. “That one finally did it, his claws were huge, sliced right through my chest guard, left a pretty big gash.” Remi looked down, the scar was thin and healed well, hardly noticeable, but it was still there. She put her head back on the pillow.


“You are a fool,” he whispered tracing the scar that ran from her sternum to her navel.


“It worked, they have a vaccine now.”


“Tell me,” he said running his fingertips over the scar on her hip. “Why are all these scars only in certain areas, and why did they only occur early in your career?”


“I didn’t have a medic until I met Doc, and I wasn’t the kind to just strip down in the shared medical tents the military set up. So I’d patch myself up as best as I could and keep going.”


“And this changed after meeting the doctor.”


“Sure,” Remi said thinking back to when he joined her crew, “He’d take me off to a small area of the medical tent make me strip down so he could find all the worst injuries and patch me up. I never got another scar.”


“He did that.”


“Sure, he was a very thorough doctor.”


“And that did not seem," he paused, "unusual to you?”


“Why would it?” Remi blinked at him, “How else would he get at my cuts? He was always worried about infection. He was just doing his job.”


“Other medics do this?”


“Never had a medic, I always patched myself up.”


“That is not what medics do.” Scourge grit his teeth, “I’ll kill him.” He moved to get up, he must have been serious because it took all of her body weight, the Force, and some hand to hand she had learned from a retired Echani master to pin him down. He glared up at her. “You would let him get away with that?”


“No,” she grinned leaning down to kiss his nose, “I’ll just casually tell Kira about it and let her kill him.”


Scourge lost some of his anger and chuckled darkly, he almost felt sorry for the doctor, almost.


“Now, are we done examining my flaws?” She raised an eyebrow.


“They are not flaws.” He said touching each one gently, “They are your beginnings, something you share only with me now.” He drew her down for a kiss, “But yes, I am open to exploring other things if you wish.”





I think Lord Scourge is one of my faverite companions now! And Kira ,well I just hope Doc runs into a deep dark hole and hides forever.:D





dis one be for discovery <3

...i promised myself no more Crez n vector fluff... but DOH i've had this image in my mind forever

I don't know when this takes place for my agent, hesitant when to write it in untill expanded class content.




Crezelle yawned, rolled over in her bed, and lazily tried to let sleep eat another hour of time. Hyperspace travel from one sector to the next could take weeks, even over a month if the astrogation maps were out of date. It was near the end of particularly long trips like this one that she would grow sluggish, sleeping nearly as much as she was awake. She could get up, but most mornings like this she would doze lazily, letting her mind wander to every point in her imagination and memory. Some times the best things in life were the simplest.


Eventually her mind and body would become too restless to continue this morning ritual, and give way to daily tasks on ship. Shower, breakfast, check on each of the crew members to see how they fare. Diagnostics on the ship. Debriefings for individual crew projects. Even strengthening the social bonds between her and her crew was a task to be kept up to date. With a lot as dysfunctional as the one she was given in her life, keeping a cohesive community within her ship was a feat in itself.


"Temple, where did you hide Kaliyo's tequilla?

Kaliyo, she won't hide your booze if you don't give her reason to.

No SCORPIO, you use the test dummies for that, not the twovee unit.

Vector, keep your hatchlings out of the medbay, or i can't be responsible for what happens to them if they get into Lokin's projects.

Okay Lokin, i'll get you the samples by lunch, but i want to know EXACTLY what you need them for."


Check the progress of the flight. Landing in a few days. Got to keep the body in shape despite being in a small ship. Crezelle picked up the vibroknives she kept for practice, and headed to the cargo bay.



Vector kneeled off to the side in the cargo bay. It was quiet here, he could listen to The Song and the voices of the hive easier here without distractions. For the most part anyway. Despite all his mental training, killik joining, and tranquil composure he was able to maintain, he still enjoyed secretly watching his wife during her afternoon exercises. He could ask any time and she would more than gladly show him all he wanted, and then some, but there was some mischievous fun to be had, nobody being able to tell where his solid black eyes were looking as he seemingly sat in deep meditation, unaffected by all else around him. Despite sharing his life, his bed, his love, and his entirety with the galaxy's most adept agent, he was able to have this little secret right under her nose. She did not notice as he couldn't help but grin ever so slightly. The fingerlings surrounding him chattered in a mirror or his secret glee.


