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PVP Fix- Create PVP que area


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Que times for PVP are annoying. Everyone stands around on fleet doing nothing. I try and get people to wait in a spot where dueling is allowed like ilum, but people get annoyed by the transit. People don't want to wait bored in the que so they log off or level alts.




Create a PVP on deck area in the fleet. A big room with a PVP vendor and some PVP test dummies. Allow dueling in this area. Coding this would take all of 5 minutes. Gives people something to do while waiting, and would encourage them to stay in que for longer. Make it so you just take an elevator from the fleet main area to this area or something quick.


That is the bare bones of what is needed. I can't see a conceivable argument against this. Obviously it won't fix everything, but it would be an easy to implement and would help a lot.



More radical additions:

-give com/credit rewards for duels- something minimal, if winning a wz nets you 140 coms give maybe 5-10 coms and 50-100 valor for winning a duel

-give a buff like on ilum so you gain more valor per wz when you have recently participated in a duel

-make the duel area both factions

-some sort of rank system- even simple like win +1 loss -1. Yahoo games figured this out when I was in the 3rd grade.


Also- why on earth did they take the pvp vendors out of war zones????

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I don't think either of you have thought about how long it would take to kill trade valor 50 units at a time, on ilum you were getting 6-8 times that amount. If you are really concerned about that just don't have a reward. As mentioned in the post thats not part of the original proposal.
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I don't think either of you have thought about how long it would take to kill trade valor 50 units at a time, on ilum you were getting 6-8 times that amount. If you are really concerned about that just don't have a reward. As mentioned in the post thats not part of the original proposal.


Irrelevant argument. Kill trading is bad even if its 10k valor or 10 valor. If there is any way to exploit anything there will people doing so, its the nature of mmo's.

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Right, so don't have rewards then. As originally stated.


My first reply remains the same, dueling on the fleet with no rewards just for fun. Check the Q&A archive they said they are working on something but wont be any time soon.

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Create a PVP on deck area in the fleet. A big room with a PVP vendor and some PVP test dummies. Allow dueling in this area. Coding this would take all of 5 minutes. Gives people something to do while waiting, and would encourage them to stay in que for longer. Make it so you just take an elevator from the fleet main area to this area or something quick.


That is the bare bones of what is needed. I can't see a conceivable argument against this. Obviously it won't fix everything, but it would be an easy to implement and would help a lot.



More radical additions:

-give com/credit rewards for duels- something minimal, if winning a wz nets you 140 coms give maybe 5-10 coms and 50-100 valor for winning a duel

-give a buff like on ilum so you gain more valor per wz when you have recently participated in a duel

-make the duel area both factions

-some sort of rank system- even simple like win +1 loss -1. Yahoo games figured this out when I was in the 3rd grade.


Nice try


"Original" Statement would be your first post. You made 1 dueling proposal, and that it would have not 1, not 2, but 3 rewards. So please, enlighten me on your " Original" Statement.

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You left out one of the bigger reasons that people dont queue for WZ's on other planets and thats because of load times. You load back into the fleet almost faster then any other planet.


At least I know that when im doing PVP thats why I stay on the fleet primarily.

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You left out one of the bigger reasons that people dont queue for WZ's on other planets and thats because of load times. You load back into the fleet almost faster then any other planet.


At least I know that when im doing PVP thats why I stay on the fleet primarily.


Wow I did not know that- I guess I haven't been paying attention enough. If that is true then that is a great additional reason to make a pvp holding area for people to wait in.

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You left out one of the bigger reasons that people dont queue for WZ's on other planets and thats because of load times. You load back into the fleet almost faster then any other planet.


At least I know that when im doing PVP thats why I stay on the fleet primarily.


Yup. One of the reasons I stopped playing my main and started leveling an alt. I didn't like sitting bored on fleet waiting for wz's, so I started doing dailies while waiting. Soon enough I realized that the huge loading times combined with the low WZ pop rate would sometimes cause me to miss the pop completely, and there went my one wz for that hour.

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Why not create areas with themed minigames, so people can loiter but also socialise. Lots of people craft and mess with the GTN on fleet, but other than that it's just loads of zombies standing around.


What about specific areas for people waiting for queues to pop? PVE for people queuing for pug HMs, and one for PVPers. You could create some basic mini games people can mess with, perhaps increase access as they gain levels. Base it on gear perhaps, full BM/Rakata opens access to StarWars version of PacMan. Anything is better than people standing on fleet doing nothing, it really does reinforce the feeling this is a single player game.


A guild on our server ran a companion fight event early on, was quite amusing. Stuff like that shouldn't be too hard to set up. If they could be set up as spectator events, people could place bets on the winner (not sure if that's viable under gambling laws).


It's always seemed odd that we can't watch WZs. You'd think they would be recorded and broadcast. If you could switch your viewpoint to other players (as you can in World of Tanks after you die) you could really learn a lot about how to improve your gameplay. Being able to watch other teams playing would certainly give us things to do whilst waiting for our queue to pop.

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