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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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I've been reading a lot of the fics here and decided to try my hand at it.


Set between Taris and Nar Shadaa



The Past or Adroxian Flu

“AAAaaaaaaaahh,” the sharp inhale of breathe came from Corso, but quickly died down when he plugged his nose. “AAAchoooo,” he sneezed just as quickly when he removed his hand from his nose. A woman beside him shook her head and sighed “You should really cover your mouth you know.”


“Sorry, Risha, don’t want you to catch what I got, but that sneeze came out of nowhere.”


“I’m more worried about catching your stupid than your flu.”


A snicker came from behind has the captain of the ship strode into the room. “She got you good, Corso, she’s also right, you got the Adroxian flu.”


“You have the flu” Risha corrected.


“Dammit,” Corso sighed defeated “All that work to restore Taris and I get a flu as a reward.”


“Hey, we got credits too.” Captain Vreed replied as if anyone aboard the ship needed to be reminded that the Captain did nothing without a reward.


“Besides, I know some flu remedies, I’ll whip you up a batch and you’ll be shootin’ Imperials again in no time.”


“Hold up,” Risha chimed in “you know how to deal with a flu, I figured you for a guy who couldn’t cook, clean, or do, well” she paused trying to think of something insulting, nothing came to mind so she continued regardless “anything … outside of shooting and making money of course.”


“There’s a lot of things I could show you about me, Risha.”


“There are, a lot of things, and quite frankly Captain, I know a lie when I hear one; with that gem, I’ll get back to Astrogation Chart.”


It was Corso’s turn to snicker after that.


Vreed returned with an opaque liquid that had Corso worried.


“That’s not gonna kill me, is it Captain?”


“Don’ worry, I’ve had a lot of experience with minor colds and the like, also , I add honey to help cover the horrid taste of this stuff.”


Corso took the glass and downed it as quickly as possible, trying not to taste any of it. Unfortunately, you tend to taste things you eat and drink. Poor Corso gagged on the foul tasting liquid and had to use all his willpower to keep it down.


“Vreed,” Corso suddenly yelled out, eschewing “Captain” out of sudden shock “that was … it was just …, “ he trailed off placing his palm squarely on his forehead in disgust.


“I didn’ say it tasted good, just that the honey masks the taste some, it’s so much worse without it.”


“What is in that so called ‘remedy’?” Corso had to use air quotes to accurately express how much he thought that whatever he just drank wasn’t a cure.


“You don’ wanna know.” Vreed replied almost on top of Corso’s question. Vreed continued “Look, just lay down for a bit you’ll feel better when you wake up.”


As if on cue Risha passed by the duo “Lie down, Captain.”


Corso awoke a few hours later, and much to his shock, he felt much better. He began to lightly jump about, then added a bit of gyrating and a pelvic thrust for good measure “Yeaha, no stupid flu can keep an Ord Mantell boy down.”


“So uh, I take it that your little jig means you’re feeling better.”


“Oh ****, uh, hey Risha.”


“Don’ forget me buddy.” Vreed called out as ha slipped in passed Risha.


“I was just, you know, uh… Oh, hey Captain where’d you learn to cure flu’s like that.”


“My mom, now don’t change the subject.”


“Actually I like that subject.” Risha came to Corso’s defense “what’s your mom like Captain.”

“My mom’s big, Zabrak, and in the military, now I wanna know where Corso learned to dance.”


“Wait up, your mom’s Zabrak, you look completely human, do you have two hearts maybe, or tiny horns? Corso was more than happy to not have to talk about his dancing skills, or lack thereof, and so would ask any question to keep the Vreed from changing the subject not. That isn’t to say he’s not interested in his Captain’s past, just more interested in not talking about his “jig”


“Ugh, no I’m completely human.”


“Got any siblings, what’s your mom do exactly, your dad too?” Corso continued.


“Look…” Vreed began but was interrupted by Risha “Come on Captain, you got something to hide?”


“You’re not one to talk Risha, but fine I’ll tell you both if it’ll get you off my back.” Vreed sighed defeated “Abridged version only though, I spent my youth on Coruscant, my mom was a stay at home mother, she was from a less than settled area of Iridonia so she lacked any knowledge in the way of modern tech or jobs. My dad was an engineer, he kept Coruscant runnin’; I’m the eldest child with a little brother and sister. My sis, Eshah, was takin’ to the Jedi Order when I was ten. Dad disappeared two years after that.” Vreed paused for a bit, he gazed down suddenly finding his shoes particularly interesting.


Corso spoke up, “I’m sorry, Captain, I didn’t mean to drudge up old wounds.”


Risha continued after Corso “I know the feeling, Captain.”


“Don’t worry about it, that was ten years ago. Besides I think I already got vengeance. Dad disappeared when he was called down to do some job in ‘The Works’.” Vreed turned towards Risha to explain, “While on Coruscant Corso and I cut a swath through Imperial forces who’d been hiding out in ‘The Works’ since the Treaty, I’m sure they had something to do with Dad’s death.”


“Heh, you should’a told me Captain, I’m glad to have returned the favor for you helpin’ me take down Seperatists on Ord Mantell.”