Her body in motion always captivated him. A combination of martial arts, stretches, and even dance were incorporated into her routine. The flash of the vibroknives as she weaved them into imaginary targets, the sound of her breathing intensifying, a low growl sometimes escaping her lips as she lunged at another invisible opponent. The curves of her body as she flexed and stretched. Fresh sweat mingled in the air she stirred about, and he couldn't help but selfishly breathe it in deeply. Stray locks of hair at the sides of her face swung with her movements like a dancer's skirt. Everything played out in a song that enraptured him, right down to the deathly fierce display of wrath her aura flickered and swirled in.


He blinked. Something was off with her aura. He rubbed his eyes and focused hard on his wife, now with only concern in his mind. Before he could even voice the question in his head, his host of fingerlings chimed in his head " we see it too!" their chattering and clicking of excitement caught Crezelle's attention. She looked over to find the joiner, gazing intently in her direction, the look of concern soon became one of realisation.



TBC in a day or so >:3




I hate you!:D It was getting to the awesome part!:) Great work I can't wait to see the sequel!


Edit: Just saw sequel...AMAZING!

Edited by SveinEternity
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So this idea didn't make it to my Remi story, it didn't quite fit with what was going on, it occurs in the first part of the story right after they escape from Dromund Kaas.





“Balmorra,” Remi said thinking about the giant bugs that sent waves of attacks on the resistance fighters. “Colicoids, giant bugs with acid spit, it went straight through my armor, one of the first things I upgraded.”


“Tatooine, something called a Sand Demon, supposedly they hunt Krayt dragons. I hate bugs.”


“Alderaan, giant Killik, did I mention I hate bugs?”


“Was this also a bug?” Lord Scourge asked.


“No that was from a Rakghoul on Taris,” Remi smiled, “I was supposed to get infected to see if I could be a lucky survivor. Oddly enough, it was extremely difficult to become infected. It took an hour of just letting them hit me and still no good. Finally, I found a big red one.” She made a face at the memory. “That one finally did it, his claws were huge, sliced right through my chest guard, left a pretty big gash.” Remi looked down, the scar was thin and healed well, hardly noticeable, but it was still there. She put her head back on the pillow.


“You are a fool,” he whispered tracing the scar that ran from her sternum to her navel.


“It worked, they have a vaccine now.”


“Tell me,” he said running his fingertips over the scar on her hip. “Why are all these scars only in certain areas, and why did they only occur early in your career?”


“I didn’t have a medic until I met Doc, and I wasn’t the kind to just strip down in the shared medical tents the military set up. So I’d patch myself up as best as I could and keep going.”


“And this changed after meeting the doctor.”


“Sure,” Remi said thinking back to when he joined her crew, “He’d take me off to a small area of the medical tent make me strip down so he could find all the worst injuries and patch me up. I never got another scar.”


“He did that.”


“Sure, he was a very thorough doctor.”


“And that did not seem," he paused, "unusual to you?”


“Why would it?” Remi blinked at him, “How else would he get at my cuts? He was always worried about infection. He was just doing his job.”


“Other medics do this?”


“Never had a medic, I always patched myself up.”


“That is not what medics do.” Scourge grit his teeth, “I’ll kill him.” He moved to get up, he must have been serious because it took all of her body weight, the Force, and some hand to hand she had learned from a retired Echani master to pin him down. He glared up at her. “You would let him get away with that?”


“No,” she grinned leaning down to kiss his nose, “I’ll just casually tell Kira about it and let her kill him.”


Scourge lost some of his anger and chuckled darkly, he almost felt sorry for the doctor, almost.


“Now, are we done examining my flaws?” She raised an eyebrow.


“They are not flaws.” He said touching each one gently, “They are your beginnings, something you share only with me now.” He drew her down for a kiss, “But yes, I am open to exploring other things if you wish.”




Squeee!!! (I have no more words :D)

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heheh sorry. something else caught my attention mid-story >.>

okay okay i finish now that i can't sleep XD



" Did i interrupt your little meeting? Your friends seem rather restless" The chiss raised an eyebrow curiously. " And why in the galaxy are you looking at me like that, i haven't let my training slip THAT much this trip" she flexed and poised her body to emphasise the point.


Vector smiled. " No, it's not that..."


" Then what ...? Your'e still hard to read as ever some days. What's going on in that little buggy head of yours?" She teased, walking up to him, and tapping him on the nose playfully." The star signs have frozen again? Electrons singing at you? An old joiner ex-girlfriend just told you in the hivemind that she hooked up with a colocoid? Come on, what's the little secret? And why won't your friends stop buzzing around me like i've been dipped in honey? Wait, that's an idea for tonight... " She grinned with an absent look in her eyes, imagining the potential. " I mean, without your friends."


