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The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!


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@Crezelle Wow, poor poor Vector... He didn't make it so you just had to... Nevermind. Great story!:D



not so much " didn't make it" as " decided to side with the hive" i guess i was too vague on it =\

and iuno, it's far less traumatic killing just another contact who didn't agree with you on a planet, rather than someone you knew for years, and learned to love and trust. this story is basically " if that happened, she would just move on and never know what could have been"


on the plus side, i totally picture her and kaliyo getting plastered on the thranthras, and screaming cusses at the snotty nobles, throwing mud bombs on their pristine clothes as they dive bomb them>:3

Edited by Crezelle
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@bright_ephemera I like Nic, when I saw this post I kep thinking "There were hands." (from your mixing it up post)


Haha! I'm surprised anyone remembered. Yeah, there were definitely hands. Nic is far from shy.


@Crezelle Well, there's a hell of a road not traveled. Spoilers for the quest:

In game, of course, Vector will side with the Empire over the hive. Wynston defended Cortess on the grounds that, well, that's what they agreed to, nobody changes terms on the Empire. And when I found out Vector was coming with me I immediately felt terrible. I just forced the guy into this horrific betrayal of half of what he is, and now I'm taking him with me to use at my whim. Our first few conversations were a lot of me saying "Uh...are you okay? Because, um, that was harsh, and I did what I had to do but I know it was brutal of me to force that choice, and this is...are you sure you're okay?"


Happily, we ended up best friends. Because apart from the Cortess hiccup, we saw eye to eye on almost everything (except on my "I'm especially angry at the world and this plot line" days. *blam blam blam*)


Meanwhile, I imagine Doctor Lokin would've been really sad to find out that Cortess and its vineyards were absorbed. I bet he would know exactly the virtues and drawbacks of Cortess wines specifically.



@elliotcat, there's another what-if that would never have occurred to me! But I could see it happening.


@iamthehoyden, I cheered for Skari.


@irishfino, really, Quinn. Those six little words would've made all the difference in our relationship.


@kabeone, the fate of the Quinn remains hilarious upon rereading. Also these forums need a heart smiley. <3


@Magdalane, love the leadup.


@Selentar, :eek: Loved it. There's a kick in the teeth I would never have imagined.

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Haha! I'm surprised anyone remembered. Yeah, there were definitely hands. Nic is far from shy.


@Crezelle Well, there's a hell of a road not traveled. Spoilers for the quest:

In game, of course, Vector will side with the Empire over the hive. Wynston defended Cortess on the grounds that, well, that's what they agreed to, nobody changes terms on the Empire. And when I found out Vector was coming with me I immediately felt terrible. I just forced the guy into this horrific betrayal of half of what he is, and now I'm taking him with me to use at my whim. Our first few conversations were a lot of me saying "Uh...are you okay? Because, um, that was harsh, and I did what I had to do but I know it was brutal of me to force that choice, and this is...are you sure you're okay?"


Happily, we ended up best friends. Because apart from the Cortess hiccup, we saw eye to eye on almost everything (except on my "I'm especially angry at the world and this plot line" days. *blam blam blam*)


Meanwhile, I imagine Doctor Lokin would've been really sad to find out that Cortess and its vineyards were absorbed. I bet he would know exactly the virtues and drawbacks of Cortess wines specifically.




Indeed, honestly


i still think about that day, and wonder why he had to pull that demand at that moment. Killiks, and joiners to a lesser extent, can't be dishonest, but one can be dishonest by not saying anything. I really hope it was just him having his head so far stuck in the hive that he was oblivious to the concept that the smpire and other's didnt also assume that the house would be given to the killiks. he did seem surprised when crez hesitated.


She didn't want to do it, she was very much satisfied with the gesture the head of the house made by slaying his wife right in front of her.


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Prompt: What if?


Character: Sha’ra’zaed (operative)


Title: Legion


Spoilers for Agent chapter 2 primarily, a little for the beginning of 3. Apologies to Selentar--I haven't read yours since I'm still trying to avoid the last of the agent spoilers. I'm only heading toward Voss now.


Since we’re on a Vector/Killik run here:




Sha’ra’zaed’s speeder landed at Intelligence headquarters. She disembarked alone, landing lightly on the rain-slicked pad. She marched past the outer offices, through the inner corridors, straight into the center of the web. No one even questioned her presence. One flash of her ID was enough. Black-level security clearance opened a lot of doors.


At least until the main hub. One of the minders scurried up, a young woman with red hair bright as the pips on her uniform, “We didn’t expect you, cipher. We thought you were on field assignment.”


“Is Keeper here?” Sha’ra’zaed asked, “Or the Minister?”


“Keeper, yes, but—“


“There is an urgent matter to discuss with them. It could not be trusted to even encrypted holochannels,” she said.


“I—“ the minder bit her lip, “I’ll see what I can do.”


Sha’ra’zaed observed the connections. The minder contacts a watcher. Watcher speaks to other watchers. Like a stone thrown in a still pond, the ripples of her demand spread out through Intelligence. Calls are made, communiqués sent, the ponderous mechanism set in motion.


At last the minder returned, “Keeper will see you now,” she said, gesturing toward Keepers office.