“So should I leave you two alone, or can I stay and watch you both kiss.” Both Corso and Vreed stared at Risha.


“What, I personally think it would be hot if you kissed, just throwing that out there.”


“Anyway…” Vreed continued, still looking at Risha oddly “We had financial difficulties without Dad, so I did some odd jobs to help out and eventually just left when I was sixteen. I figured, one less mouth to feed right? I was part of a pirate crew for a little while, learned to use a Vibroblade pretty good”


Risha interrupted “learned to use a Vibroblade well.”


“Whatever, that’s how a lost my eye, got in a good scrape with some freighter Captain who knew his way around a Vibroblade, had to get bailed out by my boss. Eventually I stole enough cash from the Hutt Cartels to buy my baby” Vreed accentuated “my baby” by patting the walls of his ship. “The rest is history.”


“You never mentioned what you little brother does, or exactly what your mom does.” Corso pointed out.


“Oh, well, my little bro joined the military for a bit, but quit after his year was up, he became a bounty hunter after that. My mom just got some big promotion, leading some squad now I think.”


“Sounds like heroism and stupidity run in your family Captain.”


“Way to point out the obvious Risha.” Vreed countered.


“One of my many talents; anyway, Nar Shadaa is coming up you farm boy here should get ready.”


“You ready to bust some heads Captain?”





Hopefully it's not too bad, the story kind of ran away with from me, and the health theme. Also for those who care his Vreed's dad isn't dead, he was captured and became the Sith Inquisitor.


Interesting and fun, I'm sad you didn't explain where Corso learned to dance ;)

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Interesting and fun, I'm sad you didn't explain where Corso learned to dance ;)


I also want to know where Corso learned to dance and maybe if he'll show me some pelvic thrusts? :D


Risha was hilarious, I loved that she corrected his grammar every chance she got. Especially when she was just passing by and shot it out. And I read all of Corso's lines in his voice. You nailed his speech.


I love this thread. /catwithballofyarn

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Major K'abe commander of Havoc Squad




Major K’abe twirled a stylus between her fingers. She waited for the rest of the squad to gather for the debriefing. Tano Vik and Yuun sat in front of her looking bored. She raised an eyebrow at Vik, he shrugged laughing softly. Lieutenant Elara Dorne walked in, her back straight, and her chin held high, but everyone could see she had been crying. Even now her normally perfect makeup that accented her large blue eyes was smudged.


“How you holding up, Dorne?” she asked.


“I am better, sir. Thank you for asking.” She said with her lovely Dromund Kaas accent. Her voice only waivered slightly, she took a deep breath and sat down.


“I like the new look.” Vik said.


“Can it Vik.” K’abe snapped. Elara smiled thinly, her hand reached up to run over her smooth bald head. Her long beautiful blond locks that she wore in a utilitarian bun were gone. K’abe herself was bald, but it was not uncommon for Zabraak to shave their heads. As a resistance fighter in her youth, she learned that hair gave something for soldiers to grab. She never let her hair grow to more than a short spike less than an inch long.


“Ok. We’re officially out of quarantine and we can head out to our next mission.” K’abe started.


“Hey boss,” Vik interrupted. “Aint we still missin someone?”


“Jorgen!” K’abe yelled, tired of waiting. “Front and center, soldier!”


Captain Aric Jorgen walked in. He wore a full set of trooper armor including helmet. K’abe did her best not to show any hint of a smile.


“Yes, sir.” He said saluting smartly.


“Captain, you are late to the debriefing, and when you address me indoors I expect your helmet to be off.” She said seriously.


“Sir, permission to wear my helmet indoors sir.”


“Permission denied, Captain.” She replied. She could hear his teeth grinding and the plates of his armor shifted as his body tensed. He removed his helmet. K’abe saw the look on his face and lost her composure entirely. The Cathar’s skin was light gray, his face looked thinner, and the skin around his eyes, chin, and neck were slightly wrinkled. He looked like a naked lapcat that the ladies of Alderaan carried with them in their handbags. K’abe giggled, Vik laughed outright, Yuun made a wheezing sound that was probably laughter, even Dorne unbent enough to smile, finally covering her mouth as she laughed along with the rest of the squad.


The Rattatakian Cytomegalovirus had a brief incubation and contagious period, a twenty-four hour lifespan, and no known cure. It’s only symptom and side effect were complete head to toe hair loss, and while the virus had burned itself out quickly the hair would be months in growing back.






Edited by kabeone
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Major K'abe commander of Havoc Squad




Major K’abe twirled a stylus between her fingers. She waited for the rest of the squad to gather for the debriefing. Tano Vik and Yuun sat in front of her looking bored. She raised an eyebrow at Vik, he shrugged laughing softly. Lieutenant Elara Dorne walked in, her back straight, and her chin held high, but everyone could see she had been crying. Even now her normally perfect makeup that accented her large blue eyes was smudged.


“How you holding up, Dorne?” she asked.


“I am better, sir. Thank you for asking.” She said with her lovely Dromund Kaas accent. Her voice only waivered slightly, she took a deep breath and sat down.


“I like the new look.” Vik said.


