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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Oh man, I'm so excited. I'm writing for my Jedi Sage and I'll be covering two, two, of the weekly topics in one go. However, its taking a lot of words to set up so I'm going to split this in two. This story is covering Discovery and Canned Response. For emphasis, I'm going bold the lines taken from my companion's speech.


Minor Jedi Consular spoilers from Tython and Balmorra. Spoilery for the Quesh class quest and some of Tharan's companion quests.



The meeting room of the Jedi's Defender had emptied out hours ago, the remaining delegates of the Rift Alliance having retired to quarters for the evening now that Balmorra was back in Republic hands. Tai Cordon had pledged that the planet would officially join the Republic and Zenith was pleased. After what felt like a life time of fighting, it was done. Thanks to that Jedi.


Zenith sat alone at the conference table in the dim lighting, his jacket hung on the chair next to him and the protective headgear she had gifted him with, the one with the laser sighting and three positionable scopes over one eye, sat next to his hand. His boots were kicked up on the table, crossed at the ankle. He was...






The Jedi had come out of no where, literally contacting him over a secret holo channel on Tai's word that he'd work with her. Zenith had given her a thorough once, then twice over. He hadn't had to deal with very many Jedi and this one, well, she was blind. What was a blind person going to accomplish that he couldn't? Sure, the whole Jedi thing. He hadn't learned til later while talking with Cedrax and that strange purple female that the Jedi was a Miraluka, she came that way. Her people had no eyes and used the Force to see. He assumed she didn't see the same way he did. He was actually incredibly curious to know if she saw in color, in detail, if... if he smiled at her would she see it? Did she know the color of his eyes? The hue of his skin? That he was even a Twi'lek?


All questions he wouldn't dare ask. She was a Jedi, she was regal, capable, and she towed that lizard man where ever she went. Zenith expected to be spending a lot of time here on ship, which is why he would have time to cultivate a political career on Balmorra. That Jedi was doing him the biggest favor.



“This sounds like trouble,” Tess'iri acknowledged.


“There are scientists trapped in the factory,” Nadia Grell said helplessly, and her father put a comforting hand on her arm.


“Leave it to me,” Tess assured her. “I can handle these Imperials. I don't know much about Quesh however.”


“The planet's atmosphere will be poisonous, but there are inoculations so that won't be a worry,” Delegate Grell said. “The Republic and the Empire are harvesting the Quesh vemon from beneath the world's surface, creating weapons and instruments of healing out of them. We built this factory to be state of the art, to pioneer new and powerful ways to aid the Republic.”


“It will not fall into Imperial hands,” Tess vowed.


“I'm coming with you, Jedi,” Nadia said, her fervor blasting an aura of color into Tess's sight.


“You will certainly not!” her father shot back.


“Please Father. I have to help. All the scientists, they don't deserve this. I can get her in, I can do some good.”


Tess put up a calming hand. “I won't let any harm befall her, Delegate Grell.”


Reluctantly, he relented.


Tess left Nadia's quarters, her thoughts moving faster than her feet. She passed C2 who greeted her cheerfully. She spared him few words as she went down to the engine room which Qyzen had made his own. The Trandoshen was packing his ruck sack methodically and turned when he scented her at the door.


“Herald,” he grated in his native tongue. She heard the reverence as she always did and smiled at him.


“Nearly finished packing?” she asked.


“Yes, am finished. Will be leaving for Alderaan now.”


Tess nodded. “I wanted to let you know something has come up. I have to go to Quesh, but I wanted to stop by and see you off.” She smiled fondly again at Qyzen, wishing she could ask him to postpone his hunting trip. But he had lost all his points on Tython when he was captured, and this hunt with the young Trandoshen they met on Tatooine would go far to restoring them. She couldn't ask him not to go, the hunt wouldn't hold.


“Problem? Will stay with you, Herald,” Qyzen asked, very perceptive.


Tess laid her hand on his arm. “Thank you, Qyzen. But you need to go on this hunt. Nadia has offered her help.” Qyzen looked skeptical and Tess chuckled, watching the colors move about his features. “But I will ask Zenith to accompany me as well. He will be more than adequate assistance.”


Qyzen still didn't look convinced but nodded his big head. “Will do as Herald says. Herald will be protected by angry Twi'lek while gone.”


“I don't think he's angry,” Tess laughed as they walked out together. “Serious yes, a little paranoid. This will give me time to get to know him.”


“Tess! Tess'iri!”


Tess repressed a sigh. Tharan Cedrax came out of his cubby wiping his hands on a clean rag, not leaving any traces of anything behind. She'd been avoiding him since she turned down paying off his outstanding debts to secure pieces for the contraption his was building for the symposium. She had been fleetingly uncomfortable since he made it obvious that he was interested in her, then swiftly took it back when his computer generated girlfriend objected.


She had turned him down flat, for more reasons than because she was Jedi. Now she avoided talking to him overmuch and never took him out with her. Part of her didn't want to upset Holiday in anyway.


Tess paused as Tharan emerged. “Hello Tharan. What can I do for you?”


“I couldn't help but overhear, and would like to remind you that Holiday and I are at your disposal should you need our assistance.”


“Oh,” Tess said, thinking fast. “What of your... ah... Vi-vicodin contraption?” Damn, she should have really been paying better attention when he waxed eloquent about the thing.


“The Vandrayk Generator is coming along nicely and ahead of schedule,” Tharan corrected. To his credit he didn't seem put off that she hadn't recalled its correct name. “And having some time off ship would be most delightful. Holiday and I have been down here for far too long, some sun would be lovely.”


Tess crossed her arms and thought. “From what I hear there isn't much sun on Quesh. However, there is something you could for me. I have an associate on Tython who is holding a crate of Bondar and Firkran crystals for me. Having the Rift Alliance in such need of our assistance, I haven't found the time to go make the pick up. Perhaps you could take Holiday and one of the shuttles? That would actually be very helpful.”