Sha’ra’zaed mounted the steps and entered Keeper’s office, the spider’s lair lurking behind the large monitoring screens. Keeper sat at her desk. Dark circles underlined her eyes. Her clothes and hair all regulation, but not lived-in yet today. “Cipher, this is highly unusual,” she said, “what could be so urgent you would jeopardize your cover like this?”


The Minister of Intelligence—the former Keeper—stepped out of the shadows, “I think I know, Keeper,” he said. He turned to Sha’ra’zaed, “The Castellan restraints, am I correct?”


“You are,” replied Sha’ra’zaed, her face inscrutable behind her biofilter lenses. Required garb on Quesh.


Keeper rose, “That information is classified. Beyond even black level.”


“Nevertheless, you accessed it,” the Minister continued, addressing Sha’ra’zaed, “We received a request from our office on Quesh, requesting a verification of your orders.”


Keeper chimed in, “We verified it, of course. Your incursion into our files was no coincidence.”


“You seek to reverse the process, cipher. I presume you have succeeded?” the Minister enquired.


“You bind your agent with a word, then give that word to the enemy,” said Sha’ra’zaed.


Keeper and the Minister exchanged glances. The Minister of Intelligence folded his hands in front of him, “I authorized the process, yes. If I had not, the Dark Council would have had you executed. They wanted you under control. I would do it again.”


“You gave that word to the enemy,” she repeated.


“We don’t know how the keyword got leaked, cipher,” said Keeper, again exchanging glances, “we are examining our records and security in detail.”


“But you sought to reverse the process, cipher. I know you gathered enough information, as well as materials on Quesh. Your drive is commendable,” said the Minister, “Though it does leave us a conundrum.”


“The process is not reversible,” said Sha’ra’zaed.


The Minister took a deep breath, “I see. It was not designed to be, I’m afraid.”


“Retreatment with the compounds does not dissolve the old programming. Nor does it allow for reprogramming. It slowly severs all brain connections, resulting in gradual, progressive dementia and memory failure. Death, eventually. As even the autonomic nervous system shuts down,” said Sha’ra’zaed.


“We state clearly in the file on Castellan restraints that retreatment is not recommended,” said Keeper. “I am sorry, cipher.”


“For what, Keeper?” Sha’ra’zaed asked.


“You…did not attempt to reverse the process, then?” the Minister asked.


“We did,” said Sha’ra’zaed, “It does not work. Therefore, we found another way.” Sha’ra’zaed removed her biofilter lenses. Her red Chiss eyes were now Joiner black, “We hear the song of the universe, and it is beautiful.”


The minister reached for the alarm. Sha’ra’zaed drew and aimed her blaster in a heartbeat, “We do not recommend that, Minister. We are, in fact, no danger to you.”


“You cannot imagine what you have done!”


“We know precisely what we have done, Minister,” Sha’ra’zaed said, “The hive preserved our mind before degradation. All our thoughts, all our knowledge, all our skills.”


“Black-level security clearance extended to a million insects!” yelled the Minister, “Keyword: onomatophobia. You will order the hive to destroy itself.”


Sha’ra’zaed replaced her biolenses, “The keyword may have worked on a single mind, Minister, but we are legion. We will continue to serve in our same capacity, much as our contact Vector Hyllus has done. We do not recommend passing this information to the Dark Council. We will return to duty, Minister, unless you have any objection.”


Neither Keeper nor the Minister of Intelligence said anything. Sha’ra’zaed exited the office.


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Prompt: What if?


Character: Sha’ra’zaed (operative)


Title: Legion


Spoilers for Agent chapter 2 primarily, a little for the beginning of 3. Apologies to Selentar--I haven't read yours since I'm still trying to avoid the last of the agent spoilers. I'm only heading toward Voss now.


Since we’re on a Vector/Killik run here:


That right there is a pretty great idea.


I kind of regret that these What If's are just for one story. I kind of want to see more Rixik and Kirya together. More of everyone's alternate universes actually.

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@Crez, I could totally imagine Kaliyo doing that! :D Iunderstand though. Throughout act1 you basicly kill or silence your contacts, Tatooine for example.


@Striges, that was so awesome! I was totally freaked out at the end! But, I bet the Minister and Keeper feel terrible....

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What If?, two obvious pairings. First Ruth and Wynston; endgame Sith Warrior spoilers, no Agent spoilers in the story. 850 words.




"We made it."


"We made it." Ruth snuggled up to her Chiss lover on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder.


"Baras down." Wynston made a small fake explosion noise. "Draahg, Quinn, and all associated minions down." More explosions.


"Thanks again for pestering me into running those checks on ship comms. I wouldn't have caught him nearly so soon otherwise."


"I know you like your crew, but I also know how security has to work. Thanks for giving me the surveillance and filtering routines you wrote to scan that correspondence. Intelligence pulled out a couple of those algorithms for our own software."


"That's me. Emperor's Wrath and terrifyingly amazing slicer."


"You're terrifyingly amazing at many things," he murmured, and kissed her ear.


"I do love that you're so brilliantly unsubtle sometimes, Wyn."