“Can it Vik.” K’abe snapped. Elara smiled thinly, her hand reached up to run over her smooth bald head. Her long beautiful blond locks that she wore in a utilitarian bun were gone. K’abe herself was bald, but it was not uncommon for Zabraak to shave their heads. As a resistance fighter in her youth, she learned that hair gave something for soldiers to grab. She never let her hair grow to more than a short spike less than an inch long.


“Ok. We’re officially out of quarantine and we can head out to our next mission.” K’abe started.


“Hey boss,” Vik interrupted. “Aint we still missin someone?”


“Jorgen!” K’abe yelled, tired of waiting. “Front and center, soldier!”


Captain Aric Jorgen walked in. He wore a full set of trooper armor including helmet. K’abe did her best not to show any hint of a smile.


“Yes, sir.” He said saluting smartly.


“Captain, you are late to the debriefing, and when you address me indoors I expect your helmet to be off.” She said seriously.


“Sir, permission to wear my helmet indoors sir.”


“Permission denied, Captain.” She replied. She could hear his teeth grinding and the plates of his armor shifted as his body tensed. He removed his helmet. K’abe saw the look on his face and lost her composure entirely. The Cathar’s skin was light gray, his face looked thinner, and the skin around his eyes, chin, and neck were slightly wrinkled. He looked like a naked lapcat that the ladies of Alderaan carried with them in their handbags. K’abe giggled, Vik laughed outright, Yuun made a wheezing sound that was probably laughter, even Dorne unbent enough to smile, finally covering her mouth as she laughed along with the rest of the squad.


The Rattatakian Cytomegalovirus had a brief incubation and contagious period, a twenty-four hour lifespan, and no known cure. It’s only symptom and side effect were complete head to toe hair loss, and while the virus had burned itself out quickly the hair would be months in growing back.






So funny. Poor Aric, poor Elara! Yuun got out unscathed, lucky hairless Gand.

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Major K'abe commander of Havoc Squad




Major K’abe twirled a stylus between her fingers. She waited for the rest of the squad to gather for the debriefing. Tano Vik and Yuun sat in front of her looking bored. She raised an eyebrow at Vik, he shrugged laughing softly. Lieutenant Elara Dorne walked in, her back straight, and her chin held high, but everyone could see she had been crying. Even now her normally perfect makeup that accented her large blue eyes was smudged.


“How you holding up, Dorne?” she asked.


“I am better, sir. Thank you for asking.” She said with her lovely Dromund Kaas accent. Her voice only waivered slightly, she took a deep breath and sat down.


“I like the new look.” Vik said.


“Can it Vik.” K’abe snapped. Elara smiled thinly, her hand reached up to run over her smooth bald head. Her long beautiful blond locks that she wore in a utilitarian bun were gone. K’abe herself was bald, but it was not uncommon for Zabraak to shave their heads. As a resistance fighter in her youth, she learned that hair gave something for soldiers to grab. She never let her hair grow to more than a short spike less than an inch long.


“Ok. We’re officially out of quarantine and we can head out to our next mission.” K’abe started.


“Hey boss,” Vik interrupted. “Aint we still missin someone?”


“Jorgen!” K’abe yelled, tired of waiting. “Front and center, soldier!”


Captain Aric Jorgen walked in. He wore a full set of trooper armor including helmet. K’abe did her best not to show any hint of a smile.


“Yes, sir.” He said saluting smartly.


“Captain, you are late to the debriefing, and when you address me indoors I expect your helmet to be off.” She said seriously.


“Sir, permission to wear my helmet indoors sir.”


“Permission denied, Captain.” She replied. She could hear his teeth grinding and the plates of his armor shifted as his body tensed. He removed his helmet. K’abe saw the look on his face and lost her composure entirely. The Cathar’s skin was light gray, his face looked thinner, and the skin around his eyes, chin, and neck were slightly wrinkled. He looked like a naked lapcat that the ladies of Alderaan carried with them in their handbags. K’abe giggled, Vik laughed outright, Yuun made a wheezing sound that was probably laughter, even Dorne unbent enough to smile, finally covering her mouth as she laughed along with the rest of the squad.


The Rattatakian Cytomegalovirus had a brief incubation and contagious period, a twenty-four hour lifespan, and no known cure. It’s only symptom and side effect were complete head to toe hair loss, and while the virus had burned itself out quickly the hair would be months in growing back.






mr bigglesworth :D

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First impressions


Bounty Hunter....spoilers, kinda, not really...



Braden strode out onto a ledge and pulled out his scope, he saw the mark, he widened his search and spied two of the hunters he had hired, they were big men, typical, gruff, bravado, only a small handful ever ended up being worth their reputation. He searched a little harder for the third hunter.


The mark was brandishing a rifle, trying his very best to get the hunters to back down. He did have a hefty bounty on his head. The two hunters dropped, dead weight, Braden could hear them fall from his vantage point, he felt himself smiling, out walked the third hunter.


