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Nerf or me and 3 other leave forever


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All of u marauders and sentinels who think they are pro just leave this thread..that was what scoundrels were saying when they were 3 hiting a full battlemaster geared player 4 months ago. "No we are not op" - yeah right..same thing again..5 ppl shooting on a mayor dmg dealing class that withstands punishment better than a heavy armoured tank. A aoe stun, saber ward (totaly op ), a ravage attack that takes half hp from anyone and is now uninterupptable =6000k dmg with crits for clicking one button(i call that skill -_-) even better if u use the adrenal shot that increases dmg..and ofc my favourite STEALTH when u about to die u vanish after u poped all u had so u dont even have to die after u baldy jump into 5 players alone and kill 2 of em just while saber ward is on., and im not talking about lovbies or complete noobs.Dont even have to say i play tanky champ and he melts me from 13k hp to 6 just by jumping on me with 44% dmg reduction. Seriously? im afraid what would happen if i was a sorcerer or a sniper. Im getting tired of seeing same rotations, same builds copied from each other and same op carnaging that il say is worse than those of scoundrels/operatives..they had op dmg but at least they could be melted if other players reacted on their assault. Balance the game soon, or ul have 4 subbs less.
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Im sure dude u"re having fun placing dots from afar while others are getting cut to pieces for u. Also to obvious marauders coming do defend their "awesomenss" i wish u goodbye..when most ppl leave like they do now ul have nothing to cut cept each other (since everyone rolls marauder anyway) so u can do a 8 marauders v 8 marauders bg and enjoy ur epic tanking and dmg dealing "skills" -oh and self healing while dealing tons of dmg. Edited by Budachxy
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Im sure dude u"re having fun placing dots from afar while others are getting cut to pieces for u. Also to obvious marauders coming do defend their "awesomenss" i wish u goodbye..when most ppl leave like they do now ul have nothing to cut cept each other (since everyone rolls marauder anyway) so u can do a 8 marauders v 8 marauders bg and enjoy ur epic tanking and dmg dealing "skills" -oh and self healing while dealing tons of dmg.


You, and people like you, make me smile. My guess is you're 17-24 years of age and an active member of today's entitlement generation. Whatever you do, don't drive to make yourself better, bring everyone down to your unmotivated, uninspired level and strive for mediocrity.

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Let me get this straight, you create a post in the marauder/sentinel forums telling all marauders and sentinels to "leave this thread" and then complain we are too "overpowered". Then b*tch about how you are going to leave the game if we are not nerfed. Not in customer service or gameplay or the discussion thread, you choose to make your statement and threat in here. I will even agree that marauders/sentinels are overpowered in the hands of someone who reads the forums, mods their gear out for strength and power, chooses the right spec, picks their battles, uses keybinds, and uses their cool downs intelligently.

But for every one of those players, there are 15 marauder/sentinels that are click players, blow their cooldowns and decide a 3v1 fight in the middle of a field without trying to save an objective is the way to go. And this isn't limited to maras/sents. I have come against every class that can top the dps charts, snipers, ops, bounty hunters, and sorcs. If you haven't seen good players beat out maras/sents you haven't played enough pvp. We aren't always the winners. We have ZERO displacement skills, we can push or pull. When I pick up a huttball, i go where sorcs and juggs and BH push/pull me.

While on the subject of pvp, since you are so quick to complain and threaten to quit (mind you in the completely wrong forum for anyone to care) why don’t you roll a pve server and NOT play pvp since you seem to suck at it. I didn't QQ in tthe ops forums when they pop up, knocked me down and ***** me.

The truth is we can go down in 4 secs if aren't defensive cooldowns are not up, L2P, or quit, you will not be missed.


Damint, did I fall for a troll again?

Well played Sir, well played.

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