"Just telling the truth. I can do that sometimes." He kissed her lips. "By the way, I still can't believe you were that crazy about Captain Cut-Rate Spy."


"I wasn't crazy about him. He was horrible. He never let me be nice or considerate or anything."


"You were crazy about him."


"No, I wasn't."


"I know these things, Ruth. I'm a professional know-it-all. I know you really liked him. But, I also know you've grown a lot as a person since then-"


"And have come to my senses to appreciate the only worthwhile man in the Empire, is that it?"


"I didn't say I was working in that direction, but since you mention it..."


"You're terrible." She nuzzled his neck and tried but failed to not think about the inevitable to-do list that came in the wake of a victory. "I have to catch up with the Voice of the Emperor sometime soon."


"Right. The Voice. I don't like him."


"Wyn, you don't like any of my bosses."


"Your bosses are very disreputable individuals."


"We're stuck with them if we're to keep the Empire in one piece. Since the Dark Council and the Emperor are, in a significant sense, the Empire."


"No. No, we out here in the field are the Empire. Everything we've fought for, everything we've figured out and won, that's what matters. We just let them think they're in charge."


"You, sir, are seditious."


"You, madam, aren't arguing." He grinned and kissed her, hugging her close. "But see, it's good that you're helping run things. The galaxy needs more influential people like you."


"You wouldn't let the galaxy's influential people get anything done if they were like me."


"Would I two-time you like that, Ruth?"


Something interesting and much sharper than her usual self flashed in her eyes for just a second, and then she kissed him instead of answering.




The following morning Wynston got up early, got mostly dressed, sat on the edge of the bed. Thought.


Ruth finally stirred. She propped her head up, elbow on the mattress, and gave him an odd non-smile. "You've got the look."


"The look?"


"The look. Either you're calculating fairly complex logistics or you're thinking about wandering off."


"I have a look for that?" Nobody had ever commented on it before.


"Yes. Should I pretend I didn't notice? I still admire your mysteriousness."


He smiled wryly. "I was just thinking of going for another Intelligence assignment, just for a while. Catch up with Vector and the old ship, see if I can still be useful without a Sith doing the heavy lifting for me."


"There's still a lot going on around here."


"You can handle it." He frowned, concerned. "Right?"


"Of course. Sure, I can. It's just better when you're here." Her look asked him not to go.


He shifted his weight a little. "The cause has enough work out there to keep us both busy, sweetheart. And the fresh air will help."


"Right, what is it, a guy from a planet as cold as yours has to keep moving or he'll die?" Ruth made a face that indicated exactly what she thought of that. He had given her the image in a different context, but he wished he hadn't given it to her at all. "We haven't really...that is, I'm not...I don't have to wait for you, not unless you're going to say something."


"I...I wouldn't ask you to wait, sweet. But I think there's places I need to be."


She considered, then forced a smile. He had seen that a dozen times before from girls who, frankly, hadn't been this pleasant, or this well suited to him, or this...this special. "Go on, then," she said. "Maybe we'll catch up later."


For once he felt like he had to say something more. "Look, if you need me, call me. Doesn't matter if it's mid-apocalypse, I'll come for you."


"Stop any active apocalypse first. Please."


"And see, you're selfless, too. I l...I like that about you."


"Get a move on," she said, with a smile only slightly touched by disappointment. "Stay warm."


Wynston ran for it. But he already knew he would be back.




Notes, including Imperial Agent Act 2 spoilers:


This is an extension of "What if Wynston hadn't gotten the Castellan restraints?" He would've had some time to kill after Act 1, he was feeling bad about getting Ruth injured on Alderaan, he knew she was working on some challenging stuff...so maybe he helps for a while. Maybe it becomes screamingly obvious that his priorities vis-a-vis sentient life and the appropriate social behavior of a Sith are way, way more compatible with Ruth than Quinn's could ever be. Maybe he stays, for as long as he can ever stay. (A break during the Act 2/Act 3 interlude would still probably happen.) I don't think his restlessness is romantic, but I do think it's a fundamental part of his personality. Nobody's ever going to train or charm that out of him, but Ruth can hope for a regular part-time arrangement. So maybe, because he wasn't chosen to get worked over for a month or more back on Dromund Kaas, he ended up with a pretty powerful partner.


Two significant long-term repercussions: Ruth wouldn't get the brutal slam of Quinn's betrayal, and might be a much less traumatized, more merciful Wrath as a result. On the other hand, the Star Cabal would be out there, undetected, unimpeded. Wynston would work for Sith Intelligence when he wasn't with Ruth. Who knows where that would lead...


Edited by bright_ephemera
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What If? with Nalenne and the Sith Warrior crew. 600 words, spoiler-free. Important background, this is from There Is No Death, There Is Only Wrath, where the premise is that Nalenne quarreled with and murdered Quinn but he ended up stuck back on her ship as an unwelcome ghost. In the real No Death, Only Wrath, she remembers she's fond of him and eventually decides to help. In another possible path, though…




Jaesa sat down across from Vette in the reading nook. "Hey. Vette?"




"When's the last time you saw Nalenne and Pierce?"


"Three days ago. They do have to walk from the bedroom to the outside door and back to get their daily allowance of killing in before they get back to…yeah."