In the Cantina Braden had been skeptical when this rail thin girl accepted the challenge he had put out, she looked younger then the age she claimed to be, and it could have been a lie, but Braden couldn’t tell, he could usually tell if someone was lying by their eyes, problem was this little girl didn’t have any. Miraluka, he had never seen one that wasn’t a Jedi. He had accepted her, he had been impressed by one tiny girl already in his life, he’d give her a chance, Mako would be pleased. Although she looked like the weight of some armor would break her. The two large men had leered at her, telling her she would look better in a dancing costume then in durasteel, and when one had tried to lay hands on her, he had walked away with a broken finger.


She now stepped over them and approached the mark, almost relieved to see her, she smiled sweetly, blonde hair tussled by the wind. She got in close, Braden couldn’t tell what she was saying, but he did see her hand go to her blaster. The bounty was to be brought in alive, the mark owed Braden a lot of credits, but the girl had seen something even Braden had missed, without shifting her gaze off the mark, she shot the hunter between the eyes as he struggled to his feet. The mark was still staring at the dead hunter when she froze him. The second hunter was coming to, she stepped on his neck forcing him down, Braden guessed he also had a broken finger. A moment later he had also been gifted with a smoking hole between the eyes.


Braden smiled, she was perfect, she might actually win this thing! She had amazing instincts, he climbed down from his vantage point, she turned around, lifting her pistol momentarily at the sound. He lifted his datapad, pressed the transfer button.


“You have a name girl?”


“Ava” Her voice was low, rough, sultry almost, coming out of that lithe little body. Braden checked himself, he could be her grandfather, damn, she was good.


“Ava, I have a proposition for you.”


She listened, and when Braden finished, he was graced with a slow sexy smile that could melt Hoth.


“I’m in.”


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I think so! Absolutely!


why do you think my agent took up biochem? ;)


for special ocassions, she makes these stims, that given enough, you'll have a rancor romancing a space shuttle for 5 hours straight. was a really funny scene when she slipped one to bonethrasher last raid... man was the tank traumatised.

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Ok, here it is. For the prompt “Health”


Characters: Rixik, male Twi’lek mercenary, Korjonos, male Chiss sniper


Title: Recreational Pharma


My bounty hunter is Rixik, the agent here belongs to my friend. We usually play these characters together, so their stories are intertwined.


No spoilers this time. If it were a movie or TV show, however, it’d get an R rating (ok, maybe PG-13 depending on the channel and time of day) for “scenes of spice and alcohol use, and smoking”.




Rixik lounged back in the cantina booth. He took a drag on the spice hookah and the mild narcotic filled his brain with a pleasant fog. Larger concerns slipped away, leaving him free to concentrate on more immediate things. Like his new lady friend. The female human cuddled up with him and he wrapped one arm around her. She wasn’t kissing him—yet—but then he hadn’t negotiated her fee yet either. Drawing in another puff on the hookah and exhaling blue smoke, it occurred to him that he might want to settle that little detail before he got too distracted.


The scanners pulsed at the cantina entrance and Rixik peered through the haze in that direction. A blue-skinned humanoid male entered the cantina with a female Rattataki in tow. Korjonos and Kaliyo. Korjonos waved his hand through the smoke as though to clear it and peered into the cantina’s shadows. Rixik sipped a Corellian whisky and said nothing. Korjonos consulted an instrument, then began navigating the cantina floor in his general direction.


Rixik’s new best friend reached for the hookah and he let her have it. She took a quick puff and watched for his reaction before drawing more. Rixik ignored her, following Korjonos’ approach. A server stopped him, but he pointed toward Rixik’s table and she let him pass. Rixik’s companion tittered and blew smoke in his face. He took the hookah back.


Korjonos found the table but didn’t take a seat. He remained standing on the far side of the table, taking in the scene and frowning, “Is there any vice you won’t induge?” he asked.


Rixik blew a smoke ring and pretended to consider Korjonos’s question. “No,” he said finally. The human giggled. Rixik passed her the mouthpiece again and she breathed deep.


Korjonos’s frown deepened, “I could use your gun, but I’ll buy another if you can’t be bothered.”


“Stuff it, I’m not that indisposed,” Rixik growled. One relaxing evening shot to hell. He straightened, dragging his companion with him. She giggled louder, drunk on spice. Rixik popped a pair of small white tablets from a pouch on his belt and knocked one back with the last of his whisky. A poor way to treat Whyren’s Reserve.


“Merr-Ox?” asked Kaliyo.


“Yep,” Rixik replied. He pulverized the other with the base of his now-empty tumbler. He brushed the powder onto the back of his hand and inhaled it. He winced at the burning sensation in his nostrils and tears leaped to his eyes.


“Hardcore,” Kaliyo said.


Rixik just shrugged and sat back, waiting for the inevitable effects. The back of his tongue tasted like he’d licked a power converter. He slid away from his inebriated would-be evening companion. She lay on her back on the booth seat, half falling out of her outfit, sucking in his spice like it was going out of style and laughing inanely. He sighed. Missed opportunity.


“Merr-Ox is for surviving in low oxygen environments where breathers aren’t practical,” said Korjonos, “and aids in treating systemic oxygen deprivation.”


“It’s also the best hangover cure in the galaxy,” said Kaliyo.


“And sober-up pill,” agreed Rixik. Although dumping it in his stomach in a flood of alcohol was not the wisest way to utilize that particular quality.


