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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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Ok, after going for my morning walk and getting fic ideas that escape from me an hour later, I've decided to just sit down and write before the ideas fly out of my brain. I've been thinking of writing this scene for a while, but not from this point of view


Prompt: Turning Point


Spoilers: None class-wise


Characters: pre-class story SW, Consular, JK, BH, and Smuggler.




Linden had expected the day to be a major turning point for her, but those expectations ended up being exceeded in ways she could have never imagined. Three months after her family joined the Taris restoration project, the 14-year-old Zabrak was discovered to be force sensitive. After two years of training with Jedi Master Fero Blynt, who was stationed near her home, the young padawan was headed to Tython.


The ship was small, but fast. Master Fero had chosen to accompany her along with two Republic troopers. Linden had done her best to ask them their names and make small talk, but they seemed a bit wary around her. Master Fero just shrugged it off and told her that those without power would always fear it.


They had only left Taris about five hours ago when the call came in to Master Fero's private holocommunicator. After he retreated to his quarters to take the call, he emerged looking troubled.


"We're changing course, Lin." It was addressed to her, but from his tone he also expected the troopers to listen. "Jedi Master Trey Dant has been kidnapped by the imps. They're holding him on a station nearby while they bring in interrogators. Our vessel is the only one that can get there anywhere close to being in time. The three of us will go in and extract Master Dant. You're staying on the ship."


Linden quickly quieted her internal protests that she should help with the fighting, until she realized her points had a legitimate concern.


"But Master, I cannot fly the ship. If something happens to you three then I'll be trapped, but I'm good with my training saber, good enough that I'm sure I could help."


Master Blynt walked over and ruffled her normally straight red hair, taking care not to hurt his hand on her horns.


"You make your point well, Linden. Come, but know I may not be able to protect you. Together we will strike a blow against the Empire."


The rest of the flight to the station was less than an hour. Linden eagerly peered out her cabin window as they approached. The station was small, with only two docking ports, one on either side. One of the ports was taken by the only other ship in the area, one bearing an imperial crest. As the small Jedi vessel pulled into the other port, Master Blynt tightened his lightsaber against his hip.


"May the force be with us, Lin." His voice was cold.


"There is no death, only the force." She replied, causing him to beam at her. There was no further time to prepare as the doors to the docking bay opened.


Nothing could have prepared Linden for what was inside. Evidently, Master Dant had broken free of his captors. Numerous bodies in imperial uniforms littered the floor, though several uniformed men were still standing and the massively built Jedi-robed man in the middle of the room looked hurt. Only four other figures stood. Linden gasped, failing in her task of making her face show no emotion.


Three of the figures carried training sabers, similar to hers. Of the three, one of them, a brown-haired human girl, looked to be of an age with Linden, though she was shorter and stockier than the tall Zabrak. The other human girl, a scrawny blonde, looked significantly younger. The other two, a robed saber-wielding male Twi'lek and a bald pale-skinned woman holding a blaster, couldn't be too much older than Linden. When she was hoping to fight, she was hoping for cold faceless adults in uniform. Not people her age, not people that looked like they could have been friends if things turned out differently. Linden felt Master Blynt's hand on her shoulder.


"They're imps, Lin. They need to be put down like the mad dogs they are. Master Dant!"


The Jedi turned to look at his rescuers. His face started to form a smile as a blaster bolt from the bald woman collided with it. His once-kind features melted as he collapsed to the ground.


"No!" Master Blynt cried as he drew his lightsaber and ran into the fray. Linden stood, frozen in place, paralyzed by the fear she promised herself not to feel. Everything turned into a blur as the troopers joined in the soon-to-be rain of blaster fire. She could see Master Blynt running ahead to the four younger Imperials. She felt the force surge as her master used it to knock them away. The brown-haired girl stood her ground and was able to rush forwards and deal him a blow with her training saber. She heard Master Blynt call out as he waved his hand towards the Twi'lek boy.


"You want to kill all the Imperials!" Linden felt her master call on the force again to muddle the boy's mind. However, she didn't have time to see the result. One of the troopers next to her fell with a vibroblade in his back as an Imperial operative deactivated his stealth generator. Filled with adrenaline, Linden brought her saber down on his head, hard. The man staggered and pulled out a blaster. Linden just kept striking, just kept ignoring the thoughts of terror and guilt that sprang to her mind. When the Imperial fell, she started to survey the scene around her, but was interrupted by a blood-curling scream.


"Aaaaie! I didn't want to kill him! I wanted to knock him out! Why! Why!" The brown-haired girl's cries became unintelligible as she knelt over the fallen body of the Twi'lek boy. The girl herself looked hurt beyond the point of plausible healing with burns and cuts gushing blood. Evidently, the force persuasion worked. The smaller girl threw herself at Master Blynt, but the Jedi called upon the force again to knock her away. The tiny blonde went flying towards Linden and crashed into the wall next to the Zabrak. The girl's small frame then crumpled to the ground, dead or unconscious. That was when Linden noticed the other trooper had also fallen, most likely from the returning blaster fire that the Imperial officers provided. The only two besides Linden still standing were Master Blynt and the bald woman who killed Master Dant.


Please.. She prayed silently, He can take her, he can kill her and we can go home, please.


Almost as if the bald woman heard her prayer and wanted to spite her, she grabbed the kneeling girl's arm, roughly shoved the screaming girl behind her, and fired at a fuel pipe above their heads. Master Blynt made one desperate charge towards the woman before the scene was engulfed in flame and Linden was thrown back against the wall.


She couldn't hear herself think over the throbbing in her head and the obnoxious cry of the station's emergency sirens. As Linden stood up, all she could think to do was run, run away back towards the ship, towards her salvation. Before she made it two steps, something grabbed her ankle and she fell. The Padawan managed to avoid falling flat on her face by throwing her hands up flat against the floor to break her fall, but it still wasn't very graceful.


"Your ship! Can you fly it alone!?"


Even though the speaker was yelling, Linden could barely hear him. It was the Twi'lek boy. He must have only lost consciousness against fighting his friend, and the explosion must have thrown him towards her. Once she realized his question, she shook her head, ashamed, as her face tinged red. If he hadn't stopped her, she would have probably been killed in the imminent station explosion still trying to start the ship. But was he offering to help?She didn't have time to asses the situation fully before his next question.


"I see Ash." He gestured to the tiny still girl. "Where's Lucy?"


Linden could only guess that he meant either the bald woman or the brown haired girl as she pointed to the other side of the station filled with charred bodies and rapidly catching flames. The Twi'lek's eyes were watery, though that could have easily been from the smoke.


"Okay, these three," he indicated the troopers and operative, "are goners. But I know a bit about ships. I can't fly one alone though." He slowly stood to his feet and Linden could see he had dramatic injuries under his singed robes, "And I can't carry Ash to your ship in this state. I need your help if I want to live. You look stronger than me even on my good days. If you carry Ash and take me back to your ship, I'll fly it back to the Republic."


Linden could feel doubt nagging at her heart. "Why should I trust you?" She yelled over the din of the alarms.


"Because the alternative is all three of us dying here." He winced in pain, and Linden could see that in his injured state, she could easily dispatch him if she needed to.


"Alright." She called and slung the small girl over her shoulder. She was very light, and Linden was still quicker than the Twi'lek boy back to the Republic ship. The Twi'lek was good on his word as he took the captain's chair upon boarding the ship and expertly flipped switches and pushed buttons. Before Linden could digest the fact that she was leaving Master Blynt behind while she escaped on their ship with two probable Sith, the Twi'lek had jumped to light speed.


She and Ashle, the young girl she rescued, arrived on Tython for their training just a few weeks later. The Twi'lek, whom Linden quickly found out was named Dm'eri, brought them to the closest Republic outpost Linden knew, which happened to be back to the planet Taris. Dm'eri was barely strong enough in the force to be detected and taken to the Academy on Korriban, and once he demonstrated that he had no desire to become Sith or Jedi, the Republic let him leave with Master Blynt's ship as a prize for rescuing two Padawans. Ashle was rough around the edges, but young enough to accept switching sides to the Republic. Like Dm'eri, she was never treated very well by most Imperials, having been born a slave. Dm'eri told Linden that the only reason they had survived so far was the Sith Acolyte they left behind on the station, the fierce brown-haired girl named Lucerna. She stood a decent chance of becoming Sith, being very talented in the force and the daughter of a powerful Darth. The bald woman was a mercenary only known as "Rage" that the Darth hired to protect their daughter as she and Ashle accompanied Dm'eri on one of his tests, interrogation. Linden reflected that it was a strange twist of fate how Rage had protected the other two Acolytes with her last shot by sending Dm'eri flying to Linden.


As the transport carrying the two Padawans landed on Tython, Linden could only think that it was a strange turning point indeed that brought her there without her master, but with the loyalty of two new friends.