" The nest always is overjoyed when it hears the notes of a brand new song" He tried his best to think of how to break things to her. " We noticed something about your aura... IN your aura. Like a tiny star amidst the swirling clouds of a nebula, it's there. A beautiful, new, spark of life.. " He looked away, almost seeming sheepish at the prospect of what he was saying.

" We weren't sure at first, but it is there. A second aura. It's beautiful. We wish you could see it."


She paused, and staggered backwards. " Wait...you mean...?"


Still smiling, he walked up to her, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and nodded in silence.


A million questions came into mind for her. She had wanted children, and had even discussed the probabilities with Lokin on the matter. From what little knowledge they both had on chiss-human mingling, they theorised it would take years of trying before any results were made. This was much sooner than that. She was unprepared.

How will she continue her work in such a dangerous career?

What will the crew say?

How will she properly raise a family in this lifestyle?

Will it be healthy, being a hybrid?


As if he knew, he squeezed her reassuringly. " You are not alone in this, agent. New life can sprout in turmoil. Many mothers of many species have reared their offspring in the face of uncertainty, and against the odds for as long as The Song has played, and many will continue to long after us." She smiled as he kissed her forehead.


" And unlike many of them, you won't be alone. "






...okay. i think i wrote my fill of fluffs.

i always pictured him being overly engrossed with the magic of creating a new life in the galaxy, watching her expanding belly and the aura dance within it like it was the most awesome thing he had ever seen, babbling on and on about the first notes of a new song, circle of life, yadda yadda yadda

D'awwww!!! Cuteness upon cuteness!!

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Canned Response


Teachable Moments

JK (Esma, Scourge, and Kira)

(Republic Balmorra spoilers)


"You're awfully chipper lately," Kira said suspiciously.


"I'm not allowed to be chipper?" Esma asked, raising an eyebrow at the Jedi.


"You were humming."


Esma looked past Kira to where Scourge scowled in the middle of the the crowd of refugees they were guarding. Balmorrans had been returning to their home planet, but the Empire wasn't above continuing to make their lives difficult. A lone Sith assassin was preying on the caravans. Two groups had been decimated in the past month until they started sending guards with the refugees when they traveled along the ravine passages where he set up ambushes. Scourge had been in favor of killing the Sith, but guarding refugees...not so much. Esma fought to keep her grin off her face. He really looked like he'd like to destroy something.


"What are you....oh please tell me no."


Esma looked back at Kira who was staring at her in horror.




"You...he....eww...he's Sith!! He's not just Sith, he's the Emperor's Wrath!!! How could you?!?"


"Shhhh!" Esma said as they began to get looks from the refugees.


"I can't believe...you have the worst taste in men, you know that?"


Esma raised her eyebrow.


Kira glared at her before finally throwing up her hands. "This is not going to end well, mark my words."


"Feel free to tell me 'I told you so' if it doesn't," Esma said, dryly, "You still with me?"


"I'm with you to the end, but I hope it's a long ways off. What are you going to tell the Council?"


Esma sighed, "The Council....I have no idea. I..." Esma glanced over at Scourge and started chuckling.


Kira looked over as well. "What the...."


A small group of ragged children had gathered on the edge of the crowd of moving people. They whispered among themselves, pointing towards Scourge with wide eyes. Scourge steadfastly ignored them along along with everyone else. From out of the knot of children, a small wiry boy pushed through and straightened his shoulders. Even from where she stood, Esma could see the determination on his face as he began to walk towards Scourge.


Esma started towards the pair, Kira a split step behind her.


"He's not going to...aw crap," Kira said just as the boy reached up and tugged on Scourge's cape. The two of them broke into a run.


Scourge looked down at the boy with a scowl and shooed him away. The boy's face set in mulish lines as he said something and then began to kick and punch Scourge with all the ferocity in his small body. Scourge's eyebrows went up and then he reached down and lifted the boy by his collar, still kicking in mid-air.


Esma nearly skidded to a stop next to them. "Scourge!"


He didn't look away from the boy. "Repeat that, if you dare."


"Scourge, he's just a boy," Esma said warningly. He motioned for her to be quiet. She scowled at him.


"Don't mind me. I'm just here to keep you from killing small children," Kira said, glaring at him.


The boy's voice shook, but the anger in it overwhelmed any fear, "I'll kill you! You Sith killed my family! I swear by their blood I will kill all the Sith!"


"Reckonings arrive at their own pace. No need to rush them," Scourge said, unconcerned at the bundle of humanity he had dangling from one huge fist. "The boy has courage."


"You don't scare me," the boy said, although his voice trembled.