Korjonos turned to her, “Which explains why I never have any in the ship medkit.”


“What are you going to do with it?” she asked, “A lot of your supplies have some great off-brand uses.”


Korjonos turned back to Rixik, “Are you ready yet?” he asked.


“Sec,” he replied. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, gripping the edge of the table. If spice was a warm blanket on his brain, the Merr-Ox was an industrial vibrocutter with a blade core of broken glass and rusty nails. He felt the wave start at the back of his head and migrate forward, cutting through the cobwebs and clearing his head. He shuddered as the effect moved down his spine, doing the same for his reflexes and muscles. Unpleasant, but effective. The pill he’d swallowed would ensure he stayed sober for whatever Korjonos had planned. He coughed once and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand, “Got a stim?” he rasped, opening his eyes and blinking rapidly to clear them.


Kaliyo tossed him one and he jammed it in his thigh. Stims took the edge off the Merr-Ox, and Merr-Ox chased away spice and booze. A grown-up version of the kiddie rhyme ‘There Once was a Hutt who Swallowed a Gorg’. Then he swallowed a womp rat to catch the gorg. Ended with him swallowing a gundark. Or maybe a rancor. Or both. Rixik shook his head to derail that ridiculous train of thought and immediately wished he hadn’t. He’d just have to deal with the bizarre free-association issue for a while.


Korjonos snorted, “That can’t be good for you,” he griped.


“Yes, mommy,” replied Rixik, standing, “Now what’s the job?”





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Health, which follows on from Rites of Passage, and is set about a day or so later:



Minder 41:12 sat in the middle of a darkened room, the Kaas Cityscape visible behind her. She was shrouded in shadow, the same as he had always seen her.


"So it happened again." Her voice was sweet but hollow.


"That's like asking if it rained today; what's your point?"Rochester clasped his hands, resting them on his knees.


"What was so different about this incident?"


"I'm sick of being followed around by a bloody corpse!" His words rang in the empty room. He suddenly became vividly aware how long it had been since they had last spoken.


"Is it Lord Naught?"


Rochester stood. "I shouldn't be talking to you."


"I'm here when you need me, Sleeper."

He closed the door, leaving Minder 41:12 in darkness.




Rochester stood, arms folded across his chest, staring at the floor. He appeared intent on a spot six foot away, near the wall. Broan looked at the spot but saw nothing but carpet. It had been silent when he entered five minutes ago.


"Why did you call me here?"


Rochester stayed staring at the spot as he spoke. "You're going to leave me."


"What? Don't be absurd," Broan pulled Rochester hands from his chest, trying to draw his gaze away from the spot. "I love you, Rochester. I'm not going to leave you."


"How can you love me if you don't even know me?" His head snapped up and Broan could see he was crying. "I don't even know if I can... I loved someone before. Thought I loved someone," He corrected himself, tension evident in his voice. "But I think that was stupidity and youth. I'm afraid. One day you're going to wake up and realise you don't want someone as damaged as me."


"You're hardly damaged." Broan brushed away a few of Rochester tears.


"I took... no, you don't want to know," Rochester moved away, seemingly not having heard Broan, and sat on the edge of the bed. He was almost as pale as the sheets. "Why do you want to look at my scars?" He clutched at the covers, knuckles turning white.


"I just... I want to be with you, it's not..." Broan fumbled over his words, unsure of how he was supposed to express himself.


"I woke up that morning and there was blood everywhere. You couldn't see it but it was there. What was I supposed to do?" He leant forward, almost resting his heads on his knees. Broan stood, not knowing how to react, a knot of pain and apprehension in his gut. "I didn't... you were so clean, I didn't want to dirty you," Rochester's words came out in a tumble and he began to sway slightly. "I took things... just one thing... it was experimental, it wasn't real! So long ago. He follows me and I can't..." His gaze drifted back to that one spot. He seemed so far away to Broan, but his gaze was intense. He stepped forward, catching the other's man head in his hands, feeling the tears and metal poles that covered Rochester's cheeks.


"Look at me, Rochester. Please, just look at me." He ran his fingers through Rochester' hair, marvelling at the contrast between the green and red. He kissed him. Rochester started to sob.


"Don't go, please, please don't go."


"Look at me. Keep looking at me and I will get you through this. I promise." At last, their eyes met. Broan cradled Rochester's head as they kissed. He gently guided him back to lie on the bed. Broan stayed close, soothing Rochester.


"I'm sorry I dumped this on you," Rochester said at length, his voice muffled. He buried his face closer into Broan's shoulder and was relieved to feel the Mirialin respond in kind. "I'm not well."


"I love you, Rochester. You'll be fine, I swear it. Just keep looking at me."




More Rochester and Broan :) And...



... it would seem that the more I like a character, the crueler I am to them. I'm not sure what that says about me as a person or a writer, but I do some very mean things to my favourites >.>


In case you're wondering, between Rochester leaving the military academy and joining up with Imperial Intelligence/Imperial Navy he did do the stupid young people thing of going out clubbing with less than savoury people and taking recreational drugs. Or in this case, experimental combat stims which have been badly reproduced in measly little Nar Shadda methlabs. There's an old road safety awareness advert, which I might look for a little later, which shows a man trying to do his daily life whilst being followed around by the corpse of a little girl he'd run over. I imagine Rochester's drug-induced hallucinations would be similar.