“We'll endeavor not to disappoint,” Tharan said with enthusiasm. “I hear the Ruins of Keleth are lovely this time of year.”


“I'm sure Holiday would love to see them,” Tess began.


“Oh, Jedi!” Holiday beamed. “My sweet Tharan can take me sight-seeing! I'm very much looking forward to time alone!”


“Right,” Tess said, backing away with Qyzen. “Then it's settled. Do have a good time. I need to speak to Zenith. If you'll excuse me?”


She escaped up the stairs, Qyzen close behind. “Strange soft thing. Stranger non thing,” Qyzen muttered. Tess couldn't correct him. “Talk to angry soft thing, will wait and hear what he says.” Qyzen said as he followed her into the conference room.


“Will you miss your shuttle?” she murmured as Zenith heard them and came to attention. She gave him a smile but turned her head to 'look' at Qyzen. She had learned early in life that most beings where less put off by her blindness if she acted like she could see. And that meant turning her head in their direction when speaking, tilting her face like she was looking them in the eye. And she was, though they couldn't see.


“Will make shuttle,” Qyzen said, then turned a beady eye on Zenith.


“Zenith,” Tess said, turning to face the Twi'lek. “There's an issue on Quesh that I've agreed to aid Nadia with. Qyzen has a previous engagement otherwise he could help me.”


“Can miss,” Qyzen grated.


“No, I can't ask that. Zenith, would you accompany me to the planet? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.”


Zenith regarded the Trandoshen and realized he cared about the safety of the Jedi. From what he'd seen of her on Balmorra he imagined he might feel the same way if he allowed himself to have close friends. Zenith bowed his head. “Lead on.”

Tess smiled again and turned her head to Qyzen. “You will be missed, old friend. Bring me back a tooth.”


“Hunt begins,” Qyzen said. “Take care of Herald.” Then he stepped out, and there were other matters to deal with.


Tess motioned to Zenith to follow. “C2 has already set our course for Quesh. We'll arrive shortly.”


As they stepped onto the bridge of the ship, Zenith took interest in the controls and the zip of stars around them. “Call you Herald?” he asked quietly.


“I'm sorry?” Tess asked, looking up from navigation.


“Was told you were Jedi Barsen'thor. Very prestigious. Good title. But Qyzen calls you Herald. This is what you go by?”


“Qyzen calls me Herald because he believes me to be the Herald of his Scorekeeper. You may call me Tess.”


“What kind of a title is Tess?” Zenith asked, leaning over the nav station where she stood.


“It's my name,” Tess said with some confusion.


“What kind of Jedi name is Tess?”


“It's short,” Tess protested. “For Tess'iri. I just go by Tess.”


Zenith lifted his head and he was smiling at her. She paused then grinned and shook her head. Ah yes, a joke. She would have to get used to a companion with a sense of humor again. Qyzen was very single minded. She inclined her head, acknowledging his humor.


“Very well, Tess. Who do you want me to kill?


Oh boy.



Author's Note


I am devastated that Zenith isn't a romancable companion. Just devastated. Things he's said to my Sage in companion quests and by clicking on him makes me believe he cares a lot for her already. So I'm taking a page from Esme/Scourge and ficing a thing. I'm 99% sure I will not have Tess romancing Iresso in game. I've already had her turn down Tharan. I think since Zenith can only be in my head I'll wait for later companions and see what else comes her way.


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Finding the Lost

JK/BH (Esma and Skari)

edit: bh end chapter 1 spoilers (sorry if anyone's bh story got spoiled)


Skari hesitated over the holocall button. The ship was silent, asleep, the dark, instrument-lit cave of the helm beckoned her away from the holo. It would be easy to put the call off, again. She swore under her breath and punched the button, stepping back and crossing her arms as she waited.


"Hello," a young human female flickered to life.


Skari's stomach knotted up. "Is Esma Kaarde there?"


"Yeah, who're you?"


"Maru'bri'ishna." The name was strange on her lips. It had been a long time since she'd used it.


"Hold on, I'll get her," the young woman said, stepping out of camera.


Skari shifted while the holo remained silent, drumming her fingers against her armor.


"This is Esma..." the Chiss who came into focus trailed off as she took a look at Skari.


"Hi," Skari said stiffly. She searched the face on the holo for the baby she'd once known, but it was her mother she kept seeing.




"Sana gave me the call frequency...."


Esma nodded. "Mom told me your name was Skari?"


"Now it is, yeah," Skari said, rolling her shoulders a tiny bit.


Esma nodded again and then laughed, "Wow, this is awkward."


Skari snorted, "Yeah, I'll say."


"When Mom told me about you, I didn't know what to think. Strange to have a sister I never knew."


"Sana, she's a good woman," Skari said, "Tough. Smart."


"Have you met my dad?"


"Saw him once. Seems like a stand-up kind of guy."


Esma nodded. "I got very lucky. They're great parents. I'm sorry...."


Skari shook her head. "Not your fault. Sh*t happens. You deal and move on."


"Still, life hasn't been easy for you."


Skari lifted an eyebrow. "Are you pitying me, sis?" A half-grin stretched her mouth.


Esma's face remained serious. "Maybe I am. Things shouldn't have turned out like this."


Skari shrugged, "It is what it is. I haven't done too bad for myself."


"Mom tells me you're a Mandalorian?"


"Yeah, got myself adopted into the clan by Mandalore himself."


Esma's eyebrows went up. "Yeah, I'll say you've done pretty well for yourself."


Skari paused a moment, took a breath. "Do you...do you remember our parents?"


Esma shook her head. "No, I don't remember anything before..."


Skari braced her arms on the edge of the holo, looking down at her fists. "I thought you were dead," she said quietly, "everyone was dead. I'm sorry I didn't look harder."