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Eeek I'm a day late...so sorry! The hurricane is supposed to come up here today, but it is...not? It's all sunny out. I'm frustrated.


Week of 9/1/2012

(Un)invited Guests - Things get complicated when you're visiting someone else, or have someone visiting you. Even if you want them there! Of course, things are extra complicated when your guest is someone you didn't want or expect to come around.

...Like No One's Watching - When we're alone we often indulge ourselves in things that might embarrass us if others knew. Bad music, bad dancing, whatever it is, we'd be pretty mortified if someone caught us. This time, write about your character's secret indulgences - and how they react when it's discovered.

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Uninvited Guest


Adris Westan, Brei'yu, Vector and Kaliyo


Spoilers for Vector and Kaliyo class quests, especially the end of Kaliyo's questline.



She knew how to work people.


Vector felt a flare in his chest as he watched her smooze the Moff whose name she'd probably already forgotten. Her big blue eyes were guileless and fixed on the man. Vector figured him old enough to be her grandfather. She chuckled throatily when he said something that could be construed as witty and kept herself just out reach. He was constantly trying to reach out and touch her. He'd bought her a drink that she hadn't touched. But she was watching him get very very drunk.


Vector took it all in, knowing it was her job, knowing this was just part of said job. Instead of fixating, he turned his attentions inward and analyzed what he was feeling.


It was jealousy.


He remembered now what it was to have human emotions. His time with Adris Westan had reminded him what it was to be human. To laugh and feel amusement, to be worried and anxious over the health of a team mate, he remembered what it was to have a friend.


But Brei'yu reminded him what it was to be a man. She woke strange, strong feelings of need and desire that he hadn't felt since he and Anora had called off their engagement. He remembered what it was to have his senses clouded by a woman, to smell her perfume long after she'd left a room, to feel the heat rise in his skin after an accidental touch, he remembered fantasy and anticipation. She consumed his thoughts sometimes, absolutely and completely.


He could taste her aura when she was near, feel the charge of her skin if she touched him. He knew the way the light would glint off her hair, playing browns against auburns against blacks. He'd looked into her blue eyes and knew every time that he could get lost staring into them.


Westan had said he'd gone over hard on her. Vector wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but if his physiological responses to her flirtation with another man were any indication, then he was feeling something that had become alien to him years ago.


He was in love with Brei'yu.


The hand on his arm drew him out of his reverie. Vector glanced over and saw Westan looking at him, a little concern in his eyes, amusement on his face and resignation etched into his aura. Vector knew that all the things that captivated him about Brei'yu were the same things that had drawn Westan to her when they were younger. Vector knew only bits and pieces of what happened to them on Alderaan, but the relationship started during different lives carried over into a strong friendship now. Westan swore he was over it but Vector suspected that seeing another man interested in what once was his stung.


Vector wasn't sure how to articulate this revelation. Or even if it was appropriate to. Westan had promised to do what he could to swing Brei'yu's interest toward Vector. As much as Vector wanted that, he was hesitant about what it would do to his friendship with the other man. He began to ask but Westan smacked him on the shoulder.


“That's our sign, let's go.”


The men headed for the table where Brei sat, finally letting herself lean against the Moff. The old man looked delighted and drunk. Vector wondered if he'd remember any of this in the morning. Westan slid into the booth on the empty side of the Moff and Vector came to sit beside Brei'yu. The Moff looked up with cloudy confusion, his eyes trying to fix on Westan's face.


“Who? What?” was all he could slur before Brei'yu put a comforting bare hand over his.


“It’s alright. These are friends of mine. They just came to talk.”


The Moff still seemed confused and Westan began engaging him in easy conversation, well as easy as conversing with a drunk man could be. Vector reached for Brei'yu with both hands and she slipped her free bare hand into his wordlessly. His fingers tightened around her hand, he liked the delicate feel of her bones beneath her skin. He'd seen her break Sith's necks with her tiny hands. He knew the power that she held in those slim fingers.


She looked at him and he nodded, indicating he was ready. She took a breath and opened the connection between them. He slid into her thoughts easily, and she into his. He felt her hand tense as she adjusted to the music inside his head and he pushed the hive down, concentrating on her sweet song and the addition of the Moff's thoughts.


Westan asked the Moff a simple question about his first wife. Vector watched the face of a pleasant looking woman come to the forefront of his consciousness, measured the gleam of a contented aura around the memory. Brei murmured her vision and Vector added his take quietly. They had discovered this easy link not long after Tatooine. Vector's familiarity with a hive mind and the investigation of memories that weren't his gave him insights that Brei'yu didn't have access too. He watched auras, both the one around the target and the one that lit his memories. Brei'yu could tell you what she saw, even some of how the target felt about a certain memory, Vector could glean the taste of the air, the scent of a person, little things that triggered clarity in memory. He and Brei'yu made an incredible team, to Westan's delight.


And Westan wasted no time in getting down to business. He grilled the Moff about the blonde Darth with the eight year old boy.




Later on the ship, Westan disappeared to juggle the new information they'd received. Brei'yu sat comfortable in the common room of the ship. Vector lowered himself next to her. She leaned companionably against his side and rubbed the back of her neck with her hand.


“I don't think getting him drunk was the best way to go about that,” she said after a few minutes of easy silence. “My brain is still swimming in the tankard of alcohol he consumed. Why can't we just have Dr Lokin put them under all the time?”


“Agent Westan believes that would have looked too suspicious,” Vector answered.


“A fat old Moff passed out over his drink in a skeezy cantina? Come on. Like that doesn't happen every night of the week.”


Silence descended over them again and Vector heard her sigh as she rested her head against his shoulder. He enjoyed this simple, easy... friendship that had sprung up between them after she first shared her gift with him, and he shared the nest with her. Their intimate looks into each others worlds had fast tracked a relationship in place and he was content. Almost.


He reached over and placed his fingers under Brei'yu's chin, lifting her face up to his. Her head came back easily, trusting. He thanked every star and quieted the hive his head so he could concentrate on this simple moment. He brushed his lips against hers softly, almost imperceptibly. He felt her hand climb his chest and had just laid his mouth over hers when he heard them.


His head came up immediately. “She's what?” he asked the air.


Brei'yu startled, blinking the dreaminess from her eyes. “I'm sorry?” She looked around the empty room.


“The fingerlings, they have become chatty,” Vector said. He lowered his hand from her face as she sat up.


“I don't see...”


“They say Kaliyo has returned. She is coming.”


“Kaliyo,” Brei'yu groaned just as the Rattataki swung through the door.


“Where's Adris?' she demanded, her speech slurred.


Brei'yu shrugged. “Around I'm sure. Have a good time?”


Kaliyo looked around as though just realizing where she was. “Ah. F*ck 'im,” she sighed. Then she grinned at them, her white teeth sparkling against a blood red mouth. “This looks cozy. What are you guys doing?”


Brei'yu made a noise of protest as Kaliyo melted into Vector's lap and swung her legs up to rest on Brei's. Vector looked into Brei'yu's surprised eyes as Kaliyo got comfortable and then silent. “Is.. is there something you want to talk about, then?”


“There was this adorable idiot on planet. Terrible liar. Great lay. Wants to take me away to see the galaxy,” Kaliyo giggled drunkenly. “I wanted to rub it in Adris' face,” she said with a sigh, like not being able to was a great disappointment.


The lovely moment over, Vector shifted under Kaliyo's slight weight. Brei'yu cocked her head to the side. “Kaliyo? Are you in love with Adris?”


Kaliyo stared at the ceiling like she hadn't heard. “He'll miss me when I'm gone. No one gets him like I do. Not even you.”


Vector and Brei'yu exchanged a startled look. “You were using him when he was a Cipher. You sold information to the highest bidder. You think he cares where you go?”


“Not the highest bidder. Just Wheezer. He just used it to blow stuff up. Isn't anyone going to let that go?”


“Let it go?” Brei'yu started, but quieted when Vector laid a hand on her arm.


“Kaliyo, we can see you're drunk and upset,” Vector said quietly.


“You don't have to tell me I blew it.” He was expecting anger, an explosion to vitriol and bitterness but she only sounded tiredly resigned. “I was that close, and Wheezer borked it up for me.”


“No,” Brei'yu said as she clenched her teeth. “You borked it up for yourself.”


“It's not like he didn't know how I was,” Kaliyo snapped.


“So that's your excuse.”


Kaliyo rolled off Vector's lap and started pacing. “Why did he keep me on?”


“You're going to have to ask him,” Brei answered.


“To hell with that.” Kaliyo flopped back down on the couch next to Brei. Brei'yu watched Kaliyo carefully as she brooded. She didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.


Vector leaned back. Kaliyo had a way of spoiling things.



Author's Note:


I know i didn't hit the prompt exactly. I probably shouldn't be attempting to tell this story in the form of weekly prompts but I'm finding it a fun challenge to try and get the story across while keeping it in the confines of what's expected weekly. Some new elements of the story have shown themselves to me, ones I wouldn't have come up with if I had just sat down and written this beginning to end.