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Very nice Striges. I felt like I wanted to get the heck out of your story's cantina and I cringed at the pill snorting thing.


:D Well, the prompt didn't say anything about taking good care of your health.

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... it would seem that the more I like a character, the crueler I am to them. I'm not sure what that says about me as a person or a writer, but I do some very mean things to my favourites >.>



I take more of the Jane Austen approach. My characters are stubborn and willful and they always get what they want if it's what they need. They just have to do a little fighting for it. Don't want anyone to get lazy or anything. Doesn't make for a good emotional drama though. Guess I'll stick to action and snappy dialogue.

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:D Well, the prompt didn't say anything about taking good care of your health.


So, are we going to see a full rendition "There Once was a Hutt who Swallowed a Gorg"? Cause I have a 4 year old niece who would love to memorize that with me.

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:D Well, the prompt didn't say anything about taking good care of your health.


That was pretty awesome Striges and very detailed. Did you have to do much research? It'd be interesting to see the effects of all that crap after the job - I can't imagine that it's a pleasant experience.


@Morgani: I've not read much, if any, of Jane Austen's works. I shall add her to my ever growing list. (Still slogging my way through Demons, I don't really put time aside to read. I'm terrible.)

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I admit Wookiepedia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page) is my friend. Merr-Ox is invented, so don’t bother searching for it. I get really bad migraines, so I extrapolated from experience with migraine medication.


I imagine Rixik would have one heck of a hangover after that episode. In fact, 'hangover' is probably an inadequate word. Might have to explore that a bit. I'm right now working on a "First Impressions" one for Rixik and Korjonos' initial encounter.


@Morgani: I hadn’t thought of it…but now I might. I have an 8-year-old Star Wars fan at home who’d enjoy it too.

There once was a Hutt who swallowed a gorg. He was bored, so he swallowed a gorg...

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No Good Deed

JK (no particular spoilers)

This one picks up a couple weeks after my last JK story.


Esma spun in a graceful half circle, stabbing the guard with twin lightsabers. She could feel the Force flowing through her smoothly. She leaped across the room to help Scourge finish off a small group, reveling in the perfect balance, the feeling of being in the center of a controlled whirlwind. She let her body take over, accepting the guidance that allowed her to deflect blaster bolts, shift and duck before swings were thrown, and wield her sabers with exquisite precision.


She finished her last slash and neatly sheathed her lightsabers. Corpses were scattered across the floor between cages full of slaves. The underbelly of Coruscant was definitely rotten. They'd come down into the slums, heading for the destroyed Jedi Temple to see if there was any sign of a particular holocron Scourge had found reference to dealing with a prophecy about the Emperor. On the way, Esma had been flagged down by an elderly man with a sad tale of his grandchildren being kidnapped.


Scourge had not been pleased by the distraction.


She picked her way across the room, snagging a key card off one of the bodies along the way to the cages.


"Be done with this. We are wasting time. These creatures are of no strategic value."


Esma ignored him as she opened the cages, almost humming in contentment. It was lovely to be off the ship and doing something that was clearly good for once. Seemed like the choices she'd been given lately consisted of "completely awful," "terrible," and "rip-your-heart-out."


The slaves helped each other out of the cages, glancing nervously at the glowering Sith.


"These peons are not worth our efforts," he spat out as he surveyed the quickly departing slaves, "The fools lack strength. They deserve their fate."


Esma glanced around the cleared space. She spotted an elevator in the corner, almost hidden by crates.


"I'm just going to check what's up here," she called over to him as she palmed the key card and jogged to the elevator, ignoring his growl of frustration. The doors closed quickly and the lift moved with the smoothness normally found a good bit farther skyward in the city.


The doors slid open to a sumptuous room covered in lush fabrics and full of heavily armed men and women guarding a small handful of elegantly dressed bigwigs who were bidding on two very scared young girls in teeny tiny costumes, a twi'lek and a nautolan. There was a moment of shocked silence as the collective group spotted her.


"Hi," she said cheerily, sauntering off the lift, "can I join the party?" She ignited her lightsabers and leapt to meet the rushing onslaught. One small voice in her brain considered that maybe she should have waited for Scourge - there were an awful lot of them. That small voice, however, was quickly crowded out as her world narrowed to her, her lightsabers, and the mob she was cutting through as she headed towards the auction tables. Slash, slash, burn, slash, burn, burn, burn.


"You are no match for me! Kill me if you have the will!" She grinned as she heard Scourge's contemptuous snarl from behind her near the elevator, never pausing in her slash and burn trek across the rapidly de-populating room.


A high frightened scream broke through her concentration, allowing her opponent to get in a lucky shot which seared her side. One of the slaves up for auction was being dragged across the room by a large male to another set of elevators. Like hell. She left her current target in his damaged state and sprinted towards the pair. A sharp pain in her thigh caught her attention as a blaster bolt ripped through flesh.


"Blast it!" she growled, throwing one saber at the culprit in a huge spinning arc.