The bounty hunter's shoulders tensed. "I should have looked harder."


"Look at me." Skari looked up at her younger sister whose voice had a thread of steel in it. Esma would never know, but she sounded exactly like their mother. "You couldn't have known. I'm just glad you had the strength to keep yourself alive."


"Listen, I have to get going," Skari said, blinking too fast.


The Jedi nodded, seeing too much, knowing too much.


"I'm...I'm proud of you," Skari said, her throat too tight, "you're a credit to our house."


Esma's mouth quirked, "I'm not so sure the Ascendancy would agree with that, but thank you."


"Screw them anyway," Skari said with half a laugh.


"I'd like to meet in person sometime," Esma said gently.


Skari nodded tightly, "If you want. I have to go."






"Take care, sister."


"I always do," Skari said as she ended the call.


The bounty hunter walked up to the helm and sat down in the captain's chair, impatiently brushing away the tears that blurred the crumpled, stained flimsy she held in her hand.



Author's Note:

My Skari...she's such a bada**, but she's so alone. Sigh. BW, she needs a grown man...please please.


Edited by iamthehoyden
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Magdalane made me tear up, then Morgani made me laugh, then iamthehoyden made me tear up again.


Great stories <3


And Ruth, she's such a funny mom. :) I need more mother son Ruth moments.

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“Very well, Tess. Who do you want me to kill?


Oh boy.


Author's Note


I am devastated that Zenith isn't a romancable companion. Just devastated. Things he's said to my Sage in companion quests and by clicking on him makes me believe he cares a lot for her already. So I'm taking a page from Esme/Scourge and ficing a thing. I'm 99% sure I will not have Tess romancing Iresso in game. I've already had her turn down Tharan. I think since Zenith can only be in my head I'll wait for later companions and see what else comes her way.


Ahh!! Loves it!! I clapped at the end, that's fabulous (and makes me want to work on my JC even though it'll probably be another of those where I'm crushing on some non-romanceable companion, sigh). We see so few JC stories, this is fun!

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Not to be rude but nearly every story I read has Female Jedi Knight ,smuggler,jedi consular, sith warroir and other class.( not I mind it it way too much Female Class for me)


That just option those don't take serouly

Edited by greyjedibp
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Not to be rude but nearly every story I read has Female Jedi Knight ,smuggler,jedi consular, sith warroir and other class.( not I mind it it way too much Female Class for me)


That just option those don't take serouly


That's because people are writing about their characters - almost exclusively their characters are female. If you don't like reading about female characters avoid the authors who use them.


I write about Rochester because he's the most interesting to me - he has the most developed background and personality. I could write about my female Powertech, female Sorcerer, female Juggernaut, female Assassin (actually, I have), female Mercenary or my female Smuggler, if I wanted to.

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Not to be rude but nearly every story I read has Female Jedi Knight ,smuggler,jedi consular, sith warroir and other class.( not I mind it it way too much Female Class for me)


That just option those don't take serouly


Adris Westan and Rendrik Poole are males characters that I play and they appear often in the stories I write. Vol'vikis showed up once. I've written and shared more about Adris than any of my other characters. But my female characters work into the lives and plots of my males so they show up and have their time in the sun.


But we've seen plenty from Wynstn, Rochester and Braon, there's an older male Sith that shows up (so so sorry for blanking on the name!) Not to mention all the male companions that get to show off for their females.


But, I do have a dark side Jedi Knight who's romancing the pants off Kira. I'll whip up something from him for you.

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There's an older male Sith that shows up (so so sorry for blanking on the name!)


That's Varrel Umrahiel. I think he's the only male SW currently in the thread. I also write Rixik and Korjonos (male bounty hunter and agent, respectively, though Korjonos belongs to a friend). My smuggler and agent are both female. I write about all of them depending on who holds my interest at the time.


Unrelated note: my work schedule has been really messed up this week and will continue to be for the next several weeks. I’ll try to contribute/comment when I can. I haven’t been able to read much here since Wednesday, let alone produce anything but gibberish. I’m going to go back and get caught up now.

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Didn't mean to start fight or anything im just giving my option


It's not a fight - we're stating why there seem to be so many female characters and where you can find male ones. Besides, does it really matter? If the story is written well enough (as these are) then the gender of the characters is largely irrelevant.

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I am not saying bad story in fact i found good. It just keep finding female story than male making me think that no one hardly care about male anymore and feamle seem more popluer that all im saying.


Tatile please try to hav3 nice reply instead of one that keep have me explian my opion. I mean really I know u try to help but make feel worse sometime ok. I am not u are bad person just not really helpful (To me at less not to everbody)

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Canned Response


This is my JK Remi (big surprise) and Scourge just after the end of Chapter 3.


So JK Ch. 3 spoilers.


The Gift



“Come on,” Remi yelled running through the field below Voss-Ka. Scourge did not run, they were not running to anything, the Jedi was just running for the sake of it. He watched her flip through the air, spinning as if she were fighting the flowers and grasses that grew in the lowlands. At first he thought she was showing off, but she paid no attention to him, did not look for his approval, she simply wanted to jump and spin. She ran back toward him, running around him then away again, like a child on vacation from lessons. “We’re on R and R she shouted,” her voice came back to him with the wind, the rest of what she might have said was lost.


Are you certain you need this?” he asked when her sprint brought her back within range.


“I’m ordered to take a break, but they want someone to make sure you don’t eat the Padawan. That means you’re with me.” She shrugged spinning around.


You’re wise to keep such close tabs on me.” He said pleased that he still unnerved the Council.


She smiled brightly and sprinted away again. The war still raged since they had defeated the Emperor. The Jedi had been granted the title Master by her Council, she seemed bent on making them take it back. This R and R had been ordered because she could not sit still during Council meetings, her face contorted into various expressions of distaste when she saw flaws in their strategy. Finally, they stopped inviting her to meetings. They had probably planned to ask her to join at some point, perhaps her exile from their meetings was what she had planned all along. He smiled darkly, her rejection of the Council was promising.