"I never seem to catch them in passing." Jaesa sighed. "I'm caught up on Nalenne's hard-copy comic books around here. I really don't know what else to do with my time."


"You and me could go be heroic or something. You know, let Nalenne and Pierce and the big fuzzy third wheel – poor guy – go killing stuff at every port, and then go do nice things ourselves."


"That's a doomed effort," volunteered ghost-Quinn, stepping through the wall from the bridge.


"Be quiet," said Vette.


Jaesa looked up with her signature compassionate concern. "Since Nalenne started with him…this must be awful for you," she said.


"I really don't want to talk about it," said Quinn. "I just stopped by to make sure Vette realizes she's wrong even when the Wrath isn't here to say it."


"Go away," said Vette.


There was a loud shriek from the bedroom, followed by riotous laughter. Quinn winced and then pretended he hadn't. Jaesa blushed. Vette just looked curious.


Nalenne burst out moments later, belting a dressing gown around herself. "Guys. Guys. New plan."


"I'm all ears," said Vette.


"We're gonna get a new ship. A big ship. With massively overpowered engines."


"And guns," said Pierce, stepping out behind her, shirtless and sweaty and grinning like there was no tomorrow. "Lots o' guns."


"My lord," said Quinn, "your last concept sketch for an 'ultimate megapowered superboomship' would have torn itself apart within three seconds of engine ignition.'"


"Your complaints don't count," said Nalenne, "so shut up. Part Two of the plan: We all get on the ship, except Captain Annoying, and then, and then we blow the Helicarrier up."


Quinn turned paler. "You're going to destroy this ship?"


"Yup! And since your ghostly self is bound here, I bet it'll destroy you, too!"


Jaesa's eyes opened round. "I thought we liked Quinn!"


"Talked her out of that, finally," said Pierce.


"But what if-" said Vette.


"No time to lose," fizzed Nalenne." Let's go. Jaesa, make sure Quinn doesn't talk 2V-R8 into sabotaging anything."




The Tentatively Named Extreme More Better S.A.B.E.R. Helicarrier (Nalenne was in too much of an excited hurry to come up with a better name) blew hull-rattlingly powerful thrusters to turn around and face the old Fury-class S.A.B.E.R. Helicarrier.


"Pierce," said Nalenne from the TNEMBSABERH's main turret. "Missiles?"


"Ready, milord."


"Vette. Jaesa. Turrets?"


"Ready," the girls chorused.


"Broonmark. Lasers of questionable utility but undeniable visual awesomeness?"




"Ladies and gentlemen, fire."


The lasers hit first, followed by elegant volleys of multicolored blaster cannons, followed by sleek shining missiles. The Helicarrier blossomed in two dozen places with hull breaches; then the whole thing warped, bucked, and exploded, its oxygen licking away in one bright flare before the entire mess scattered in tiny pieces.


Nalenne whooped and climbed back out of her turret to meet in the holo room. She jumped into Pierce's arms and kissed him, hard, thrilling with the glory of overkill. She didn't stop until Broonmark delicately cleared his proboscis.


"Right," said Nalenne, and unwrapped her legs from around Pierce's waist. He let her down to the ground. "Good job, everybody. Let's go someplace nice and beautifully Quinn-free." She darted ahead of Pierce to the bridge.


Where Quinn was standing, one meter behind and two meters to the left of the pilot's chair. Nalenne skidded to a halt and gawped.


Quinn shrugged apologetically. "I'm afraid I ended up transferring with you, my lord."


"That's not fair."





Notes on the second:


You can read the question as "What if Nalenne did just get with Pierce already?" or "What if Nalenne hadn't had the conversation that started her rapprochement with ghost-Quinn?" In which case, in time, unless Pierce made serious dodging efforts, she probably would've leaned his way.


To be honest, I only kept Nalenne away from Pierce because it annoys me when the author's character gets to get with all the hot boys, or in extreme cases, when she gets to get with anything in possession of a Y chromosome and recognizable lips. It just bugs me. So really, writing it as "Pierce is too smart to touch that crazy" was more fun.



Edited by bright_ephemera
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I kind of regret that these What If's are just for one story. I kind of want to see more Rixik and Kirya together. More of everyone's alternate universes actually.


After I wrote the bit with Kirya and Rixik I almost wished it wasn't an alternate universe. They ended up kind of cute together. And the opportunities to torture Corso (figuratively, of course) are endless.


@Striges, that was so awesome! I was totally freaked out at the end! But, I bet the Minister and Keeper feel terrible....

Glad you liked it. Somehow, I expect Keeper and the Minister are heavy in damage control mode though. I doubt they'd appreciate being outmaneuvered that way.

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What If? with Nalenne and the Sith Warrior crew. 600 words, spoiler-free. Important background, this is from There Is No Death, There Is Only Wrath, where the premise is that Nalenne quarreled with and murdered Quinn but he ended up stuck back on her ship as an unwelcome ghost. In the real No Death, Only Wrath, she remembers she's fond of him and eventually decides to help. In another possible path, though…

I really like these alternative guy stories (aka anyone-but-Quinn). Plus, well, Pierce...yeah. :D

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, its oxygen licking away in one bright flare before the entire mess scattered in tiny pieces.