Sorry this turned a little soap opera-y. I have absolutely no explanation as to why Adris kept Kaliyo on his crew after he discovered what she did. Since my version of the Adris' IA story has him leaving Intelligence, Kaliyo is a danger to him more than she is an asset. As you can see, I've barely used her for any of the important parts of the story, so she's sitting around the ship probably causing trouble. I should kill her off. Hmmm....


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Uninvited Guest


Adris Westan, Brei'yu, Vector and Kaliyo


Spoilers for Vector and Kaliyo class quests, especially the end of Kaliyo's questline.



She knew how to work people.


Vector felt a flare in his chest as he watched her smooze the Moff whose name she'd probably already forgotten. Her big blue eyes were guileless and fixed on the man. Vector figured him old enough to be her grandfather. She chuckled throatily when he said something that could be construed as witty and kept herself just out reach. He was constantly trying to reach out and touch her. He'd bought her a drink that she hadn't touched. But she was watching him get very very drunk.


Vector took it all in, knowing it was her job, knowing this was just part of said job. Instead of fixating, he turned his attentions inward and analyzed what he was feeling.


It was jealousy.


He remembered now what it was to have human emotions. His time with Adris Westan had reminded him what it was to be human. To laugh and feel amusement, to be worried and anxious over the health of a team mate, he remembered what it was to have a friend.


But Brei'yu reminded him what it was to be a man. She woke strange, strong feelings of need and desire that he hadn't felt since he and Anora had called off their engagement. He remembered what it was to have his senses clouded by a woman, to smell her perfume long after she'd left a room, to feel the heat rise in his skin after an accidental touch, he remembered fantasy and anticipation. She consumed his thoughts sometimes, absolutely and completely.


He could taste her aura when she was near, feel the charge of her skin if she touched him. He knew the way the light would glint off her hair, playing browns against auburns against blacks. He'd looked into her blue eyes and knew every time that he could get lost staring into them.


Westan had said he'd gone over hard on her. Vector wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but if his physiological responses to her flirtation with another man were any indication, then he was feeling something that had become alien to him years ago.


He was in love with Brei'yu.


The hand on his arm drew him out of his reverie. Vector glanced over and saw Westan looking at him, a little concern in his eyes, amusement on his face and resignation etched into his aura. Vector knew that all the things that captivated him about Brei'yu were the same things that had drawn Westan to her when they were younger. Vector knew only bits and pieces of what happened to them on Alderaan, but the relationship started during different lives carried over into a strong friendship now. Westan swore he was over it but Vector suspected that seeing another man interested in what once was his stung.


Vector wasn't sure how to articulate this revelation. Or even if it was appropriate to. Westan had promised to do what he could to swing Brei'yu's interest toward Vector. As much as Vector wanted that, he was hesitant about what it would do to his friendship with the other man. He began to ask but Westan smacked him on the shoulder.


“That's our sign, let's go.”


The men headed for the table where Brei sat, finally letting herself lean against the Moff. The old man looked delighted and drunk. Vector wondered if he'd remember any of this in the morning. Westan slid into the booth on the empty side of the Moff and Vector came to sit beside Brei'yu. The Moff looked up with cloudy confusion, his eyes trying to fix on Westan's face.


“Who? What?” was all he could slur before Brei'yu put a comforting bare hand over his.


“It’s alright. These are friends of mine. They just came to talk.”


The Moff still seemed confused and Westan began engaging him in easy conversation, well as easy as conversing with a drunk man could be. Vector reached for Brei'yu with both hands and she slipped her free bare hand into his wordlessly. His fingers tightened around her hand, he liked the delicate feel of her bones beneath her skin. He'd seen her break Sith's necks with her tiny hands. He knew the power that she held in those slim fingers.


She looked at him and he nodded, indicating he was ready. She took a breath and opened the connection between them. He slid into her thoughts easily, and she into his. He felt her hand tense as she adjusted to the music inside his head and he pushed the hive down, concentrating on her sweet song and the addition of the Moff's thoughts.


Westan asked the Moff a simple question about his first wife. Vector watched the face of a pleasant looking woman come to the forefront of his consciousness, measured the gleam of a contented aura around the memory. Brei murmured her vision and Vector added his take quietly. They had discovered this easy link not long after Tatooine. Vector's familiarity with a hive mind and the investigation of memories that weren't his gave him insights that Brei'yu didn't have access too. He watched auras, both the one around the target and the one that lit his memories. Brei'yu could tell you what she saw, even some of how the target felt about a certain memory, Vector could glean the taste of the air, the scent of a person, little things that triggered clarity in memory. He and Brei'yu made an incredible team, to Westan's delight.


And Westan wasted no time in getting down to business. He grilled the Moff about the blonde Darth with the eight year old boy.




Later on the ship, Westan disappeared to juggle the new information they'd received. Brei'yu sat comfortable in the common room of the ship. Vector lowered himself next to her. She leaned companionably against his side and rubbed the back of her neck with her hand.


“I don't think getting him drunk was the best way to go about that,” she said after a few minutes of easy silence. “My brain is still swimming in the tankard of alcohol he consumed. Why can't we just have Dr Lokin put them under all the time?”


“Agent Westan believes that would have looked too suspicious,” Vector answered.


“A fat old Moff passed out over his drink in a skeezy cantina? Come on. Like that doesn't happen every night of the week.”


Silence descended over them again and Vector heard her sigh as she rested her head against his shoulder. He enjoyed this simple, easy... friendship that had sprung up between them after she first shared her gift with him, and he shared the nest with her. Their intimate looks into each others worlds had fast tracked a relationship in place and he was content. Almost.


He reached over and placed his fingers under Brei'yu's chin, lifting her face up to his. Her head came back easily, trusting. He thanked every star and quieted the hive his head so he could concentrate on this simple moment. He brushed his lips against hers softly, almost imperceptibly. He felt her hand climb his chest and had just laid his mouth over hers when he heard them.


His head came up immediately. “She's what?” he asked the air.


Brei'yu startled, blinking the dreaminess from her eyes. “I'm sorry?” She looked around the empty room.


“The fingerlings, they have become chatty,” Vector said. He lowered his hand from her face as she sat up.


“I don't see...”


“They say Kaliyo has returned. She is coming.”


“Kaliyo,” Brei'yu groaned just as the Rattataki swung through the door.


“Where's Adris?' she demanded, her speech slurred.


Brei'yu shrugged. “Around I'm sure. Have a good time?”


Kaliyo looked around as though just realizing where she was. “Ah. F*ck 'im,” she sighed. Then she grinned at them, her white teeth sparkling against a blood red mouth. “This looks cozy. What are you guys doing?”


Brei'yu made a noise of protest as Kaliyo melted into Vector's lap and swung her legs up to rest on Brei's. Vector looked into Brei'yu's surprised eyes as Kaliyo got comfortable and then silent. “Is.. is there something you want to talk about, then?”


“There was this adorable idiot on planet. Terrible liar. Great lay. Wants to take me away to see the galaxy,” Kaliyo giggled drunkenly. “I wanted to rub it in Adris' face,” she said with a sigh, like not being able to was a great disappointment.


The lovely moment over, Vector shifted under Kaliyo's slight weight. Brei'yu cocked her head to the side. “Kaliyo? Are you in love with Adris?”


Kaliyo stared at the ceiling like she hadn't heard. “He'll miss me when I'm gone. No one gets him like I do. Not even you.”


Vector and Brei'yu exchanged a startled look. “You were using him when he was a Cipher. You sold information to the highest bidder. You think he cares where you go?”


“Not the highest bidder. Just Wheezer. He just used it to blow stuff up. Isn't anyone going to let that go?”


“Let it go?” Brei'yu started, but quieted when Vector laid a hand on her arm.


“Kaliyo, we can see you're drunk and upset,” Vector said quietly.


“You don't have to tell me I blew it.” He was expecting anger, an explosion to vitriol and bitterness but she only sounded tiredly resigned. “I was that close, and Wheezer borked it up for me.”


“No,” Brei'yu said as she clenched her teeth. “You borked it up for yourself.”


“It's not like he didn't know how I was,” Kaliyo snapped.


“So that's your excuse.”


Kaliyo rolled off Vector's lap and started pacing. “Why did he keep me on?”


“You're going to have to ask him,” Brei answered.


“To hell with that.” Kaliyo flopped back down on the couch next to Brei. Brei'yu watched Kaliyo carefully as she brooded. She didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.


Vector leaned back. Kaliyo had a way of spoiling things.



Author's Note:


I know i didn't hit the prompt exactly. I probably shouldn't be attempting to tell this story in the form of weekly prompts but I'm finding it a fun challenge to try and get the story across while keeping it in the confines of what's expected weekly. Some new elements of the story have shown themselves to me, ones I wouldn't have come up with if I had just sat down and written this beginning to end.