She was spinning rapidly, using the Force to build speed, a small cyclone formed around her sucking up the loose plants, he had never seen anyone do that, it was possible anyone who tried would become very ill from motion sickness. Her whirlwind approached him, he watched wondering what she would try to do. He doubted it was strong enough to pull him in, but he braced himself nevertheless. The whirlwind vanished when she was a few feet away, she held a bouquet of slightly smashed flowers she had collected while she spun.


“Look! I got you flowers,” she said listing about, she shook the bouquet at him. She put her head back and laughed, the motion offset her still unsteady balance and she fell.


You’re a fool.” He replied, which only made her laugh harder.


“They call these blossoms the Red Scourge.” She giggled on the ground staring up at his scowling face. “They’re a weed they conquer the entire hillside strangling all the other flowers.” He looked at her oddly. She bounced to her feet, the dizzy spell over. She tried to sound serious, “The Red Scourge, conquering the hillside,” she snickered, “making everything pretty!” She laughed as he scowled again and ran off toward some ruins. He followed her.


When he arrived, she was translating inscriptions with her datapad. “We have no time to waste. Be done with this.”


“R and R is about wasting time, Scourge.” She murmured, only half-paying attention. The inscription was covered by a fallen boulder, the boulder was not part of the original structure, time and erosion had rolled it into the ruin obscuring most of the text. She frowned looking around. She held out a hand and lifted the rock, it was several times her weight, but she did not seem strained, she set it down in a place where it was unlikely to roll and cause further damage. She continued scanning the inscriptions.


The Force is strong in you.” He said thoughtfully, “Too strong for the restrictions the Jedi impose.”


“They impose those restrictions for good reasons.” She replied, Kira would have been angry and defended the Council, but he sensed no anger in her.


I understand why your Council controls you. What I’ll never comprehend is why you let them.”


“Who said I do?” She smiled, “I’m aligned with their goals, and they provide purpose, resources, and targets. If they told me to drown a sack of kittens I would tell them to eat their lightsabers.”


It was the closest he had ever heard her come to defying the Council, aside from her childish antics. “Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith.”


She snorted, “The Sith I’ve met so far are pretty terrible, yourself included and I kicked their faces in. Not really selling me on the whole Sith thing.”


He was silent, anything he said at this point would earn him mockery, he was not in the mood for it.


“Aww, did I just earn myself the silent treatment?”


There is no more to be said.”


“Did I offend you?” She asked soberly, she stopped examining the ruins and faced him.


I follow you for what you do, not what you say.”


She sighed, “Are you really still trying to corrupt me? I need to know.” He began studying the inscriptions she had looked at. He took a small amount of pleasure in ignoring her, but she waited for him to finish scanning. “Scourge?”


Reckonings arrive at their own pace. No need to rush them.”


She crossed her arms, “Look at me.” She was more serious than he could remember, he stopped what he was doing and faced her. “You choose to stay because the Emperor may still live, we have both heard the rumors.”


Right.” He agreed.


“I want you to understand, you only have that choice because I allow it. I believe in your cause, and through this you have earned my trust, but I do not take unnecessary risk when mitigating it by throwing you in a cell would be much easier.” He looked into her eyes, he knew they were yellow, though he could no longer see color. He was pleased she was not the silly fool she tried to portray. There was steel in her and fire.


I understand,” he acknowledged.


She frowned, “Do you really still want to stay here? You can always head to neutral territory, I would welcome you back to go kick the Emperors door down if he’s not really dead.”


He had considered it a number of times, but he had learned more about the Force from the Jedi than he had in centuries with the Sith. He sharpened his combat skills at the Jedi’s side she was the best fighter he had ever encountered. He would not admit it, but he preferred to stay.


I will always be Sith- but that does not mean we can’t work together.” He replied finally.


She nodded and sighed. “I didn’t really want this to be a bad conversation,” she quirked her mouth, “I actually wanted to give you something. A thank you gift, since the Council wants to pretend saving the galaxy is a selfish act.”


She handed him a box, inside was a shard of a strange material encased in a crystalline resin.


“Before I met you, I defeated an ancient enemy on Tatooine,” she said as he examined the crystal. The shard inside was tiny but the power in it still resonated, it was not light or dark, just power. He raised an eyebrow, surprised at its strength. “It was Rakata, the Infinite Empire, it offered me power and knowledge.” He looked up with surprise, “I turned it down of course that thing was crazy.” His lip curled with contempt. “Anyway after it tried to kill me, I took that from the wreckage of the stronghold, I thought you would like it.”


No one had ever given him a gift like this one, he could not imagine how she knew he would like such a thing. “Very nice,” he said with difficulty, “I approve.”


She smiled widely, she knew that was his equivalent to grand enthusiasm. “Well I’ve tortured you enough out here with sunshine and fresh air. Let’s head back.”


Thank you.” He said, but he meant it for more than just that.









Everything Scourge says is a canned response. I clicked on him for about ten minutes and I couldn't get him to say anything else. The three that are not from clicking are You are a fool, Thank you, and Very nice, I approve which come from giving him gifts.



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Tatile please try to hav3 nice reply instead of one that keep have me explian my opion. I mean really I know u try to help but make feel worse sometime ok. I am not u are bad person just not really helpful (To me at less not to everbody)


I try to keep my responses measured and neutral, but if you're going to attack me over that, fine. Consider this the last message you'll receive from this "bad person".

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I am not saying bad story in fact i found good. It just keep finding female story than male making me think that no one hardly care about male anymore and feamle seem more popluer that all im saying.