"A lie, but a brave one," Scourge said with a very small smile, "You have potential. Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith. Were you Force-sensitive, I might consider training you myself."


Esma smothered a grin at the boy's look of shock.


"And turn him into a mini-you? Yeah, not the best idea I've ever heard," Kira growled.


"You're Jedi, why aren't you fighting him?" the boy sounded outraged as he looked from Esma to Kira.


"Lord Scourge helps us. He's not a normal Sith," Esma said.


"Scourge is....an ally," Kira said with obvious distaste, "Isn't teamwork grand?"


Scourge's lip curled in a mocking smile at her. "I will always be Sith-but that does not mean we can't work together."


"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Kira said with an insincere smile.


"Perhaps," Scourge said, glancing at Esma, "your mother might take this one in. He would make a good soldier, I think, with proper training. And if he plans to kill all the Sith..." He smiled slightly at the boy. "...then he will need proper training."


"Wait," Kira said shaking her head, "you WANT him trained to kill Sith?"


"If a Sith lacks the strength to stand against him, they deserve to be crushed. The boy has far to go before he is a worthy enemy, however."


"Scourge, put him down," Esma said. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Please." He set the boy down. Rather than go back into his frenzy, the boy stood there, flexing and unflexing his fists, staring with hatred at the Sith.


"What's your name?" Esma asked him, kneeling next to the boy.


"Jeddan," he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye while continuing to watch Scourge.


"Jeddan, you have anyone here? A foster family?"




Esma stood and put her hand on his shoulder. The boy shifted his gaze to hers. "Lord Scourge may be right. My mother may be able to get you the training you're going to need."


"Wait, you're going along with this?" Kira asked in disbelief.


"The boy has spirit and strength to have survived and still have the will to fight," Scourge said, "such potential should not be lost."


Jeddan looked from Esma to Scourge to Kira with eyes that were too old, had seen too much. "This isn't a trick?"


"Good," Scourge said, nodding, "don't be too trusting."


Kira threw up her hands in disgust.


"No, it's not a trick," Esma said quietly, "I don't know if we will be able to help, but we'll try. Will you stop trying to kill Lord Scourge? We need him in the war on our side."


The boy considered Scourge carefully. "For now. If I'm going to kill Sith, I'm going to need to learn about them, right?"


"Right." Scourge said.


"Teach me," the boy ordered the Sith Lord.


Scourge's smile broadened, "Very well..." Jeddan fell into step next to Scourge as Scourge began to lecture him on the power and weakness of the Sith as they walked along the cratered ravine.


Esma watched them for a moment before shaking her head with a small grin and joining Kira on their journey.


"Never a dull moment, we should visit warzones more often," Kira muttered.



Author's Note:

Jeddan is a baby trooper I made for kicks and giggles. He grows from a scrawny kid to a type 3 with a mohawk, tats, and a massive dislike for Sith. I wish I was more inclined to play male toons cause he's pretty awesome.


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Canned Response


Teachable Moments

JK (Esma, Scourge, and Kira)

(Republic Balmorra spoilers)


"You're awfully chipper lately," Kira said suspiciously.


"I'm not allowed to be chipper?" Esma asked, raising an eyebrow at the Jedi.


"You were humming."


Esma looked past Kira to where Scourge scowled in the middle of the the crowd of refugees they were guarding. Balmorrans had been returning to their home planet, but the Empire wasn't above continuing to make their lives difficult. A lone Sith assassin was preying on the caravans. Two groups had been decimated in the past month until they started sending guards with the refugees when they traveled along the ravine passages where he set up ambushes. Scourge had been in favor of killing the Sith, but guarding refugees...not so much. Esma fought to keep her grin off her face. He really looked like he'd like to destroy something.


"What are you....oh please tell me no."


Esma looked back at Kira who was staring at her in horror.




"You...he....eww...he's Sith!! He's not just Sith, he's the Emperor's Wrath!!! How could you?!?"


"Shhhh!" Esma said as they began to get looks from the refugees.


"I can't believe...you have the worst taste in men, you know that?"


Esma raised her eyebrow.


Kira glared at her before finally throwing up her hands. "This is not going to end well, mark my words."


"Feel free to tell me 'I told you so' if it doesn't," Esma said, dryly, "You still with me?"


"I'm with you to the end, but I hope it's a long ways off. What are you going to tell the Council?"


Esma sighed, "The Council....I have no idea. I..." Esma glanced over at Scourge and started chuckling.


Kira looked over as well. "What the...."