Aside from enjoying both stories, can I just mention that I, as a science geek, really liked this description of the ship's destruction?

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Aside from enjoying both stories, can I just mention that I, as a science geek, really liked this description of the ship's destruction?


:) I like my sci-fi hard. Um, except for where I'm on a Star Wars forum. *whistles a little tune to distract everyone from her flaming (because it's in atmosphere with adequate fuel, see) hypocrisy*

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What If? with Nalenne and the Sith Warrior crew. 600 words, spoiler-free. Important background, this is from There Is No Death, There Is Only Wrath, where the premise is that Nalenne quarreled with and murdered Quinn but he ended up stuck back on her ship as an unwelcome ghost. In the real No Death, Only Wrath, she remembers she's fond of him and eventually decides to help. In another possible path, though…



Even if they couldn't get rid of ghost-Quinn I still adore this What if :)

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Just caught up with the last... uh... 5? pages of stories. I should shout out individually but its almost 3:30 in the morning and I'm lazy on top of tired.


Some highlights I recall:


I love Ruth. The end.


Vector as enemy makes for sad. Agent becomes Joiner is something I wanted to be in the actual game.


The Quinn is dead, Dromund Kaas is techni-color and life is good. I can't even feel sorry for Quinn. I dislike him more and more.


First shotguns are something I've never experienced but are apparently the best thing ever.


Slaves have it hard. How exactly did it get passed the Empire that the Inquisitor was Force sensitive anyway? (Not a real comment on the story, just something I've wondered since writing for Vei.)


I like this week's prompts. Maybe... maybe Elliot can start up a Short Fic Weekly alternate universe Challenge and we can keep doing this until the death of the forums?


I'm so tired.

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Vector as enemy makes for sad. Agent becomes Joiner is something I wanted to be in the actual game.



it makes me sad too, but still a thoughtful "what if". one small change of decision... and all that became, all that is, never would have happened. the theme of the prompt, yah? From Crez's standpoint, bonding with him took a lot longer than youd think by how i write about him, and there was nothing between them at that point in time. No traumatic heartbreak at the betrayal or death of a lover, just something that never happened, never knew would be missed. It's interesting thinking how crez would have developed in the agent story without vector, she would be a lot colder after the planets and events went by.

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This is two separate posts, the first is what's in a name the second is the what if. I am assuming chapter 1 starts around 11 ATC.


What's in a Name

Hard to Spell



Balmorra 3 BTC


The planet was a war zone, the Republic was reduced to a single base losing more ground to the Empire every day.


Maksim Ritsarsyeriy leader of the Balmorran resistance looked at his first and only daughter. She had her mother’s red hair and his odd yellow eyes. This was not the place to fall in love, nor the place to raise a child, yet they did the best they could, finding happiness in the chaos.


His men believed it was Maks who kept the resistance from falling. He could analyze any situation, finding the right people and resources, to give his men a fighting chance at saving lives if not winning outright victories. Maks knew the truth. It was his wife, Selena, who should be given credit. She was his most fearless operative before they fell in love. She snuck into Imperial camps posing as a peasant, a serving girl, a dancer, whatever it took to get the intel they needed.


Selena’s father had been a top weapons designer. He created unique weapons of mass destruction before the Empire arrived. They tortured and killed him in front of his family when he refused to serve the Imperials. Selena had vowed to fight until the end. She became a chameleon in looks to gather information and a ruthless assassin when the job called for it. Two years ago, while she was pregnant, the entire resistance went blind.


There was guilt when Selena looked at their daughter. Guilt that they had lost ground to the Empire because she could not help, guilt that they were raising her in such a dangerous place, guilt that they would not stop fighting, and guilt that they wanted to stop so that they could give her the life she deserved. He placed the toddler on the map table, letting her play with the little unit tokens.


“Maks,” Selena said hurrying in, “I overheard at the camp, they know about us, they’re coming.”


He swore and hit the alarm. They began arming themselves. This was not the first time a hideout had been discovered, they would fight to clear a path and make a run for it, all the way to the Republic base if they had to.


Adella, an old Twilek woman who took care of the wounded resistance fighters came in to take charge of their daughter. “Go,” she said in her native tongue, she never learned to speak Basic, “I’ll make sure Cori’s safe.” They nodded with relief and ran to shore up their defenses.


She picked up the toddler and headed to the family bunker to wait with the others. The room was full of non-combatants, elderly, children, and wounded, though in this camp the wounds had to be severe before anyone voluntarily stayed out of a fight. As the sounds of gunfire and explosions grew closer, Cori, who had long since grown used to the sounds of war, fell asleep. Adella kept the little girl on her lap, wanting to be ready to take the child with her if they had to flee.


Another explosion went off, this one so close and strong that it shook the bunker. The children cried and adults murmured fearfully. Cori woke up and screamed.


It was not a natural scream, it shook the room, and several small objects fell off the shelves. It only lasted a second then the little girl went limp in the old woman’s arms. Adella touched her nose, blood leaked, as if the scream had hit her physically. The others in the room looked shaken.