Tatile please try to hav3 nice reply instead of one that keep have me explian my opion. I mean really I know u try to help but make feel worse sometime ok. I am not u are bad person just not really helpful (To me at less not to everbody)



Tatile has always been nothing but polite and gracious, she's also very truthful and to say she has been anything but helpful to you is flat out wrong. She has the patience of a saint when it comes to trying to help you become a better writer. I suggest you back off. If you don't want to read about female protagonists, then don't. We write these stories because we love our characters and because we want to improve as writers, NOT for your amusement. If we're not writing what you want to read, well frankly tough, write them yourself (you've been given plenty of helpful advice to improve yourself, you just seem to choose not to use it). There are plenty of stories on these forums with Male protagonists, many very good ones.

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Jedi Knight and Kira starting out on Taris. No real spoilers. Sorry for my crap T7, bright has his speech patterns down but I don't do droid well apparently. Canned Responses go:



“So this is what a dead city looks like. Feels like we're standing on an open grave.”

Her voice was saddened and, even though they stood on the ramp leading to the spaceport, wary. Ves'tolin paused and took a moment to really look around. He had had it in his mind to go straight to Governor Saresh's office, start questioning her on what exactly she thought she could do with the planet. Kira's words stopped him though and now that he could see some of what the Governor's office had to rebuild with, he was twice as curious.


“What was this place called again?' he asked.


“Taris Reclamation Base.” He could feel Kira staring at the back of his head and if he turned he knew he'd find her regarding him with amusement and frustration. “Weren't you listening?”


“Probably,” he said offhandedly. “No.”


“T7 = scanning area / / area = safe for travel!”


Ves looked down at the blue T unit then back up. “For another 20 meters anyway, but thanks.”


“T7 = happy to help!”


“Did you get a load of that holostatue in the spaceport?” he asked as the locals started to take notice of them. Some openly appraised them, others averted their eyes and made themselves scarce. Ves wondered if it was weariness or wariness that made them flee.


“A load of it? I nearly put my lightsaber through her head, for all the good that would have done,” Kira sighed. “What does it say about the leadership of a world when they have to put themselves on motion sensor and remind you what they're doing here every time you walk by?”


“I don't know what it says about leadership, but I know what it says about the leader. Keep your eyes open when we meet her. I want your opinion.”


“If I had something to say, I wouldn't hold back. You know me,” Kira answered, shrugging one shoulder carelessly.


“True. This would be why we get along.” Ves lead them away from the spaceport with a confident stride.


“Is that the only reason?” Kira asked, daring a little flirtation to come to her voice.


Ves glanced over his shoulder at her, his face partially hidden by his hood. Kira felt the breath drain out of her slowly. The dark green skin, the deep blue eyes, all that black hair. She could get in line for that. And the smile he gave her as answer told her he didn't think being a Jedi meant foregoing all the fun and games either. She felt a tiny shiver and slight flush on her cheeks.


“Now, if I were the Governor of a decrepit and smelly swamp planet, where would I put my offices?” Ves mused, casting his eyes over the soldiers and civs.


“Hm, probably both as close and as far from the front of the compound as I could get. Appearing to be close to the front makes it look like I'm capable and in charge, that I'm getting business done. But if something comes stampeding through those gates, I'm going to make sure I have plenty of people and things between it and me,” Kira said, recovering quickly.


“Astute,” Ves said. “And by that logic, over there.”


There were no guards around the Governor's building so Ves just let them in and walked straight into her office. She was in the middle of a discussion and Ves didn't think anything of interrupting.


“Alright, I'm here. And from what it looks like out there, we don't have all day.”


“Greetings, Jedi,” Saresh said and stood from behind her desk. “Thank you for coming to meet me. I will be brief and to the point. We're working on rebuilding Taris, to show the Empire can't hold us back. But resources are few. The terrain, weather and... wildlife are problematic.”


The man beside her crossed his arms. “Rakghouls,” he said, warning in the word. “One bad bite will turn you into a vicious monster like them. They're everywhere on planet, and getting rid of them has proved near impossible.”


“The rakghouls live in a tunnel system underground. All the work units we send out get decimated,” Saresh said.


“So, a few crews get taken out and you just send more?” Kira asked in disbelief.


Saresh turned violet eyes on the padawan and paused, obviously waiting for Ves'tolin to apologize or explain away her outburst.


“That's a good question actually,” Ves said.


Saresh faltered. “Reconstruction still needs to happen. Everyone hired to come here is appraised of the difficulties and are being paid well.”


“Until they end up dead, or eating the faces off their colleagues,” Ves answered.


“Chief Trig has come up with a plan to help us,” Saresh continued over him.


“A suicidal plan,” Trig admitted.


“A bold plan. One that will allow reconstruction to continue. Trig thinks that taking frag bombs and blowing up the entrances to the rakghouls lairs will thin their numbers enough to allow for the regular security forces to handle what remains. And looking at you, you seem to be just what we need to get this done.”


Ves regarded Saresh coolly and wondered if that was a compliment, or a dig.


“Help us rebuild Taris. It's in your hands.”


“Wow, no pressure or anything,” Kira muttered.


Ves nodded. “Alright, we'll handle your rakghoul issue, Governor.”


“Thank you. Be careful.”


“Care has little to do with it,” Ves said and took his people back outside.


“So that's how she leads?” Kira asked, putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head. “'This is historic, immense, you're rebuilding history. Ignore the creature gnawing on your leg.'”


Ves chuckled. “She has her work cut out for her. She just might choke on it though.”


“T7 = not liking choking // choking = worse on rakghouls.”


“Should probably get moving. Galaxy in peril and all that...” Kira said, patting T7 on the top of his chassis.


“One planet at a time. Stick with me and we'll own this place by next week.”


“I don't think it works that way,” Kira said with a laugh. “But it's going to be fun to try.”