Sorry this turned a little soap opera-y. I have absolutely no explanation as to why Adris kept Kaliyo on his crew after he discovered what she did. Since my version of the Adris' IA story has him leaving Intelligence, Kaliyo is a danger to him more than she is an asset. As you can see, I've barely used her for any of the important parts of the story, so she's sitting around the ship probably causing trouble. I should kill her off. Hmmm....


...i am pleased :3


i'd be miffed at kaliyo, but you made it so i feel for her too now :D

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...Like No One's Watching - When we're alone we often indulge ourselves in things that might embarrass us if others knew. Bad music, bad dancing, whatever it is, we'd be pretty mortified if someone caught us. This time, write about your character's secret indulgences - and how they react when it's discovered.


Nalenne came to mind. So here, spoiler-free Nalenne! My earliest in-story-chronology passage with her ever; this is set right after in-game Balmorra. 450 words.





"My lord?"




"What is...that?"


Nalenne looked up from the reading nook's holoscreen, which was displaying the latest Scarlet Nexu issue, part of the warrior stripper princess's invasion of Testosteroneland. The newcomer Quinn had apparently gotten back from his errands early; now his eyes were obviously tracing several of the curves in the image while he tried to figure out how that particular motion was physically possible in that not-quite-suit.


"It's a comic book," she said. "You've heard of them, I hope?"


Quinn looked sour. Thus far this seemed to be his only facial expression. "I am familiar with comic books, my lord," he said disdainfully. "I favor Captain Kaas over the likes of...that."


"If you have an editorial to make, make it fast and make it entertaining."


"No editorial, my lord." He looked over and ran another nearly-audible calculation on the elasticity that corset would have to possess for that maneuver. He frowned even harder. "Is this what Lord Baras's apprentice does with her spare time?"


"It has been to date. Whether that remains my prime leisure activity now that you're here will depend very heavily on your performance, captain." Nalenne heard a snicker down the hallway fighting with an exaggerated retching noise and losing. "Go away, Vette."


"I...have work to do," Quinn said in a suddenly strangled voice. "If, ah, work, if something is required, just...uh." He frowned at the Scarlet Nexu yet again. "When you're ready to accomplish something useful, my lord, let me know."


"I suppose you don't have hobbies?" Nalenne said sweetly.


"I track down and assassinate enemies of the Empire in my spare time," he said. "It is a most rewarding pursuit."


"Comic books are rewarding, too, so don't look at me like that."


Quinn cast his gaze down at the floor. "Of course, my lord. I shall return to my duties now."


Nalenne sighed. "Captain. New orders, top priority."


"My lord?"


"Get that stick of your *** before you talk to me again."


"My lord, I...I don't have..."


"All right. First, get a clue. Use the clue to locate the stick in your ***. Remove the stick from your ***. Then and only then may you come bother me while I'm trying to enjoy the cultural highlights of the year."


"Of-of course, my lord." Quinn bowed awkwardly and fled.


Vette sidled around the corner from the crew quarters hall. She, too, gave Scarlet Nexu a once-over. "You really have no shame, my lord. You realize that's probably the most he's ever seen of a woman?"


"That's his problem, not mine." Nalenne calmly flipped the page. Vette took one look at the resulting action scene, squeaked, and found other places to be.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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Nalenne came to mind. So here, spoiler-free Nalenne! My earliest in-story-chronology passage with her ever; this is set right after in-game Balmorra. 450 words.





"Get that stick of your *** before you talk to me again."


"My lord, I...I don't have..."


"All right. First, get a clue. Use the clue to locate the stick in your ***. Remove the stick from your ***. Then and only then may you come bother me while I'm trying to enjoy the cultural highlights of the year."


"Of-of course, my lord." Quinn bowed awkwardly and fled.



I was trying to figure out a way to torture Quinn for my rotation today and came up sadly empty. This exchange was highly satisfying.


@Morgani <3 Vector+Brei'yu and your telling of this whole story through prompts has been amazing though I always want more.

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Like noones watching eh...

just finished something along these lines. gotta make it vague to fit into ToS, but should be fine i think


Euryale (BH) Mako, and Blizz



*Click* The lock on the chest was open. Blizz was impressed at how complex the lock was; it must have very important things in it! Or he figured it would, if Boss hadn’t seemed to forget about the large chest seemingly hidden beneath some furniture in her room. He had asked about it before to her, but she seemed to quickly say ” it’s nothing. “. If Boss seemed so disinterested in it, it was fair game for Blizz to investigate, right?


He opened the lid of the chest, and his beady golden eyes widened. Machines. Strange machines. Silver orbs tethered to a controller by a dainty thin wire. Wobbly, long, plastoid …. things. A few objects Blizz recognised: Wrist restraints his boss sometimes used to subdue live captures, but these ones were much more delicate. The little jawa was completely fascinated by all the strange devices.


He picked up one of the long plastoid objects, this one having a set of buttons at it’s base. He had seen jedi with similar things, so he carefully pointed it away from him first before pressing a button. Instead of creating a strong beam of plasma, the object began to buzz strongly in his hand, causing him to drop it in surprise. This caused a second button to be pushed when it hit the ground, and the object began squirming. Blizz couldn’t help but giggle as the strange thing danced on the floor, bouncing slightly from the vibration, and rolling around from the circular squirming.


In a matter of minutes, all objects with a vibrating motor were having a little dance party on the floor, buzzing and bouncing on the hard surface.


What were these things used for? How did they “buzz” ? The jawa picked one up and studied it. It felt all funny in his hands, and he touched the tip of it between his eyes. He laughed as the world around him blurred from the vibration. The sensation only intensified as he bit down on it experimentally. He had to figure out what these magic things were all about.



The Huntress and Mako stood in the doorway to the captain’s room, their shopping bags dropped by their feet, both frozen with their mouths wide open in shock at what they saw. Across the entire room, small motors, wires, controllers, and plastoid scraps littered the floor. In the centre of the room, was Blizz, crouching over the remains of the huntress’ favourite Czerka Magic Wand muscle massager, it’s components coming undone swiftly from the jawa’s nimble hands and tools he always kept along side him.


Blizz was so absorbed in his tool dissection, that he nearly jumped 5 feet in the air when he heard his boss scream at the top of her lungs.


Mako just laughed. Torian and Gault came running in from the sound of the commotion. Both took one look at the scene in front of them. Gault spun on his heels, and left the scene, muttering " Nope. I ain't touching this one. Too weird for me. "Torian just stood there, a smug grin forming on his face.




author's notes


My BH would like to assure you that no jawas were harmed after the initial episode where he destroyed her collection of back massagers. Carrying around all that durasteel armor, and constantly getting into scuffles has left her with a chronically sore neck and back, which she has had to resort to treating via mechanical means. She would like for everyone to stop giving her that look. It's her sore neck. Really.


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I'm late with last weeks turning point prompt, featuring everyone's favorite Dark Side SW Ardyth.


Sith Warrior Chapter 3 spoilers.


Breaking free




Ardyth had been avoiding the call, avoiding speaking to him. She had been named emperor’s Wrath, defeated her former Master in front of the dark council, and she had married the man she loved, despite his betrayal. She loved Malavai Quinn, and after some time, after hearing his reasons, after being unable to kill him and a great deal of soul searching, she agreed, she had said yes, with a free heart and a free mind, she said yes, and she had been happy. They had spent their honeymoon making love and dreaming of the future, naming their future children, together they were unstoppable. The problem was that she had not been free to say yes, she had been promised to another from childhood. All had been arranged by her father years ago, to preserve their blood line, to keep it pure, but in her love haze she had forgotten herself, forgotten the alliance her father had forged, she had dared not tell Malavai, who she was sure would have never asked if he had known. Now they were returning to Drummond Kaas, her father requesting an audience, intent on seeing his powerful daughter married to her betrothed. She felt sick. No one defied Lord Kaervrek.


“Ardyth, my daughter, it has been too long.” Lord Kaervrek smiled at his daughter, she had advanced beyond his expectations in the Sith Hierarchy, beyond even the council, answering to the Emperor himself. “You remember Silas, your betrothed?” He motioned for the Sith pureblood youth to advance.


Ardyth obliged her father a kiss on the cheek, then looked to the handsome man whom she was supposed to marry, her father’s one time apprentice. She remembered her youth watching him, her childhood crush, how her father had been pleased with her infatuation. Silas had returned her affections eagerly, and Lord Kaervrek had turned a blind eye to their stolen moments. Then she had been taken as apprentice by Darth Baras and everything had changed.


“Silas, I regret that I will not be able to marry you. Please forgive me.” His face darkened, not understanding.


“Ardyth, what do you mean?” His deep red eyes searched her face, trying to find the spark of passion they had once shared. He found her passion, but it was no longer directed at him. He would kill the upstart.