Adella’s son ran down the stairs. “Is everyone alright?”


“We’re fine, Rolan. What news?”


“It’s clear, the Imps are moving fast, we’ll have to get to the next base quickly.” The others filed out calm and determined, they all knew what to do. Old men, women and children, but they were used to this life of endless combat and running.


Adella was last to leave, her son looked at her bleeding face anxiously. He wanted to ask what happened but she said instead. “Where are Maks and Selena?”


Rolan stared at his feet, “They’re dead.” Adella nearly dropped Cori in shock. “I didn’t want to scare the others, the Imps brought more than a squad, they had a Sith with them. Maks and Selena led them to a resupply. Then they blew the whole thing up, themselves too. That’s what everyone felt just now.”


Adella looked at the little girl who had not moved since the explosion. “She felt it,” Adella said softly, “She felt her parents die, she screamed when it happened, it felt like a punch in the face. I think she can use the Force.”


“Mother, if they find a Force user among us, they’ll kill us all.” Rolan looked alarmed. Adella chuckled, the war and the resistance had made them all a little short sighted and cold.


“I will take her to the Republic base. She will go to the Jedi.” Rolan nodded. They joined one of the groups that would join one of the other cells.


Adella traveled with the group going closest to the base. She got past the Republic sentries who did not have the heart interrogate a tired old Twilek carrying a baby. They allowed her to speak with a Jedi, he was probably the only Jedi on Balmorra, the man put his hand on her head and closed his eyes. Adella personally thought it was rubbish, but he was kind and it seemed he would take her to a better place no matter what he sensed. He asked her to enter the child’s name on a datapad. Adella’s command of spelling Basic was not good, and Maks had a confusing last name. She did her best, trying to spell the girl’s full name Coremi Ritsarsyeriy.


The Jedi looked at it. “Remi Syeriy.” He stumbled over the odd name. Adella nodded, it was close enough.





What If

The First Time I Saw Your Face




Another explosion went off, this one so close and strong that it shook the bunker. The children cried the adults murmured fearfully.


Adella’s son ran down the stairs. “Is everyone alright?”


“We’re fine, Rolan. What news?”


“It’s clear, the Imps are moving fast, we’ll have to get to the next base quickly.” The others filed out calm and determined, they all knew what to do. Old men, women and children, but they were used to this life of endless combat and running.


Adella was last to leave. “Where are Maks and Selena?”


Rolan stared at his feet, “Maks is dead.” Adella nearly dropped Cori in shock. “I didn’t want to scare the others, the Imps brought more than a squad, they had a Sith with them. Maks led them to a resupply. Then he blew the whole thing up, himself too. That’s what everyone felt just now. Selena's heading the evac, she said to take Cori to Hide 6.”


Adella nodded hugging Cori close. The loss of Maks would be terrible for the resistance, but at least Cori still had her mother.


Balmorra 11 ATC


Darth Lachris sat at the table entertaining her guests. She had taken Balmorra with the help of that young Sith. She wondered if Ninka would live up to her potential, or would she be squashed under the heel of her master, Darth Baras. She was upset when the handsome Lieutenant chose to go with Ninka when she left. She had enjoyed playing with a man who obeyed anything a Sith told him to do without question. Now someone far more delightfully interesting and dangerous sat in front of her.


He was a Sith pureblood, tall, proud, powerful, everything a Sith should be. He was only a Lord, not a Darth, but he stood outside of Sith politics. He was the Wrath, immortal and ancient, he served the Emperor directly and now he was here on Balmorra.


She gazed at him, not too admiringly but she made her interest plain, if only to discourage the attentions of the other Sith in attendance. They were having a civilized meal, a rarity on Balmorra, she invited her guest of honor and four other Sith who had arrived shortly after she captured the arms factory.


“I hope you’re not here to kill me,” Darth Lachris said coyly. The slaves came in pushing a cart with their next course. Lachris smiled and hit the switch on her remote. All four slaves dropped to their knees as the electricity arced through their bodies. The Sith at the table laughed or tittered as their personalities permitted. The guest of honor looked unimpressed.


“It’s not random cruelty, my lord,” she said with a smile, “The voltage prevents them from trying to bring explosives to the table, after a few resistance fighters got into my slave pen, I can never be too careful.” Now, he inclined his head accepting her explanation.


“My master has no need of me at the moment.” Lord Scourge said in response to her earlier query, “I am here on my own business.”


“Well then,” she smiled, “Perhaps that will be beneficial to me.”


The servants circled the table, placing plates and selections next to each of the Sith. As the host, Darth Lachris was served last. She shocked each of the servants before could approach her.


Scourge watched the slaves take their punishment. They were so thoroughly broken they accepted their punishment silently. The final servant placed a dish in front of Darth Lachris. A rare sweet fruit. She and the other Sith bit into it eagerly, exclaiming over the flavor. Lord Scourge could not taste anything and was content to work through his meal in the order it was served.


Soon, he noticed the Sith at the table had gone quiet, they cleared their throats softly, looking slightly nervous. Poison, he thought, his eyes snapped to the last servant. From one moment to the next, she went from subservient to deadly. She grabbed a knife off the table and stabbed Darth Lachris in the neck. Lachris, who was already dealing with the effects of the poison, could not do anything to stop the attack. By the depth of the blow she had probably hit the Sith’s spine. She drew the knife out laterally, an arterial spray splashed across the table.