Author's Note


Can you tell I don't like Saresh? I guess you'd have to play Trooper to figure out why. I want to tie her lekku in knots. Ves is kind of a jerk, but he's a funny jerk and I like him.


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I am not saying bad story in fact i found good. It just keep finding female story than male making me think that no one hardly care about male anymore and feamle seem more popluer that all im saying.


Tatile please try to hav3 nice reply instead of one that keep have me explian my opion. I mean really I know u try to help but make feel worse sometime ok. I am not u are bad person just not really helpful (To me at less not to everbody)


Hm, I just caught up after posting my fic and thinking maybe I should take it down. You never seem happy or satisfied with what's being shared with you. We do this because we enjoy it and enjoy sharing it with the people who enjoy reading it. If you aren't finding what you're wanting you'll need to make it yourself.


Tatile has gone out of her way often to try and help you and you seem to be resistant to make the changes she recommends. Whatever you're looking for you aren't likely to find it here. Search other places on the net, there are millions of Star Wars fan fic available.

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Jedi Knight and Kira starting out on Taris. No real spoilers. Sorry for my crap T7, bright has his speech patterns down but I don't do droid well apparently. Canned Responses go:


Author's Note


Can you tell I don't like Saresh? I guess you'd have to play Trooper to figure out why. I want to tie her lekku in knots. Ves is kind of a jerk, but he's a funny jerk and I like him.


Great story! I hated Saresh from Taris alone, I double hated her with the Trooper line. I have a game where when I move through the spaceport I have to try to get out without tripping her little welcome speech. I have gone through such lengths around pots and all kind of things to avoid hearing her voice.

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Tatile not what I meant>:(


Sorry if im harsh u know what I just keep my option to my self (Casues more harm and hurting people)and let this thing blow over aright.:(


So im sorry again Tatile I just really frushtion on hold thing and not mean to thing those things ok:(


Let try and be friend here:)


Plus side note don't just taken down story just casue i am being grumpy aright Morgani.:rolleyes:

Edited by greyjedibp
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My Miraluka BH, Chapter 3 spoilers.




Everything she touches turns to dust, everyone she loves either leaves or dies, or don’t want her to begin with. Now, Torian was gone. She left Mako, Gault and Blizz what was left of her family, on the ship, Skadge lumbered behind her, he was expendable. She was angry with herself for allowing these people into her heart, for allowing herself to care for them, she had lost enough families, and in her line of work, family wasn’t smart, love was a weakness. She had thought stupidly that becoming Mandalorian, joining a clan would make love and family safe, acceptable, they valued this stuff, and she had grown attached, she felt a need to protect them.


Her mother abandoned her, her sister was taken from her, Braden was killed, the most elite Bounty Hunters in the Galaxy, friends, brothers and sisters in arms, gunned down on the order of a Jedi with a death wish. She thought if she kept Torian at arms length, don’t let things get serious, but how do you not let things get serious with such a serious and intense person? He had told her he loved her, and she pushed him away, told him not to say such things, that she didn’t want him dead. He said it anyways, trying to placate her, trying to pull her close, whispering, and kissing and touching. Ava knew his days became numbered, and so she whispered, and kissed and touched, hanging onto every moment.


She was going to gun each one of these misguided Republic lacjkeys down, and if a hair on Torians gorgeous head was missing she would gun down their families. She gripped her pistols in each hand, trigger fingers itching, the force that was innate within her had tinted her world a shade of red. People were going to die, painfully.


“Keep up Skadge.” She said over her shoulder to the lumbering and puffing Houk. He was another weapon, something to unleash on these dead men who would threaten her people. When they had met on Belsavis that’s what she recognized him as, a weapon to be used, then thrown away when he had nothing left to offer. He grunted his reply, good dog, earn your keep.


They entered a wide open cavern, they were surrounded, Torian sat on a chair bound and she felt a wave of relief that he was still alive. Just as quickly a constriction in her heart as the idiot who was talking pointed a blaster at his head. Avacynne didn’t let the man finish his sentence, the world flashed red, blood red, as she shot him between the eyes, and unleashed her chosen weapons. Skadge cut and slashed his way through the mercenaries, his methods were messy and painful, and the cavern filled with screams, the snow underfoot melted by the hot and sticky blood. In the end all that was left standing was the Houk, bloodied and feral, Avacynne, her blood lust not nearly sated, and Torian, smiling.


“That’s my girl.” He said quietly, proud, secure.


Ava turned to Skadge, “out.” He snarled and left, and Ava untied Torian went back to the ship. She refused to speak, refusing Torian as he tried to hold her hand, to kiss her or hug her, to melt away the fear that still clung to her like the blood that spattered her armor.


She slammed the bulkhead door behind her, the force aiding her strength, which only made her even angrier. She stalked to her room giving Blizz a look that said not now as he approached her with a new contraption.


“Blizz happy you ok! What wrong with Boss? Why Boss still mad? Did Boss break new blaster Blizz make her? That would make Blizz super mad!” The little Jawa chittered to Torian, who could only stare at Ava’s closed door.


“Gault said Ava’s still on a warpath, what did you say to her?” The slight woman asked hands on hip. “Also, glad you’re alive” And patted him on the back.


“She’s still afraid.” Was all Torian said, he was never one for many words, even less in basic. Mako nodded then, understanding, Ava had confided in Mako shortly after Braden had died, she knew how many people Ava had lost.


Ava’s door opened, she threw her heavy gauntlet at the intruder. Torian caught it mid air. “Get out.”


“No.” He placed the gauntlet on a shelf.


“Get OUT!” Ava threw a pistol cartridge at his blonde head. He of course caught it.


“No!” Torian placed the cartridge beside the gauntlet with infinite calm. “I’m in love with you Avacynne.”