“I’m already married.” She felt the force of her father and her scorned fiancé fury physically. In a moment she was in her father’s choke hold.


“What folly is this girl? You would dare shame me, our family, our word is our bond daughter, you would dare break it?” Kaervrek watched as she tried to rip the force holding her throat away, she flailed. Little imbecile.

Quinn strode into view, flanked by a squad of imperial guard.


“My Lord Kaervrek, I suggest you release my wife.” The Imperial guard wasted no time surrounding the imposing Sith figure. He glared at the Imperial who dared tell him what to do, but dropped his daughter anyways.


“Is this true Ardyth? You reject me for this weak force blind human?” Silas asked not hiding his contempt or disgust.


“Captain Quinn is my husband, yes.” Ardyth rubbed her throat and eyed her one time lover.


Silas brandished his lightsaber, “I should kill him, it is my right, you oath breaking harpy.”


“You will do no such thing. Leave this place Silas.” Her words landed on deaf ears as Silas charged Quinn. Ardyth force leaped in front of her new husband lighting her sabers as she flew through the air. The fight was over quickly as Ardyth found herself looking into the dying eyes of her first love. “I’m sorry Silas.” He slumped to the floor dead.


The guard were still eyeing Kaervrek, for he was the one who had directly threatened the Wrath. Ardyth ordered them to stand down. Kaervrek did not try to assault his daughter again.


“Silas is right, a human, force blind at that. The ancient lines are diluted enough as it is and you would sully them even more. You shame me daughter, you shame your ancestors.” He spit the words. “Why? Why would you commit such folly? I raised you better than this.”


Ardyth looked from her father to Quinn, then back to her father, “I love him.”


“You stupid girl, you stupid stupid girl…” Kaervrek could barely contain his anger.


“Hold your tongue! I don’t answer to you anymore father, I don’t answer to ancient traditions or even our Dark Council, I answer to the Emperor and the Emperor alone, and I will marry who I wish. You will show fealty to me and mine or I will have these Imperial guard execute you were you stand.” She stood tall, not breaking her father’s withering glare, her father was a powerful and well connected Sith, all who challenged him died, but for the first time he was outranked, by his own daughter. The minutes dragged until finally Lord Kaervrek bowed deeply to her.


“You have my lightsaber daughter, no harm will come to you or your husband from me.” He stood then smiled at her, though the anger had yet to leave his eyes. “You are very much like your mother, you know that? Be careful my daughter, she died young, I would hate for you to share her fate.”


Ardyth wasn’t sure if it was a warning or a threat.




"You should have told me." Quinn said as they lay in bed that night.


"Would you have married me if I had?" She replied, knowing the answer.


Quinn didn't answer either, knowing he would have never pursued her had he known. He kissed the top of her head, and hugged her tightly.




Edit: crap, forgot that last bit.

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@iamnotawitch-- great detail, enjoyed your story!


@Crezelle-- I can just see the mass confusion as the crew walked in to see what Bliz was up to. Nicely done!


@Bright-- always love Nalenne's pov, and I agree, the instructions from removing the stick were spot on!


@earthmama-- seeing how her father treats Ardyth, makes her resulting personality a little easier to understand. His hapring on the bloodline and such sets up the rejection of Mitka very well. As always, very well done!


Finally! I feel like I'm caught up and can listen to the ideas floating around in my head. Hopefully I'll get them to come together soon!

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Like no one's watching

Magdalane and Felix, no spoilers



Magdalane returned to her ship, exhausted and more than a little tipsy from the drinks and endless talk of the reception. Sometimes she wondered why in the stars she’d been chosen for diplomacy when she hated the parties. Since that was practically the only time she consumed alcohol, it hit her hard if she wasn’t careful. She was glad to have the ship to herself, having sent the crew on ahead while she stayed one more night for this stupid reception. At least it was cool and quiet here, she thought.


Then it hit her, she was truly alone. Even Felix was somewhere else, getting the next mission set up. An idea began to form, and something she’d been thinking about doing for a while began to nag her tipsy thoughts, begging to be brought forth. She took another drink of the wine she’d poured when she’d returned to the ship, and wandered over to the music collection. Ah, here it is, she thought. Miriah said this would work well, and she would know. She entered the selection and heard the heavy beat and wailing rock guitar from the speakers. She began to move, slowly at first, but as the alcohol and sheer joy of movement overtook her, more sensually. This IS fun, she thought, and the next song started, one that practically demanded seduction. Magdalane closed her eyes and slowly began to unfasten her formal robes, moving with the beat.


When the weight of her robes dropped from her, she spun like she’d seen the cantina dancers spin, in her shimmersilk and lace undies, and giggled. She continued to dance, loosening up more and more, until the music stopped completely, and dragged her robes behind her to her quarters.


Felix had gone to bed early, bored and lonely, wishing he’d stayed on the ship. He’d been awakened by his holo beeping, and when he pressed the button to receive the call, he saw Magdalane. He’d stared to say hello to her, but was stopped by the expression on her face, and the fact that she was dancing. He could hear the music, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when she started to unfasten her robe. He watched in fascination as the robe dropped away, revealing the long, lithe figure he loved. He was totally awake now. She continued to dance, and he was loving every second. When the music stopped, she walked away, and the holo disconnected. She didn’t know she was on the holo, he thought. Thank the stars it came to my frequency. He grinned in the night. Thank the stars it came to mine.



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@Morgani D'aw...Vector. I like.


...Like No One's Watching - When we're alone we often indulge ourselves in things that might embarrass us if others knew. Bad music, bad dancing, whatever it is, we'd be pretty mortified if someone caught us. This time, write about your character's secret indulgences - and how they react when it's discovered.


Smuggler Nic, no spoilers, 650 words. This draws from the attitude of some of my original 'journal entries,' back before the horrendous chip on my shoulder against Corso came about.




If I had the space to do it in my room, I would.


We had some downtime on Tatooine, and I was enjoying not being out in the sand. It was way past lights out; I crept to the workshop and set up on the bench for a little action.


I got into the flow really easily, working, shaping, checking against the master design, the zen state of my favorite pastime. Then Corso's voice came crashing in. "You're up late, Captain," he brayed.


I jumped and spun in my seat. "Cracking stars, Corso, don't do that," I yelled.


"Sorry," he said, taken aback. "I was just out for a snack when I saw the lights on. New project?"


"Yeah. No. It's nothing."


I shifted to block him, but he wandered right up to the table. "I...wow. What is that?"


"It's a replica," I said miserably. "It's nothing."


"They haven't made blasters like that in forever. Way before our lifetimes." He set his fingertips on the printed-out plans. "What is it?" he asked again.




"You gonna make me guess? Because I could list a lot of blaster models."


"It was a custom job," I said. "Even the original was. This is what I could reconstruct of the blaster Canderous Ordo used for most of his career."


Corso whistled softly. "I knew you made firearms, but...wow. That's specialized."


"Yeah. It's just a thing. It's not like I'm going to use 'em, I just like doing it."


"If you updated the workings, you could use 'em just fine."


That was not the mockery I had expected. "Why bother? It's not like anyone would know what it is. I keep these to myself."


"I don't see why. It's beautiful." He reached for the blaster body in front of me, hesitated. "May I?"


The kid could be damn sweet. "Go ahead. Mind the side panel underneath there, the adhesive's still drying."


"Wow." He held it up, turned it around. "I guess that weird variety of plasma injector they used would account for these ridges along here."


"Yeah, that's what I figured. You know old style tech? That's really, really old."


He shrugged modestly. "It comes up sometimes. In some circles. Just descriptions, I've never seen someone come close to making it."


"Oh, no, I have the casing but I don't have the materials to fully restore the old workings. I would have to do what you said, just build in new guts."


"Yeah. You know, most people I know figure if you have the newest and best, you're crazy for looking at anything else."


"No kidding. This is 'a big nerdy waste of time.' There's a reason I don't do these ones while you or anybody is around."


"I don't have a problem with it, Captain. I've had some special pieces, but this is, this is really something."


"Thanks," I said.


A sultry voice sounded from the doorway. "Where's the party?" Risha sauntered in, took a look at the workbench. "Sorry, does that sheet read Canderous Ordo?"


"Yeah," Corso said cheerfully, "it's a replica, something the Captain pieced together herself. Beautiful, isn't it?"


"Nic, I had no idea you were a nerd."


"I'm a nerd with a functional and very stylish blaster, Risha, so move along." It was technically true. I had my modern working blasters at my hips still.


"You can get a functional blaster without that much...okay, moving on," said Risha. She retreated from my death stare.


But the workflow was broken. The magic was gone. "I'm gonna turn in," I told Corso.


"Sure," he said. "Would you mind firing me a copy of those plans? I'd like to take a look."


"Yeah, I can do that." I stood up. "Good night, Corso."


He kept on smiling. "Good night, Captain."