As the only one capable of mounting a defense, Lord Scourge drew his lightsaber, but the woman had already pulled out a simple ignition based explosive, one that would not have been affected by an electrical current. She lit the fuse and tossed it on the table. She met his eyes for a split second before she dove out a nearby window.


Lord Scourge was forced to dive out a window in the opposite direction. He landed and rolled to his feet. The explosion sent debris and Sith body parts flying after him. He walked around the burning building to see the direction the assassin had run. He thought he caught a glimpse of her disappearing into a tunnel system that was supposed to be blocked off.


He did not care about Lachris or her cronies. He only thought of one thing. That face. The face he had waited three hundred years to see. She was here, but she was not a Jedi, and he did not sense her using the force, yet he knew it was her.


When he left his master, the Emperor was preparing for a powerful ritual, it meant the time was drawing near. He would have to find this woman, and train her himself if he had to. It might be the only hope for everyone.





Edited by kabeone
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What if, Mitka had been born force sensitive. Mitka is my Sith Pureblood trooper. Here is her origins story.



Quinn entered his eldest daughter dorm room, she was hunched over a datapad reading, absorbed in her current task. Her lightsaber was within fingers distance from her hand, hard earned, unlike Jedi, Sith took their weapons. Malavai recognized the saber, after all it had once belonged to his wife, Quinn had never seen Ardyth so proud in defeat, and had handed over the promised prize happily.


“Did you really have to cut off his ears?” Quinn leaned over and kissed Mitka’s cheek. Without looking she handed her father a cooler with two ear stubs.


“I preserved them for you, so you can reattach them.” She gave her father her best innocent smile.


“That’s not the point, Mitka.” Quinn gripped the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Raising two full blooded sith children, while an honor was exhausting. The sibling rivalry was staggering, and had only intensified once Marek had arrived at the academy.


“I warned him not to challenge me, but he insisted, I would have looked weak if I had not done to him, what I have done to all my challengers.” Mitka pouted, young and indignant. “At least I didn’t feed the stubs to the klor slugs.”


“He’s your brother Mitka.” Quinn said exasperated.


“but Papa!”


“No more disfiguring family!” He said sternly, doing his best to resist the hurt look on his daughters face. She had a way of melting him with a look, and as such he had indulged her terribly growing up, despite Ardyths many protests.


“Fine” She crossed her arms and slouched. “Is mother here?”


“She’s in a meeting with the Dark Council, I took the liberty of visiting my children, she should be out soon, come walk with me.” He held out his arm, Mitka attached her saber to her belt then looped her hand into the crook of her father’s arm. They walked the halls of the Korriban academy until they stood in front of the great elevator flanked by Imperial guard, waiting for them was Ardyth and Marek with two large bandages over his ears. He heard Mitka snicker and gave her a disapproving look, she giggled anyways.


“I’M GOING TO CUT THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!” Marek yelled, if only because he couldn’t hear anything.


“I’d like to see you try little brother!”




Ardyth looked from her children to Quinn, who simply shook his head and held up the cooler. Ardyth strode over and put her arms around her husband.


“You’re the one who wanted two darling.” She lifted her face to his, and Quinn obliged her with a quick chaste kiss, after so many years of marriage it was the most Quinn would do in a public forum.


“I’ll go re-attach his ears.” Quinn grabbed his fourteen year old sons arm and led him back to the med bay, cooler in hands, behind him he could still hear Mitka laughing, even now as a teenager, the sound was pure music to his ears, he suppressed a smile and turned his attention to his second child, Marek. Sith are positively insane he thought to himself for what felt like the millionth time.







Just wanted to give credit to Bright_Ephemera for giving me the idea of what would a Sith teenager be like. I was thinking of Rylon when I wrote this, and part of this alternate reality has Mitka writing his name surrounded by hearts.


Edited by Earthmama
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I love Remi in all continuities. And I looooove Scourge in all continuities.


What if, Mitka had been born force sensitive. Mitka is my Sith Pureblood trooper. Here is her origins story.



Quinn entered his eldest daughter dorm room, she was hunched over a datapad reading, absorbed in her current task. Her lightsaber was within fingers distance from her hand, hard earned, unlike Jedi, Sith took their weapons. Malavai recognized the saber, after all it had once belonged to his wife, Quinn had never seen Ardyth so proud in defeat, and had handed over the promised prize happily.


“Did you really have to cut off his ears?” Quinn leaned over and kissed Mitka’s cheek. Without looking she handed her father a cooler with two ear stubs.


“I preserved them for you, so you can reattach them.” She gave her father her best innocent smile.


“That’s not the point, Mitka.” Quinn gripped the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Raising two full blooded sith children, while an honor was exhausting. The sibling rivalry was staggering, and had only intensified once Marek had arrived at the academy.


“I warned him not to challenge me, but he insisted, I would have looked weak if I had not done to him, what I have done to all my challengers.” Mitka pouted, young and indignant. “At least I didn’t feed the stubs to the klor slugs.”