Ava didn’t throw anything this time but slapped him hard across the face. Her hand stung and the fair skin of his cheek turned red. “Then you’re an idiot. I hate you, and you’re stupid misplaced honor, fool of a Mandalorian, throwing your life away, for what? Glory? It’s an idiotic culture, and I’ll have no part in it anymore, so get out, I’ll have nothing to do with you.” Ava flung the words, intent on hurting him, and she did see hurt in his blue eyes, but he stubbornly stood his ground. Ava slapped him again, and again, hitting both cheeks, bruising his face. Her vision blurred as tears escaped from beneath her visor. “You stupid, stupid man, I’m not worth loving, and I can’t take the pain of losing another family. So just go, leave.” She begged him.


Torian grabbed her wrists and gently kissed the palms of her hands where the skin buzzed from hitting him. He shook his head indicating he would not move. Ava sobbed then, the fear, relief and finally pain of all those she had lost washing over her, she hadn’t cried since she was a little girl on Tython and it felt good to cry, and mourn, and to feel, even if those feeling were unbearable. Torian wrapped her up in his arms and held her on his lap rocking her gently, his hard warrior woman. He didn’t placate her, didn’t tell her everything would be ok, didn’t tell her he would always be there for her, that he wouldn’t die she deserved more than lies.


“Cyare, I love you, I want to be with you for as long as I have, I want to raise children with you, and either grow old with you or die in battle at your side. I will not go, I will not leave, you cannot drive me away with empty words and your fear.” He pulled her small metal visor off, Ava tried to turn away, but he held her head in place, her eye sockets didn’t sag, they were held up as if by invisible eyes. It amazed him how the dark within her empty sockets could look back at him, sometimes he could see bursts of colour in their depths, and sometimes the black had small specks of light like stars in space. Everything about her was beautiful to him, if only she could let go of her fear and let him love her. Her lids blinked and a tear escaped, Torian wiped it away with deference.


“I’m not a brave person, I need your help Torian, I’ve lived most of my life in fear, I’m good at pretending to be brave, but I’m not, and the thought of losing you, or Mako, or Blizz or even Gault, idiot that he is, it paralyzes me, I don’t know how to let go of that fear. I love you, and I want all those things you want, I…I need you to be my guide and I need you to be patient with me.” Ava rubbed his red cheeks, sorry that she had struck him, “and don’t ever get captured again.”


“I can do that.” He said softly, pulling her down to his lips hugging her tightly.


“Boss! Boss! Look, I made favorite blaster better! See! Don’t be mad no more ok?” A boot hit the Jawa squarely on the head.


“Out!” yelled Torian, raising another boot. The two half naked Mandalorians could hear Mako and Gault laughing in the other room.



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I am not saying bad story in fact i found good. It just keep finding female story than male making me think that no one hardly care about male anymore and feamle seem more popluer that all im saying.


Tatile please try to hav3 nice reply instead of one that keep have me explian my opion. I mean really I know u try to help but make feel worse sometime ok. I am not u are bad person just not really helpful (To me at less not to everbody)


This thread was never designed to be a request thread. I started it SOLELY for the purpose of fostering community between those of us who wanted to write stories about the characters we loved. The majority of us are women who play women. Keep in mind that women remain underrepresented in science fiction and that for many of us this is a welcome way to connect with sci-fi heroes who are women like us. This thread is not for catering to anybody, it's simply for sharing. I'm sorry you aren't finding what you're looking for, but this probably isn't the thread to continuously ask for it.


You are ALWAYS welcome to participate and write your own stories, but like Morgani said, there are soooo many Star Wars fanfics out there, as well as sites where I'm sure people are a little more open to requests. This just isn't the proper place. If you aren't happy with this thread, that's okay, but I just want to ask you to be respectful of those of us who really enjoy it.

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Sorry elliotcat if being I am being a jerk to your tread and to writers:(


How can make up to you all.


Plus to add in Just not your tread really it really nealrly I cross too aright.:(


Maybe I so just stay off this website for while if that help

Edited by greyjedibp
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I try to keep my responses measured and neutral, but if you're going to attack me over that, fine. Consider this the last message you'll receive from this "bad person".


Have I told you you're awesome today? I love your characters and you are very helpful in your critique and responses. Just making sure you knew.

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My Miraluka BH, Chapter 3 spoilers.



“Keep up Skadge.” She said over her shoulder to the lumbering and puffing Houk. He was another weapon, something to unleash on these dead men who would threaten her people. When they had met on Belsavis that’s what she recognized him as, a weapon to be used, then thrown away when he had nothing left to offer. He grunted his reply, good dog, earn your keep.


This is such a great paragraph for Skadge.

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Canned Response


This is my JK Remi (big surprise) and Scourge just after the end of Chapter 3.


So JK Ch. 3 spoilers.


The Gift



“Come on,” Remi yelled running through the field below Voss-Ka. Scourge did not run, they were not running to anything, the Jedi was just running for the sake of it. He watched her flip through the air, spinning as if she were fighting the flowers and grasses that grew in the lowlands. At first he thought she was showing off, but she paid no attention to him, did not look for his approval, she simply wanted to jump and spin. She ran back toward him, running around him then away again, like a child on vacation from lessons. “We’re on R and R she shouted,” her voice came back to him with the wind, the rest of what she might have said was lost.


Are you certain you need this?” he asked when her sprint brought her back within range.


“I’m ordered to take a break, but they want someone to make sure you don’t eat the Padawan. That means you’re with me.” She shrugged spinning around.


You’re wise to keep such close tabs on me.” He said pleased that he still unnerved the Council.


She smiled brightly and sprinted away again. The war still raged since they had defeated the Emperor. The Jedi had been granted the title Master by her Council, she seemed bent on making them take it back. This R and R had been ordered because she could not sit still during Council meetings, her face contorted into various expressions of distaste when she saw flaws in their strategy. Finally, they stopped inviting her to meetings. They had probably planned to ask her to join at some point, perhaps her exile from their meetings was what she had planned all along. He smiled darkly, her rejection of the Council was promising.