I couldn't think of more than three people I ever met that would actually consider historical blaster re-creation a not-hopelessly-stupid thing. His reaction was...again, 'sweet' covered it. If only...but no, he was still a loudmouthed goody two-shoes problem the rest of the time.


Dammit, why did he have to be so wholesome?



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@bright_: Nalenne got a real good flirt in there with Quinn that was soooo FemWar, I laughed. Honestly, I could hear FemWar's voice slithering around that flirt. Bravo. And Nic, great hobby. Of course, it's only going to make Corso more interested.


@Crezelle: I just can't think about that story without laughing. So horribly embarrassing, but hilarious. I'm laughing now just typing this.


@Earthmama: Good for Ardyth, though seriously, I still want to break Quinn in half. I rolled a FemWar and a MWar to play side by side. I need to see these nuances, but I can't get far because I really just want to strangle Quinn. I liked Quinn coming in with the back-up. Good husband, or puppy, whatever your Ardyth calls him.


@Magdalane: If Iresso wasn't received so late in the story, I'd roll another FemJC just to romance him since I skipped out on that with Tess. And slightly tipsy Jedis give me ideas I shouldn't be having....

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Prompt: Uninvited Guest


Characters: Sith Inquisitor (Mel'ake)


Spoilers: SI Act III




He really loved her back then. Rylee Dray, the cultist on Nar Shaddaa, had been in his thoughts more and more often lately. Mel'ake didn't like fighting or killing or making life hard for others, but he let his dark passions take over for a whirlwind romance that ended with a promise he couldn't keep. As he lay in bed, half asleep next to the steadily snoring Ashara, his mind again turned to the incident that was the proof he held darkness inside his heart. He called Rylee several times in the past few days to check on how she was doing, but she refused to pick up her holocommunicator. He was tempted to visit the cultists again, though he wasn't sure how he'd explain the trip to Ashara.


You'll lie to her, just like you've lied before..


Mel'ake froze. The thought passed so quickly he barely had time to acknowledge it, but it didn't seem like his own thought. It reminded him of the time he spent in the throes of Force Walking sickness, where the thoughts of the ghosts permeated his mind.


He tried to banish those memories from his immediate thoughts, and instead focused on Rylee again. She had sent him several calls back when he was sick, calls that he ignored. She seemed infatuated with him to the point of obsession. He wouldn't be surprised if she burst through the doors of the docked Fury uninvited, despite the fact that they were on Dromund Kaas. That would be an awkward situation to explain to both her and Ashara. He would have to explain his lapse into darkness.


Hardly your only one..


Mel'ake gasped as images of his misdeeds danced before his eyes. He killed Overseer Harkun, he turned his back on the Mother machine in Belsavvis, he took offerings from his cult when the members could have used the credits more. There was indeed darkness in his heart.


And you said your light would redeem us..




Mel'ake screamed either aloud or silently, he wasn't sure which. There was no mistaking that voice in his head, the voice that wasn't his own. It made sense now. Rylee, Harkun, every time he lapsed into darkness was a mark upon his soul. He tried to redeem the force ghosts with his light, but-


But you failed.


And we're back.


And we're going to have some fun...


Mel'ake sat bolt upright, fully awake and gasping for air. Ashara still slept soundly in the blankets besides him. As the madness that he thought he banished in Voss started to take hold on his identity, he found himself wondering if she would look so peaceful if she knew there were four uninvited guests on the Fury, all far more dangerous than any crazy past romance.


Oh, we'll make sure she never sleeps this well again.


Leave her alone!


He cried the phrase in his head with all his might. He felt the ghosts shudder and release their hold slightly, but the action had weakened him. As he helplessly fell back onto the bed and his mind drifted into the blackness of unconsciousness, he found himself begging, praying that Ashara would have more peaceful nights before he fell senseless.


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(Un)invited Guests - Things get complicated when you're visiting someone else, or have someone visiting you. Even if you want them there! Of course, things are extra complicated when your guest is someone you didn't want or expect to come around.


Trooper Vierce Savins, 750 words, no spoilers this time. This is set after Taris in the class line.




"No, no, there's some juice left in him. Or rather, we can add some."


I had finally wriggled out of Mama's grip, drawn by my father's screams. I made it up the stairs and paused in the doorway, briefly, staring at my beaten, blaster-scorched father and the two Imperials standing over him. They were touring the town just because they could and they just dropped in on us to have a good time. The bigger one reached down with a syringe and injected Da with something or other. The littler one hauled him up to up to his knees, then kicked him down again. Da stiffened, arched, seemed to revive a little as the shot took effect, and that's when I finally got over my fear and charged.


In my memory the bigger Imperial just laughed and backhanded me, hard enough to knock me out until long after they were gone and my father was dead. In dreams, though, that moment of watching the Imperial's kick connect kept playing slow, every fresh raging injury showing clear on Da's pale skin.


I woke up to the sound of somebody pounding on the door to my quarters. I coughed painfully on my way to answer.


Jorgan and Sergeant Imperial were standing out there. "Sir," said Jorgan. "I know it's standard, but she insisted on checking." He jerked a thumb at Dorne and stepped aside.


She was carrying a little case. "You were shouting, sir. Are you all right?"


"Yeah," I said, my voice low and gravelly. "I'm fine."


"If you prefer, I have a sedative available." She opened the case and pulled out a syringe.


That just snapped something. "YOU DON'T PUT NEEDLES IN ME!" I bellowed. "Get back, stay away, and put in some motherloving earplugs if I'm bothering you!"


Jorgan shrugged at Dorne and padded away. Dorne shrank back, quickly hid the syringe, and stammered "Y-yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir." I turned right around and went back to bed rather than stand there fighting the urge to do something I would regret.


I slept dreamlessly after that, but woke up feeling raw-eyed and unrested. I showered, got dressed, went to the mess for breakfast. Jorgan was doing something at the counter. Dorne came in a couple of minutes later.


"Sergeant," I said by way of greeting.


"Leftenant," she said.


I hated her being there, being on my ship and in my life at all, but since she was, something was bugging me and I had to set it right. Even if I wasn't counting professional concerns, I wasn't raised to menace women half my size. "I'm sorry about last night. I was out of line."


She looked down at her rations. "It's all right, sir. I understand you weren't yourself."


"Obviously when we're out there in the line of fire, or medical attention has to happen, do what you need to."


"Yes, sir. Sir," she continued – dammit, woman, leave well enough alone – "there are resources established under Regulation 529-B to provide for counseling and other treatment for trauma incurred in the line of duty."


"Oh?" I said. "They gonna fix up things that happened seventeen years ago?"


She stared at me. She could do the math. I wasn't a soldier in the line of duty then, no more than any kid in an occupation zone is.


"It was a guy with an accent a lot like yours waving needles at the time."


Her brow scrunched up. She was prettier, I thought irrelevantly, when she smiled. Not that I had seen much of that in the week of her work here. "There's a reason I left, sir," she said, quietly, steadily.


That stopped me cold. Why hadn't I thought of it earlier? She was only here because she had walked out on them.


Did that change anything? Could it, really? Or did defectors take the rottenness with them? The mere fact that she had chosen to leave didn't make anything much easier just then. Still...


"I was out of line again, wasn't I," I said glumly.


"Yes, sir," volunteered Jorgan.


"Would you stop that?" I asked him.


"Yes, sir. As soon as you stop being wrong." He grinned maliciously at me.


I decided to ignore him. "I apologize, Dorne. I'm…just gonna go be elsewhere now."


I walked off feeling more or less like I'd done the right thing by trying to be civil. But until I could get over thinking of Dorne as an Imp – and how could I get over it, the way she talked? – I could not possibly feel right about having her in my home.






I know it's spelled "lieutenant" regardless of pronunciation, but a) I find the pronunciation sufficiently lovely that I want to point it out, and b) you can bet the difference is conspicuous to Vierce's mind.


Also, Imps in the house are never ever good news.


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Prompt: Like no one's watching


Characters: Sith Warrior (Lucerna), Lt. Pierce


Spoilers: SW Act I-II




The harsh sterile stench of the spaceport was a stark and unpleasant contrast to the earthy musk of the Tarisian cities, but Lieutenant Pierce was pleased to reach his destination so early. He wasn't expected back from his job of acquiring food supplies for another two or so standard hours, and he expected his new superior would be pleased. Lord Lucerna was unusual compared to the Sith he had met previously. She seemed to be doing her best to forward the goals of the Empire, but she appeared to hold no place in her heart for the political niceties and negotiations that drove so much of the era's intellectual commerce. She also had a distinct distaste for taking lives when she felt it wasn't necessary. Pierce wasn't sure that it was a trait becoming a Sith Lord, but he supposed that her mercy would have its uses in the future. When all was said and done, he easily saw himself enjoying his new post.


"My Lord?"