The pair had reached the elevators as Esma followed, ignoring her injuries. The male could see her coming and gave up his frantic search for a key card in favor of making use of the girl as a shield. He'd pulled the twi'lek's head back by her lekku, bowing her spine. His short vibroblade hovered dangerously above her throat. Dropped or slashed, the blade would be the end of her. Esma's brain ran through her options at full speed.


She sheathed one of her sabers, focused on force shielding her empty hand, and leaped into the pair, grabbing the blade and wrenching it back. The searing pain made her gasp, but with luck the damage to her hand wouldn't be too bad. Off balance and deprived of his shield, the male was all too easy to finish. The young twi'lek was quick to grab the other slave and escape the room.


Esma turned around, her hand, side, and leg beginning to throb. Scourge stood over the last of the slavers in the middle of the room - a human male who obviously spent most of his time in more rarefied air. He was shaking and babbling an incoherent mix of threats and entreaties as he stared in horror at the Sith above him.


"Make your last noises," Scourge growled with quiet menace as he finished off the man with a brutal slash. Scourge scanned the room, his eyes bright red. Satisfied that it was empty of enemies he focused on her, taking in the scorch marks, blaster hit to the leg, and bleeding hand.


She knelt down and began to meditate, focusing on healing her wounds.


"You risked your life to save those sniveling brats! Your foolish sentimentality will be the end of you!"


Esma glanced up at the barely suppressed rage in his voice. Apparently meditation was out of the question.


"Do you have any kolto on you?" Esma called to him, putting pressure on her blaster wound with her good hand as she sat back on the edge of a small stage.


"When will you learn that you are meant for more important things?" he seethed as he stalked across the room. "These worthless scum are nothing but insects to be crushed!" His anger was almost physical. She could feel it as it came off him in waves as he grabbed a kolto pack and treated the blaster wounds, his movements spare and sure. His lecture continued unabated. "You cannot risk yourself in such meaningless pursuits."


"Says the guy who keeps taunting people to kill him," she said, grimacing as he dabbed at the burn along her side, "I think you actually try to get killed the way you jump in and deliberately piss everyone off."


"I am expendable. You are not," he growled, he said as he examined her hand, smearing some kolto onto the cut.


"So, are you saying if you were in danger, I shouldn't risk my life to save you?" She looked at her blue hand in his much larger red one. His skin was remarkably warm.


"That is correct."


"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that's just...what are you doing?"


She stared at where he was slowly running his thumb back and forth across her skin. Her pulse sped up to levels that could not be healthy.


He frowned intensely at their hands.


"Can you feel something?" she whispered, eyes wide.


"It is nothing," he said brusquely, dropping her hand and standing, "If you are ready, we can continue our journey without these petty distractions."


Esma considered him with a long look, her skin still tingling from the contact. She slowly stood and tested out her leg, flexing her hand - good as new.


"Ok, on we go."



Author's Note:

Ok, so I wasn't going to post this one this week, and I know it's a stretch to call it a health-related post, but it was burning a hole in my pocket! For those of you worried that this thing between Esma and Scourge will be like one of those tv dramas where the two of them stare at each other and partake in witty banter for three seasons before ever kissing and then take three more seasons to get engaged, no worries. I have plans (along with a handful of mostly written stories) mwahahah! :p


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Author's Note:

Ok, so I wasn't going to post this one this week, and I know it's a stretch to call it a health-related post, but it was burning a hole in my pocket! For those of you worried that this thing between Esma and Scourge will be like one of those tv dramas where the two of them stare at each other and partake in witty banter for three seasons before ever kissing and then take three more seasons to get engaged, no worries. I have plans (along with a handful of mostly written stories) mwahahah! :p


Good, because... hoooo.


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No Good Deed

JK (no particular spoilers)

This one picks up a couple weeks after my last JK story.


Esma spun in a graceful half circle, stabbing the guard with twin lightsabers. She could feel the Force flowing through her smoothly. She leaped across the room to help Scourge finish off a small group, reveling in the perfect balance, the feeling of being in the center of a controlled whirlwind. She let her body take over, accepting the guidance that allowed her to deflect blaster bolts, shift and duck before swings were thrown, and wield her sabers with exquisite precision.


She finished her last slash and neatly sheathed her lightsabers. Corpses were scattered across the floor between cages full of slaves. The underbelly of Coruscant was definitely rotten. They'd come down into the slums, heading for the destroyed Jedi Temple to see if there was any sign of a particular holocron Scourge had found reference to dealing with a prophecy about the Emperor. On the way, Esma had been flagged down by an elderly man with a sad tale of his grandchildren being kidnapped.


Scourge had not been pleased by the distraction.


She picked her way across the room, snagging a key card off one of the bodies along the way to the cages.


"Be done with this. We are wasting time. These creatures are of no strategic value."


Esma ignored him as she opened the cages, almost humming in contentment. It was lovely to be off the ship and doing something that was clearly good for once. Seemed like the choices she'd been given lately consisted of "completely awful," "terrible," and "rip-your-heart-out."


The slaves helped each other out of the cages, glancing nervously at the glowering Sith.