“He’s your brother Mitka.” Quinn said exasperated.


“but Papa!”


“No more disfiguring family!” He said sternly, doing his best to resist the hurt look on his daughters face. She had a way of melting him with a look, and as such he had indulged her terribly growing up, despite Ardyths many protests.


“Fine” She crossed her arms and slouched. “Is mother here?”


“She’s in a meeting with the Dark Council, I took the liberty of visiting my children, she should be out soon, come walk with me.” He held out his arm, Mitka attached her saber to her belt then looped her hand into the crook of her father’s arm. They walked the halls of the Korriban academy until they stood in front of the great elevator flanked by Imperial guard, waiting for them was Ardyth and Marek with two large bandages over his ears. He heard Mitka snicker and gave her a disapproving look, she giggled anyways.


“I’M GOING TO CUT THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!” Marek yelled, if only because he couldn’t hear anything.


“I’d like to see you try little brother!”




Ardyth looked from her children to Quinn, who simply shook his head and held up the cooler. Ardyth strode over and put her arms around her husband.


“You’re the one who wanted two darling.” She lifted her face to his, and Quinn obliged her with a quick chaste kiss, after so many years of marriage it was the most Quinn would do in a public forum.


“I’ll go re-attach his ears.” Quinn grabbed his fourteen year old sons arm and led him back to the med bay, cooler in hands, behind him he could still hear Mitka laughing, even now as a teenager, the sound was pure music to his ears, he suppressed a smile and turned his attention to his second child, Marek. Sith are positively insane he thought to himself for what felt like the millionth time.







Just wanted to give credit to Bright_Ephemera for giving me the idea of what would a Sith teenager be like. I was thinking of Rylon when I wrote this, and part of this alternate reality has Mitka writing his name surrounded by hearts.


I'm flattered! :) I just about exploded from the adorableness while reading this, especially “No more disfiguring family!” and “You’re the one who wanted two," followed by the tremendous concession (by Quinn standards) of a chaste kiss.


Rylon would be absolutely intolerable if he found out a Pureblood had a crush on him. Wow. Now, in order to make this galaxy not break, Ruth would have to switch out her Quinn for some Qalavai Minn so things don't get weird...heh, and then if Force-sensitive Mitka liked Rylon, his ego would just surge out of control. <3 Teenagers, you know?

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I love Remi in all continuities. And I looooove Scourge in all continuities.




I'm flattered! :) I just about exploded from the adorableness while reading this, especially “No more disfiguring family!” and “You’re the one who wanted two," followed by the tremendous concession (by Quinn standards) of a chaste kiss.


Rylon would be absolutely intolerable if he found out a Pureblood had a crush on him. Wow. Now, in order to make this galaxy not break, Ruth would have to switch out her Quinn for some Qalavai Minn so things don't get weird...heh, and then if Force-sensitive Mitka liked Rylon, his ego would just surge out of control. <3 Teenagers, you know?


I realize now, that the parentage would be weird, but that's just minor details, isn't Malavai Quinn an incredibly common Imperial name? Like John Smith?..lol Sith Mitka would be a horrible tease to Rylon, horrible....crap..I can't stop thinking of this alternate galaxy pairing now...Might have to bugger off and write another what if...(and send you a private pm with the results.)

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I realize now, that the parentage would be weird, but that's just minor details, isn't Malavai Quinn an incredibly common Imperial name? Like John Smith?..lol Sith Mitka would be a horrible tease to Rylon, horrible....crap..I can't stop thinking of this alternate galaxy pairing now...Might have to bugger off and write another what if...(and send you a private pm with the results.)


I am sad, SAD that I cannot be privy to the awesome that this would be. *grumblesandmopesprivatemessageswithawesometsoriesaresadgumblemope*

Translation: That was an awesome story :)


I love Remi in all continuities. And I looooove Scourge in all continuities.



I'm kind of addicted to the Alt-universe thing. It gives me a fresh slate for a character I already like. possibilities....

Edited by kabeone
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I am sad, SAD that I cannot be privy to the awesome that this would be. *grumblesandmopesprivatemessageswithawesometsoriesaredumbgumblemope*

Translation: That was an awesome story :)




I'm kind of addicted to the Alt-universe thing. It gives me a fresh slate for a character I already like. possibilities....


I would post it, if Bright approved it....but Rylon is her character, so I'll write the little scene I have in my head, and see if she likes it first.

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I realize now, that the parentage would be weird, but that's just minor details, isn't Malavai Quinn an incredibly common Imperial name? Like John Smith?..lol Sith Mitka would be a horrible tease to Rylon, horrible....crap..I can't stop thinking of this alternate galaxy pairing now...Might have to bugger off and write another what if...(and send you a private pm with the results.)


You can always do a little hand waving with the parentage. We had to for the one we did, after all. Technically Mitka's adoptive father was also the father of Ayang's baby, which would have been awkward unless we just sort of...ignored it.


I would be willing to do an AU thread if there were enough interest. I don't want the mods to be like "ugh stop making threads Elliot". But it would be really really interesting! Especially since I have Ayang on an RP server now and she is quite a bit different...

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