A small group of ragged children had gathered on the edge of the crowd of moving people. They whispered among themselves, pointing towards Scourge with wide eyes. Scourge steadfastly ignored them along along with everyone else. From out of the knot of children, a small wiry boy pushed through and straightened his shoulders. Even from where she stood, Esma could see the determination on his face as he began to walk towards Scourge.


Esma started towards the pair, Kira a split step behind her.


"He's not going to...aw crap," Kira said just as the boy reached up and tugged on Scourge's cape. The two of them broke into a run.


Scourge looked down at the boy with a scowl and shooed him away. The boy's face set in mulish lines as he said something and then began to kick and punch Scourge with all the ferocity in his small body. Scourge's eyebrows went up and then he reached down and lifted the boy by his collar, still kicking in mid-air.


Esma nearly skidded to a stop next to them. "Scourge!"


He didn't look away from the boy. "Repeat that, if you dare."


"Scourge, he's just a boy," Esma said warningly. He motioned for her to be quiet. She scowled at him.


"Don't mind me. I'm just here to keep you from killing small children," Kira said, glaring at him.


The boy's voice shook, but the anger in it overwhelmed any fear, "I'll kill you! You Sith killed my family! I swear by their blood I will kill all the Sith!"


"Reckonings arrive at their own pace. No need to rush them," Scourge said, unconcerned at the bundle of humanity he had dangling from one huge fist. "The boy has courage."


"You don't scare me," the boy said, although his voice trembled.


"A lie, but a brave one," Scourge said with a very small smile, "You have potential. Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith. Were you Force-sensitive, I might consider training you myself."


Esma smothered a grin at the boy's look of shock.


"And turn him into a mini-you? Yeah, not the best idea I've ever heard," Kira growled.


"You're Jedi, why aren't you fighting him?" the boy sounded outraged as he looked from Esma to Kira.


"Lord Scourge helps us. He's not a normal Sith," Esma said.


"Scourge is....an ally," Kira said with obvious distaste, "Isn't teamwork grand?"


Scourge's lip curled in a mocking smile at her. "I will always be Sith-but that does not mean we can't work together."


"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Kira said with an insincere smile.


"Perhaps," Scourge said, glancing at Esma, "your mother might take this one in. He would make a good soldier, I think, with proper training. And if he plans to kill all the Sith..." He smiled slightly at the boy. "...then he will need proper training."


"Wait," Kira said shaking her head, "you WANT him trained to kill Sith?"


"If a Sith lacks the strength to stand against him, they deserve to be crushed. The boy has far to go before he is a worthy enemy, however."


"Scourge, put him down," Esma said. He raised an eyebrow at her. "Please." He set the boy down. Rather than go back into his frenzy, the boy stood there, flexing and unflexing his fists, staring with hatred at the Sith.


"What's your name?" Esma asked him, kneeling next to the boy.


"Jeddan," he said, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye while continuing to watch Scourge.


"Jeddan, you have anyone here? A foster family?"




Esma stood and put her hand on his shoulder. The boy shifted his gaze to hers. "Lord Scourge may be right. My mother may be able to get you the training you're going to need."


"Wait, you're going along with this?" Kira asked in disbelief.


"The boy has spirit and strength to have survived and still have the will to fight," Scourge said, "such potential should not be lost."


Jeddan looked from Esma to Scourge to Kira with eyes that were too old, had seen too much. "This isn't a trick?"


"Good," Scourge said, nodding, "don't be too trusting."


Kira threw up her hands in disgust.


"No, it's not a trick," Esma said quietly, "I don't know if we will be able to help, but we'll try. Will you stop trying to kill Lord Scourge? We need him in the war on our side."


The boy considered Scourge carefully. "For now. If I'm going to kill Sith, I'm going to need to learn about them, right?"


"Right." Scourge said.


"Teach me," the boy ordered the Sith Lord.


Scourge's smile broadened, "Very well..." Jeddan fell into step next to Scourge as Scourge began to lecture him on the power and weakness of the Sith as they walked along the cratered ravine.


Esma watched them for a moment before shaking her head with a small grin and joining Kira on their journey.


"Never a dull moment, we should visit warzones more often," Kira muttered.



Author's Note:

Jeddan is a baby trooper I made for kicks and giggles. He grows from a scrawny kid to a type 3 with a mohawk, tats, and a massive dislike for Sith. I wish I was more inclined to play male toons cause he's pretty awesome.


I liked this. Scourge taking an interest in a boy that hates him, and Kira nearly gagging on the realization that Esma and Scourge are a thing. I'm really enjoy Kira's personality in my male JK's story. Very fun story. You should play that Trooper!

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