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Scoundrel DPS spec help

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So I'm still debating on if I want to heal or DPS and it all depends on what my guild needs, however I already have a healer build just encase I choose to go there. What I need now is a good DPS build encase I choose to go that way and I'm just having difficulties making one up since I haven't tried out Smugglers much. Can I get a good basis to make my own or just a good one someone uses.
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PvP mainly. And I understand but I still like experimenting with different classes and the Scoundrel to me seems more.....interesting than Gunsliger IMO. Also just a small question wouldn't Scoundrel equate to an operative?
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Yes, Scoundrel equates to an Operative.


For PVP I think you still have to be looking at a Scrapper build, despite all the nerfs. It has solid single target burst but unfortunately as with all 1 on 1 builds it is heavily gear dependent and also requires a lot of player skill.


Dirty Fighting is more a 'support dps' class but is still worth considering for a new player. Don't expect to kill things by yourself but overall damage will be higher and you'll also be less exposed to the enemy - just hang back, dot and aoe before closing on weak targets to finish them off - you can also productively throw heals on allies to build your UH stacks if playing this way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Scoundrel PvPer here. I alternate between healing and DPS. I would personally recommend going Scrapper for PvP dps. DF is pretty good if you don't want to rely on stealth. DF also has great damage, however it's very situational. Scrapper is far more flexible in that regard. Spec wise if you run df then 7/3/31 is your best bet. If you run Scrapper msot people run 3//31/7. However I personally run 10/31/0 as a Scrapper for longer lasting UHs, being able to proc UHs with heals, and 4% DR.
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Just going to reinforce the common statement and say go with a 31 point scrapper build for pvp dps.


Theres a small sect of people who tote the hybrid. However, even in the videos it takes them a full minute to down anything, and those are the guys who dont even have heals.


Scrapper is more about managing your bursts around your opponents defensive cds, and keeping his numbers low, than anything else. You cant go into all fights and expect to just keep plowing through your abilities as they come off of cooldown, and expect good results.


Also as a tip to a new scrapper, Sabotage Charge is your third hardest hitting ability, incorporate into your opener and you will see good results.

(keybinding cover and sabo charge to the same key on your "cover abilities bar" makes this easy, and effeciant).

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I'm more or less in the same boat, I'm currently running a 19/22/0 Scrapper hybrid, I have not tried any 31 point scrapper builds, I thought you need to have decent gear to pull this off? At the mo I am in full recruit with a War Hero Main Hand blaster, so I'm sitting at 978 expertise. For the sabo charge, I prefer to use cover in place, the normal cover can roll you into some weird/undesirable positions!


At the moment, my damage is not great with my current gear, will I be gimping myself even further by running a full scrapper build?

Edited by Archaar
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I'm more or less in the same boat, I'm currently running a 19/22/0 Scrapper hybrid, I have not tried any 31 point scrapper builds, I thought you need to have decent gear to pull this off? At the mo I am in full recruit with a War Hero Main Hand blaster, so I'm sitting at 978 expertise. For the sabo charge, I prefer to use cover in place, the normal cover can roll you into some weird/undesirable positions!


At the moment, my damage is not great with my current gear, will I be gimping myself even further by running a full scrapper build?


I'd say you need higher tier gear for a hybrid build than a full 31 spec build. Simply put, you went from either weaker dps or healing to weaker healing and dps in a spec that already had weaker dps and healing. For hybrid builds to work you need survivability and dmg, your HoTs aren't going to save you when you're undergeared, but they play a much larger roll when you have more hp and do heal for more and can kill people quicker.


If you're worried about you're gearing, then I'd say the most friendly build gear wise would be 31/3/7. DPS wise, full DF is probably more forgiving than a full Scrapper since Scrapper builds rely a lot on maximizing burst, if your burst isn't doing much damage then you're just setting yourself up to get killed.


Also as far as a Hybrid spec goes, if you're keen on one I recommend trying 23/18, getting Stopping Power and Fight or Flight in tier 4 Scrapper and Psych Meds, Emergency Medpac and Emergent Emergencies in tier 5 of Sawbones (not sure if link is working since torhead was down for me).



Edited by kuey
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