He called cautiously to the interior of the Fury before slapping himself mentally. Lucerna had already expressed her desire to be called by name, not title. Well, if she had such a pole up her rear that she couldn't handle one address-concerned mishap, it would be better for the Lieutenant if she dismissed him right then and there. As things would have it, there was no response. Pierce quietly made his way inside.


"Lucer-" he started to call, but stopped. There were definitely unfamiliar voices coming from the direction of his Lord's quarters. Some one else had to be aboard the ship, and it clearly wasn't one of Lord Lucerna's other three companions (well, four if you counted that useless and annoying droid.) Pierce readied his firearm and stalked towards the voices. The one speaking now sounded rather young and oddly familiar, though Pierce couldn't quite make out the words.


"Explain your presence here, now!" Pierce roared as he kicked open Lucerna's door. He quickly lowered his rifle when he saw the Sith was the only other one present. Over the next few seconds, his mind adroitly pieced together the scene.


Lord Lucerna was wearing comfortable clothing that was thankfully decent. She sat at the edge of her bed, transfixed by the holoscreen across the room. Her arms tightly clutched a large stuffed vorn tiger toy as she jumped in shock and turned to look at the intruder. Pierce almost had to laugh at the images on the screen, but he managed to hold back his chuckles for the sake of his safety.


"My Lord.." He started, "I think my twelve year old niece watches that cartoon.."


Harsh hazel eyes fixed the Lieutenant in their owner's gaze.


"Your point?"


Pierce struggled to find one. "Er, no offense meant, but you are clearly not twelve years old." He began to realize that she might have had a specific reason for sending them all on task which were designed to take a good deal of time.


"I am not twelve years old." She said calmly. "However, while I was twelve years old, I was training at a deadly academy far away from the witch of a woman I knew as my only family. After experiencing devastating injuries that would have killed most men twice my size three times over, and the deaths of my only two friends, I spent two years in intense physical and psychological recovery in order for my mother to send me back to the aforementioned deathtrap posing as an Academy. After I finally won my right to be free of that place by fighting for my life against other hopeful Sith and beings of darkness that I can only begin to describe with my words, I was placed into the loving care of a Darth who would likely not take kindly to the emergence of my second childhood. And testing that theory could prove deadly. However, I am allowed some degree of freedom under his tyranny, and I believe I have earned the right to spend my free hours however I wish. Any questions?"


Pierce went with his first hunch. He saw the way the Sith Lord's gaze often lingered on the ship's uptight Captain.


"Does Quinn know?"


Lucerna's gaze darkened.


"You told me you won this position through blackmailing your superior officer. I can be merciful to a point, but try anything similar with me and your wish to see a Sith in combat will come true, but not in the way you imagined."


Pierce nodded, understanding his position. Lucerna's mercy was already proving useful to his overall well-being in that parts of him were not currently covering her lightsabers.


"Now," her expression softened. "I believe Darin is about to confess his crush on Beka after these advertisements. I also believe you have earned a reward for completing our replenishment of rations so quickly. If you use this break to make some popcorn for the both of us, you may join me." She patted the spot on the bed next to her in what her tone told Pierce was a purely platonic invitation.


"Darin and Beka?" Pierce frowned. "When I watched with my niece I thought Darin was far more suited for Ellei."


His only wish at that moment was a holocamera to take a picture of his new superior's expression.



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Trooper Vierce Savins, 750 words, no spoilers this time. This is set after Taris in the class line.




"I was out of line again, wasn't I," I said glumly.


"Yes, sir," volunteered Jorgan.


"Would you stop that?" I asked him.


"Yes, sir. As soon as you stop being wrong." He grinned maliciously at me.



I love Vierce more every time you have a story about him, and this one...well, I've met some guys with some leftover stuff in their heads. They can be great guys and then something will set them off. It's tough stuff.

On a brighter note, that part from Jorgan is just...lol I do so love him.

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Prompt: Uninvited Guest

Characters: the Captain, Jaesa, Pierce, Broonmark annnnnd Malavaaaaaaai!!




“What’cha doin’ Captain?” Malavai asked curiously, popping out from a console.


The aforementioned Captain barely suppressed the girlish scream quickly rising from his lungs.


“Malavai!” the Captain shouted angrily.


The little boy tittered then scampered away, off the bridge and to the medical bay where Jaesa was busy restocking supplies.


“Heeey pretty lady!” he said excitedly.


She turned to him and smiled.


“Hello there, handsome,” she giggled lightly.


“I scared the Captain again,” he announced proudly.


“You did not scare me!” the Captain shouted from the bridge.


Malavai stifled a laugh behind his hands while Jaesa laughed openly. Then he was off, presumably to jump on Broonmark and pick tiny insects from the giant for his bug collection. It was strange having what used to be a part of the Captain running about the ship as if he had always been there. In a way he had. It was still weird. Really weird. But she was enjoying every minute of it and so was the Captain, though he refused to admit it and glared at her anytime she brought it up. With a small smile she made her way to the bridge.


“Hey Captain,” Jaesa said lightly in greeting.


“Is Malavai off terrorizing someone else?” he asked stiffly.


Jaesa laughed lightly. “Yeah, I think he’s picking Broonmark for insects.”


The Captain sighed and muttered a curse under his breath. Malavai was so eager to have a pet of some kind, but he always forgot to feed them. Or poke holes in their containers. Or to not burn them with magnifying glasses. Stars, he was sadistic even as a child. A happy squeal broke his train of thought.


“Toss me further, Uncle Pierce!” Malavai squealed happily.


“Oh, no, not again,” the Captain said, exasperated.


Jaesa and the Captain left the bridge as quickly as possible to find Broonmark and Pierce tossing a giggling Malavai to each other.


“Put me… I mean him down,” the Captain said angrily.


“Let the boy have some fun, you stick-in-mud,” Pierce said happily. Then he tossed Malavai to Broonmark.


“Blorrrrp,” Broonmark agreed, catching Malavai with practiced ease.


“Wheeeeeeeee!!” Malavai shouted happily.


“Oh for fu-,” the Captain muttered unhappily, stopping only when Jaesa pinched his ribs.


“Let him have some fun,” she pleaded with a small pout.


He slumped his shoulders a small amount. He could never win.








It felt good to get some silly out.

I do not approve of your methods. And... "Uncle Pierce"? Really?

Yes. Mostly because it bothers you.

God, I was unlikable even as a child.

I like him just fine.

You're a horrible judge of character.

No one asked you!




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Unwanted guest

Miriah and crew, no spoilers



The sound of the door whisking open woke her, and Miriah squinted in the dim light to see Risha rush into her quarters and kneel beside the bed. “Rish, I wasn’t making any noise, we’ve been sleeping..”


“Shh I know,” she replied. “There’s something out there. Something furry that skittered across the floor by the holo.” She shivered, rubbing her arms.


“So take a blaster and…”


“No! Not when you might damage the ship with the ricochet or something.“ Corso sighed and pulled her closer, the man really could sleep through anything. Well, pretty much anything, she thought. She started to sit up when the door opened again and Guss tumbled through it, coming to a stop beside Risha.


“It’s still there, I just saw it again!” he shuddered.


“Ok, if you don’t want to use your blaster, use your lightsaber, Guss.” Miriah looked at him with challenge in her eyes. “It can’t be much.”


“It’s bigger than my foot, Captain, and moves really fast. It looked like it was chasing me at one point.” Miriah sighed, and turned to her sleeping husband.


“Cor, sugar, we have a problem. Wake up,” she said.


“Mmmfmm?” Corso opened one eye, and seeing the rest of the crew in their quarters, opened the other eye. “Wha’s wrong?”


“There’s a furry critter skittering about around the holo, and you’re the resident furry critter expert.”


“Huh,” Corso said, still half asleep. “Torchy is right there, shoot it.” He shrugged, “It’s probably a mouse or something, maybe a small womp rat. Nothing to get freaked over.” He eyed Risha as he said this, knowing her aversion to rodents.


“Unh-uh, not me, I’m not going back out there til it’s gone,” Risha stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “In fact, move over, Miriah. I’m staying here.” Corso gave her a death glare, and resigned that he was going to have to get rid of one pest to get rid of the others, he grabbed clothing from the floor beside the bed and dressed under the covers before getting up. Stretching, he charged Torchy, and padded toward the door.


“Wait!” Gus yelled, and ran to the other side of the bed, well away from the door. “Okay, now go.”


“Don’t damage anything engine related,” Risha called after him. After the door closed, they sat for several minutes waiting to hear the blaster fire, but nothing happened.


“Oh my stars, it’s taken Corso down,” Guss wailed, “I should have gone to heal him, it’s all my fault!” Guss pulled the blanket over his head.


“Oh be quiet, Guss. I’m sure he’s just still looking for it.” Miriah was losing patience. She hadn’t been asleep long, and these two were just plain annoying in the middle of night. She climbed over Risha, who had indeed crawled into their bed, and went to the door. Torchy fired just as she opened the door, and the smell of ozone and plasma and burned hair filled the lounge.