She was spinning rapidly, using the Force to build speed, a small cyclone formed around her sucking up the loose plants, he had never seen anyone do that, it was possible anyone who tried would become very ill from motion sickness. Her whirlwind approached him, he watched wondering what she would try to do. He doubted it was strong enough to pull him in, but he braced himself nevertheless. The whirlwind vanished when she was a few feet away, she held a bouquet of slightly smashed flowers she had collected while she spun.


“Look! I got you flowers,” she said listing about, she shook the bouquet at him. She put her head back and laughed, the motion offset her still unsteady balance and she fell.


You’re a fool.” He replied, which only made her laugh harder.


“They call these blossoms the Red Scourge.” She giggled on the ground staring up at his scowling face. “They’re a weed they conquer the entire hillside strangling all the other flowers.” He looked at her oddly. She bounced to her feet, the dizzy spell over. She tried to sound serious, “The Red Scourge, conquering the hillside,” she snickered, “making everything pretty!” She laughed as he scowled again and ran off toward some ruins. He followed her.


When he arrived, she was translating inscriptions with her datapad. “We have no time to waste. Be done with this.”


“R and R is about wasting time, Scourge.” She murmured, only half-paying attention. The inscription was covered by a fallen boulder, the boulder was not part of the original structure, time and erosion had rolled it into the ruin obscuring most of the text. She frowned looking around. She held out a hand and lifted the rock, it was several times her weight, but she did not seem strained, she set it down in a place where it was unlikely to roll and cause further damage. She continued scanning the inscriptions.


The Force is strong in you.” He said thoughtfully, “Too strong for the restrictions the Jedi impose.”


“They impose those restrictions for good reasons.” She replied, Kira would have been angry and defended the Council, but he sensed no anger in her.


I understand why your Council controls you. What I’ll never comprehend is why you let them.”


“Who said I do?” She smiled, “I’m aligned with their goals, and they provide purpose, resources, and targets. If they told me to drown a sack of kittens I would tell them to eat their lightsabers.”


It was the closest he had ever heard her come to defying the Council, aside from her childish antics. “Perhaps you are young enough to still cultivate the strength of the Sith.”


She snorted, “The Sith I’ve met so far are pretty terrible, yourself included and I kicked their faces in. Not really selling me on the whole Sith thing.”


He was silent, anything he said at this point would earn him mockery, he was not in the mood for it.


“Aww, did I just earn myself the silent treatment?”


There is no more to be said.”


“Did I offend you?” She asked soberly, she stopped examining the ruins and faced him.


I follow you for what you do, not what you say.”


She sighed, “Are you really still trying to corrupt me? I need to know.” He began studying the inscriptions she had looked at. He took a small amount of pleasure in ignoring her, but she waited for him to finish scanning. “Scourge?”


Reckonings arrive at their own pace. No need to rush them.”


She crossed her arms, “Look at me.” She was more serious than he could remember, he stopped what he was doing and faced her. “You choose to stay because the Emperor may still live, we have both heard the rumors.”


Right.” He agreed.


“I want you to understand, you only have that choice because I allow it. I believe in your cause, and through this you have earned my trust, but I do not take unnecessary risk when mitigating it by throwing you in a cell would be much easier.” He looked into her eyes, he knew they were yellow, though he could no longer see color. He was pleased she was not the silly fool she tried to portray. There was steel in her and fire.


I understand,” he acknowledged.


She frowned, “Do you really still want to stay here? You can always head to neutral territory, I would welcome you back to go kick the Emperors door down if he’s not really dead.”


He had considered it a number of times, but he had learned more about the Force from the Jedi than he had in centuries with the Sith. He sharpened his combat skills at the Jedi’s side she was the best fighter he had ever encountered. He would not admit it, but he preferred to stay.


I will always be Sith- but that does not mean we can’t work together.” He replied finally.


She nodded and sighed. “I didn’t really want this to be a bad conversation,” she quirked her mouth, “I actually wanted to give you something. A thank you gift, since the Council wants to pretend saving the galaxy is a selfish act.”


She handed him a box, inside was a shard of a strange material encased in a crystalline resin.


“Before I met you, I defeated an ancient enemy on Tatooine,” she said as he examined the crystal. The shard inside was tiny but the power in it still resonated, it was not light or dark, just power. He raised an eyebrow, surprised at its strength. “It was Rakata, the Infinite Empire, it offered me power and knowledge.” He looked up with surprise, “I turned it down of course that thing was crazy.” His lip curled with contempt. “Anyway after it tried to kill me, I took that from the wreckage of the stronghold, I thought you would like it.”


No one had ever given him a gift like this one, he could not imagine how she knew he would like such a thing. “Very nice,” he said with difficulty, “I approve.”


She smiled widely, she knew that was his equivalent to grand enthusiasm. “Well I’ve tortured you enough out here with sunshine and fresh air. Let’s head back.”


Thank you.” He said, but he meant it for more than just that.









Everything Scourge says is a canned response. I clicked on him for about ten minutes and I couldn't get him to say anything else. The three that are not from clicking are You are a fool, Thank you, and Very nice, I approve which come from giving him gifts.




Excellent! Really laughed at the fun Remi was having. Thanks for running with the idea, really enjoyed it.

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Have I told you you're awesome today? I love your characters and you are very helpful in your critique and responses. Just making sure you knew.


D'aww you're the best <3


I'm hoping to work on the Family prompt soon - I think it'll be fun to have Rochester and Stion'n interacting and how Broan would react to that :p


And a big thank you to Earthmama and Morgani, you guys are awesome. I have tried to help GreyJedi in the past, as you've probably noticed, but as of late I can't tell if he's really bad at expressing himself or just very reactionary.

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