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Warzones now end early if team populations become too imbalanced BUG


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i hope you guys will learn to test your patches in future... 3 voidstars today ended in 30sec... and i am sure the other team had atleast 6-7players while we had 8 so .... TOO IMBALANCED? ...ofc not the most frustating thing is that we had to wait 15min or more in queqe and then end in 30sec..and both sides receive 0 rewards...NOTHING/NADA/NIENTE.... i mean we waste our time to stay in queqe and then... we are out in 30sec with nothing...

second thing... you should focus more on QUEQE stuff ...if there are not 8 ppl on both sides dont start the queqe..fix this because is already annoying to add another bug to the other endless bugs wich are making our play time annoying...anyway check the so called IMBALANCED thing because 3 voidstars out of 4 ended in 30sec with both sides having atleast 7 ppl

Edited by Terrorgirl
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Thats what people wanted here.

Thats what they got.


i am ok to see the game ending in 30sec but when there is real imbalance...and not sure if 8/7 is really imbalance or maybe is a bug wich is triggered random but 3 voidstarts with atleast7 ppl each side ended like that...must be a bug...a very annoying bug

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i am ok to see the game ending in 30sec but when there is real imbalance...and not sure if 8/7 is really imbalance or maybe is a bug wich is triggered random but 3 voidstarts with atleast7 ppl each side ended like that...must be a bug...a very annoying bug


could be due to not all team showing in ops frame. I repeatedly have matches where only like 5-6 ppl are listed but we actually have 8 players. Never ended for me tho.

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I had one end in 30 seconds last night and I got 100 commendations and a victory for it.


looks like i am the unlucky person ...70% of times when we win faster then normal everyone receive theyr timer medals and i dont...now this bug too...where we get nothing except more time wasted

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If it is a bug use the in game bug report to report it. Bioware brought back ending warzones early because people asked for it. People asked for it because if you have ever been in a game where there is a real imbalance (2 people or more) you would find that it really isn't that fun for either party.


I have been on both sides, and its frustrating for us both. Who wants to sit on an objective with no one to kill because there is no one to fight. I would rather play a game against a good team and lose than sit around and try to get medals because the other team gave up since they don't have enough players.


I would rather be back in queue.

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reread the message..the groups looked balanced.atleast both sides had 7players..everyone was like ***

an entire group of enemy came down on defense spot...saw 5 one side and 2 on other side..we had 8ppl too so the difference was 1 person only..max

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second thing... you should focus more on QUEQE stuff ...if there are not 8 ppl on both sides dont start the queqe..


thought that the problem might be the players who get the queue pop and don't enter the WZ? Just saying....


I haven't experienced any problems with this new feature yesterday. All WZs were finished. And I had started some with 6 players.

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When it ends due to imbalance population in the war zone this is good. However when the winning team gets the dauntless rewards for this it is not good. Again broken game is broken. I wish they would fix things instead of breaking them further.
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