“Got it,” Corso said, walking toward a fairly large, hairy beast.


“What is it?” Miriah asked him, wondering where they would have picked up a rodent. They hadn’t had any food transports lately, and they didn’t haul livestock of any kind. She squealed as Corso picked it up.


“Relax. It’s a big, dangerous, fast moving hair ball.” He sighed as he looked back at Miriah. “Bow’s really gotta do something. I don’t know, anti-shed shampoo?”



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Unwanted guest

Miriah and crew, no spoilers



The sound of the door whisking open woke her, and Miriah squinted in the dim light to see Risha rush into her quarters and kneel beside the bed. “Rish, I wasn’t making any noise, we’ve been sleeping..”


“Shh I know,” she replied. “There’s something out there. Something furry that skittered across the floor by the holo.” She shivered, rubbing her arms.


“So take a blaster and…”


“No! Not when you might damage the ship with the ricochet or something.“ Corso sighed and pulled her closer, the man really could sleep through anything. Well, pretty much anything, she thought. She started to sit up when the door opened again and Guss tumbled through it, coming to a stop beside Risha.


“It’s still there, I just saw it again!” he shuddered.


“Ok, if you don’t want to use your blaster, use your lightsaber, Guss.” Miriah looked at him with challenge in her eyes. “It can’t be much.”


“It’s bigger than my foot, Captain, and moves really fast. It looked like it was chasing me at one point.” Miriah sighed, and turned to her sleeping husband.


“Cor, sugar, we have a problem. Wake up,” she said.


“Mmmfmm?” Corso opened one eye, and seeing the rest of the crew in their quarters, opened the other eye. “Wha’s wrong?”


“There’s a furry critter skittering about around the holo, and you’re the resident furry critter expert.”


“Huh,” Corso said, still half asleep. “Torchy is right there, shoot it.” He shrugged, “It’s probably a mouse or something, maybe a small womp rat. Nothing to get freaked over.” He eyed Risha as he said this, knowing her aversion to rodents.


“Unh-uh, not me, I’m not going back out there til it’s gone,” Risha stated, crossing her arms over her chest. “In fact, move over, Miriah. I’m staying here.” Corso gave her a death glare, and resigned that he was going to have to get rid of one pest to get rid of the others, he grabbed clothing from the floor beside the bed and dressed under the covers before getting up. Stretching, he charged Torchy, and padded toward the door.


“Wait!” Gus yelled, and ran to the other side of the bed, well away from the door. “Okay, now go.”


“Don’t damage anything engine related,” Risha called after him. After the door closed, they sat for several minutes waiting to hear the blaster fire, but nothing happened.


“Oh my stars, it’s taken Corso down,” Guss wailed, “I should have gone to heal him, it’s all my fault!” Guss pulled the blanket over his head.


“Oh be quiet, Guss. I’m sure he’s just still looking for it.” Miriah was losing patience. She hadn’t been asleep long, and these two were just plain annoying in the middle of night. She climbed over Risha, who had indeed crawled into their bed, and went to the door. Torchy fired just as she opened the door, and the smell of ozone and plasma and burned hair filled the lounge.


“Got it,” Corso said, walking toward a fairly large, hairy beast.


“What is it?” Miriah asked him, wondering where they would have picked up a rodent. They hadn’t had any food transports lately, and they didn’t haul livestock of any kind. She squealed as Corso picked it up.


“Relax. It’s a big, dangerous, fast moving hair ball.” He sighed as he looked back at Miriah. “Bow’s really gotta do something. I don’t know, anti-shed shampoo?”



lol, nice little surprise at the end. I like the way you went with humor on this one.

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@Magdalane Eee! I giggled. A lot. :D


...Like No One's Watching - When we're alone we often indulge ourselves in things that might embarrass us if others knew. Bad music, bad dancing, whatever it is, we'd be pretty mortified if someone caught us. This time, write about your character's secret indulgences - and how they react when it's discovered.


Trooper Vierce Savins, because I don't want him being all doom and gloom. 950 words. No spoilers. Set at the beginning of Nar Shaddaa.




Kirsk spread his hands in a pleading gesture. "You should come, Vierce. Seriously, when's the next time your job's gonna put us both on the same planet?"


"That depends," I told his holocom image. "When's the next time the prime scam of the month's gonna get set up where I'm working?"


"Have you no faith in me? I could rig up a scam anywhere you go."


"The job's keeping me busy, Kirsk."


"What, so you're too busy for family now?"


Ouch. Right in the hopeless, obvious weak spot.


Kirsk grinned broadly. "Game's at seven. Bring your friends."


"Not likely."




Nobody does sports bars like Nar Shaddaa does sports bars.


One whole wall was a holoscreen, which was less useful than you might think because of the patrons and the waitresses and the dancers and the beer fountain in the way. They still had a bunch of overhead screens, with subtle holo overlays of more dancers over the actual Huttball action. The neon trim on every edge in the room would've been blinding, except the screens themselves were brighter.


"Welcome," said Kirsk, gesturing broadly, "to the sole bastion of Nikto Fever fans in the galaxy."


"Don't they have any on Nikto?"


"Kintan, you mean. And knowing Fever's record? I don't think so."


The place was full fit to burst, but Kirsk led me right over to the bar and, through a stream of Huttese too rapid to follow, freed up seats for himself and me. We ordered up some beer and, at Kirsk's insistence, fried grease sticks. This cantina was the first place I'd found since I left my home sector that did grease sticks right. Kirsk waggled his eyebrows and smiled proudly when I told him so.


The holocasters finished up the team overviews in time for kickoff. The noise level in the cantina lowered, very very slightly, as a few of us shut up to sit and anticipate. The Nikto Fever was up against the Ghests from Rodia; they were just about the second worst in the Rimward League, so we had a chance. Maybe.


The game hadn't made it through three (surprisingly good) plays when Kirsk punched me. "Forgot. Here." He handed me a little flexiplast headband.


"You're kidding."


"Nope. Do it."


"We'll be seen."


"Take a look around, big brother."


I did. Everyone in the place was wearing a holohat, or holding a pennant – a cute rendition of what the championship pennant would be if the Nikto Fever had ever won one – or at the very least drinking from a mug with big plastoid Nikto-style face frills coming off the sides.


"Put it on, flip the switch," urged Kirsk.


"How come you get the relatively normal-looking pennant-waving part of this arrangement?"


"Because I set this night up. Nikto hat. On. Now."




"If you fail to wear that, and we lose, it'll be your fault."


"We'll lose anyway."


About half a dozen people within earshot turned to glare at me.


"Okay, okay!" I put the hat on. And flicked it on. And tried not to think about the ferocious Nikto face now being projected over my head. Worth it, I thought, if the team managed to score anything good tonight.




Halftime. I don't even want to go into the details of the game so far.


"Why did we ever like this team, anyway?" I asked Kirsk.


"Your fault. You fixated on that blonde runner they traded for a few years back, Lenna Dray? Converted wholesale just for her. You had it bad."


"That is definitely not how it happened. You probably tried to infect our house with Fever on a bet or something."


"Nope. It was your hopeless, eternal devotion to her right up 'til her injuries took her out of the game. We all had to cheer with you or else you'd beat us up."


"When did my beating you up ever convince you of anything? You chose to be here today, little brother."


"Because of your years of bullying. Monster."


"Hey, half's starting. We'll turn this around."


We started out okay, as we usually do. In fact, the place was up for a legitimate cheer before too long, and it was one I knew from back home. It eventually came around to me yelling along with "Smash their runners, crush their guard, Nikto Fever rocks you – I am going to die of shame right here."


Kirsk finished the chant and then shot me a weird look. "Uh, screwed that one up, Vierce."


"No." I nodded toward the door.


Sergeant Jorgan stepped in and strolled up to us with that horribly feral grin of his. "Took me quite a while to track you down, sir," he said. "I truly do not know where to start."


Kirsk waved genially. "Start by making fun of him for being unable to commit to two full lines of a proper chant."


"Shut up, Kirsk. Jorgan, this is my brother. I don't actually know him and I don't know why he kidnapped me and brought me here. Kirsk, Sergeant Jorgan, who is going to be very quiet if he knows what's good for him."


Jorgan looked around. His eyes eventually settled on my hat. "I always knew you had secrets, Savins, but this…the Nikto Fever?"


"If word of this gets out, they won't find enough of you to file a death certificate."


Kirsk piped up. "So you gonna pull up a chair or what?"


There was a long, very tense moment.


Jorgan's yellow eyes gleamed in the shifting light. Then he stepped in and signaled the bartender for a beer. "Been meaning to see whether that new offensive guard lives up to the hype anyway." He looked up at the screen and pretended he wasn't speaking to us. "We're never talking about this after tonight, Savins."



Edited by bright_ephemera
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