"These peons are not worth our efforts," he spat out as he surveyed the quickly departing slaves, "The fools lack strength. They deserve their fate."


Esma glanced around the cleared space. She spotted an elevator in the corner, almost hidden by crates.


"I'm just going to check what's up here," she called over to him as she palmed the key card and jogged to the elevator, ignoring his growl of frustration. The doors closed quickly and the lift moved with the smoothness normally found a good bit farther skyward in the city.


The doors slid open to a sumptuous room covered in lush fabrics and full of heavily armed men and women guarding a small handful of elegantly dressed bigwigs who were bidding on two very scared young girls in teeny tiny costumes, a twi'lek and a nautolan. There was a moment of shocked silence as the collective group spotted her.


"Hi," she said cheerily, sauntering off the lift, "can I join the party?" She ignited her lightsabers and leapt to meet the rushing onslaught. One small voice in her brain considered that maybe she should have waited for Scourge - there were an awful lot of them. That small voice, however, was quickly crowded out as her world narrowed to her, her lightsabers, and the mob she was cutting through as she headed towards the auction tables. Slash, slash, burn, slash, burn, burn, burn.


"You are no match for me! Kill me if you have the will!" She grinned as she heard Scourge's contemptuous snarl from behind her near the elevator, never pausing in her slash and burn trek across the rapidly de-populating room.


A high frightened scream broke through her concentration, allowing her opponent to get in a lucky shot which seared her side. One of the slaves up for auction was being dragged across the room by a large male to another set of elevators. Like hell. She left her current target in his damaged state and sprinted towards the pair. A sharp pain in her thigh caught her attention as a blaster bolt ripped through flesh.


"Blast it!" she growled, throwing one saber at the culprit in a huge spinning arc.


The pair had reached the elevators as Esma followed, ignoring her injuries. The male could see her coming and gave up his frantic search for a key card in favor of making use of the girl as a shield. He'd pulled the twi'lek's head back by her lekku, bowing her spine. His short vibroblade hovered dangerously above her throat. Dropped or slashed, the blade would be the end of her. Esma's brain ran through her options at full speed.


She sheathed one of her sabers, focused on force shielding her empty hand, and leaped into the pair, grabbing the blade and wrenching it back. The searing pain made her gasp, but with luck the damage to her hand wouldn't be too bad. Off balance and deprived of his shield, the male was all too easy to finish. The young twi'lek was quick to grab the other slave and escape the room.


Esma turned around, her hand, side, and leg beginning to throb. Scourge stood over the last of the slavers in the middle of the room - a human male who obviously spent most of his time in more rarefied air. He was shaking and babbling an incoherent mix of threats and entreaties as he stared in horror at the Sith above him.


"Make your last noises," Scourge growled with quiet menace as he finished off the man with a brutal slash. Scourge scanned the room, his eyes bright red. Satisfied that it was empty of enemies he focused on her, taking in the scorch marks, blaster hit to the leg, and bleeding hand.


She knelt down and began to meditate, focusing on healing her wounds.


"You risked your life to save those sniveling brats! Your foolish sentimentality will be the end of you!"


Esma glanced up at the barely suppressed rage in his voice. Apparently meditation was out of the question.


"Do you have any kolto on you?" Esma called to him, putting pressure on her blaster wound with her good hand as she sat back on the edge of a small stage.


"When will you learn that you are meant for more important things?" he seethed as he stalked across the room. "These worthless scum are nothing but insects to be crushed!" His anger was almost physical. She could feel it as it came off him in waves as he grabbed a kolto pack and treated the blaster wounds, his movements spare and sure. His lecture continued unabated. "You cannot risk yourself in such meaningless pursuits."


"Says the guy who keeps taunting people to kill him," she said, grimacing as he dabbed at the burn along her side, "I think you actually try to get killed the way you jump in and deliberately piss everyone off."


"I am expendable. You are not," he growled, he said as he examined her hand, smearing some kolto onto the cut.


"So, are you saying if you were in danger, I shouldn't risk my life to save you?" She looked at her blue hand in his much larger red one. His skin was remarkably warm.


"That is correct."


"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that's just...what are you doing?"


She stared at where he was slowly running his thumb back and forth across her skin. Her pulse sped up to levels that could not be healthy.


He frowned intensely at their hands.


"Can you feel something?" she whispered, eyes wide.


"It is nothing," he said brusquely, dropping her hand and standing, "If you are ready, we can continue our journey without these petty distractions."


Esma considered him with a long look, her skin still tingling from the contact. She slowly stood and tested out her leg, flexing her hand - good as new.


"Ok, on we go."



Author's Note:

Ok, so I wasn't going to post this one this week, and I know it's a stretch to call it a health-related post, but it was burning a hole in my pocket! For those of you worried that this thing between Esma and Scourge will be like one of those tv dramas where the two of them stare at each other and partake in witty banter for three seasons before ever kissing and then take three more seasons to get engaged, no worries. I have plans (along with a handful of mostly written stories) mwahahah! :p


*le sigh* Marvelous! I lurvvve this! By the second paragraph I was smiling so widely I looked like an imitation of The Joker! :D

Edited by RepublicGurl
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